Perfectly Mixed

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Perfectly Mixed Page 38

by Ancelli

  “Kanielle I would do anything for you.”


  Six months later.

  They sat at the same fertility clinic that started it all. Nothing had changed, Brandon still wondered if this was a good idea. He loved his life, just the way it was. Deep down he was afraid of the outcome. He smiled when he saw a picture of their little girl on the wall.

  “Every time I looked at the wall, I prayed that one day my baby’s picture would be in one of those frames,” Kanielle mentioned, also gazing at the newborn picture of their little girl. Cece was now into everything. She wasn’t walking, she was running. They celebrated her birthday at his grandmother’s farm. Irene and Andy joined them. Coral wouldn’t remember a thing, but they would.

  Kanielle’s knees shook, and he gently touched her legs. “Sweets, it’s just a simple test.”

  She took his hand in hers. “I know, but I want everything to be okay.”

  “Kanielle, we don’t have to do this,” Brandon gazed at his wife concerned. He knew everything she went through trying to get pregnant before. “Aren’t you happy?” They’d been married for almost four months now, and every day he learned something new about his wife. She gave him a reason to smile every day. Brandon was happy when his day was over with at work, he couldn’t wait to make it home to his girls.

  Kanielle was promoted at work, taking over Leslie’s position. They finalized the blueprints on the new house, making sure every detail was how they wanted it. Kanielle added three extra rooms from the original plans: a guest bedroom, a room for his grandmother, and another one for a new baby.

  “Yes, but I want at least another baby, don’t you?” she looked over at the receptionist desk. “It’s not like we’re trying to get pregnant now. I just want to make sure everything is still where it’s supposed to be.”

  Brandon chuckled, “You think your female parts ran away? Because I saw them just last night, they looked great, and they were delicious too.”

  “Stop it,” Kanielle blushed and pushed away his hand, laughing. She dug into her purse and pulled out a pack of gummy bears.

  Brandon shook his head. “Really?”

  “I’m hungry,” she opened the packet and started eating them.

  “That’s not food,” he put his arms around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. Brandon kissed the top of her head. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  Another couple sat in front of them. “Hi,” the lady said.

  Kanielle smiled, and continued chewing on her candy. Brandon remembered sitting in that same spot, looking at Kanielle and Robert almost two years ago. Things had come full circle. Who would’ve thought they would be married, and entering this whole journey again?

  “Mr. and Mrs. Stokes,” the nurse called out with a clipboard in her hand. Kanielle and Brandon stood, “Follow me.”

  “Good luck,” the man said watching them.

  “You too,” Brandon replied, and placed his palm in the arch of Kanielle’s back. They followed the nurse into Greg’s office, which was odd.

  “The doctor will be right in,” the nurse said leaving the office.

  Brandon and Kanielle watched each other.

  “I thought you said you had more tests to do?” Brandon inquired.

  “I do,” Kanielle still had the bag of candy in her hand. “Maybe he has the results of the tests I did last week.”

  The door opened and Greg stepped in with a file in his hand. “Good afternoon.”

  “Hi, Greg,” Kanielle sang.

  Brandon was uneasy. Greg always gave away how he felt with his features. Today they were unreadable as he sat behind his desk.

  “Brandon, how are you?”

  “I’m good,” his answer was short.

  “Kanielle, you came in last week to check on your eggs we had frozen, and we also ran some tests.” Greg paused reading the documents in the file. His ears turned red. What was wrong this time?

  “Yes?” she opened her purse and put the candy wrapper in it. “Is it bad news?”

  Greg continued reading.

  “Greg,” Brandon voiced. “What’s going on?”

  He raised his head watching them. “I have bad and good news.”

  Kanielle’s smile turned into a frown. This is what Brandon was afraid of, disappointment.

  “Sweets, whatever it is,” he kissed her hand. “We can make it through.”

  She squeezed his hand and glanced at Greg. “What is it?”

  “Your eggs are not viable,” Greg replied.

