The Rival: A Washington Rampage Sports Romance

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The Rival: A Washington Rampage Sports Romance Page 12

by Megan Green

  My entire body aches from exhaustion as I make my way down the hallway to my apartment. My legs are tired, and so are my arms and my shoulders. Fuck, even my hair is tired, each strand lying limply on my head as if even the thought of blowing in the breeze were too much to handle.

  Today sucked. Sucked big, sweaty balls—to quote my pal Jeffers.

  We were off as a team during practice, easy catches falling to the ground and none of my pitches finding their mark, a trend that only worsened once the actual game began.

  We lost the final game in our home stand against the Blaze, six to one, our worst loss of the season. By the end of the game, the stands were nearly empty, most of our fans having given up on us somewhere around the seventh inning. It wasn’t a sight we were used to seeing, and it only made those last two innings seem even longer.

  And, now, as I push open the door to my place, I want nothing more than to fall face-first onto my bed and sleep for a week.

  But, first…Avery.

  I briefly saw her at the game, sitting up in the stands with Lexi, Liv, and the rest of the other players’ wives or girlfriends. But, afterward, when we all left the locker room and Brandon and Tag went to their girls, Avery was nowhere to be found. Lexi quickly affirmed my fears. Avery had left during the break between the top and bottom of the ninth.

  The soft sound of water coming from the bathroom lets me know she’s already home. I try to tamp down the vague sense of hurt that fills my chest when I think about her leaving my game before it was over. I don’t know why it upsets me. She doesn’t owe me any sort of explanation for wanting to leave a little early. But I still hope she gives me one all the same.

  I knock softly on the bathroom door when I reach it. “Avery?”

  I hear a clatter from behind the door, like maybe she knocked something over, and a series of muttered curse words as she goes about righting whatever she’s done.

  After a moment, she clears her throat. “Come in.” Her voice is tenuous, almost as if she’s nervous.

  And this fact is enough to make me forget the hurt I was feeling only moments ago, curiosity taking its place.

  I’m immediately hit with a waft of steam as I push open the door. The air is so thick with it; it takes me a moment to realize what I’m looking at.

  The lights are dimmed, their glow just barely enough to see by. There’s soft music playing from somewhere in the background, and the large garden tub in the center of the room is surrounded by dozens of lit candles.

  It’s so serene, so relaxing, and so absolutely what I need.

  But it’s the woman standing next to the tub that I can’t take my eyes off of.

  Clad in only a short silk robe, her tan legs on full display beneath the slip of fabric, Avery smiles at me as I peruse her appearance. When my eyes finally land back on hers, I visibly swallow, unable to hide the attraction I’m sure is written all over my face. Suddenly, my idea to take things slow with her seems like the worst idea in the world.

  She clears her throat, snapping me out of my inner reprimand over my own stupidity and bringing me back to the bathroom. With her. In that short fucking robe.

  I’m going to die. First man to ever die of blue balls.

  I just hope Jeffers doesn’t catch wind of my cause of death. The asshole would surely have it engraved on my headstone, the hilarity of my eternal embarrassment too good to pass up.

  “I know how much you used to enjoy a soak in the hot tub after a tough game when we were kids. I figured this was the next best thing.” She looks shy as she says the words, like maybe, now that I’m here, she’s rethinking her decision.

  “It’s perfect,” I say, my voice thick with arousal.

  Her cheeks flush, her bottom lip pulling in between her teeth as her eyes fall down to the floor at her feet. “Well, I’ll leave you to it then,” she says as she takes a step to move past me toward the door.

  I grab her arm, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. Her body is so close to mine; I can feel the heat radiating from her skin, even through the thick cloud of steam surrounding us.

  I lean down, burying my face in her neck, breathing in the sweet scent of her skin. Trailing my nose up the length of her throat, I stop when I reach the shell of her ear. “Stay.”

  It’s more of a demand than a request, but just the idea of her leaving has me desperate, my body needing her here more than my mind needs to be a gentleman.

