Bare (Miss Demeanor Series Book 2)

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Bare (Miss Demeanor Series Book 2) Page 5

by Ford, Angela

  “That’s fine. I’m a busy man as well. Could we meet after your meeting? Say four o’clock. I have a flight to catch this evening.” This time Mike gave the girls a thumbs-up. “I’ll bring my assistant with me. Her name is River. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  Shay guessed Rick was desperate to get Mike onboard to save his reputation from the rumors about the club.

  “It’s a done deal, ladies. I have an appointment with Rick at four o’clock. He said his meeting would only take ten or fifteen minutes tops. It was just a meeting of signatures on the dotted line. Whatever his meeting is in regards to, the legwork is finished. If it’s for a drug operation and signatures are required, anyone who is a part of the operation will be there to sign. That kind of a meeting is an in-and-out quick one.”

  Shay looked at her partners. “That means we have a ten minute window to make arrests, if indeed it is a drug meeting. Thanks for getting River in the door too.” Shay excused herself when her cell rang, but heard Mike say his goodbyes and tell River to meet him at his office at three.

  “That was Beth asking me to meet her for coffee. She said she likes to take all the new girls out for coffee when they first start.” Shay raised an eyebrow. Whether it was the real reason or not it was the perfect opportunity for Shay to ask her about her relationship with her mother. She grabbed her defender purse. “I’ll see you this afternoon.” River told her to stay safe. Shay promised and left the agency to meet Beth before her shift started at eleven-thirty.

  Shay saw Beth wave as she entered the diner. It seemed low-class for Beth. She wondered why she hadn’t chosen a coffee shop close to the club.

  “Good morning Beth, thanks for the coffee invite. Everyone at the club has been so nice to me.” Shay continued to play the part of the innocent small town girl.

  “Cut the act Shay. I know who you are. My question is what the hell you’re doing at the club. Who brought you in?” Beth’s eyes grew dark and her tone no longer friendly.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Shay Brooks, a private investigator with the Miss Demeanor Detective Agency; does that ring a bell?”

  “Yes, that’s my name and to answer your question of who brought me in-your mother.” Shay held Beth’s stare and watched her jaw drop.

  “My mother hired you. What on earth for?”

  “You tell me, Beth. She’s worried sick. She’s a grieving widow and you cut all ties with her. Why? Even more so, your mother wants to know what in the hell you’re doing at the club.”

  Beth sighed. She sat silently for a few moments while she looked down at her coffee. “Beth.” Shay broke the silence and Beth looked up.

  “I guess its plan B now.”

  “What the heck is plan B?”

  “Shay, I’m undercover as well. I only broke ties with my mom to protect her and keep my cover safe. Dante has been working this case for over a year. I joined after Christmas. I gained what information I could on campus about drugs coming out of Rick’s club and then I applied for a job at the club in April.”

  “Wait a minute, Dante is undercover too?”

  Beth nodded.

  Shay’s thoughts of him being a part of the drug operation were wrong. The only thing he was attached to was his job. She quickly moved her thoughts of Dante out of her mind to focus on the case-at-hand. “So the club is a cover for a secret drug operation?”

  “Yes, and it’s about to get larger with the meeting today. Santiago Aguilar will be there. Dante has been on his trail for over a year. He’s big. He’s out of Mexico. It’s personal for Dante. His best friend got mixed up in drug deals and when one went bad, Mr. Aguilar had him killed but made it look like an overdose.”

  Shay sat, astonished. She knew there were secrets at the club but she didn’t think it went this far. “How did you get caught up in all of this, Beth?”

  “My college friend overdosed at Christmas. Her mom told me she’d confessed to doing things on her job at the club that shamed her. She never said specifically what. I started to dig a little further. I had been doing a study placement at the DEA. I convinced them to let me join the investigation.” Beth reached out for Shay’s hand. “We’ve worked long and hard for this bust. It will happen today. Rick will pay for what he did to my friend. Santiago Aguilar will pay for Dante’s friend. We need your help, Shay, to make this happen. Are you with us?”

