Play: a virtual reality romance: Manhattan Lux Book 2

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Play: a virtual reality romance: Manhattan Lux Book 2 Page 8

by Olivia Devon


  “Well…” Katie tilted her head and tried to reason it out. Nope it didn’t make sense, she was gonna have to ask him. “If I get naked,” she whispered. “It’s not real. I mean this is an avatar, and I’m in the skin that got created for me yesterday at Lux. This is my face, but this isn’t my actual body. It looks nothing like me.”

  Aaron met her gaze and nodded. “I know,” he whispered back.

  “So then what’s the point?” she asked.

  He leaned back and threw his arms up over the back of the sofa again.

  “It’s the mindfuck,” he said. “I’ve gotta tell you. I’ve seen you naked, or at least the skin you’re wearing. It’s a standard body texture we keep on file. Seeing Nude female body 1.0 again isn’t really what I’m after here.”


  “It’s ironic,” he said, drumming his fingers on the back of the sofa. “I built all this sensory equipment so that users in VR could feel each other when they touched. And yet, for me, when it comes to sex…”

  “The mindfuck,” Katie said, smirking at him.

  Aaron smirked back and shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, I do want to touch you. But what I really want, right now, is for you to stand up and let that pretty dress fall to the floor. And I want you to do that solely because you want to. Because you want to please me. Because pleasing me will turn you on.” Aaron leaned forward again, he took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips. Fluttering soft kisses across her knuckles, he pinned her in his gaze. “What I want, is to get you off.”

  “The S-suit,” she said, staring at his lips. “It doesn’t cover our mouths but when you kiss my hand, I feel it.”

  “There’s sensors in the visor you’re wearing,” he said. “It reads our head position and our mouths, that’s how it makes our avatar’s lips move when we speak.” He kissed her hand again. “And that’s why you can feel it when I kiss your hand, and when I kiss other parts of you.” He paused and winked at her. “I’d really like to kiss other parts of you.”

  “Yeah?” Katie said, leaning away from him. “Since I can’t feel it on my lips…” She took her hand back, and trailed her fingers over her collarbone, down to her cleavage. “Where would you kiss me?”

  “Anywhere I can get to beauty.” Aaron settled back into the couch and rested his hands on his thighs. “Anywhere I can see.” He raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  Katie’s eyes narrowed, and she flashed him a toothy smile. Okay that was it, she decided. She was gonna do it.

  She stood slowly, making sure her feet were steady, and pretended to smooth her skirt as she turned her head slightly to quickly survey the rest of the club. There were still people there, fewer now, but plenty of men were milling around, and a few were looking in her direction.

  No big deal, she thought. This wasn’t reality, it was a video game. The naked skin she was revealing wouldn’t look anything like her own, so who cared who saw it?

  Aaron stuck out one long leg, pushed the coffee table away, and gestured for Katie to stand in front of him, filling the empty space. He smiled, lifted his hands, tugged the cuffs of his suit sharply, and folded his arms behind his head.

  Katie bit back a smile and raised an eyebrow. Smug bastard was going to revel in his victory.

  She reached for the knot at the nape of her neck, pulled the ribbon loose, and caught the front of her dress before it fell down.

  Aaron raked his gaze over her body, and then back up to meet her eyes. His expression was stern and unreadable now, but goddamn he was hot.

  She heard some movement behind her, and sensed some other avatars were approaching, attracted to the spectacle. Aaron shot her an inquiring look, and she knew he was checking to see if she was okay, to see if she wanted to stop.

  She answered his query with a look of her own.

  Oh hell no, it said. Let ‘em watch.

  Katie let the front of her dress fall to her waist. The movement of the fabric was enough that a current of air wafted over her breasts and the S-suit translated the sensation to her nipples with traitorous accuracy. Goosebumps erupted on her skin at the chill, and in the S-suit, her nipples hardened almost painfully. That wasn’t because she was cold.

  It was the audience.

  It was the mindfuck.

  It was Aaron.

  Aaron’s dark gaze pinned her, and when he licked his lips subtly, her sex clenched. His gaze traveled over her body, and settled on her naked breasts, a smile dancing at the corner of his mouth.

