Bare (Miss Demeanor Series Book 2)

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Bare (Miss Demeanor Series Book 2) Page 3

by Ford, Angela


  “Miss Dunbar?” Rick extended his hand to welcome Shay to the club. “I’m Rick Newark. Your uncle spoke very highly of you. Please, follow me.” He briefed her on the establishment along their way to his office.

  “You’ve seen our lobby where some of our members choose to burn the midnight oil with that next big deal.” He winked. “And our lounge area for those who need to unwind with a drink.” He continued on to tell her the club had five floors and thirty guest rooms for overnight stays for their out-of-town members or those who burned the midnight oil. By the time he told her about the pool on the roof, her jaw dropped.

  “Amazing, I’ve never been in a place like this before. Where I come from, you could fit the whole town in here.”

  Rick liked the fact that she came from a small town. He liked them educated enough to be professional with his members, but young enough so they weren’t life-experienced. Mike informed him she was new to the city and in search of a job. Her experience as a waitress helped, but the fact that Mike Dunbar asked for the favor, was enough for Rick. He asked a few routine questions during the interview but most of it had been small talk. He’d already decided to hire her before he met her. The fact that her looks would fit in among his beautiful young employees, sealed the deal.

  “Do you have any questions for me Shay?”

  “Is there a uniform required for the job?”

  “Classic black skirt and elegant black top will suffice. Just above the knee is appropriate, no mini-skirts please.”

  “I noticed some black cocktail dresses when I came in. Should I purchase those as well?”

  “The skirt and top will be sufficient, along with black nylons and black heels.” He wondered about her inspective take on the club until she remarked with signs of embarrassment.

  “Good, I’m new to the city and I don’t have a lot of money. Please don’t tell Uncle Mike. He’ll only worry and offer more help. I’m determined to make it on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for his referral and this opportunity.”

  Rick agreed but also considered it would give him the opportunity to talk to Mike again. Over the years, Rick had tried to entice Mike Dunbar to join the club. He believed Mike’s presence as a member would help dignify the public’s outlook of the club. The well-publicized acronym for the club bothered him and he’d been desperate to bury it. Mike’s status among Seattle’s businessmen would not only enhance the club for new members of his circle but also help rid the nickname the club inherited. He ran his club discreetly so that his members could relax without question.

  “Your secret is safe with me. I admire your determination. Welcome to the club. Can you start tomorrow?”

  “I got the job?”

  Rick nodded and then escorted her back to the main entrance.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at eleven-thirty. I’ll have my personal assistant, Beth; prepare your paperwork to sign in the morning. Your shift will run until eight o’clock.” He handed her a plastic card.” You’ll need this for entry. It also works at the back entry. There’s a private entrance at the back you can use. If you require parking, the card will work for access to the underground parking, also accessible from the back of the building.” He handed her an access card. She thanked him again before she left.

  “One of your superb espressos please; Dante.” Rick leaned against the bar.

  Dante turned to the espresso machine and commented, “Fine looking woman.”

  “That she is. Shay Dunbar will be joining us tomorrow. She’s the niece of Mike Dunbar I’ve been enticing to become a member. Let’s treat her well.” Rick winked and retreated to his office, espresso in-hand.

  “Of course, Mr. Newark, and enjoy your espresso.”

  Chapter Five

  Shay entered the club dressed in a black skirt and top. Dante felt relieved to see she’d been hired as a waitress and not another escort. He knew instantly from the skirt and not a cocktail dress. He waved for her to come to the bar.

  “Morning Shay, Beth is just finishing a call and will be with you in a minute.” He pointed to the woman who sat at the end of the bar. Would you like a coffee or espresso? I make a mean one.”

  “I believe my nerves are wired enough. Can I take a rain check?”

  Dante smiled. “Anytime, you know where to find me.” He raised his arms to his sides to suggest he was usually at the bar.

  “You know who I am?”

