Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters)

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Wretched: Book 2 (Mystic Valley Shifters) Page 3

by LC Taylor

  “Fine, whatever. Two days – and if they can’t fix them… I don’t know what will happen.”

  Kai walked in, “What are you talking about?” She gave the three of them a confused glance.

  “Ugh, Carter – you tell her. I need to let my wolf out or I'll set something on fire.” Dylan grabbed Jensen’s arm pulling him with her as she made her way to the front door, “Come on, run with me.”

  “Tell me what… Carter, what’s going on?” Kai eyeballed him with her brow quirked.

  “Roxy’s coming home in two days, she’s bringing another witch with her that says she can wake Haven. Dylan’s losing hope though, so I hope this girl is all that she claims to be,” Carter left Kai standing in the hallway as he made his way to the kitchen, “You want something to eat? I’m hungry, care to join me?”

  Kai reluctantly followed him, “Sure, I guess food would be good. We should probably bring Tessa something, for when she wakes up.”

  “Yeah, I can make her something too.”

  Chapter 11: Tessa

  We sat embraced for what felt like a lifetime. “Haven,” moving from the warmth of his arms, “This place, I think it’s magic. I only come when I sleep, but I feel alive when I do. I don’t want to wake up.”

  He grabbed my face, angling my chin up to see his eyes, “Tessa, you can’t mean that. This place… it’s not real – it’s part of my imagination. You have so much to live for.”

  Dipping my chin from his grasp, “It’s not the life I want.” I stood and walked along the edge of the pool, towards the rock wall water tumbled over.

  “What do you mean? Tessa, why are you here? You were clear about how you felt.” He stood making his way towards me.

  “I was wrong… so very wrong,” I could feel his presence behind me, standing close enough the heat of his breath brushed against the nape of my neck.

  “What do you mean…?”

  Finding the courage, I turned to look at him, “I think you know what I mean, Haven.” I placed his hand over my heart, “Do you feel it? It beats for you…”

  His eyes widened with realization, he stepped closer to me never lifting his hand, “Are… are you saying what I think Tessa?”

  “Haven, I was so mistaken when I sent you away like that. I always knew Rob and I weren’t destined mates. We were friends, and I did love him – and I know he loved me… but, it didn’t feel like this… what I feel when you're near me… takes my breath away. Can you ever forgive me? I was so foolish, and now I may have lost you.”

  The tears fell freely down my cheeks, the pain of his torment still ever present. He brushed his thumb across my cheek, wiping away a stray tear, “Tessa, please don’t cry. It wouldn’t have mattered if you said it then, or a lifetime from now. My heart knew the minute I met you that you were mine. I’d gladly wait an eternity to give it to you.”

  Pulling his hand free, he embraced me once more, “I loved you then, I love you now… I’ll love you forever.”

  Waking up with his words still playing in my head, I was comforted with hearing the soft sounds of his breathing. The warmth of his body still radiating against mine. I glanced out the window, noticing the sun was just beginning to rise. I slowly got out of bed, making my way to the restroom.

  Brushing my teeth, I noticed how deathly I looked. The door in the bedroom opened, followed by footsteps, “Tessa? Tessa, you ok in there?” Roxy was finally back.

  Rushing out of the bathroom, eager to learn of any answers she may have learned, I found her standing in my room… but she wasn’t alone. “Um, Roxy, you're back – I see you brought friends.”

  “Tessa, meet Stefanie. She’s a witch from my coven, she’s going to help us save Haven… and you.” Turning from Roxy my eyes looked at the woman standing with her – she was stunning. Her hair was so blonde it was almost white. She was tall and fit, her muscles were defined and flexed with every step she made.

  “Hello, Tessa. I’m Stefanie, please call me Stef.”

  Sitting next to Haven on the bed, I fiddled with the smooth edge of the blanket, “Ok… Well Stef, how exactly are you here to help? And can someone tell me why I keep talking to him in my sleep??” While I was grateful for the time I get to spend with him, I’d much rather wrap my arms around him in person.