  “Are all my eggs not viable? Can I have another baby?” Kanielle’s voice rattled as Brandon caressed her arm.

  “You can get pregnant but not through us,” Greg announced.

  “Why, because of the lawsuit?” Kanielle’s eyes shined, and Brandon twisted to the side, circling his arms around her.

  He could feel her heartbeat as his chest touched hers.

  “No, that’s not why.”

  Brandon turned back around, “Then fucking why?” his voice was harsher than he intended.

  “Because you’re already pregnant,” Greg said in laughter. “Kanielle, you’re pregnant.”

  Kanielle’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth. Did he hear Greg right? Kanielle was pregnant. Now his heart sped up. “She’s preg…nant?”

  “Yes, congratulations!” Greg couldn’t stop smiling. “It just took the right man.”

  She started chuckling and laughing at the same time. “I’m pregnant.” Kanielle said in amazement, and touched her stomach. “We did this,” she gazed at Brandon. “No procedures, just you and me.”

  Brandon covered his mouth with his hand. He wanted to shout for joy. “I’m going to be a daddy again.” His voice cracked with emotion.

  “I’ll give you some privacy,” he stood. “That was my bad news, you won’t be needing me this time. Congratulations!” Greg walked out, closing the door behind him.

  Brandon cupped her cheeks. “No doubting,” he could see it on her face. She was happy, but her eyes showed concern. “Our baby is going to be healthy. No tears unless they are of joy.”

  Kanielle smiled, and took his hand in hers, placing it on her belly. “Perfectly Mixed.”


  Eight months later.

  Kanielle bent down, gripping on to the bed railing, breathing through her nose as Angela massaged her back, “You’re doing great.”

  “Where… is he?” Kanielle said between breaths.

  “Brandon is on his way,” Angela tried consoling her.

  Her contraction eased, and Kanielle stood straight and slowly twisted around, watching her friend. Angela was bigger than her, and she was only six months. “He was supposed to be here already.”

  “You let him go golfing with Shawn,” Angela sat down in the chair besides Kanielle’s bed. “Ever since Shawn retired all he wants to do is play golf.”

  “They don’t know how to play golf,” Kanielle chuckled. “How are you feeling?” she looked at her round belly.

  “Much better,” Angela patted her tummy. “Another little boy,” she shook her head. “Shawn is happy, he said he doesn’t have to bring out his shotgun. He feels for Brandon.”

  Brandon ran into the hospital room in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. “Sweets, I’m here.” He said out of breath, grabbing her bottle of water and downing it. “Are you okay?

  “In labor.” Kanielle took another deep breath and looked him over. “I thought you were golfing?”

  He chuckled, “We sucked at golfing so we decided to play basketball,” Brandon looked at Angela. “How close are the contractions?”

  Angela glanced at her wrist-watch. “About five minutes.”

  Brandon chuckled, “Baby boy was waiting for his daddy,” he touched her tummy. “There isn’t any other place I would be.”

  Kanielle continued eyeing him. She loved her husband to death. Brandon made her happy even when she was mad at him. He always found a way to make her smile. This wasn’t any differen
t. He stood there looking so fine in those basketball shorts. Kanielle had a feeling it was because of him she was in labor. He made love to her last night, giving her another explosive orgasm. Sex while pregnant was heavenly.

  Her stomach hardened, a sign of an impending contraction. Brandon walked up behind her and rubbed her back. She gripped the bed handle. “Breath deep.”

  Shawn entered with not a care in the world, “Hey, Kanielle.” He went over to Angela and kissed her. “How is she?”

  “She is having a baby!” Kanielle breathed in through her nose, and out through her mouth.

  “Okay that’s my cue to leave,” he took Angela’s hand in his. “I just came to get my wifey,” he helped Angela get up. Shawn was enjoying being a retired man. He got to do what he wanted when he wanted. He spent more time with Angela and Jr. That’s where her baby bump came from. Her friend was happy, because second chances did exist.

  “Kanielle, we’ll be back,” Angela said walking to the door.

