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Page 13

by Jade Kuzma

  I scoffed at the thought of it.

  “The most popular guy in school,” I sighed. “And now I’m the only person you can depend on.”

  “I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to. With Amy’s blowing up, you’re more involved than I could have ever wanted you to be. I’ll do this by myself if I have to. There’s no point putting you in danger. But I could use your help.”

  We stared at each other in the silence of my living room. My throat shifted with a swallow. I gritted my teeth and sighed through my nose, trying to find the right thing to do or say.

  I wanted to turn my back on him. I was through with all of the drama. I just wanted to have a normal life in Ivory.

  But for whatever reason, fate had other plans for me.

  I couldn’t walk away. I couldn’t refuse him.

  “This is stupid,” I said as I shook my head.

  “You don’t have to do anything. I can handle this by myself if I need to—”

  “No. I wanna help you. I know…”

  I swallowed again to clear my throat.

  “…I know deep down inside, you’re a good man, Dorian. And if you need my help, I’ll give it to you.”


  “You said the clock is ticking. Maybe we should get moving already.”

  “Right. We need your car.”

  “My car?”

  “My bike is back at the clubhouse. I figure they’ll be looking for it.”

  “That’s smart. But where are we going?”

  Dorian moved back toward the window and peeked through the blinds.

  “We need to leave.”

  “Leave? But where are we going?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  He turned back to me.

  “We just need to get out of Ivory.”

  Chapter 18


  “Where the fuck are you?”

  I could tell Garnet was restraining himself. Even a man like him could run out of patience. I couldn’t blame him for being angry with me for skipping town without telling him. Especially when he had to answer all of the questions that were meant for me.

  “Lieberman is all over my ass. We’ve got a flock of police cruisers parked outside of the clubhouse. It’s bad enough we got pigs scoping the place out. Now business is dead because nobody wants to come here.”

  “Why don’t you sell some beers to the cops?”

  “Real funny, motherfucker. It’s easy to joke when you’re not in Ivory. But when you get back here, I’m gonna tear you a new asshole.”

  “I can’t tell if you’re serious or not.”

  “I’m fucking serious. I’ll rip that patch off your chest so fast, your fucking head will spin.”

  I let Garnet get all of his frustration out. There was no point in trying to reason with him while he was already tearing me a new asshole.

  I pulled the phone away from my face but I could still hear him on the line. I waited a few seconds before putting the phone back up.

  “Are you ready to hear what’s going on?” I said.

  “…This better be good.”

  “I saw the guy who did it. It was a man in a red pickup truck.”

  “That’s just fucking great. Nobody in Ivory drives a pickup truck. There’s only one pickup truck in town and we all know who it belongs to.”

  “Funny. But that’s not the point.”

  “And what is the point?”

  “The point is that there is someone responsible for what happened. There’s a guy out there who had enough explosives to blow up the Cobras’ storage warehouse, even after they scooped up Graham and put all of his shit in evidence.”

  “And how do you plan on finding this motherfucker?”

  “Let me talk to Petey.”


  “Yes, Petey. Put him on the line.”

  I could hear Dorian grinding his teeth on the other line. I waited a few seconds until he finally listened to me.

  “Here… Sully needs to talk to you…”

  Petey never talked much. His voice was just as meek as he looked. There was no mistaking him when he finally spoke.


  “Hey, Petey. How is everything?”

  “Okay… I guess… Garnet’s pretty pissed off.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I said with a laugh. “How is everybody dealing with the cops?”

  “Nobody is happy about it. But they’re not doing anything. They’re just sitting out there and watching the clubhouse.”

  “They won’t do anything. Even if they managed to get a warrant, they wouldn’t find anything. Still… I know I put you and the rest of the club in a bad spot. But I need your help, Petey.”

  “Me? What can I do?”

  “I know you. You’re the smartest guy in the club when it comes to this shit. How much C4 would you need to blow up a place like the Cobras’ storage facility?”

  “You’d need a lot. There would have to be C4 planted at every part of the foundation if you wanted to take it down completely like it was.”

  “Right. I know you did demolition work for the club. It’s been a long time since they’ve had to blow shit up. But you work with explosives.”

  “Sure. But I don’t see how I can help.”

  “Ivory is a small town. You can’t just go to the grocery store to pick up explosives. This is military grade stuff. Are there any dealers in town who would carry shit like that?”

  “No. And if there were, they’ve definitely gone silent with the feds in town.”

  “Then where else would you get explosives? Where’s the nearest place you could get something like that?”

  Petey paused for a second. I could hear the sound of him searching for the answer.

  “You’d probably have to go up north.”

  “How far up north?”

  “All the way to the big city. It’s just like you said. Ivory is a small town. Nobody around here carries shit like that.”

  “The city… Do you have any clue—”


  “What’s that?”

