Hustler_A Second Chance Romance

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Hustler_A Second Chance Romance Page 33

by Rye Hart

  “They’re good kids,” I said.

  “They are,” Evan said.

  “How long have you lived up here?” I asked.

  “Two years.”

  “Do you enjoy it here?” I asked.

  “The quiet was nice.”

  My eyes locked on the back of his head as he continued to eat the plate of food.

  “Well, I’ll make myself scarce then,” I said, slightly taken aback by his comment.

  I ventured back toward the opening of the hallway just as a loud sigh emanated from behind me.

  “That’s not what I meant,” he said.

  “I don’t want to be a bother. And you said the snow’s let up, right?” I asked.

  “But it’s deep. Very deep. The ditches will be full of snow. All the way to the top.”

  “Which means no one will find my car,” I said.

  “I have a snowmobile, but all four of us aren’t going to fit on it,” he said.

  “It’s fine. I’ll figure something out.” I turned to head back to the room to check in on Dad.

  “Mel?” I heard him call my name softly.

  I turned my head toward him and caught him staring at me. The look in his eyes told me that he might be fighting the same feelings I was. That both terrified and intrigued me.

  “I wasn’t implying that you were a bother,” he said, his eyes boring into mine. “I’ve just had a lot of changes in the past couple of years that I’m still adjusting to,” he said.

  I nodded and offered him a smile. If anyone knew about adjusting, it was me. I continued down the hall and called my father.

  The day wore on and I grew more comfortable as I watched Evan interact with the children. He laughed with them, played with them, and didn’t become immediately annoyed when they fussed. With each passing moment, he was becoming more and more attractive to me.

  My dad still sounded good and assured me that he was eating. Luckily, I had just gone grocery shopping, and there was plenty of soup and lunchmeat to keep him fed until I could get home. He took his pills while on the phone with me again and told me he was going to take a nap.

  Dinner had been served and cleared, and Evan was bathing the kids and getting them ready for bed as I cleaned up the kitchen. About half an hour later, he appeared from the hallway, looking exhausted.

  “Man, those two wear me out,” he said.

  I laughed and came to sit in front of the fire once again.

  “Would you like a beer,” Evan offered as he threw another couple of logs into the fireplace.

  “I’d love one, thank you,” I said.

  He went into the kitchen and returned a moment later with two frosty bottles. I took a long pull of mine and closed my eyes, sighing.

  He chuckled a bit, a sound that shook my knees and seemed to flip a switch within my gut.

  “Tastes good, doesn’t it?” he asked.

  I smiled and nodded. “It does,” I answered.

  We sat in silence for a few minutes before I spoke again.

  “It’s really beautiful out here,” I said.

  “One of the reasons why I bought the place,” Evan said.

  “Is this your permanent residence?”

  “It is,” he said.

  “Where were you living before that?” I asked.

  “Los Angeles,” he said.

  “That’s a very stark change,” I said. “Do you like it better here?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  It was the way he said it that caused me to turn my gaze toward him. He looked tired and haggard at the mere mention of the city, and I wanted to know what had happened. What had pushed him from a budding place like L.A. all the way to a cold and tiny place on the outskirts of Bozeman, Montana?

  “Do you work?” I asked.

  “Nope, not anymore,” he said, without further explanation. We sat there in relative silence as we both finished our beers. Our eyes were trained on the licking of the fire around the logs that were burning, though I was becoming more aware of how closely Evan had sat down next to me. He wasn’t at the far end of the couch anymore, but rather more toward the center of it.

  I started wondering if he’d intentionally moved closer to me.

  “Care for another?” he asked.

  “Sure. I could go for one more,” I said.

  I could feel my body loosening up a bit as the iron walls of my mind slowly came inching down. I snuggled deeper into the cushions but, as Evan sat even closer to me, my body went on high alert.

  Part of me wanted to run, but another, larger, part of me wanted to lean into him.

  “What did you do?” I asked. “When you were working, that is.”

  “I.T.,” he said.

  “Ah, so you’re a tech guy.”

  “Of sorts,” he said, shrugging.

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “A great deal, yes,” he said.

  “Do you think you’ll ever go back to it?”


  “Why not?” I asked.

  His eyes quickly flickered in my direction before he settled farther back into the couch with me.

  “It’s just a part of my life that’s done,” he said. “Time to move forward.”

  “I wish I was good at that.”


  “Moving forward,” I said.

  His head slowly turned toward me and I could feel his gaze boring into the side of my face. I’d opened the door a crack and now I waited for him to want to peek inside.

  “What keeps you from moving forward?” he asked.

  I turned my gaze toward his and felt rooted to my seat by his eyes. I could see them more clearly now, and they were just beautiful. The dark brown was peppered with flecks of gold, lending a brightness to his face. My uneasiness was slowly beginning to dissipate.

  “Well, right now? Those eyes of yours,” I said.

  “My eyes?” he asked.

  “They’re beautiful. And very intense. It’s hard to move beneath your gaze,” I said.