  “Sorry, dude,” Shawn said opening the door for Angela and followed her out.

  “What was that supposed to mean?” Kanielle stood, and Brandon helped her in the bed, and covered her up.

  “That’s just Shawn. He’s an ass,” Brandon sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

  She smiled staring at him, and extending her hand palm up. “Did you get them?”

  Brandon chuckled, dug into his pocket, and gave her a packet of gummy bears.

  “Thanks.” She rapidly opened them and devoured the whole package in two minutes.

  “That’s why I call you sweets.” He kissed her forehead.

  Kanielle gave him her puppy eyes, knowing he would never deny her anything when she did it. “I know you didn’t just buy one package did you?”


  Brandon dug into his pocket and gave her another pack of gummies. All the memories resurfaced from the last time he was in the maternity ward with her. He wanted to tear down the door when he heard her yelling then, and now he was behind the door with her. When and if she became weak, he would be her strength. Kanielle gave him faith, when it was crumbling.

  Thinking about the past made him wonder at how much things had changed around them. At work Bianca was still a pain in his ass but she was the most loyal employee he had. Ramona and Leslie were serving time behind bars. Leslie was served with a lesser sentence because she ratted out her partner in crime, Ramona, stating that she was the mastermind behind the whole kidnaping. Robert Sr. handed her the divorce papers the day of her sentencing. Robert left town in search of a fresh start after learning that what his grandmother had left Cece was ten-thousand dollars toward her college. Nana had the last laugh indeed. Ramona thought it was millions, but all this time the only ones who knew the truth were Kanielle and Robert Sr. He knew his mother was broke, because he paid for all of her medical bills that insurance didn’t cover. He was the one that helped her.

  Brandon hadn’t seen or heard from Maggie after he threatened her the day Cece was kidnapped. Last thing he heard was that Maggie married Mike, and they left to live out of state. Wherever she was he wished her well.

  Chris was stationed in Georgia far away from Lucy. He told Brandon he did have feelings for her, and that’s why he didn’t want to start something he knew he wouldn’t be able to finish. He was still young and having fun, so he told Lucy, goodbye, the day of his mother’s wedding. Lucy’s heart was broken. José paid him a visit at work, and Brandon surely thought he was coming to cuss him out, but that visit turned out so differently. He thanked him for watching out for his little sister, but in reality Brandon didn’t do anything it was all Chris. Now, if those two lived in the same state Brandon knew his brother-in-law would be in deep trouble.

  “Baby…” Kanielle gazed at him. “You were miles away. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” He gave her a half smile. “Just thinking of everything we’ve been through. Full circle.”

  Kanielle began breathing through her nose again. Another contraction. “You’re doing great.” He took her hand, and she gripped it. Her hold on him was painful, and he flinched.

  “Sorry,” she closed her eyes.

  “My strength is yours,” he looked at her closed lids. “My hand will survive. If I could switch places with you I would in a heartbeat.”

  “Would you?” She giggled. “I know you would,” she said and her eyes widened, and she looked down.

  “Did your water break?”

  “Yes,” she looked at him.

  Brandon pushed himself off the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Kanielle took a deep breathe.

  “To get the doctor,” he watched her from the door. “Sweets, I know your signals, our son is about to make a debut into this world.” Brandon grabbed the handle, pulling the door open, and stepped out. He took a deep breath, he was nervous. He had to be strong for her. He went in search of the doctor.


  “Happy birthday, Brayden Stokes,” Kanielle smiled looking at their baby boy. The doctor placed him on her chest. She kissed his head as he cried his lungs out.

  Brandon couldn’t stop grinning. His son was here. He kissed Kanielle on her sweaty forehead. “Hey, baby boy.” Brayden was perfect, with ten fingers and ten toes.

  The doctor had some odd looking scissors in her hand. “Dad, do you want to cut the umbilical cord?”

