Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 21

by Ancelli

  Kanielle was smiling on the inside. “You and Shawn worked things out though.”

  “Months of therapy, and forgiveness. Yes we worked it out, I never thought that we could be this happy again.” Angela checked her cell phone. “I used to have moments where I thought, what is he doing? Who is he with?”

  “How could you live like that?” Kanielle thought about Robert, she couldn’t forgive betrayal.

  “I learned to forgive. Shawn wasn’t in his right mind, that’s no excuse, but he didn’t consciously do it. He hasn’t touched a drop of liquor since that night. And I love that man, and I know he made a mistake.”

  “Do you trust him?”

  “I had to learn to trust him again, little by little. It took some time, but we rebuilt it from scratch.”

  “What about the kid?”

  “Tamika is now nine years old. She’s beautiful, and looks just like her father,” Angela looked out the window.

  “How do you deal with seeing her?” Kanielle felt bad for her, how could she handle seeing a child conceived from her husband’s affair?

  Angela turned facing her, and smiled. “She looks like her father, not my husband,” she chuckled. “I got you.”

  Kanielle cocked her eyebrow. “Really? The whole story.”

  “No… after six months Shawn went to court and demanded a paternity test.”

  “She wasn’t his.”

  “Nope. Thank God too, because I don’t know if I would’ve been able to forgive him,” Angela commented. “I love that man to death now. I will scratch a bitch’s eyes out if she tried to come at my husband.”

  Kanielle busted out laughing.

  “On a serious note, don’t compare what happened with Shawn to you and your ex.” Angela eyed her. “Your husband was having an affair with a woman, he was involved with her.”

  “Cheating is cheating in my book,” Kanielle gripped the steering wheel. “I don’t know if I could’ve forgiven Shawn.”

  “Shawn wasn’t having an affair, it was one night. A night he wishes had never happened,” Angela’s voice cracked. “Shawn isn’t perfect.”

  “And you never questioned if he was telling you the truth?”

  “Yes a million times, until Brandon told me the truth,” Angela placed the cap back on her water bottle. “He was there that night, but he had duty the next day and left him there.”

  “Oh okay,” Kanielle knew Brandon loved his friends, but would he lie to keep the peace? Did he lie, and now that’s why he didn’t want to be around them? “Brandon is a sweetheart.”

  “He is a sweetheart. He just keeps his life private, and I don’t know much about his childhood, only that his parents died when he was young.”


  They finally drove up Nana’s driveway. It was a gorgeous Victorian home, overlooking a magnificent bay. Kanielle remembered decorating the house for Robert’s grandmother, and that she loved antiques. The house had five bedrooms, four full bathrooms, a bright open floor plan, and high ceilings. The second floor had a massive master bedroom with a huge walk-in-closet, and wood laminate floors. Downstairs had an open entry and bold bay views, tall ceilings, heated tile floors, gas fireplace, wet bar, intercom in every room.

  Kanielle waved her hand at Angela. They’d passed a mall, and Angela decided she would go shopping until Kanielle gave her a call to let her know she was ready to go. She turned around, holding the baby in her carrier, and rang the doorbell. Within seconds Olivia, Nana’s live in nurse, answered the door.

  “Kanielle,” she stepped forward hugging her. “It’s so nice to see you.”

  She half hugged her because she held Coral and the carrier to the side in one hand. “Nice to see you.”

  Olivia moved away, and covered her mouth, looking at Coral. “She’s gorgeous, and look at those eyes.” She touched Cece’s cheek. “Come in,” she opened the door wider. “She’ll be so happy to see you.”

  Kanielle entered the huge house, glancing around, hoping the Richardsons weren’t around. “Anyone else here?”

  “No, Mr. Robert Sr. and his wife will be back next week,” Olivia replied as they walked to Nana’s room.

  Kanielle stopped, took Coral out of the carrier, and placed it on the floor. “Is she doing better?”