  “His name is Warlock. He carries all kinds of military-grade equipment. If he didn’t sell the explosives to the guy responsible for this, then there’s a good chance he at least knows someone.”


  “I’ll have to look for his number. He’s constantly changing it and he’s constantly moving. But I’ll text you a way to get a hold of him as soon as I can.”

  “Thanks, Petey…”

  “Hold on. There’s someone else who wants to talk to you.”

  “There is?”

  I raised my eyebrows in confusion with the phone still near my ear.

  “Sully! You stupid motherfucker! What the hell—”

  “Oh God…”

  I hung the phone up and rolled my eyes as soon as I heard Needle’s voice.

  “What was that?”

  I turned toward Gina in the driver’s seat. She had her eyes focused on the road in front of her.

  “It’s nothing,” I said. “Just… someone being an idiot.”

  “There’s a lot of that going around these days.”

  “Yeah, there sure is.”

  We both laughed. Seeing Gina smile brought me more relief than anything.

  “What did they say?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what Needle said. Garnet’s pissed, of course, along with the rest of the club. But Petey said he would contact me as soon as he gets the information I need. He said there’s a guy who sells the kind of stuff they found on Graham. His name is Warlock.”

  “Warlock… And where is this Warlock?”

  “In the city. Up north.”

  Gina’s eyes widened and she slowly turned toward me.

  “Is something wrong?” I said.

  “No, nothing’s wrong. It’s just… I’ve never been to the big city before. I’ve always wanted to visit but I just never got the chance.”

  “Yeah, we
ll, I’m sorry we’re not doing it under better circumstances…”

  I put a hand up to her cheek and caressed the side of her face.

  “I’ll tell you what,” I said. “Once this is all over, we’ll go for a ride up north. I’ll take you somewhere special. Just you and me. We’ll do something nice.”

  “You don’t have to promise me anything like that. I’m here with you now.”

  “I’m not promising you anything because of what you’re doing for me now. I… I like spending time with you. I like seeing you smile.”

  Her cheeks started to blush. She bit her lip and failed miserably at hiding her smile.

  “Shit, that was cheesy as hell,” I said. “Why did I say that?”

  “I don’t mind cheesy. You know, just because you’re a club member doesn’t mean you always have to be some bad ass. Women like it when a guy can show his emotions.”

  I laughed softly as I looked out the window.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “Tracy was never like that. She always wanted me to play the part.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was on the football team. I was a jock. I spent so much of my time in the gym. When we would go out to parties, Tracy would be looking for people to start shit with just so I had a reason to beat their ass. She got a real kick out of it.”

  “That sounds like a really healthy relationship.”

  “We were young and stupid. Healthy didn’t matter. She just wanted to have fun and so did I. Of course, shit changed when she got into college and begged me to come with her…”

  I sighed and shook my head to get rid of the memories I didn’t want to think about.

  “Now look at you,” Gina said. “On the run from the cops and leaving town. I bet you’d trade it all to go back to being the man in high school.”

  I turned to Gina. She had her eyes focused on the road in front of her but I knew she could see me staring at her. Despite everything going on, there was a sense of calmness that washed over me when I looked at her. I couldn’t explain it.

  “I like where I’m at now,” I said. “I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else in the world. The view here is perfect.”

  Her cheeks started to blush again. She wasn’t wearing any makeup but her skin was so pale that it was easy to tell she was embarrassed.

  “It’s a long drive to the big city,” she sighed. “Stop distracting me.”

  “Speaking of distractions…”

  I put a hand on her arm and slid it toward her chest.


  A sly little smile started forming on her lips.

  “…What are you doing?”

  “Just pay attention to the road.”

  I squeezed her chest softly and pulled a sigh out of her. My fingers trailed down to her stomach and along the waist of her jeans.

  “This is a nice outfit,” I said. “Were you planning on wearing this when we were going to meet up?”

  She sighed another deep breath as I lifted her shirt up just enough to caress the soft skin near her navel.


  Her eyelids fluttered slightly. Her bottom lip got caught between her teeth. She squeezed the steering wheel tight in her hands as I undid the button her jeans.

  “It’s nice…”


  “Pay attention to the road.”

  “I’m trying. But there’s an asshole right next to me who’s insisting on distracting me.”


  I unzipped her jeans down just enough to reveal the black thong underneath it. I pressed my hand against her soft skin and slowly slid it behind the cotton of her panties.

  “I’m gonna crash,” she sighed.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Someone is looking.”

  “Nobody’s looking.”


  I moved my hand down. A finger against her clit made her blink again. She squeezed her legs around me, forcing me to rub her even more.

  “You like that?” I whispered.

  Still biting her lip, she didn’t respond. All she could do was nod.

  My fingers moved down and I felt just how wet she was. Fluids leaking out of her slit made it easy for me to slide one inside of her.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  She tightened her thighs on my hand and I pushed my finger into her even deeper.