  Chapter 12: Tessa

  “Well, you best sit down – there’s a lot to explain.” Roxy moved to the edge of the bed and sat beside me. She took Haven’s hand in hers and nodded at Stef, “His life essence has restored fully, just as you suspected.” She laid his hand back down, brushed a stray hair from his face, and rested her forehead against his. She whispered something to him before looking back at me.

  “Wait, if his life essence is back, why hasn’t he woken up?” rubbing my brow, I was so confused. This whole time we thought he was still unconscious because of his life essence hadn’t returned completely – now I learn its back.

  “Tessa, did anything happen that would’ve left him broken?” Stef’s accusing eyes found mine and cut right to the heart of my soul. His heart wasn’t whole because I had crushed him with rejection.

  “So, you’re saying this is my fault,” my head dropped in defeat, “He won’t wake up because I broke his heart?”

  “Not exactly,” Roxy spoke this time, “He gave you his essence out of pure love, he wanted you to live – but when he gave it to you, he did without knowing you loved him in return. He’s caught in limbo and his magic’s protecting him from the heart ache he thinks is waiting here for him.”

  “So… what, his mind is shielding him from unrequited love? How do we fix it, how can I fix it? It’s my fault… I fucked everything up,” I shook my head trying to fight back the tears.

  “Let me ask you something… You say you’ve talked to him – in your dreams?” Stef waited patiently for my answer, she stood watching my expression.

  “Yes – they feel so real, I… I thought I was insane.”

  “You’re not insane. Come, let’s go downstairs – I’m starved and I need food to think straight. There’s so much you need to hear.”

  Stef turned and walked out of the room leaving Roxy and I staring at the space she once stood in, “She’s a piece of work – can she really help me?” I looked at Roxy as we walked to the door.

  “Yeah, she’s wickedly good at what she does – She’s a dream weaver and healer,” Roxy took a breath, “She’s helped many people find their way back home when they’re lost.”

  We found Stef in the kitchen, surrounded by Jensen, Chris, Carter, and Kai. The guys were staring at her wide-eyed, she was a beautiful sight, it was hard not to stare. “Um, guys? I see you’ve already met Stef. Think you could close your mouths, it’s creepy.” Roxy looked to Stef, “Stef, this is Chris, Carter, and Kai. They’re part of Dylan’s pack and extended family. Carter is the second in command, the pack’s Beta. Kai is Dylan’s sister-in-law, for lack of better words.”

  Stef had moved closer to the guys, running her hand down Carter’s perfectly sculpted chest, “Yummy, you’re delicious,” Kai growled at Stef, and not a playful growl, “Oh hush darling, I’m not interested in your man… but you – now… you I could eat up.” She stepped away from Carter and pressed herself against Chris’s bare chest.

  She leaned closer, “What do you say, darling? Feel like getting freaky?” she nipped his lower lip.

  Chris backed into the counter – breaking free of her clutches, knocking over a glass as he did, “Um, I gotta go. See you guys later.” Chris darted out of the kitchen.

  Everyone turned to stare at Kai who had moved closer to Carter, “What the fuck, Roxy? Who the hell are you?” pointing at Stef, “You can’t just walk in here and treat these guys like a piece of meat!” Kai was fuming – I’d never seen her that mad.

  Carter brushed his hand down her face, “Kai, take a deep breath. It’s all good, I think Chris can handle himself.”

  “Yes, yes… as I told you – I don’t want your man,” Stef assured everyone, “While he
’s a fine specimen, my soul doesn’t call out for his.” Her eyes twinkled as she looked towards the doorway Chris had vanished through.

  “STOP saying, my man. We’re just friends! I just don’t like you treating them like a toy.” She pushed passed Carter, storming by Stef and slammed the door as she walked out.

  “Oh my, that one is in DENIAL. I’m sorry if I offended you, Carter, I meant no harm. And I am even more sorry that I upset your mate.”

  “WAIT, what?? Kai’s not my mate,” Carter stared out the window as Kai peeled out of the driveway.

  “OH… we’ll see about that,” Stef turned towards me, “Now let’s eat and talk about how you're going to pull him from his wretched darkness.”