  Brandon didn’t answer, he just grabbed the scissors out of her hand and followed her instructions. He turned looking at Kanielle and his son, “That was sick.” He’d never experienced anything like this, the birth of his child. Seeing him enter the world he didn’t have any words to express the feeling. His knees buckled a few times, and he almost passed out. The nurse came and got the baby, taking him over to what looked like a changing table. Brandon didn’t take his eyes off his son for a second. She weighed him, took fingerprints, and cleaned him up, and then she wrapped him like a burrito.

  The doctor continued working on Kanielle, cleaning her up too, and then patted her knees. “Good job, Mom,” she looked over her charts. “Seven pounds, six ounces, and measured twenty inches.” She placed the chart at the end of her bed. “I’ll check up on you in a few hours, but if you get a fever or are in pain send for me.”

  “I will,” Kanielle answered.

  “Sweets,” Brandon kissed her lips. “He is perfect.”

  “Yes he is,” the nurse handed the baby back to Kanielle and she kissed his cheeks. “Brayden, I love you.”

  The doctor and nurses left them alone.

  Brandon touched his son for the first time, and a tear ran down his cheek. His son, no doubt.

  “Our love baby,” Kanielle whispered, and then gazed up at him, wiping at his tear.

  Brandon cocked an eyebrow.

  She smiled, “He was conceived with love. No procedures, just me and you.” Kanielle took his baby hat off. He had light brown hair, and his complexion reminded him of a vanilla latte. Brayden had his nose, and lips. He looked like he was mad they interrupted his stay in his mother’s womb.

  He was feeling so many emotions at once. He had so much to thank God for, starting with his pain and sorrows, because they led him to this amazing woman.

  “Hold your son.” Kanielle gently passed Brayden to him, and he took him like he was holding the finest china on earth.

  “Hey, big boy,” Brandon kissed his rosy nose. He was still swollen, and puffy. “Do you recognize my voice? I sang to you every night,” he rocked him. His eyes fluttered open, staring at Brandon. He knew he couldn’t exactly see him, but he grinned from ear to ear. “You’ve got your mommy’s eyes.”

  “Daddy!” Cece ran into the room as Irene held the door open. “Mama!” She looked up at Brandon.

  Mrs. Irene came over and looked at the baby. “He is beautiful,” and then looked at Brandon. “You won this time,” she picked up Cece and put her on the bed next to Kanielle. “You guys did great.” She kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be back, I left something in th
e car,” she walked out.

  Cece placed her head on Kanielle’s chest. “Mama.” She rubbed her stomach. “Baby… Bray…”

  Kanielle fixed her ponytails. “Brayden is here,” she pointed at the baby, and Cece followed her finger.

  “Daddy…” Coral pointed at baby Brayden.

  Brandon sat on the bed, and showed Cece her new brother. “Brayden is right here. Say hi to your brother.”

  Cece eyed the baby for a few seconds, she stared at Kanielle, and then at Brandon. Coral inched closer to Brayden, and was about to touch him.

  “Gentle, princess,” Brandon took her hand, and gently let her touch the baby.

  Her lips curled into a big smile. “My baby.” He moved in and gave Brayden a slobbery kiss, making him cry out. He scared Cece, and she jumped into Kanielle’s arms.

  Kanielle moved to the side of the bed, and Brandon slipped in next to her. This is what he had been missing before when he had everything but the love of his soul mate. This was the picture he would carry with him in his heart, his very own family.

  “I luv… you…” Cece started giggling.

  God makes miracles out of mistakes.

  The End

  Thank you for reading. I appreciate you!

  Ancelli’s Books:

  My Best Friend

  Stronger Than Ever

  If Only We Knew

  Forgiveness & Second Chances

  Love In Strange Places

  Barely Breathing

  Love Through Pain

  Love’s Sacrifice

  Not Always

  About the Author

  On my spare time, I love scribbling and making my words come to life. I love writing romance stories about couples that go through trials and come out stronger. Love is never easy, but it's worth all the hard work. I would like to hear your opinion whether good or bad, you can leave your comments at:


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