The Coven Series: Books 1-5

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The Coven Series: Books 1-5 Page 46

by Jasmine B. Waters

  All of my fears and terrors from childhood came rushing back, as powerful as a waterfall in my brain. I knew that no matter what happened, I would be here forever. Alone, trapped in the burning ruins of my once-beloved home.

  “Please,” I whimpered. “Please, let me go. Please let me die.”

  And just like that, it was gone. I was sitting on the floor of Monica’s bedroom, with my legs crossed under my body. Monica was leaning over my body, her hands still gripping my shoulders. I glanced around in a panic. Elizabeth was sitting there, looking at me with obvious concern in her eyes. And Monica had a fearful, intense look on her pointed features that I never could have imagined.

  “What was that,” I whispered in a strangled cry. “What happened?”

  “That was Jaffrey,” Monica said in a cold voice. “That was Jaffrey, if the coven is allowed to do what they will.”

  “That’s what we have to stop,” Elizabeth added. To Monica, she said: “You’re scaring her! Take your hands off!”

  The smell of soot and cinders still filled my nostrils and my heart was racing in my chest as Monica took her hands away.

  “Sorry,” Monica said. She didn’t sound sorry. “But I wanted you to know. That’s what we’re up against.”

  The fear and terror came rushing back to my heart and tears filled my eyes. “There’s no way we can defeat them,” I said, sniffling and shaking my head. “Don’t you understand? They’re too strong!”

  “We have to try,” Monica said grimly. “That’s all we can do.”

  “Why, though? Why would they want that?” I sniffled again. “I thought…I thought they were all about nature, I thought they wanted to preserve life, not destroy it.”

  “They lied,” Monica said. She shook her head grimly. “They’re sick of living in hiding, Andrea. And the spirit of Prudence is powerful enough to let them take over the world. They want to control everything, they want to rule.”

  “It’s scary,” I said softly. “I’m frightened.”

  “Me, too,” Elizabeth said, looking sharply at Monica. “But this is our only chance.”

  “How are we going to do it?”

  “You’re going to let Prudence inside of your soul once again,” Monica said. “She’s the only thing that can help us.”

  Gasping in horror, I staggered to my feet and looked down at Monica with my mouth hanging open.

  “No! It’s too horrible,” I said. “I won’t let that happen!”

  “You have to, Andrea,” Elizabeth said gently. “Monica’s strong enough to keep her in check.”

  The tears in my eyes finally began streaming down my face as I vehemently shook my head. “No,” I said again. “I’m not doing that. I’m not letting her back in my body.”

  “Andrea, you have to,” Monica said sternly. Elizabeth shot her a look but she didn’t back down. “I swear, I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  “How can you promise that?” I sniffled. “How? She was inside of me for years,” I added, shaking my head. “I’m not going back to that! I’m not letting her ruin my life!”

  Monica took my hand. “Andrea, if we can defeat the coven, we’ll release her spirit. That’s what she wants,” Monica said. “That’s what we’re going to promise her.”

  “And what if…” I couldn’t quite bring myself to say ‘lose.’

  “What if we can’t defeat them?” Monica raised an eyebrow. “Then we’re fucked,” she said blankly, shrugging. “We’re going to die anyway. We might as well die trying.”

  I shuddered. I felt so tired – like I’d been awake for years with no rest. Then I remembered I had been awake for years, with little rest, and too much pain to think about.

  “Please,” Monica said, more gently than before. “Andrea, I promise. We can do this together, okay?”

  Elizabeth and Monica stared at me, waiting for an answer.

  With a shaky exhale, I nodded my head. “Okay,” I said softly. “We can try.”


  As soon as I said yes, I had to admit that I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Monica and Elizabeth told me to lie down and relax – Monica changed the sheets on her bed, and Elizabeth went downstairs to fix something to eat. I didn’t think I could sleep – the vision of burning Jaffrey was still fresh in my mind – but shockingly, as soon as I closed my eyes, I drifted off to sleep.

  When I woke up, it was dark outside. Monica and Elizabeth were gone – I heard their voices downstairs, quietly conspiring. It was almost funny that I felt like such an outsider. We were adults now, in our twenties. But something still made the dynamic of our threesome feel like high school all over again.