  Shay nodded. She’d never expected to hear the information Beth shared, but she was definitely on board. She was hired to save Beth. Beth had a job to do and Shay wasn’t going to let her do it alone.

  Beth called Dante to let him know Shay was with them and they were on their way to the club, and then dropped Shay off a block before the club. “It’s best we enter the club separately.”

  Shay agreed. “I guess you don’t normally take the new girls out for coffee.”

  Beth chuckled and shook her head. “The last thing I need today is for Rick to become suspicious of me after so many months.”

  Shay told Beth her cover was safe—with her anyway—and closed the passenger door. Thankful she wore her running shoes instead of heels, she walked easily for the next ten minutes. It gave her time to clear her head and message River with a quick update about Beth. Shay wouldn’t be alone without backup today, now that she knew Beth and Dante were on the same side as her, and Mike would get River into the club.

  Shay entered the club with a different feeling than the days before. Not only did she walk in with confidence, she carried hope. Hope that after arrests were made, she might be able to act on the built up desire she’d fought against. Dante smiled and waved as she made her way to the bar. She returned the friendly gesture with only a good-morning and sauntered around the end of the bar toward the break room. This time Shay adjusted her thigh strap for her micro pistol and closed her locker.

  The lunch crowd kept her busy and before she realized the time; it was three o’clock. Dante called all the girls to the bar by three-twenty-five and announced the elevator was down for maintenance and they were to remain downstairs for today’s break. He had all their drinks ready for them and sent them on their way to the break room. He called out Shay’s name. She remained at the bar until the last waitress went around the corner.

  “Beth is upstairs and messaged the signatures were arriving on time.”

  Shay remembered Beth called the partners of the operation signatures. She also remembered Mike mention this type of meeting would be for signatures and took ten to fifteen minute tops. “Where do you need me?”

  “With me, we’re taking the garage. It’s the only way out and we want their signatures on that document first. We’ll make the arrests down there. We have agents ready to use my access card to get into the garage; they are outside around the corner waiting for the okay. Once we receive the queue from Beth that all signatures have all arrived, I bring them in.”

  Shay’s heart rate increased and she took a deep breath, “I’m ready”.

  “Are you packing?”

  She confirmed she was with a slight touch to her thigh.

  Dante’s phone made beeped. He typed a message and then turned to Shay. “It’s time.”

  Shay followed Dante to the stair exit door. Once inside the door, Dante pulled out his weapon and released its safety. Shay took notice he carried the 1911 original. She reached under her skirt and released her 1911 micro pistol from her thigh strap. Once she released the safety, she nodded. Dante quietly and quickly descended the staircase and Shay followed. She took her place against the wall when Dante placed his hand on the doorknob. His last glance at her made her heart beat faster. She nodded for him to open the door, and then slid through the door behind him. The garage was quiet. An eerie feeling came over her. Within seconds, Dante and Shay were situated on either side of Rick’s private elevator. Agents flowed into the garage and took their pla
ces between the cars of Rick’s private parking area.

  The elevator button lit up within ten minutes. Dante raised his weapon, his finger on the trigger and nodded to Shay. She stood in position with her finger on the trigger. The elevator reached the garage and with a ding that echoed throughout the garage, the door opened. Silence ended with the loud shouts from Dante and Shay.

  “Put your hands where I can see them.”

  Agents disbursed and encircled the signatures as they stepped out of the elevator with their hands raised. She heard Dante as he cuffed the last gentleman from the elevator.

  “Santiago Aguilar, I’ve waited a long time for this. You’re under arrest.”

  Shay stepped into the elevator. “I’m going up.” The elevator closed before Dante could speak. She knew Beth wanted to arrest Rick, but something still didn’t sit right with her. Besides, Beth was her client’s daughter and the one she was hired to save from Rick.

  The door opened but no one was in sight. She stepped out and walked to Rick’s door that led out into the main office area. She not only heard Beth’s voice, but Renee’s voice. What the hell was Renee doing there? With her back against the wall, Shay opened the door a crack. She saw Rick’s arm around Beth’s neck and a gun pointed to her head. Across from them stood Renee, armed as well.