  “Mr. Newark mentioned your name yesterday. He said you were the niece to a potential member and to treat you well. I would have asked for your name when you bumped into me yesterday, but you rushed off.” Dante raised an eyebrow. He definitely planned to treat her well and not just for Mr. Newark’s sake. He’d never met anyone who captivated him the way she did. Dante was certain their attraction was mutual by the way she flirted with him. He knew he had to remain focused for Mr. Newark’s sake; but figured there could be no harm in flirting. In the year he’d been the club’s bartender Dante gained Rick’s respect and trust. He’d worked too hard to destroy that.

  “I had to get ready for the big interview. You never mentioned your name either.” Shay hesitated and then continued, “About that bump yesterday...I am sorry. My mind was elsewhere.”

  He laughed. “On that bedside backup” He noticed her blush a little. “That wasn’t meant to be a wisecrack.”

  “No worries. If I remember correctly, I made the first pun about it yesterday. I’m new to the city and just a little weary.”

  He reached across the bar and placed his hand on top of hers. “A wise buy, but have you ever used a gun?” She seemed naïve and nervous. He wondered if she came from a small town.

  “I have. My dad and brother like to hunt. I don’t, but I’ve been to the range with them.”

  “Then I will have to introduce you to the best range in Seattle. I’m Dante, by the way.” He held out his hand as he introduced himself.


  Before she could answer him, Shay noticed the woman Dante pointed out as Beth, had finished her call. Shay stood up from the barstool. Beth’s straight blonde hair barely touched her shoulders. She walked elegantly in her black business suit. Shay wondered if Beth worked out or just naturally blessed with great legs. As she approached, Shay noticed her emerald eyes sparkled. She knew the young woman was Beth Mills from the picture Renee gave her.

  Shay stood up from the barstool.

  “Shay Dunbar” Beth queried.

  Shay nodded. “Yes.”

  “I’m Mr. Newark’s personal assistant. My name is Beth Mills. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Dunbar. If you will follow me please, there are a few forms to fill out and then I will give you the grand tour.”

  Shay fixed her eyes on Dante for a quick moment before she followed Beth. He gave her a thumbs-up but it wasn’t his approval that fascinated her. His magnetic gaze pulled her into his dreamy eyes. She fought the urge to stay with him but she knew she had a job to do.

  Beth pressed the fifth floor button once inside the elevator and turned to Shay. “Mr. Newark prefers to have his offices at the top. The view is spectacular, I can’t argue that.” Beth pushed the glass doors open and held them for Shay. An exquisite mahogany desk sat in the center of the room with an attractive blonde manning the switchboard. Shay made a mental note that Rick seemed to only hire highly attractive, young employees. The girl had to be no more than twenty-one-years old, if that.

  “Welcome to the Business Associates Reserved Establishment, Shay. I’m Rachel. If there is anything you need, have Dante page me and I will come downstairs. The forms you requested, Beth, are on the conference table.” She may have been young but Shay gathered she’d been well-educated and her appearance cried out wealth.

  “Thank you Rachel,” Shay said politely.

  “Everyone here is so
friendly,” Shay commented to Beth as they stepped inside the conference room.

  Beth nodded. “We are one big family. And what Rachel said is true. If one of our waitresses gets a run in her stocking, Rachel will take care of the mishap immediately. The girls sometime joke and call her ‘Mom’. So if you need something just let Dante know you need Rachel.” Beth motioned for Shay to take a seat.

  I wonder what other mishaps Rachel takes care of around here.

  By three-thirty, the lunch rush had quieted. Shay wondered how they succeeded at their businesses with such long lunch breaks. Another waitress told her they had about thirty to forty minutes before the evening rush began.