  “She’s doing much better today.” Olivia turned the doorknob, walking in. “Mrs. Opal, look who’s here to see you,” Kanielle stepped in.

  Nana’s frown turned into a smile as soon as she saw Kanielle and the baby. “Kanielle,” Nana said as her eyes lit up.

  Nana was pale, and her thinned grey hair was in a low ponytail. She had a catheter bag hanging from her bedside, and an IV hooked up to her arm. Kanielle remembered how she looked when she met her years ago. Nana was so full of life before, owning any room she walked into. Her presence was always known, but now she was lying in a bed, with the energy she used to have drained from her body.

  “Come in, don’t be shy.” Nana waved her in. “I’m not contagious.”

  Kanielle’s lips curled up into a smile, she walked over to the bed, and bent down, giving Nana a kiss on the cheek. She didn’t know what to say.

  “My great-granddaughter,” Nana caressed Coral’s legs with her wrinkled hands. “I’ve waited so long for this day.”

  “Nana, I…”

  “Shhhh… child,” she pointed at a chair. “Sit. May I hold her?” She gently handed Cece over to her. Kanielle was a bit worried, wondering if she was strong enough. “I got her, I will not let anything happen to her.”

  Kanielle pulled the chair next to the bed. “Nana, I have something to tell you.”

  “What?” She played with Coral. “That you and my grandson are no longer together?” Nana glanced her way.

  “You know?”

  “You think because I’m in this bed, I don’t find things out?” she kissed Cece. “I have people, Kanielle.”

  “I’m sorry, Nana, I didn’t know how to tell you.” Kanielle didn’t want to hurt her. The doctor’s had only given her a year to live, and it had been two years since. She didn’t want to cause any heartache.

  “Olivia, please take the baby.”

  Olivia walked in, and took the baby from her arms. “Coral, let me give you a tour,” she said leaving the bedroom.

  “Kanielle, you’re like a granddaughter to me.” She lovingly watched her. “I love your child, regardless of your status with my grandson. It was you who was there with me when I went through my first round of chemo, not my son, or Bobby.” Nana’s eyes shined with tears.

  “I love you too, Nana,” Kanielle took her hand in hers.

  “I know you do,” Nana twisted staring at her. “All Ramona ever wanted was my money, not my son’s, mine. Why else would she stick around for so long? Robert treats her like shit, cheats on her and she forgives him, why? Because, she wants my money. Now she has my grandson coming here, lying to me. Every time I ask Bobby about you and the baby, he has some excuse, so I had to find out what was happening. You would never turn your back on me.”

  “You’ve always been so kind to me,” Kanielle kissed the older woman’s hand. “Robert lives to please you, and his family. I couldn’t take his actions any longer.”

  “Robert pleases his mother,” Nana coughed. “You are a strong woman, and you did what was best for you. I don’t blame you.”

  “Nana,” Kanielle couldn’t look her in the eye. “I have to tell you the truth.”

  “Truth, there’s more?”

  “Bobby isn’t Coral’s father,” Kanielle released her hand.

  Nana’s eyes widened, and tears rolled down her wrinkled cheeks. “She’s not my blood?” her words cracked.

  “No.” Kanielle responded.

  “How could you?” Nana said between clenched teeth. “I know he has hurt you, but sleeping around on him?”

  She shook her head, damn Robert. “I didn’t cheat, Nana. Robert wanted to give you your last wish,” she took a deep breath. “We tried getting pregnant, but didn’t s
ucceed. So, we went to a fertility clinic, and they mixed up our vials.”

  Nana covered her mouth with her hands. “You went through procedures because of me?”

  “Robert did, but I did because I wanted a family,” Kanielle was trying really hard not to cry. “She’s my baby with another man, it was a mistake.”

  “A mistake, that turned out beautifully,” Nana wiped her tears. “It wasn’t your fault, how can I blame you. I bet that’s what my family did.” She shook her head. “I was about to kick you out because I thought you stepped out on my grandson. This news doesn’t change anything.” She smiled, “Coral is yours, so she’s my great-granddaughter.”