  Katie flushed and dropped her gaze, curious to see what he saw. Her avatar’s skin was flushed too, her chest heaving in time to Katie’s labored breaths, the nipples erect and obviously aroused. This flesh wasn’t hers but it didn’t matter, everything she was feeling, every lustful thought, was plainly visible.

  “What a beautiful…mind,” said Aaron.

  His words emboldened her. It didn’t matter that this skin wasn’t hers, she still felt exposed, vulnerable, and utterly desired.

  She wanted more.

  Katie hooked her fingers in the waist of the dress and turned her back to Aaron, giving the men now loitering around their sofa a good look at her breasts, and Aaron a great view of her ass. She wiggled slowly out of the dress, taking her time, sliding the silky gold fabric down her legs and stepping out of it as it puddled on the floor.

  She felt heat behind her, and smiled. When she turned around, Aaron was right there, close enough to touch. The hard set of his jaw said he’d liked her little show a lot.

  Katie wet her lips and started to speak, but before she could tease him, Aaron cut her off.

  “Command,” he said. “Scene Change. Castle Eldridge. The Master’s chamber.”

  Katie blinked and the club was gone.

  Holy fuck.

  She was standing in a bedroom.

  Chapter Nine

  “Why are we here?” Katie said.

  God she was incredible. He could hardly believe his luck. What they’d just done together was definitely not first date appropriate, but she’d not only indulged him, she’d been into it.

  Big time.

  “I didn’t want to share the view anymore,” said Aaron. “I wanted you all to myself.”

  They were standing in the master bedroom of his virtual castle. Jewel tones and stone walls, fur rugs and heavy furniture, the chamber evoked dark fantasies, and masculine desire. Dominance.

  She stood by the foot of the bed. Completely nude now, she seemed not at all self-conscious. Leaning back onto the bed, she smiled coyly.

  “But I thought you got off on crowds?”

  “Not exactly,” he said. “If it excites the woman I’m with, that’s what excites me.” Loosening his tie, he walked towards her, ripping it from his neck and wrapping it around his hand. “Did it excite you Katie?” he asked.

  “It did.” She nodded slightly, her fingers tracing shimmery swirls in the blue velvet comforter on the bed.

  He stopped in front of her, and stretched out his hand. Slipping her fingers over his, she stood up, and he drew her close to him.

  “What did you like about it?” he asked as her bare breasts pressed up against his suit.

  “Everything,” she said. Inhaling sharply, her eyes fluttered closed. “What we just did…” she opened her eyes, and looked up at him, resting her palms against his chest. “I’d never do that in real life. It wouldn’t feel remotely safe to me for about a hundred reasons. But that was…” she bit her lip and sighed softly.

  “You feel safe with me?” asked Aaron. He lifted a hand, and caressed her cheek.

  “Yes.” She rested her head against his palm and smiled. “I do. But it’s more than that, it’s this environment. No one knows who we are, so I won’t be shamed or judged in real life for anything I do in here. And whatever happens, if I want it to stop, I can just log out. You can’t imagine how liberating that is. Especially for a woman.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way.” Aaron smiled and cupped her face in hi
s hands.

  “It’s the strangest feeling,” she said. “Free, and powerful, and vulnerable, and dangerous, all at the same time.”

  Aaron lowered his head, and brushed his lips over her neck, biting softly at the hollow above her collarbone until she was moaning.

  “Katie,” he breathed her name against her skin. “That feels dangerous to you? All those men staring at you, wanting you?” He lifted his head, his gaze steady.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “And I liked it.”

  “Just say the word,” he said. “And I’ll take you back.”

  “Is there….” she paused, her lips trembling slightly. “I liked it, but I just want to be with you, maybe….”

  Aaron’s pulse raced and his cock grew heavy. He felt as though he could read her thoughts, at least he hoped so, because if he was wrong–

  “I have an idea,” he said. “If you don’t like it, we’ll stop–”

  “I think I’ll like it,” she said quickly, and Aaron felt warmed by her trust.

  “Don’t move,” he said.

  Stepping away from her, Aaron’s avatar moved its fingers in the air as if it was typing on an invisible keyboard.