  Except I never even had the chance to finish high school, I thought as I hauled myself out of bed. Monica had left a change of clothes for me and I pulled them on, wrapping myself tightly in a soft sweater before heading downstairs.

  Monica and Elizabeth were sitting at the kitchen table, hunched over as they talked. Monica’s head snapped up right away as soon as she saw me.

  “Hey,” Monica said in a guarded tone. “What’s up?”

  “Sorry I slept for so long,” I said, yawning and rubbing my eyes.

  “Here, have some pasta,” Elizabeth said. She handed me a bowl of spaghetti and red sauce, with parmesan on top. She wrinkled her nose. “Sorry it’s not more. Monica’s parents haven’t been here in ages, this was the only stuff in the pantry.”

  “Where are they?”

  Monica shrugged. “Who knows?”

  I frowned.

  “So the plan is to go back tomorrow,” Monica said. “We’ll all go together, and tell them that Elizabeth is going to offer herself up.”

  “As the next you, basically,” Elizabeth said to me, frowning in distaste.

  “Won’t that hurt you?”

  Elizabeth shrugged.

  “She should be strong enough to fight it off, whatever they do,” Monica said calmly.

  “Can I…can I see my family? Before we go?”

  Monica and Elizabeth exchanged a dark look.

  “I don’t know,” Elizabeth said. “It might be too dangerous.”

  “Too dangerous? Why?”

  Elizabeth bit her lip. “Look, Andrea…I hate to say this,” she said quietly. “But I don’t know what your family would do if they saw you.”

  “Why?” I frowned. “Because I’ve been gone for so long?”

  “Not exactly.” Elizabeth cleared her throat. Monica looked like she was about to speak but Elizabeth held up her hand. “Let me do this one,” she said to Monica. “So…um, there were some side effects of your being taken and held for so long.”

  “They think I’m dead,” I said flatly.

  Elizabeth winced. “More than that,” she said. “Um, they’ve…sort of forgotten about you.”

  Tears came rushing to my eyes and I blinked. “Forgot about me?”

  “It’s not like that,” Elizabeth said quickly.

  “It’s like you never existed,” Monica said. She looked at me. “You’d be a stranger to them.”

  “And what if we win? What if I come back, and my family still doesn’t remember me?” A single tear rolled down my cheek. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “I don’t think that will happen,” Elizabeth said. “If we can break the spells – all of them,” she added sternly, glancing at Monica. “Everything should be back to normal.”

  “Can’t I at least see my house? Can’t I look through the windows?”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “Not yet,” she said. “After we get back, you can go home.”

  I sank into a chair, the pasta in front of me long forgotten.

  “You should really eat something,” Elizabeth said encouragingly. “You need to keep your strength up.”

  I felt like rolling my eyes. I felt like grabbing the bowl of pasta and throwing it into the wall. I felt like doing anything other than listening to Elizabeth and Monica for another second.

  Still, I dipped
my fork and spoon into the pasta bowl and scooped some out, twining it around my fork and taking a bite. It was getting cold, but it wasn’t bad, and I forced myself to eat the whole bowl.

  “Come on,” Monica said. “We’re going outside.”

  “What for?” I frowned. “You said we’re not leaving until tomorrow.”

  “We’re not leaving yet,” Monica said. “Just come on, follow me.”

  Confused, I followed Monica and Elizabeth outside, to the edge of the woods behind Monica’s house. Monica took a knife with a funny-looking blade and held it out, as if offering it to the woods.

  “Mother earth, we pray for your guidance,” Monica said in a low voice. She dipped and got down to her knees, kneeling on the wet ground and bowing her head. After a moment, Elizabeth did the same.

  I stood there, frowning. It felt sacrilegious – like I was betraying my own Christian beliefs. But something inside of me knew that this was bigger now than anything I’d ever experienced.

  “Mother earth,” I whispered, getting to my knees and bowing my head to the ground. “Please protect me. Please allow us to return safely home.”

  Monica reached out and joined hands with Elizabeth me and, just lightly enough for me to feel the pressure of her fingers against mine.

  This is it, I thought as I closed my eyes and listened to Monica’s low, toneless voice. This is the end.

