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Perfectly Mixed

Page 22

by Ancelli


  Brandon was already feeling out of place when he stepped out of his truck. The people standing outside gave him dirty looks. The things he did for people he cared about amazed him, and Chris happed to be one of those people now. He wanted him there, so he decided against his own will, and showed up. When he entered the lounge, everybody seemed to stop what he or she was doing and stared at the only white man in the building, but he wasn’t going to be intimidated.

  He glanced around the room and saw Chris having fun on the dance floor. Kanielle was over by the bar, looking into her drink. She was gorgeous, sitting with her legs crossed. At that moment all Brandon could think was that those black stilettos would look great over his shoulders. Her hair was out in tight curls; that was beginning to be his favorite style on her. She wore a short black dress, too short for his liking. Two men standing near the bar were gawking at Kanielle’s legs. He maneuvered his way through the crowd. “Excuse me.” Some of the patrons gave him dirty looks, even shoved him a couple times, but he only had one person on his mind, and that was Kanielle.

  Brandon wrapped one hand around Kanielle’s waist, and the other covered her eyes at the same time making her gasp.

  She wrestled in his arms. “Don’t touch me!”

  He held onto her, trying to calm her down. “It’s Brandon,” he whispered against her earlobe, and then kissed her neck. “You look beautiful tonight,” Kanielle finally relaxed in his arms when she realized who he was. The bartender raised his eyebrow, glaring at him.

  Kanielle twisted in her chair, and her eyes widened in surprise. “I thought you were him,” she pointed at the dude sitting on the stool next to her.

  “Did he touch you?” Brandon clenched his jaw, caressing her neck.

  “No.” she smiled. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  Brandon slipped in between Kanielle and the other man, elbowing the man away from her.

  “What’s your problem?” Damn his breath was hot.

  She looked amazing. “Nothing.” Kanielle spat, looking over Brandon’s shoulder.

  “I wasn’t talking to you.”

  Brandon turned his head, shooting daggers at the asshole. “Were you talking to me?” He removed his hand from Kanielle’s neck, and fully turned. “I have a problem with a fuck like you messing with my girl!” He raised his voice. “Please get a tic-tac.” The guy glared at him, and jumped off the stood, moving away from them.

  He sat next to her.

  “You didn’t have to scare him off,” Kanielle laughed. “Why didn’t you tell me you were planning on coming? We could’ve come together.”

  “I wasn’t planning on coming,” Brandon tried to get the bartender’s attention, but it took Kanielle waving him over for him to take his order. “Heineken.”

  “What changed your mind?” Kanielle moved a strand of hair out of her face.

  “I knew you would be here,” he touched her bare leg. The bartender slammed the beer against the counter. “I don’t think I’m welcomed here.” He squeezed her thigh.

  “Don’t mind him,” Kanielle thinned her lips, observing the bartender. Then she turned smiling at Brandon. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “You are?” he took a gulp of his beer.

  “Yes, I needed someone to hang with,” she looked around the area. “Most of these people are under the age of twenty-five.”

  Brandon moved closer to her, “You look twenty-five.”

  “Thanks for the compliment,” Kanielle leaned back in the seat.

  “I mean it, you’re beautiful,” Brandon gazed at her. Her beauty ran skin-deep. Did she know what a wonderful woman she was? Because of her, he had the most precious gift a woman could give a man, his daughter.

  “I miss her.” Kanielle looked into her glass.

  His lips curled up into a smile, “I miss Cece every time I leave her.” Brandon turned, gazing at her. “She couldn’t be in better hands.”

  Kanielle stared back into his eyes, damn he was under her spell. The music changed from hip-hop to reggae. Tempted to Touch by Rupee began playing, Kanielle jumped off her seat, and started moving her hips.

  She took his hands in hers, “Come on let’s dance.”

  Brandon ogled her hips as she moved them in a circular motion. “I can’t dance.”

  She pulled his hand. “Please,” Kanielle batted her long, full lashes. “I’ll show you.”

  Brandon wasn’t able to deny anything she wanted. He stood, picking up his beer, and followed her out to the dance floor. Chris saw them and waved his hand in the air. Brandon nodded his head in return.