  Her breathing is labored as she leans into me, eager pants escaping her lips, moving over my skin and straight down to my dick. I try to discreetly adjust myself, but it’s no use. There’s no point in trying to hide how much I want her.

  “You must be sore. Why don’t you get in the tub, and I’ll rub your shoulders?” she says.

  The idea sounds so heavenly; I don’t even try to argue. I also don’t stop to consider the fact that things are going from zero to sixty pretty damn fast, and I’m not doing a single thing to stop it. Instead, I quickly strip out of my clothes, leaving only my boxers to cover me as I step up beside the tub.

  I gaze down at the water, watching as the steam curls up from the smooth surface. With one last look back over my shoulder at Avery, ensuring she’s not about to bolt from the room and accuse me of reneging on our deal to take things slow, I slide my boxers down my legs and climb into the tub.

  The hot water feels amazing on my tired muscles, and an audible moan escapes my lips as I sink down until my chest is covered. I’ve lived in this apartment for months now, but this is the first time I’ve ever used this tub.

  I’ve been missing out.

  My eyes flick open as I sense Avery’s presence hovering over me. Glancing down, I double-check that the bubbles she added are covering all the important bits down below. I might be horny as fuck, but I’m not about to try to pressure her into something before she’s ready, the hard length between my legs be damned.

  Before I can get too comfortable, Avery gestures for me to sit forward. I comply, curious as to what she’s doing, but it doesn’t take long for me to figure it out. She sits down on the side of the tub and swings her legs over the side. Sliding behind me, she positions herself at my back, her legs spread so that I can lean back and rest between them.

  As soon as I’m in position, her firm hands grip my shoulders, kneading the aching flesh in the most delicious way possible.

  I let my head fall back, the cool porcelain of the tub soothing against my heated skin. But, with Avery’s legs on either side of my face, the cooling effect doesn’t last long.

  “Thank you for this,” I say, my voice coming out almost strangled in my relaxed state.

  She continues rubbing my sensitive skin, and even though my eyes are closed, I can hear the smile in her voice when she speaks, “I thought you could use it. I could tell you were tense during those last few innings.”

  I open my eyes, coming face-to-face with Avery as she leans over me. “You always could read me better than anyone.”

  “That’s because I know you better than you know yourself.”

  There’s so much truth in those words, so many years of memories and love, that I’m suddenly struck at the significance of this moment.

  Avery has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. She’s my best friend, the person I turn to before anyone else, and the woman I would absolutely lay down my life for if it meant ensuring her happiness.

  She knows me better than anyone, but I could say the same with her. Nobody knows Avery like I do. Nobody loves Avery like I do. There’s always been a sort of unspoken communication between us, the two of us able to read each other without a single word having to pass our lips.

  And, right now, Avery Grant is telling me she’s ready. I can try to argue, to tell her that she needs more time, but it would be a lie. Because, if there’s one thing we’ve ever been, it’s one hundred percent honest with each other.

  Avery knows how much she means to me. And she wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. This isn’t about her tr
ying to move past Miles.

  This is about us.

  Right here. Right now.

  As if she can sense the tension coursing through my veins, Avery’s voice breaks through the fog in my brain. “Carter.” Her voice is husky, her fingers leaving my shoulders and sliding forward, brushing over the tight muscles of my pecs.

  When her heated skin makes contact with the dark center of my nipples, I shudder. Reaching up, I place my hand over hers, stilling her movements. Turning to her, my eyes scan her face and then fall down to the rest of her body.

  Her shoulders heave as she looks at me, her breathing even more strangled than it was before we climbed into the tub. Her chest strains against the fabric of her robe, and I can see the outline of her peaked nipples as they slide against the silk.

  Lowering her face to mine, she claims my mouth with hers, her soft lips gentle and tentative. She’s testing me, waiting to see if I’m going to stop her again.