  Chapter Nine


  I didn’t sleep that night. Despite Monica wanting to wait for us to get our strength, I was feeling weaker than ever by the time the morning rolled around. Andrea and Monica were awake and downstairs by the time I climbed out of bed. Monica was making breakfast for us – “provisions,” she called it – and I watched dully as she wrapped three sandwiches in wax paper and tucked them inside a bag.

  “It could take a long time to find the coven,” Monica told Andrea. “You’re not used to looking for it, but it only comes to those with the power.”

  “I don’t have the power,” Andrea said, frowning.

  Monica shrugged. “You’re going to have to try,” she said, shaking her head. “Just do what I do, okay?”

  Andrea nodded, but her frown was deeper than ever.

  We dressed in jeans and thick boots and sweaters, in a feeble attempt to ward off the spring chill in the air. As we left, I turned around and looked at Monica’s house for what I thought might be the last time. Please let us come home, I thought, glancing at Monica and Andrea. Please, please let us survive this.

  As we walked into the woods, we stayed silent. Monica led the way with her eyes closed, trying to sense the magic of Henrik, Ligeia, and the other witches. And what of them, I wondered. Would they fight us, too? Or would they be relieved to be free of Henrik and Ligeia’s spellcraft?

  “Ouch,” Andrea whined. “My feet are killing me.”

  Monica turned around and held her finger up to her mouth. “Be quiet,” she hissed. “I can’t concentrate if you keep talking.”

  Andrea pouted, but she shut up.

  We walked on in silence. The only thing I could hear was the crunch of leaves beneath my feet. It’s strangely peaceful here, I thought, frowning at the idea. It was funny – in all the years I’d been involved with the coven, I’d never thought of it as anything even close to peaceful.

  But maybe that was just because everything else had always been so turbulent.

  We walked on, and on, and on. Eventually, Monica stopped and took out the sandwiches, passing them around. I was starting to get nervous – what if Andrea had been right, what if we’d never be able to find what we were looking for?

  “We’re close,” Monica said, closing her eyes and leaning against the trunk of a tree. “I can feel it, can’t you?”

  I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that I was the wind in the air, the tiny hairs on my exposed arms, the shining sun overhead. Sure enough, there was a familiar warmth in the air. The buds on the trees were larger and the sun seemed closer than it had been we’d left.

  “Yeah,” I said quietly. “We’re almost there.”

  “I can’t do this,” Andrea said in a panicked voice, dropping the rest of her sandwich on the ground. “I can’t do it!”

  Monica grabbed Andrea by the shoulders and shook her. “You have to,” she said, glaring fiercely. “You have to do this!”

  Andrea shook her head and cried out loudly in fear. The sound of Monica’s hand smacking her across the face echoed through the trees. Andrea gasped and held her face in shock, staring at Monica with her eyes wide.

  “Sorry,” Monica said quietly. “But you can’t leave, Andrea. Remember the flames.”

  Andrea shuddered and shivered. After a few seconds, she nodded. “Okay,” she said quietly. “Let’s go.”

  Monica led the way. The woods were thinning and soon, we emerged at the familiar magical clearing. Ligeia was standing there, smiling coldly.

  “We’ve been waiting for you,” she said, looking right at me. “For a moment, I did not think you would honor your promise.” She walked closer, inspecting Andrea closely. “Ah, the vessel,” she said. “You have brought her.”

  I cleared my throat and stepped forward. “Ligeia, it’s going to be me. I’ll be the next protector of the soul of Prudence.”

  Ligeia nodded approvingly. “I’m glad you’ve come to your senses, child,” she said. “Come, all three of you.”

  My legs felt as heavy as lead as I walked forward. Ligeia led us through the clearing, past her series of huts, and into a small wooded area. She took my hands and led me to a tree. I could feel the soul of Prudence – still asleep, but vigilant all the same. Her heartbeat resonated in my chest and I shuddered, wondering if I’d ever be able to escape her.

  Henrik appeared from behind a tree and smiled. “Ah, you have returned,” he said. “And Monica, child, you have come as well. I thought you missed your own world?”