  Kanielle started winding her hips in front of him, and took his hand, placing it on her waist. “Follow my lead,” she swayed her hips in a sensual motion. “Do you know how to line dance?”

  Brandon danced like he had two left feet. “That’s stereotypical,” he chuckled.

  “You listen to country music,” Kanielle rolled her ass, dipped it down low, and rose again. “Just saying it is the same concept, you just move your hips in a more sensual way, without all that stepping.”

  “So, it’s not the same concept.” He said, as the other people on the dance floor laughed, pointing at him. He smirked, taking a gulp of his beer. If they only knew. He bobbed his head up and down, leaning from side to side.

  Kanielle placed her hands around his neck, pulling him closer. “Dance like you’re making love to me.” She gazed at him, rolling her hips in a circular, rhythmic motion with the beat of the music.

  Brandon leaned his head down barely touching her burgundy colored lips, “I want to… make…” The look of fear in her eyes, made him not finish what he wanted to say. I want to make love to you, make you mine.

  Kanielle's smile disappeared, staring back at him, and then she turned. She let the beat take control of her body as she moved to the rhythm. Kanielle moved her hips, clockwise, forward, and then backwards on his crotch.

  She was grinding her ass on his manhood. It was time for Brandon to make his move. Brandon rolled his hips back and forth to the beat of the music in a slow motion and twisted. He followed her lead, getting aroused at her sensual dance. His mind was going places he had tried to avoid until she was ready.

  Kanielle turned around chuckling. “You lied to me,” she continued laughing. “You can dance.”

  “Learned a few things being around Shawn and Angela.” He placed his free hand around her waist, pulling her forward.

  The song changed, and Ms. Chocolate by Lil Jon, R. Kelly and Mario came on and she threw her hands in the air. “Yes… dark chocolate,” she laughed, gazing at him. Kanielle was having fun, letting go, and she turned around, shaking her ass.

  They continued dancing, as she sang along with the chorus. The song talked about a silky smooth, dark chocolate woman with a big ass, and that’s exactly what Kanielle was. He was in love with her dark skin, and he couldn’t wait to unwrap her from that dress. Her ass jiggled, and he was mesmerized at her sensual moves. Brandon’s hand roamed around her waist. “Are you having fun?”

  “Yes,” she leaned her head back. “Thanks to my dance partner.”

  “Kanielle, I…” Someone tapped him on the shoulder, making him look back.

  A muscular African-American man glared at him. “No drinks on the dance floor,” the bouncer stated as he pointed to the side counter.

  He touched her elbow. “I’ll be right back,” Brandon was walking off, and heard what the bouncer asked Kanielle.

  “What are you doing here with a white man? Did Robert do such a number on you, that you’re sleeping with the enemy now?”

  Brandon waited for Kanielle to answer, but she was quiet. He twisted his mouth, and ambled toward the bar. He should’ve stayed home.

  “What is a man like you doing in a dump like this?” A woman asked following behind him.

  Brandon stopped, and turned around looking at her. She was a tall, medium built woman. She batted her eyelashes, and then bit on her lower
lip, staring back at him.

  “What do you mean a man like me?” Brandon was already upset, and this woman wasn’t making it any better. He knew he was white, he didn’t need people pointing it out.

  She touched his chest, “I meant no harm,” she smiled. “Do you want to dance?”

  “No,” Brandon’s tone was harsher then he intended. He glared at her hand, stepping back from her touch. He just wanted to get the hell out of the club.

  She placed her hand on her hip, pointing at Kanielle. “What makes her better than me?” There was something odd in her voice as she rolled her eyes.

  “You’re not her,” Brandon walked away from the stranger.

  "There's nothing special about Kanielle!" She yelled as he strolled away.

  She knew Kanielle.


  Kanielle raised her eyebrow, glaring at Chris’ friend. The nerve of this guy, “I’m not one to cause a scene, but I am one to correct stupidity and ignorance on the spot.” She raised her voice so he could hear her over the music.

  Harold crossed his bulging arms over his chest.

  “I’m black and I’m proud of it, nothing I do will ever change that fact. I don’t see color when a person treats me with respect.” She sighed, “You’re saying he is the enemy because of the color of his skin, but he is a hero.”