  With a slosh of water, I roll over onto my knees, both of my hands threading into her hair as I lock her face against mine. I don’t give a fuck that my bathroom floor now has more water on it than my tub. And I don’t care that my wet chest is pressing against Avery’s dry robe, my wet hands making an absolute mess of her long hair.

  And, judging from the way her tongue thrusts into my mouth, her own hands coming around to claw at my back, as if my body being pressed right against hers still isn’t close enough, I’d say she’s perfectly fine with the destruction I’m raking on her pristine appearance.

  With a slight shift of her hips, Avery’s back meets the wall behind the tub, her legs coming up to wrap around my waist as I follow her movement. The new position puts her core dangerously close to my cock, and a brief pang of doubt washes over me.

  “Avery…” I say on a pant, pulling back just far enough that I can form the words. “We don’t—”

  She presses her finger to my lips before I can say another word. “Don’t. I want this. You want this. I’m ready, Carter. We’re ready.”

  It’s the only confirmation I need, my mouth crashing back against hers as I finally give in and let go.

  But I’ll be damned if our first time is going to be in a fucking bathtub.

  After ensuring Avery’s legs are still wrapped firmly around my waist, I slide one arm around her back while I use the other as leverage on the edge of the tub, pushing myself up off my knees and to my feet. There’s a precarious moment when I think both of us might end up on our asses, but I manage to maintain my balance. Avery’s mouth smiles against mine as I step out of the tub, not even bothering to grab a towel as I make my way out of the bathroom and down the hall to the bedroom.

  “A little anxious, are we?” she jokes, her lips dropping from mine and trailing down the edge of my jaw.

  I groan in response, my dick twitching as her feathery-soft kisses reach the spot just beneath my ear. Avery must feel my length move against her because she pauses for the briefest second, her eyes coming to mine. There’s a flash of what can only be described as pure heat as she looks at me.

  “You have no idea,” I say in response to her question. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for this?”

  I set her down on the bed when I reach it, taking a step back so that I can look at her fully. And so that she can finally see me. Her eyes travel down my body, taking their time, stopping at each and every line and ridge of muscle as they go. But, when they reach the space between my legs, Avery’s eyes widen, her tongue darting out and trailing along her bottom lip before she pulls it in between her teeth. When her eyes move back up to mine, they’re filled with so much love and lust that it’s all I can do to keep myself from jumping on her right then and there.

  “Why don’t you get over here and show me? Show me all the ways you’ve pictured this, Carter. All the ways you’ve wanted me.”

  “Believe me, Smalls, I fully intend to spend the rest of my life doing exactly that. But tonight…tonight, I’m going to show you all the ways I love you.”

  Her breath hitches at my words, and I take a step toward her. Once I’ve closed the distance between us, I climb onto the bed, moving around and positioning myself behind her. Pushing her hair off her shoulder, I drop my lips to the base of her neck, pressing a kiss against the ridge of her spine as her head falls forward.

  “I love the way your hair falls down your back, the loose waves teasing me with every movement of your head.”

  Her body shudders under my lips, and I lift my hands to her shoulders. My large fingers completely engulf her tiny frame, her creamy skin resembling the touch of velvet under my callous palms.

  “I love the way your skin glows, the light freckles you always have darkening under the summer sun.”

  Sliding my hand out of the way, I press another kiss to her shoulder, trailing my tongue against the sweet flesh, relishing in the way her skin pebbles beneath my touch. I move my hands up to her hair, tilting her head to the side to give myself better access to her throat.

  “I love the way you laugh, the sound never failing to brighten even my darkest days.”

  Another kiss to the front of her throat, this time eliciting a small moan from her lips. Pulling a hand from her hair, I rub my thumb against their silky smoothness.

  “I love your smile and how easily it always seems to appear just for me.” I briefly kiss her lips, chuckling lightly as she mewls in protest when I pull away. But I’m not done yet.