  I brought my beer to my lips as I settled my sights back onto the fire. Whatever in the world had possessed me to say that to him? Though he had been nothing but hospitable to me the past two days, I still didn’t really know this man. Yet, I had just opened up to him more than I’d opened up to any guy in four damn years. Suddenly, I felt exposed.

  “Well, thank you for the beers,” I said, breathlessly.

  I stood up from the couch and felt Evan’s eyes follow my movements.

  “I need to check in on my dad,” I said as Evan continued to sit silently studying me.

  I set my beer on the coffee table and quickly made my way to the hallway. Once inside the bedroom, I closed and locked the door behind me and flopped down onto the bed. My emotions were at war inside me and I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it all.

  The past four years of my life had been spent trying to forget, trying to move forward, but ultimately being stuck in one spot. Yes, I’d gone back and finished college. Yes, I’d kept up my friendships and I even occasionally went out. But when it had come to men and relationships, I’d closed that part of my life off.

  I’d even convinced myself that I was fine with it. Something about Evan, though, was making me question my decision. Could I continue to live in fear? Did I want to? Did I want him to be the one to show me it was okay to trust again?

  I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes and sighed deeply. One thing I did know, was that if I didn’t get out of this cabin soon, I was going to find out.



  I listened to her all the way down the hallway until I heard the bedroom door shut. Her words rolled over in my mind. Had she been flirting? In the two days that she had been here, she had been rather closed off, always holding her body stiffly. Tonight was the first time I’d seen her truly relax around me. Maybe it had been the alcohol. Whatever it had been, I decided that I liked it. I also liked knowing that I’d affected her because she sure as hell had
affected me.

  I picked up her empty beer bottle and walked it back into the kitchen. I tossed them into the sink before I made my way to my room, and all the while Melanie’s body was on my mind. She was petite, but curvy in all the right places. My hands itched to grab her hips, to be filled with her large breasts. I groaned as my cock sprang to life. It had been way too long since I’d had a woman.

  I wasn’t going to be able to sleep tonight unless I did something about it.

  Walking into my room, I shut the door silently behind me. I pulled my pants off, sighing as my dick stood at attention. The tip of my cock was already leaking as my mind’s eyes stayed focused on Melanie’s lips, and I couldn’t help but wonder what they would feel like wrapped around my dick. She was such a paradox: both vulnerable and fierce.

  My cock throbbed just thinking about it.

  The way she curled her lips around the edge of the coffee mug this morning had riled me up, but the way she drank from her beer had burned me to my core. With every suck she took from the bottle, her lips grew into this luscious little pout. I laid down on the bed and wrapped my hand around my massive girth, and I allowed her body to overtake my senses.

  I closed my eyes and started tearing her clothes off. I saw her beautiful, unharnessed tits bouncing for me. Her pebbled peaks shining in the dim lighting of the room as my hands massaged them, and I worked the precum I was leaking all around my cock before I squeezed my base.

  Digging my heels into the mattress, I thought about her pussy. Trapped between those thick thighs and begging for attention, I imagined what it would be like to lap her up. I imagined what she would taste like, a combination of salt and sugary lust as my tongue lapped at her clit. I imagined her squeezing those juicy thighs around my cheeks as her small hands curled into the tendrils of my hair. I felt her pulling me deeper while I thrust harder into my hand, my teeth biting down on my lower lip to keep from groaning her name.

  I wanted her to taste my cock. To wrap those plump little lips around my girth and choke herself on it. I wanted to wipe away the tears that ran down her cheek as she tried her best to bring me to ecstasy. I wanted to watch her work for me as her hands wrapped around my thighs. I could feel her fingernails digging into the meat of my ass as I fucked her little throat, watching it expand with my cock.

  I felt my balls curling up into my body as my mind ran away from me.

  I imagined how soft her skin would be. How it would flush red as I pounded into her sweet little pussy. I could feel her juices dripping down my shaft as I splattered them against her skin. I could feel her breathing into the crook of my neck as her hands clawed at the muscles of my back. I could taste her, our sweet tongues battling for dominance as her tits jumped against my skin and her body lurched with my thrusting.

  “Shit. Fuck. Oh—hell, yes.”

  I groaned out into the room as I felt my cum shooting from the tip of my cock.

  I let out a huge sigh before I reached for a towel on my nightstand.

  This woman had captivated me in ways I didn’t think possible and, if I wasn’t careful, I was going to fall for her. As nice as it sounded in my own mind, I knew I had to think about the kids first now. Sure, Melanie was great with them, but when the snow cleared and she could leave, would she want to come back?

  I tossed the towel to the floor before I buried myself beneath the covers. Images of Melanie danced behind my eyes all night and, when I woke up I could’ve sworn she was next to me. I even reached out, just to check, as the clock flashed 4:53 AM.

  I wasn’t sure why I was so disappointed at the fact that I was alone.



  I rolled over in bed, my eyes beginning to hurt. Sun was streaming through the open window, igniting the room in a glow I hadn’t yet adjusted to. I buried myself back underneath the covers and pulled them over my head, desperate to force the sunlight out of my life so I could go back to sleep.

  But the smell of sausage came wafting into the room, and my growling stomach pulled me from the bed.