  “Who’s a fucking hero?” He spat.

  “Listen, Harold," Kanielle pointed her manicured finger in his face. "I babysat you when you were in diapers, so you better watch how you speak to me."

  Harold’s lips thinned, staring at her.

  "He’s my hero, anyone who served our country with dignity and honor is a hero in my book, regardless of the color of their skin.”

  “Kanielle, he will never understand our struggles, he’s just using you.”

  “You’re right he doesn’t and will probably never understand our struggles, but he has his own demons to deal with. They will never compare to ours.” She glanced around the room searching for Brandon, and found him placing his beer over at the bar. The man took her breath away anytime she saw Brandon or even heard his voice. “And he fathered the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen, and guess what she’s black,” When did this thing between them start? Was it the day her life changed? Kanielle stood there staring at the man that came into her life when she needed him the most. They’d been through a lot in the last five months, and he'd become her confidant. He was a great father and friend. "Brandon has been nothing but a gentleman, he is my friend, and if he's not welcomed here, then I am not either," Kanielle walked off the dance floor, when she saw Brandon about to leave the club. She rushed over to her brother. “Chris, I’m getting a ride with Brandon, here.” She threw her car keys at him.

  “Why are you guys leaving?” Chris looked at her.

  “Because where he isn’t wanted, I’m not either.” Kanielle ranted.

  “What? Brandon’s my boy,” Chris announced. “This is my party, I invited him.”

  “Tell that to Harold,” she said as she saw Brandon push the door, stepping outside. “I have to go,” she rushed through the crowd.

  “Go get your man!” Leslie shouted, laughing. Kanielle gave her a dirty stare, and continued.

  “Brandon!” Kanielle emerged through the club exit. He slowed down, looking back as she finally caught up with him. “You were just going to leave without saying bye?”

  “I didn’t want to interrupt your conversation. I thought it would be better if I left,” he turned to leave, and she grabbed his arm.

  “Really, Brandon?” Kanielle watched him. “I didn’t want you to leave. We were having fun.”

  “You could’ve fooled me.”

  Kanielle was hurt and a little confused. Did he really think she didn’t want him around?

  “You don't need to be seen with the enemy.” Brandon eased her hand off his arm. “I didn’t know race was a factor in our friendship.”

  “It isn’t!” Kanielle realized that Brandon overheard what Harold said, but didn't hear her response. “I will always be black and you’ll always be white, which will never change.” She placed her hands on her hips. "I have never seen you as the enemy. However, I didn't like you at first," she chuckled. "But that has changed."

  "Has it?" Brandon cocked his eyebrows.

  “Let’s go back inside,” Kanielle twisted, staring at him. “Harold is all talk, don’t listen to his bullshit.”

  Brandon continued walking toward the parking lot. "Go back to your brother's party."

  “I’m leaving with you then,” Kanielle followed him.

  "No you're not!" He hit the fob in his palm and clicked the car door open, and jumped in. Kanielle rushed around the truck, and opened the passenger door, hopping in. Brandon stared at her, "Kanielle, go have fun."

  "I want to have fun with you," she gazed at him. "Didn’t you come out tonight because of Chris? So, why are you leaving?"

  Brandon stared back at her with those amazing blue eyes. “I came out tonight because of you,” he placed the key in the ignition, and turned it. Country music blasted through the speakers, and then his truck roared to life.

  He was about to push the radio knob, and Kanielle knew he was going to turn off the music because of her, but she wanted him to see that she accepted him just the way he was. “Leave it.” Kanielle touched his biceps, moving her fingers along his defined arm. "Haven't you noticed by now the effect you have on me?" Damn, the man was made of solid muscles. Kanielle entwined her fingers with his. "I don't see color when I'm with you." She moved his hand to her mouth, placing feather soft kisses on his knuckles.

  “Have you ever dated outside of your race?” his eyes inspected her lips. “Do you find white men attractive?”

  She gazed at him, “I find you attractive.”

  “You do?” he smirked.

  “Yes I do, Bran. Have you been with black women before?” she placed one of her legs under her butt, facing him.