  Kanielle stood, and gave her a hug. She was breaking inside. Nana was so skinny now. Gone was the voluptuous woman, she once was. “I pray you will get better.”

  “Child, I’ve lived my life,” she cupped Kanielle’s face in her soft hands. “Thank you for letting me see her.” Nana kissed one cheek, then another. “I have a secret of my own, and since you were the only one to be truthful with me, I’ll do the same.”

  Kanielle leaned back. What secret could Nana have? Nana was always an open book about her life.

  Nana grinned. “I’m broke,” she chuckled. “All I have is this house.”

  “They don’t know?”

  She let go of Kanielle. “No, and Ramona can’t wait until I die,” she laughed harder. “I wish I could be a fly on the wall when she finds out I have nothing!”

  Kanielle started laughing. “Nana, you’re something else.”

  “I’ll leave my grandson whatever I have in the bank, which is not much, and this house to my son.”

  Kanielle sat back down.

  “I earned that money from sweat, so I used it while I was alive,” she sighed. “I made some bad investments, and avoided paying taxes for years. Well they caught up with me.”

  “Nana, don’t you think you should tell them?”

  “Don’t you think they should’ve told me everything that’s happened in my family?” Nana rubbed her eyes. “Kanielle, that’s our little secret.” Nana winked. “Olivia… bring the baby.”

  Olivia ambled back in with Coral over her shoulder, then helped Nana hold her. They stayed with Nana for another hour, making her laugh. Kanielle started seeing the old Nana come back. Her smile reached her eyes. Coral’s smiles and cries, made Nana’s eyes sparkle.


  “How was your visit with Robert’s grandmother?” Brandon sat in his living room watching TV, speaking to Kanielle on the phone.

  “It was very interesting,” Kanielle responded.

  “Did you tell her the truth?”

  “Yes, it went better than I expected.” He could hear a tinge of sadness in her voice.

  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Brandon placed his elbows on his legs, leaning forward. He didn’t like it when Kanielle was sad.

  “She’s dying, Brandon,” her voice cracked. “Nana is a sweet old lady, she fought as long as she could.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” he didn’t like her ex, but that didn’t have anything to do with his grandmother. “Are you on your way back?”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “Angela and the kids are sleeping. I should be home in an hour.”

  “Did you eat dinner?”


  “I’ll get us some food, and we can talk then.” Brandon stood, and walked to his bedroom. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I’ll be okay. It’s sad to see her like that though. See you soon.”


  Kanielle needed to feel Brandon’s strong arms around her. She was too tired of doing things on her own, too tired of being strong alone. Brandon’s embrace tightened. “She’s still here, and you told her how you felt.”

  “Yes, I did.” Kanielle said against his chest. “She didn’t care that Cece wasn’t her flesh and blood.”

  “She didn’t care?” Brandon pulled back.

  “Well, at first she was furious,” she took the bags out of his hand. “Thinking that I cheated on Robert.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her the truth?” Brandon followed her to the kitchen.

  “I did, and her whole demeanor changed.” She took the food out of the bags and set them on the dining room table. “Nana is a funny woman,” Kanielle chuckled remembering what Nana told her.

  “You needed to see her,” he stared at her. “Now she knows the truth, so you don’t have any excuse not to pick up the phone and talk to her. She sounds like an interesting woman.”

  “She is,” Kanielle grabbed some forks. “Thank you for dinner.”

  Brandon pulled her seat out, she sat, and he pushed her in. He kissed the top of her head. “You’re welcome,” he sat in front of her. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, sweets.”

  She grinned, gazing at him.

  “There it is, that beautiful smile,” he picked up his fork and began eating.

  “You seem to have that effect on me,” Kanielle took his hands in hers. “Brandon.”

  He placed his fork down, and looked back at her. “Yes.”

  “I’m so happy you’re my friend,” Kanielle squeezed his hand. “I…”

  Brandon stood, and walked behind her. “I care about you too, sweets,” he bent down, embracing her, and kissed the top of her shoulder. “Whenever you’re ready, love, just let me know,” he whispered, kissing his way up her neck.