  Chapter 13: Tessa

  Jensen cooked as we devised the plan for bringing Haven back into the land of the living. According to Stef, he’s in what’s known as the in-between. Essentially, he was trapped by his own magic in a place between Heaven and Hell. When I rejected him, his heart wove a protection spell around itself, sending him to the hell he believes is safer. “Ok, what do you mean he’s trapped himself?”

  “While he thinks something else is holding him there, it’s actually him. He needs to believe that he is wrong for staying there, but first, you’ll have to convince him that he did that to himself… all while showing him that your love is real, not just in his imagination,” sighing, she continued, “right now Haven thinks he has conjured the perfect reality – it might seem he believes you’re real, but he doesn’t realize you’re truly there… My guess is, he’s probably never experienced dream-walking or the in-between.”

  She stood and walked out of the kitchen, “Are you coming upstairs? We need to get started soon, this could take a while,” she disappeared up the stairs, leaving us to soak in the words she shared.

  “Ok, I guess that’s our cue,” Dylan stood, turning towards me, “You up for this Tessa?” she stared me down.

  “I’ll do ANYTHING to get him back. Let’s go.”

  Jensen kissed Dylan as we headed upstairs, “I’ll leave you to it. Carter and I need to go over a few things, and I probably need to check on Kai – she seemed pissed when she left… I just wish she’d face what was in front of her. Oh, I almost forgot – Carly called. She’s coming home this weekend. She said something about some news she had, and to prepare for girl’s night out… Love you, I’ll be home later, ok?”

  Dylan was so lucky, Jensen was more than any girl could ask for and he was hers, “Yeah, be careful, you know Kai can be brutal when she’s mad. I love you too.”

  Chapter 14: Tessa

  We entered the room to find Stef and Roxy standing at the bedside. Stef was chanting, her magic was flowing around Haven as she spoke. “Roxy, what’s she doing?” watching Stef work left me awestruck. Dylan was watching with wonder, she desired to learn how to control her magic that way.

  “She’s infusing his soul with a protection spell, she doesn’t want to chance his soul’s light going out before we save him.”

  “Tessa, come sit here,” Roxy motioned to the chair placed at his bedside. “There’s much to discuss, this won’t be simple – there are several things you’ll need for this work. There are dangers to this, Tessa.”

  “Look, I don’t care what the risks are. I can’t live without him. I won’t.” plopping down in the chair, I fidgeted with my hands tapping my foot on the floor.

  “Tessa, you say that, but the danger is you won’t come back. – you could get stuck there. Eventually, his magic would fade… and you both die.” Stef stared waiting for the truth to sink in.

  “I’d rather be dead than be alive in a world without him,” I pinned Stef to the spot with my glare, “So, what the fuck are we doing still standing around. What do I need to do?”

  Roxy and Stef exchanged a glance, “Well, for starters, Dylan – we need to make sure no one interrupts, can you go down and tell the guys to keep everyone out of here?”

  “Sure,” she turned, leaving us. “Tessa, the first thing you need to understand is you're going to be asleep – and the key is to NOT, I repeat NOT fight the pull when we wake you up. AND it’s more important that you don’t stay unconscious too long. They could’ve lost you last time – you were out for two days. One of us will monitor you constantly – to ensure that doesn’t happen.”

  “Wait, two days? What are you even talking about?” pacing, “I was out for two days??” looking towards Stef for an answer.

  “Yes, you have been unconscious for two days, Tessa. When you’re in the in-between, time moves differently. What feels like a moment to you, can be hours or even days here,” rubbing her brow, “which is why I STRESS, that you don’t fight the pull of waking up. A part of you will try to fight it because you will want to stay with him – but you can’t.”

  “So, what do I need to do?” I understood that I needed to sleep, but I wasn’t remotely tired, “I mean, I’m not sleepy. Are you going to, like, I dunno, knock me out with magic or something?” looking between Stef and Roxy, this seemed like some twisted nightmare, but I was the one awake.

  Dylan came through the door, shutting it behind her, “Ok the guys have been instructed to stay out. They are a little freaked out, but I think I calmed them as best I could. They don’t want anything to happen to either of them.”

  Stepping into the bathroom, Roxy reappeared with water and something in her hand. “What’s that?” I pointed to the pink pill cradled in her palm.