  “Come on, let’s get a cold drink from Dante and I’ll show you our private break room. You can kick off those heels for a half-hour,” Vanessa said. She’d allowed Shay to shadow her for the day. “Two fancy drinks for two tired waitresses.” Vanessa held up two fingers and blew Dante a kiss from them. Most of the waitresses flirted with Dante, but Shay noticed he behaved professionally every time. She wondered if he’d been given direct orders from the boss not to interact too closely with his employees. His laughter caught Shay’s attention, combined with manliness and a touch of sexy. He winked at Shay before he turned to prepare their drinks. It forced a flip in her stomach. She couldn’t help but flirtatiously return his gesture with a seductive smile. What the heck? A little flirting might open him up and reveal a few secrets. Shay tried to convince herself it was part of her undercover act. Dammit! Why are all the bad ones taken or criminals?

  “Shay, are you coming?” Vanessa’s voice broke into her thoughts.

  Shay’s eyes met Dante’s again as she accepted the tall ice tea. “Thanks Dante.” When he mouthed the words, ‘you’re welcome,’ it made her wet her lips and swallow hard. She followed Vanessa for their well-deserved break.

  “So, how’s our little stripper?” Cassie’s laughter followed her question.

  Shay rolled her eyes. “Very funny Cass; just for that remark, I challenge you to a run tomorrow morning. Is five-thirty too early for you?”

  Shay had discovered Cassie enjoyed a run as much as she did. They usually met early in the morning at Volunteer Park. The trails were a breath of fresh air for Shay. She’d been used to running the small streets of Connell in her neighborhood.

  “You are in trouble, girlfriend. After working eight hours in three-inch heels, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  Shay’s sarcastic laughter filled the room.

  Cassie looked at Shay’s feet. “Where are your heels and your perky little outfit?”

  “I went home first before I dropped by the office. A hot shower called my name and soothed my aching feet. Holy shit, I like my heels, but I must give credit to those girls who work in them day after day. We only had a forty minute break in eight hours.”

  Shay sat at her desk, kicked off her runners and stretched her legs up on her desk. She figured at nine-thirty at night there’d be no potential clients dropping by.

  “So, did you meet Beth? Is she our client’s daughter?”

  “Beth Mills is the PA for Rick Newark, a quite attractive young lady who does not appear to be on drugs, from what I could tell. She’s definitely not stripping either. Though I have suspicions the girls who wear the cocktail dresses are actually call girls. Seems like a pretty classy place other than that.”

  “Think it’s possible the Mills women just don’t see eye-to-eye?”

  Cassieʼs ideas also entered Shay’s mind after she’d met Beth.

  “Something seems off to me, Cass. I believe our little Miss Beth is hiding something from dear ol’ mom. I’m just not sure what it is. She does speak very highly of Rick and the club. She mentioned she’d planned on law school until she landed the job as PA. She also said she started there in April as a waitress but didn’t specify skirt or cocktail dress. There seems to be something specific on what the waitress wears. That I plan to find out.”

  “Sounds like you need to make some new friends at the club.”

  Cassie grabbed her purse and said good night. “See you at five-thirty. Don’t stay too late.”

  Shay waved and promised she wouldn’t. She wanted to add her notes from her first day on the job. She also wanted to run a check on the man who enticed her. Shay sighed as she entered his name in the search database. She prayed she’d find no criminal record. She decided to run reports on Rick, Beth and Renee. Somebody was hiding something and Shay was determined to unravel a secret or two. Instead of reading the reports, she hit Print. The time on her laptop read five minutes after ten oʼclock. Shay closed her laptop, reached for the printed reports and shoved them in an envelope. A little bedtime reading about Dante put a smile on her face as she hit the lights and locked the door.

  Shay spotted Cassie at their usual starting point, the next morning.

  “It’s about time. I was getting worried you chickened out,” Cassie teased Shay and stretched her leg over the park bench.

  “And miss out on the chance to beat you? Never.” Shay enjoyed their runs in the park; it gave them time to talk about their cases. This time she wanted to talk to Cassie about Dante. She stretched her arms over her head. Her action pulled her sweatshirt above her belly.