  Kanielle took a deep breath, getting goose bumps. She wanted to scream, she was ready, but didn’t say anything.

  He gave her one last feather soft kiss, and sat back down. Brandon picked up his utensil, and continued eating. Kanielle’s body lit up in flames. Why was he teasing her? She finished eating her food. Coral started crying, and Brandon attended to her the rest of the night. Kanielle loved having him around. He snuck into her life when she wasn’t looking and became her lifeline.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kanielle sat at the bar with her legs crossed. The last few weeks at work had been stressful. She was trying to get back in the groove, and though Ava was helpful, she missed being at home with Cece. Knowing Angela was watching her most precious gift made her feel a lot better though. Angela was a blessing sent from up above. Brandon would take her in the mornings, and she would pick her up in the evenings. Angela gave her advice about getting Cece to sleep the entire night, and after a month it worked. She was missing her little girl right now. Brandon was supposed to be watching her, but her mother insisted on babysitting instead. Kanielle glanced at her cell phone once more thinking of checking up on them again, but her mother was fed up with her calling and texting; she finally turned off her cell phone.

  Kanielle shook her head, what was Leslie doing at her brother’s farewell party? Ava was seated next to her sipping on her drink. Ava looked very different than she did at work. Now she wore make-up, no glasses, and was dressed in a fancy knee-length romper, Ava looked gorgeous.

  Kanielle tapped Ava on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Ava gave her a fake smile. “I’m waiting for my boyfriend.”

  “Oh.” Kanielle didn’t know Ava had a boyfriend.

  “He’s running late,” she took a gulp of her drink. “I’ll be right back,” Ava stood and walked to the bathroom.

  Kanielle glimpsed around the room, taking a sip of her red wine. Chris was on the dance floor acting a fool, grinding on some poor girl who didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Kanielle was excited for her brother, he would be starting a new journey in life. Her mother worried about the danger he might be in, but everything in life was a risk. Every day you woke up was a risk, because you didn’t know if you would make it back home. Kanielle learned to live her life to the fullest, because you never know when it’s your time. Leaving Robert was the best thing she could’ve done. Now she was free.

  Leslie walked up to the empty stool next to her and took a seat. “Girl, your baby is fine, stop worrying about her,” Leslie shouted over the music. �
��Have fun.” She began swaying from side to side on her barstool, making it obvious that she’d already had too much to drink, and they’d only been there an hour. “Let’s go have fun,” she stumbled off her seat, and grabbed Kanielle’s hand, almost spilling her drink.

  Kanielle pulled back her hand. “I’m fine right here.”

  “You’re such a prude.” Leslie rolled her eyes at her, and grabbed the hand of the guy seated next to her. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  Leslie and the guy stumbled over to the dance floor. She pumped her hands in the air, getting closer to a tall man.

  Kanielle turned around in her seat, nursing her drink. Why did Chris invite Leslie? Wasn’t he into Ava? It didn’t matter since Ava had a man. She placed her drink on the counter, shaking her head. Clubbing wasn’t her scene, especially at her age. Kanielle was too old to be doing the Nae Nae, Kat Daddy, or the Shmoney dance, but the Wobble was another story. Back in her younger days she could twerk with the best of them. Robert never wanted to go out to dinner or do anything fun, but she would go out by herself, or with her brother when he was in town. Now she understood why: he didn’t want his mistress to catch him out with his wife. Kanielle shook her head.

  “Want some company?” A man with a grill in his mouth asked her.

  Kanielle shook her head, staring at the man. She didn’t know people still wore all that gold in their mouth. His breath smelled, making Kanielle cover her nose with her hand. “No.”

  He ignored her and sat on the stool next to her. “What is a doll like you doing here by yourself?”

  Kanielle turned to the left. Chris better be thankful she was his ride home, or she would’ve left five minutes ago.


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