  “No, but I do have a beautiful baby with you,” he squeezed her hand, staring at their entwined fingers. “And she’s perfectly mixed,” Brandon kissed her palm. “She has the best of both of us.”

  “Stop saying things like that,” she squeezed his fingers.


  “Because you’re going to make me kiss you,” Kanielle was dying to taste his full lips again. Her whole body tingled for his touch. The last time he kissed her she had to take two showers.

  “What’s stopping you?” Brandon placed his hand on the inside of her bare thighs.

  “If I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop myself,” she whispered.

  “If you kiss me, I won’t want you to stop,” Brandon cupped her face.

  Kanielle inched closer. “Are you going to run again?”

  Brandon moved forward, caressing her cheeks, and she didn’t back away. She needed this, like as if it were her last breath. His lips touched hers, and memories from last week’s kiss resurfaced. Brandon began making love to her mouth, nibbling and teasing her lips, and then he started sucking on her bottom lip. Brandon’s lips were intoxicating as his tongue finally found hers. His tongue made sweeping, swirling motions inside of her mouth, and she followed his lead. The taste of beer and wine tingled her senses as he searched every crevice of her mouth. Their tongues twirled, making her core ache. The mixture of their tastes was euphoric. Kanielle combed her fingers through his hair, and tugged. They needed to come up for air. Brandon moved back with his eyes hooded.

  “Kanielle, I can’t have just one night with you,” he touched her swollen lips with his fingertip. “I need to explore you, us.”

  Yes, she wanted that too.

  Brandon gazed into her irises. “Are you sure you’re ready?” He eased closer, barely touching her lips. “Because there is no turning back once we’ve crossed the line.”

  “Let’s cross it.” Kanielle slowly moved up on her knees, slipping off her heels, and moving over him. She straddled him, and leaned her head down, barely touching
his lips. She placed her hand in between his seat and the door, pushing his seat all the way back. “Promise,” she gave him a feather soft kiss. “If this thing between us doesn’t work, it will not affect us being parents to Cece.”

  Brandon smoothed his hands over her ass, and pulled up her dress. “I promise. This is between you and me.” He quickly reclaimed her mouth, and her heart thumped against her chest. Kanielle rocked her body backwards and forwards, grinding on his crotch. She held on to his shoulders while moving her hips. Kanielle was getting wetter with each passing second. The anticipation was killing her.

  “We can take this as slow or as fast as you want,” Brandon sucked on her bottom lip. What was happening between them was so unexpected, and intense. Kanielle decided she wasn’t going to wait any longer, she was going to throw caution to the wind for once in her life. Brandon moved his hands over her clothed body, first pinching her nipples through her black dress, following down her belly, and stroking her bare legs, sending shivers down her spine.

  Kanielle eased up, undoing his pants button, and unzipped his zipper. She placed her hand in his pants, and pulled out his growing cock. She felt his manhood throbbing in her palm as she massaged him; it was like handling a magic wand. She smirked, realizing he was a grower. He had gone from limp to rock hard, extending in her hand. Brandon’s breaths quickened, and his erection hardened even further. With her other hand, she slipped her panties to the side.

  Brandon leaned forward, trying to open the glove compartment, “Cond…” but without warning she eased herself onto his dick. She watched his face as his cock went deep into her.

  Brandon fell back, gasped, and grabbed her ass. “Shit…” He slowly began moving with her. “Fuck you’re so tight!” he bit his bottom lip.

  “We can have slow later.” Kanielle guided his dick inch by incredible inch inside of her, while he stretched her like no other. She felt every nerve ending in her body. She ground her body down, and rotated, as he buried himself all the way. Kanielle had to slow down as her muscles clenched and twitched, getting used to his pulsing dick. For her it was both pain and pleasure. “Brandon, oh God…” She ran her nails down his back. Every time his rod plunged into her cavern, her pussy muscles contracted around him, making Brandon moan loudly. She placed her feet on the seat next to him, and rose up. Kanielle smiled, gazing into his passion filled eyes, and lowered herself back down. She did that move several times, changing it up by rocking her hips, riding him hard and then slow. The truck moved up and down to the beat of their lovemaking. Brandon bit her covered nipple, making her groan. They moved in sync with each other, gradually building up the pace.


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