  “This is a Benadryl,” she thrust her hand out, handing me the tiny pill, “take this, it will help make you drowsy. We won’t use magic unless you sleep too long.” She smiled at me, then glanced at Stef.

  I popped the pill in my mouth, chasing it with water, “Ok… now, what?” looking at the three ladies in my room, it was weird having them all stare at me like I was the starring act for the circus freak show. “Are ALL of you going to watch me sleep? That just seems weird and a bit intrusive.”

  Dylan glanced at Roxy, “Nope, I’m meeting Jensen for dinner. Roxy said she’d take first watch. Stef, you can get some rest in Roxy’s room or chill downstairs.” Roxy moved the chair to the opposite side of the room, facing my side of the bed.

  “I think I’ll go and find Chris. I am dying to see if he tastes as good as he looks!” She smirked and clapped her hands together as she made her way around the bed.

  “If I was a betting gal, Chris is long gone – he was terrified earlier. I think you got under his skin,” Dylan chuckled as she followed Stef out of the room.

  “Oh, I want to get under more than his skin,” she mumbled as the door shut behind them.

  “Oh boy, Chris isn’t going to know what hit him,” Roxy turned to face me, “get comfortable ok? Tessa, it’s going to feel like you're dreaming, but you're there with him. Anything you desire, you can do in the in-between. It’s why it’s so dangerous. He will do whatever he can to keep you there – it’s your job to make him want to come back to the living.”

  “Great no pressure or anything. Thanks…,” I settled on the bed next to him, “You think you could leave long enough for me to fall asleep? I don’t think I can do this with you staring at me.”

  “Yeah, I’ll go grab a snack and my book. I’ll be back in about ten minutes ok? Whether you're sleeping or not by the time I get back… I won’t leave.” She stood, exiting the room.

  “Thanks, Roxy. I’ll bring him back, I promise.”

  “You're the only one who can.”

  She left me alone with Haven. I pressed my body against him, resting my head on his chest. The warmth of his skin caressing me, I inhaled his scent, it reminded me of sunshine and cotton. “I love you, Haven, I’ll save you from your prison. I promise with every breath in my body.” I nestled tighter to him, closing my eyes, as I prayed to pull him from the black hole that consumed his soul.

  Chapter 15: Tessa

  Sleep captured me and I found myself once again sitting at the water’s edge. The waterfall fell rhythmically, providing
a sense of tranquility. I sat, basking in the sun’s rays, listening to the trickle of the stream. “Tessa.” It was just my name, but the vibration of his voice sparked the flames of desire I felt for him.

  “Haven, you’re back,” turning to find him standing away from me, “I missed you.” I stood, taking a few steps to close the distance between us. Pausing as I looked up into his silver gaze.

  He brushed a stray hair from my face, “I don’t know how, or why, you keep coming back to me.”

  Standing on my tiptoes, I pressed my lips to his, my hands found their way into the dark tresses on his head. I fisted his hair and pulled him to me. His lips parting, as our tongues laced, deepening the kiss.

  “I missed you,” mumbling into his mouth, breaking apart our lips for only a moment.

  “God, what you do to me…Tessa, I love this, but you were clear about your feelings for me – what has changed?”

  Haven stepped away from me, breaking my hold on him. “I dreamed you here, this is all a dream,” shaking his head, he buried his face in his hands.

  I touched his arm, forcing him to look at me, “Haven this isn’t a dream. I am REALLY here, touch me, feel me, I. AM. REAL.” I needed him to see that I was not just a figment of his imagination.

  His eyes filled with wonder as they caught mine, “You're here… I thought… I thought, you didn’t want me.” he searched my face, as though he expected me to say he was right.

  “Haven, I have made so many mistakes in my life, but rejecting you was the worst.”

  It was minutes before he finally responded, still confused, and trying to process what I was saying, “My mind is playing tricks on me; I’ve conjured you here, this is pure madness!” He threw his hands in the air storming away from me.

  “Haven, please wait!” I ran after him, grabbing his arm to halt him in his place, “You didn’t conjure me, I. AM. RIGHT. HERE. LOOK AT ME.”


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