  Monica smiled. “I missed the coven,” she said, lying through her teeth. “I’ve found the real world is no longer to my liking.”

  “I see,” Henrik said. He smiled and I shuddered at the cold gleam in his eyes. “Well, child, perhaps that will change very soon, as you know.”

  “What is he talking about,” Andrea asked.

  Everyone ignored her.

  “I’m ready,” I said nervously.

  Ligeia stepped closer and stripped my sweater. I shivered even though the air was no longer cold. Ligeia took her athame from her robes and held it to my chest, pointing the tip at my heart. I shuddered as the tip of the knife pierced my skin. It hurt, but I tried not to cry out as blood dripped down my chest, soaking my bra and stomach.

  “Prudence Arrowsmith,” Ligeia called. “You will inhabit this woman.”

  I closed my eyes, pretending to lean into the ritual. But I wasn’t going to let that bitch inside of me. Instead, I willed the protection of the earth, of the sun, of the moon and the sky. Keep me safe and whole, I prayed silently. Keep me free of Prudence.

  Ligeia smiled. “It is complete, child,” she said.

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Thank you,” I said, looking down. “I am honored you have chosen me.”

  “Yes, child, you have done very well,” Ligeia said.

  I could barely keep from grinning in relief. You stupid witch, I thought, biting the inside of my cheeks so I wouldn’t smile. It didn’t work!

  I glanced at Monica. She nodded. This is it, I thought as I stepped back. May the earth be on our side.

  “I’m sorry, Andrea,” Monica said. Andrea barely had time to react as Monica grabbed her and threw her to the ground. Ligeia turned and spun in horror, crying out as Monica grabbed the athame from her hands and sliced Andrea across the chest.

  “You will inhabit this woman!” Monica screamed. A loud wind blew through the woods and the sky darkened as a rush of purple smoke disappeared inside Andrea’s chest. Her eyes glowed bright for a second, then faded.

  “What is the meaning of this?
” Ligeia shrieked. “Henrik! Henrik! Something’s happening!”

  “Shut up,” Monica growled. She darted towards Ligeia, clutching the athame. Ligeia’s blue eyes began to glow and Monica flew backwards through the air, her small body smacking against a tree and collapsing to the ground. She didn’t lose her grip on the athame, even as Ligeia fell upon her.

  I grabbed Andrea’s arm. “Fight,” I growled to her face before shoving her towards Ligeia and Monica. The two women tussled, rolling on the ground, biting and scratching and fighting like cats. Monica was shrieking at the top of her lungs, thrashing under Ligeia’s grasp.

  Ligeia wrestled the knife away and made a plunge towards Monica’s body, but Monica rolled out of the way. I ran towards them and grabbed Ligeia, trying to pull her away from Monica. Ligeia growled and spat, cursing under her breath. A sharp pain filled my body from head to toe but I tried to push past it, willing myself to move past the agony.

  Ligeia’s face was twisted with anger and rage as she wrestled out of my grip, spitting and yowling. I tried to push her backwards but she was too strong, and I cried out in pain as she shoved me hard into the ground.

  “Traitor,” Ligeia hissed. She raised the athame high in the air and I gasped and screamed as she plunged it downwards, into my chest.

  For a moment, I couldn’t move. I’m dying, I thought as I looked down, expecting to see a torrent of blood gushing from my chest. Instead, Ligeia had vanished. I rolled over and got to my feet, brushing my hands off and looking around in a wild panic.

  Andrea had Ligeia pinned to a tree.

  “Sister,” she hissed in a strange voice, almost like a whisper. “The time has come for me to destroy you.”

  For the first time, I saw fear spread across Ligeia’s face.

  “You have come to kill me,” Ligeia said, narrowing her steely blue eyes. “You have always wanted to kill me.”

  “And you have always wanted what was beyond your reach,” Andrea growled. She raised her hands to Ligeia’s throat and began to choke her. Ligeia was spitting and cursing under her breath in a strange language. Her face turned purple and blue as Andrea squeezed her hands around her neck.

  Henrik came barreling into the small clearing, shaking with rage and anger. “You!” Henrik screamed, running towards me. “What have you done, child?” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked me close, leering into my face angrily. “What have you wrought?”


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