  “Jesus, Shay! Do you ever not pack?”

  Cassie laughed as Shay pulled her top back down over her belly strap.

  “It’s my new EMP. We’re bonding.”

  “EMP-bonding.” Cassie laughed.

  “My new enhanced micro pistol, my latest 1911 series buy. I wanted to test it with my belly strap.” Her partners knew of her prized collection and every possible method she had to pack one of them.

  “You need a man if you’re looking for a bonding experience,” Cassie joked.

  “That is exactly what we need to chat about on our run. Ready?” Shay took off and turned her head with a grin.

  Cassie quickly caught up with an expression of great interest.

  Chapter Six

  Dante reached over to open the passenger door of his Dodge Charger.

  “What’s your take on Shay Dunbar?”

  She handed him his coffee, closed the car door and then mocked him. “Good morning, Beth. Thanks for the coffee.”

  Her tone expressed amusement. “Sorry, Beth; Good morning, and I do appreciate the coffee.” Her comical smirk only told him to remember the next time.

  “No worries. The coffee is the least I can do. Rick did suggest you drive me to work while my car is in the shop. And was that a rhetorical question about Shay, or were you asking for an honest opinion?”

  “No, I expected an answer.” Dante laughed and shook his head. “And Rick doesn’t suggest anything. We both know it was a direct order—but one I don’t mind.”

  Dante smiled and released the clutch. Once he hit second gear, Beth broke the silence.

  “I think Shay is sweet. She’s not like the other waitresses. She’s small-town-friendly and though her uncle is wealthy, she’s not. Does someone find her attractive?”

  Dante laughed. Her question’s tone brought him back to reality. He knew he could talk to Beth. He trusted her to set him right.

  “But if I were you, I’d be careful. Rick seems obsessed to have Mike Dunbar join the club. The last thing you need now is to get on Rick’s bad side.” Beth raised an eyebrow and took a sip of her coffee. He knew what she meant and shifted the car into third gear and his focus on the road before him.


  Shay turned to capture her backside in the mirror and zipped her skirt. She reluctantly slipped her feet into the three-inch heels she knew she’d wear for the next nine hours. Her hands tousled through the loose curls in her hair and she reached for her lipstick. A puckered kiss to her reflection in the mirror and she was out the door. Her purse defender in hand, she decided the bel
ly strap wasn’t the answer. There wasn’t enough space between her skirt and blouse to conceal its outline, so she strapped it to the concealed part of her purse. She wasn’t quite sure if indeed she needed it. For now, she decided against the thigh strap as well, but at least she’d have her EMP in her purse locked in her own private locker.

  The club seemed to be legit except for the possibility of a few call girls, if her suspicions were correct. Dante’s record had come up clear of any criminal activity in the past. She still wondered if the club hid a drug operation and if he was part of it. Renee, Beth and Rick also came up clear. Maybe Cassie was right. Maybe Mrs. Mills hadn’t confided the true deal on her relationship with her daughter. She planned to befriend Beth and uncover what she could about her relationship with her mother.

  “Thank God”

  Shay flopped her tired ass on the bar stool and ordered an iced-tea. It disappointed her that Dante wasn’t there to serve her, only his second-in-command of the bar. Steve was a great guy, funny and good-looking, but not Dante. She kicked her shoes off and lifted her foot onto her lap. With both hands, she massaged it.

  “It’s tough getting used to eight hours in three inch heels. I remember the early days.” Vanessa took the stool beside Shay and motioned for Steve to make two teas. “Want a tip?”

  Shay nodded in desperation.

  “Take your tea up to the roof. Whip off your nylons and soak those aching babies in the hot tub for ten minutes. It’s quiet up there between three and four o’clock when they clean, but they’ll let you in for ten minutes to soak.”

  “Thanks Vanessa, want to join me?” Shay slid off the stool and placed her feet back into hell.


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