  I trail the tip of my nose up the side of hers, nuzzling the sweet button I’ve always thought is the cutest nose in the world. “I love your nose and the way that, no matter how hard you try to hide them, the smattering of freckles across the bridge of it never fades.”

  I press a kiss to the tip of her nose before moving to her eyes. They flutter shut as I lean in, and I use the opportunity to kiss her closed lids.

  “I love the way your eyes sparkle in the light and how they seem to flash even brighter whenever I’m around.”

  “Carter, please…” she groans, her fingers digging into my back as she tries to pull me closer.

  I smile against her skin as I move down lower, my tongue licking the length of her collarbone as my hand comes up to cover her heart. Her robe has fallen open by this point, baring the swells of her breasts to me. I swallow hard, knowing that, with only a flick of my wrist, the rest of her naked body will finally be on full display. But, first…

  “There are so many other things I love about you, Avery. I could spend the rest of the night naming them one by one, torturing you with kisses and my touch. Fortunately for you, I’m not a patient man. I’ve waited for you for so long, and I don’t think my body is going to let me wait much longer. So, most of those other things are just going to have to wait. But there’s one thing I love about you most of all. One thing that, despite your many, many attributes, calls to me more than any other.” I tap the tips of my fingers against her chest in rhythm with her pulse. “Your heart.”

  Avery lifts her hand to mine, wrapping both of our fingers around her breast. “Make love to me, Carter.”

  I rub the pad of my thumb against her peaked nipple, knowing I’m not going to be able to resist her much longer. But I need to finish. I need her to know just how much she means to me.

  “You have the biggest heart of anyone I know, Avery Grant. You’re sweet, you’re kind, and you love everybody equally. There isn’t a malicious bone in your entire body, and I’ve always considered myself the luckiest man on earth to be able to call you my friend. You taught me how to love all those years ago on the playground. And you’ve shown me time and time again just how powerful love can be.

  “I love you, Smalls. I love every single part of you. But, most of all, I just love…you. The sum of all those parts is the most spectacular thing in the world. And I’m so damn lucky I get to call you mine.”

  Tears shine in her eyes when she looks at me, her hands coming up to cup my cheeks. “Oh, Carter, I love you, too. So, so much.”

And the swell of pride that rushes through my chest nearly knocks me on my ass. Because, despite the fact that I’ve always known Avery loves me, despite the fact she’s said those three words to me countless times over the years, it’s the first time she’s said them in this context. And the sincerity in her eyes tells me she means each and every single syllable.

  Finally done with my speech, I grab her by the waist and flip her over, my body coming to rest over hers as her legs once again come up to wrap around my hips.

  Avery doesn’t waste any time, her hands coming down to wrap around my cock and position it against her entrance. I haven’t spent nearly enough time worshipping her body, kissing and tasting every inch of her skin before finally claiming her with my own. But, if there’s one thing tonight has shown me, it’s that we have nothing but time. All of that stuff will come later. Right now, we just need this.

  “I, um…” I start, realizing there’s one very important thing missing before we can do this. “I don’t have any condoms.”

  She shakes her head. “It’s okay. I’m on birth control. And I swung by a clinic one day while you were at practice. I’m clean. Please, Carter. I need to feel you.”

  With another quick kiss of her lips, I bury my face in her neck as I slowly slide inside her.

  I want to kiss her. I want to stare into her eyes as I feel her wrapped around me for the first time.

  But the reality of the situation is suddenly too much.

  Avery is here, in my bed, in my arms, opening herself up to me in the most intimate way possible.

  If I lift my gaze to hers now, she’s not going to see lust. She’s not going to see a man driven crazy by need.

  She’s going to see the tears of a man who’s waited his entire life for this moment.

  And it’s even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

  But, once again, Avery proves to me that she knows me better than anyone. Her arms wrap around my back, her fingers kneading into the flesh at the base of my neck.

  “It’s okay, Carter. I feel it, too. I feel it, too.” Her husky voice cracks on the last word.


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