  I used a slow rhythm. I tried my best to tease her but pleasure her at the same time. My eyes shifted between her blushing face and the open road in front of us.

  Gina’s breaths started getting deeper. Her jaw tensed. She widened her eyes to force them to stay open. There weren’t any cars near us on the road but there was still the danger that she could lose control.

  “Dorian, fuck… Fuck…”


  “I’m gonna crash.”

  She giggled softly, helpless to the desire building up inside of her. Watching her chest heave as she took deeper and deeper breaths made my own cock stiffen in my jeans.


  I started pumping her even more. The sound of fluids and flesh echoed through her car.

  “God, Gina… You’re so wet…”


  She started grinding her hips against me. I knew she was getting close, so I moved my finger up to her clit.

  “Are you gonna come?” I whispered.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna come.”

  Her eyelids started to flutter until they were closed.

  “Shit! Gina!”

  Her eyes shot open as I pulled my hand away. The car swerved as she suddenly regained her senses. Nobody was in the two lanes next to us, so Gina managed to avoid hitting anything.

  Gina took a deep breath to regain her composure and glared at me for a second before turning back to the road.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Don’t be. I… I liked it. But I guess now’s not a good time.”

  “No, it’s not… We’ve got someone to look for in the big city. We need to focus on that.”

  I licked my finger and tasted her. She failed at hiding her grin.

  “Would you stop please?” she said with a giggle.

  “Okay, okay. But I’m gonna want another taste pretty soon.”

  She shook her head at me with the same big smile on her face.

  “We’ll see,” she replied.

  It was nice to see her smile again. I didn’t know how much longer it would last though.

  We were heading to the big city. Warlock was out there somewhere. Now all I had to do was get the answers I needed from him.

  Chapter 19


  I’d spent my entire life in Ivory. I knew the people. I knew the streets. I knew the buildings. I didn’t know much about anywhere else and I was just fine with it. If you told me I was going to spend the rest of my life in Ivory, I would have been perfectly fine with it.

  But I couldn’t deny that the big city up north had something that Ivory didn’t.

  It was nighttime in the city but it was still alive.

  The streets were flooded with traffic. All sorts of different people walked up and down the sidewalks. Men and women in suits on their phones talking business. Homeless along the walls begging for change. There was a food cart on every corner, so there was always something to eat.

  And that wasn’t even mentioning the buildings. Massive skyscrapers that I had to tilt my head to look up at stretched to the clouds. It was nauseating just standing next to some of them.

  Dorian helped me navigate my way through the strange streets. Thankfully, he got the direction he needed when Petey sent him Warlock’s contact information.

  “Right over here.”

  Dorian pointed toward to the side as I drove through the traffic. It took a few minutes just to move a few feet.

  “Park in here.”

  “Here?” I said. “There’s nothing here. Are you sure this is the place?”
/>   “I’m sure. It matches the address Petey gave me.”

  “If you say so…”

  I pulled into a seemingly random alleyway. I kept driving until I came upon a small parking lot between two buildings. There were no other cars around. There didn’t seem to be anybody here at all.

  “Wait here,” he said as I pulled into a spot.

  “What are you talking about? I can’t wait in the car.”

  “I’ve never dealt with this Warlock guy. There’s no telling what he’s capable of.”

  “And is it really a good idea to be leaving me in the car by myself? Especially with some guy still out there…”

  Dorian knew I was right. He sighed and nodded.

  “Let me handle all the talking,” he said.

  “Hey, if you know what you’re doing, go ahead and do it.”

  He gave me a smirk before stepping out of the car. I walked behind him and started shifting my head left and right to examine my surroundings. All of the streetlights were distant, so I could barely make out the path that Dorian was trying to walk.

  We kept moving down the alleyway until we ended up at the side of one building. A small spotlight shined above the sealed black door.

  “This is it?” I asked.

  “This is it.”

  We both moved up to the door and Dorian knocked on it. We waited a few seconds.

  No response.

  Dorian knocked again.

  No response.

  Dorian knocked yet again.

  “Warlock,” he said. “I know you’re in there. I need to talk. This is important—”

  The slot at the top of the door slid open and a pair of eyes with a furrowed brow stared at Dorian.

  “What the fuck do you want?” the voice from inside said.

  “Warlock,” Dorian said. “Are you Warlock?”

  “What’s it to you?”

  “I need to talk to you. About one of your customers. You sold some stuff to a man named Tommy Graham. I need to figure out who else you sold to—”

  “I don’t talk about my customers. That’s my business.”

  The slot on the door closed shut. Dorian let out a frustrated sigh.

  “He’s a charming fellow, all right,” I said.

  Dorian smirked at me and knocked on the door again.

  “Warlock, this shit is serious.”


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