  “Let her go, Rick. This has nothing to do with her. It’s my life you like to torment. I know my husband’s so-called heart attack was murder.”

  “Come any closer, Renee, and I’ll shoot your precious little girl.”

  Shay knew she had to act quickly before one or both of them fired. She pointed her pistol through the door crack. The angle she had was in perfect range of Rick’s head. Any other shot would allow him the time to pull the trigger. She couldn’t miss. Both Beth and Renee’s lives depended on her accuracy. She steadied her hand and focused on her target. The continued argument between Rick and Renee washed out the sound of the bullet as it left Shay’s pistol. Rick hit the ground. Shay sighed with relief. “Bulls-eye,” she whispered.

  Rick’s sudden fall released his hold on Beth. She ran into her mother’s arms. Shay opened the door and kicked Rick’s gun away from his body then knelt and checked for a pulse.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Dante ran into the main office.

  Shay looked up and shook her head. She found no vitals on Rick. She handed her gun to Dante.

  He disarmed Renee. “Beth, what the hell happened?”

  Agents soon entered the office from the elevator. Dante surrendered Shay and Renee’s guns to his superior. Shay couldn’t hear the conversation between Dante and Beth with all the commotion in the room. An agent then asked Shay to come with him to the DEA office. She figured she’d get her answers from Beth and Renee after statements were taken. The agent escorted her down the main elevator into the lobby. She saw River and Mike. The place was packed with agents. No one seemed to be able to leave. The entire club and anyone in it were to be questioned. She pointed out River to the agent with her. “That’s my partner. Can I briefly speak with her?” He nodded but stayed with her.

  River hugged her. “Thank God you’re okay, Shay. This place is like a war zone.”

  Mike patted her arm. “A job well done detective.”

  Shay smiled. The shock of it all hadn’t yet set in. She knew it would soon. Shay confirmed she was fine and told River she’d meet her at the agency once her statement was finished. She turned before she left with the agent. “Let Maile and Cassie know I’m okay.” River agreed.

  Chapter Nine

  Three hours later, Shay entered the agency. Cory ran up and hugged her. “It’s good to see you, Shay.” She took Shay’s arm and led her into the celebration. Her partners cheered with their champagne glasses.

  Tears filled Shay’s eyes. Everything had happened so quickly. She smiled confidently. “Thank you,” she said quietly and wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Congrats on your first successful case, Shay,” Maile was the first to hug her and the rest followed with a group hug.

  “I couldn’t have done it without my partners.” Shay looked over at Mike, “That includes you too”.

  He mouthed a thank you.

  “I figured you might want this.” Cassie reached for Shay’s sport bag.

  Shay smiled. “Thanks Cassie. You are a savior. These heels are killing me.”

  “Does that mean you’re an easy target to beat a five-mile at the moment?”

  Cassie’s remark made Shay laugh. “It would be the only time you’d win. But watch out for tomorrow’s five o’clock run.”

  Cassie accepted Shay’s proposition immediately. “You’re on.”

  The bell chimes from the front door rang out. Cory announced she’d get it. She disappeared quickly behind the wall and returned momentarily.

  “Dante” Shay hadn’t expected him to show up at the agency. She’d asked for him before she left the DEA but was told he was still in interrogations.

  “Shay, I wanted to make sure you were okay. The agent that took your statement mentioned he dropped you here.”

  Shay smiled. “I’m fine. How’s Beth? And Renee?”

  “Shaken but fine; I just drove them home. Beth had to release her badge and has been temporarily suspended upon investigation. I had no idea her mother had been involved with Rick. Beth let it get personal. She knows that now. The suspension will give her time to think about her actions and both mother and daughter need to repair their relationship.”

  Shay still had no idea of Renee’s involvement with Rick or why Beth withheld the information. She needed to fill in the gaps but when she heard someone clear their throat; it reminded her that her partners had no idea who Dante was. She turned to them.