  I decided to hop into the small shower attached to the room and get myself cleaned up. Even though I still had the same clothes I’d been wearing for the last two days on, I could at least wash my body and hair. When I was done, I felt like half a human being again.

  I could hear Hadley giggling at something while Liam ate his food. He was talking about something, asking for an apple, or possibly bubblegum. His mouth was so full I wasn’t sure what he was saying, but I could tell by Evan’s chuckle that it was amusing.

  “Where’s Mew?” Liam asked.

  “Probably still—”

  “I’m right here.” I stepped around the corner and Liam whipped his head over to me, his brown hair fluttering around his eyes. He smiled brightly as Hadley lifted her arms to me, and the smile that crossed my face made my cheeks ache. I could feel Evan staring at me as I walked toward the kitchen table, and soon after I sat down next to Liam, a plate descended in front of me.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Welcome,” he replied

  “Want an apple?” Liam asked.

  “Oh, no. I’m okay. But you need to eat your apple so you can grow big and strong,” I said.

  “Like Uncle Evan!” he exclaimed

  “Like Uncle Evan,” I said, giggling.

  I took a bite of the sausage and had to stifle a groan. Evan set a mug of coffee in front of me and I wrapped my hands around it, reveling in its warmth before I took a sip.

  Evan was still standing in the corner with a cup of coffee in his hand. He never sat and ate with us and I wondered why. Maybe it was too intimate for him? I thought back to what I’d said to him the night before and I nearly blushed.

  “Do you think the sun’s melted enough of the snow to get my car out?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure, but I can go look,” he said.

  “Oh, I don’t want you to have to go out in this,” I quickly replied. “I can go.”

  Evan shook his head. “No, it’s fine. I’ll take my snowmobile and go check it out. As long as you’re okay with the kids for a little bit?”

  I looked at the two smiling faces in front of me and couldn’t help but smile in return. “Of course,” I said.

  “I’m gonna go prep the snowmobile,” Evan said.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “All of Hadley’s clothes, diapers, and wipes are in her room,” he said.

  “Got it,” I answered.

  “I shouldn’t be gone too long, but if they want snacks, Liam can have a banana and Hadley has those puffy things that melt in her mouth,” he instructed.

  I stifled a grin as he rattled off more. It was really cute how much interest he took in the kids. Most guys would let them eat whatever they wanted, but Evan knew the importance of healthy foods. I found it quite endearing.

  “I’ll let you know when I’m about to take off,” he said.

  I watched him stride down the hallway and I couldn’t peel my eyes away from him. His very broad shoulders tapered into strong, yet slim hips. His legs boasted of muscles underneath his over-washed jeans, but it was his hands that caught my eye. Calloused and rough, but they hung delicately at his sides. He wasn’t nearly as highly strung as he had been the day before, and I found myself wondering why that was.

  “Story?” Liam asked.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “Read story?”

  Hadley clapped her hands as a smile crossed my face.

  “I’d love to. Why don’t you go pick out your favorite book and we can read it together?” I said.

  Liam climbed down from the table and scampered off as I got up to get Hadley. I lifted her from her high chair and began cleaning her off, wiping down her hands before I made my way to her face. She squirmed and frowned, trying to get away from the cold wipe I was rubbing all over her skin.

  I placed her in her playpen so I could wipe down her high chair just as Liam appeared at my side.

�� he said.

  I looked down at the tattered green book and recognized it instantly. The Giving Tree. I had loved this book since I was a child, and had read it to my classes when I was doing my student teaching.

  “I’m heading out,” Evan said, as he made his way to the front door. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “Sounds good,” I said.

  I pulled Hadley’s playpen over to the couch as Liam scrambled up beside me. The little girl was playing with one of her toys as I heard the front door open and close and Evan’s heavy boots on the porch. I felt awful that he was going out in the snow to look for my car, but he’d insisted and I knew there was no use arguing. Besides, even if I had found it, it wasn’t like I could dig it out myself.

  “Read! Read! Read!” Liam chanted.

  “Okay, okay. Just settle down. Here, you wanna flip the pages?” I asked.

  I didn’t have to read the pages to know the words of the book. I’d practically memorized this thing as a child. The familiar pictures jumped out at me as Liam’s fingertips ran along them. I snuggled him close against my body while Hadley continued to play. She was jingling one of her toys as it lit up and played music, and I could tell Liam was getting agitated at the noise.

  “Hawy loud,” he said.

  “It’s okay. She’s just having fun, too,” I said.

  “But book,” Liam said. “Book is quiet.”

  “Well, we don’t have to be quiet if we don’t want to,” I said.

  The look on Liam’s face pulled laughter from my throat. Anyone would’ve thought I just handed this kid the biggest gummy bear of his entire life. He jumped up onto the couch and tossed the book away, his body lunging toward mine while he giggled. I started tickling the small boy just as Hadley’s laughter rose from her playpen, and soon the three of us were rolling around on the floor. Hadley was on a blanket, chewing on a toy. I was crawling around with Liam as he danced his bare feet hard on the wooden floors. I chased him around the house with Hadley in my arms and the three of us simply couldn’t stop laughing.


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