  “Sorry, where are my manners? This is Special Agent Dante Pierce with the DEA, Beth’s partner.”

  Cassie interrupted. “You’re the bartender?” Cassie shook his hand. “I see what Shay meant by a distraction.”

  Dante chuckled through a blush and turned to Shay. “So my charming moves did have impact? You had my ego worried.” Shay raised her eyebrow and smiled. “Your moves were fine, but I had a job to do.”

  “A girl after my own heart,” Dante placed his hand over his heart. “Does that mean you’ll say yes to a drink? I think we both deserve one.”

  “I have some paperwork to finish up here—”

  River interrupted. “It’s not going anywhere, Shay. We can finish in the morning.”

  Dante opened the passenger door for her and she slipped in. He put the key in the ignition and turned to Shay, “Where to?”

  “I have cold beer in my fridge. I’d love to get out of these heels and I don’t think I can handle another club right now.” She kicked off her shoes and moaned with satisfaction at their removal.

  “Your place it is. Do I get to play bartender?” He winked and then focused on the road as he shifted the car in gear and merged into traffic. Before he shifted into second gear, Shay answered him.

  “As long as you’re charming and those smooth moves are replayed. I haven’t yet had the chance to act on them.”

  He promised. “At least I won’t worry about disarming your thigh strap.”

  Shay touched her thigh and sadly remembered the agent held her pistol because she’d fired.

  “You haven’t seen my collection yet,” she said but then assured him no weapons were required, only handcuffs.

  His sudden shift into fourth gear confirmed he was game.

  Shay unlocked her apartment door and pushed open the door. She motioned for him to step inside and followed.

  Dante stepped into the small kitchenette. “I assume this is your bar.” He opened the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of cold ones. He paused as he handed one to her. “Does the detective require a glass?”
  Shay laughed. “Not this detective.” She opened the bottle and took a swig and then set it on the counter. “I’ll be back in a minute. I have to change. Actually, I’d like to burn this outfit and hope I never have to waitress again.”

  She attempted to turn but felt his hand reach around her waist and pull her in close to him. The same feeling rushed through her body when she’d felt his heat on the staircase the day before. His gaze weakened her at the knees. She swallowed hard as she watched his head lower. She wet her lips anticipating his kiss and was disappointed when his head tilted at the last second. For days she’d longed to plant her lips on his. She felt those lips at her neck. Disappointment left her thoughts as he devoured her neckline with kisses and nibbles. A slight groan through his kisses only enhanced her excitement.

  She heard him set his bottle on the counter and then felt his hand settle on her hip. He tugged at her waistline to loosen her blouse from her skirt. Shay’s hands pressed against his hard chest and slowly crept upward. Her hands travelled through his hair. It was as soft as she’d imagined. His trail of kisses below her chin moved up to finally meet her lips. “Dante” She whispered his name through his kiss. Shay’s hands grasped his hair and pulled his kiss deeper. His heavy groan confirmed his desire had been as built up as hers. She felt his arousal grow as his hands moved her hips against him. She whimpered when he removed her hand from his hair. He continued to delve inside her mouth with his tongue. The sound of a click made her release from the most pleasurable kiss she’d ever experienced. She looked down at her cuffed hand.

  “You said no weapons but cuffs were allowed.” His boyish grin made her laugh, “I did make that statement.” Dante smiled and placed the other cuff on his hand.

  “We belong to each other for the night, if you’re okay with that.”

  Without a word, she led him down the hall into her bedroom. His lips returned to hers and he unbuttoned her blouse as they found their way to her bed. He opened her blouse to the lacy fabric that surrounded her breasts. His tongue teased her senses as he outlined the fabric from one breast to another. She moaned in delight which only led him to release the back hook and devour her inch by inch. Shay reached for his zipper and released the restriction between them. His pants puddled around his feet on the floor and she pulled him with her as she fell on her bed. The events of the day disappeared as he took her away into a world she’d never known existed. No man had ever made love to her. His touch fulfilled her every desire and satisfied her from tip to toe.


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