  “What are you doing?” Katie asked.

  “Just a quick program,” he said, without looking up. “Nothing too fancy, just one more….there.” He grinned at her. “Command,” he said. “Execute Scenario titled In the Master’s Chamber.”

  The air around Aaron’s avatar glittered and began to take shape. Three perfect copies of Aaron appeared on either side of him. Same face, same clothes, and when he stepped forward and spoke, they mirrored him exactly.

  “What do you think?” asked the Aarons, as they crossed the room toward her.

  “Oh my God!” Katie gaped at him, at them. She turned in place as they circled around her, trying to determine which Aaron was the original.

  “They’re all me,” he said, his voice coming from every direction. “It doesn’t matter who you interact with. It’s all me.”

  “Incredible,” Katie said, reaching up to caress the face of the Aaron that stood in front of her.

  The Aaron behind her pressed the hard warm length of his body up against her naked form, and Katie’s skin tingled at the sensation of his suit, rough against her skin. He circled his hands around her waist, palms flattening across her belly and up to her chest. Large hands cupped her breasts, fingers denting her flesh as they moved up, plucking and rolling the tips till her nipples pebbled.

  The Aaron to her left, leaned in close and kissed his way up her neck. “Hey,” he said in her ear, “Pretty sure we promised you a spanking.”

  “Fuck. Me,” Katie stuttered.

  “That can be arranged,” said the Aaron’s.

  With perfectly synchronized movements the Aaron’s lifted her into the air, and deposited her on the bed. The Aarons at her head captured her hands, and using copies of the tie that original Aaron had wrapped around his hand, they bound her wrists and secured her to the headboard.

  A text message flashed up in the middle of Katie’s visor. It was from Aaron.

  We forgot to talk about safe words. So, if at any time you want to stop, just say Command: Home and your avatar will be teleported to your home on Celestia.

  “Thank you,” Katie said to the Aaron that was nearest her. “I doubt I’ll need it.”

  Crack! The Aaron at the foot of the bed had a belt in his hand. He smacked the leather against his palm again and winked at her.

  There were subtle differences in the Aaron avatars now. One had taken his jacket off, his dress shirt unbuttoned to the waist. Two was nude from the waist up. Three had taken off his suit jacket too, but his shirtsleeves were rolled to the elbow. And four, four was still fully dressed, standing at foot of the bed staring her down.

  Aaron Four arched an eyebrow and tilted his head.

  “Alright. Let’s play.”

  Katie gulped.

  How had they gotten here? How had he gone from spilling tea on this woman yesterday to tying her up in his castle tonight?

  Aaron watched as the three copies of his avatar fondled and caressed Katie’s naked body as she writhed, breathless on the bed. He could feel everything that was happening, even as he stood there, just an observer.

  When one avatar cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingertips, standing Aaron could feel it. Another was stroking the inside of her thigh, his erection hard and eager against her hip. Aaron could feel that too. The third was kissing her neck, one hand traveling over her belly, down to her…

  “Turn her over,” he croaked, his cock throbbing for release.

  Katie gasped as the Aarons lifted her, unbinding her wrists to flip her, and then securing her again.

  With a wave of his hand he dismissed the copies of himself, and they dissolved into thin air.

  She lay there on her belly, panting, twisting her torso to get a look at what was going on.

  “I sent them away,” he said. “I want you all to myself now.”

  Aaron smiled and knelt on the edge of the bed. He raked his gaze over the length of her body, then reached out, his fingers following that same path. Up Katie’s thigh, over the curve of her ass to the small of her back.

  He moved behind her, thrust his hands under her hips and yanked her up onto all fours.

  “Holy shit,” Katie yelped.

  “You okay?” asked Aaron.

  “Yeah I’m great,” she chuckled. “It’s just that I forgot I’m not actually in a castle. In reality I’m in my own bedroom and well, we just scared the hell out of my cat. He probably thinks I’m possessed.”

  Aaron laughed so hard he fell against her. His hips pushed into her backside and he leaned over her, stroking her shoulders as her body shook along with his.

  The laughter subsided, and Aaron felt the tension building as Katie’s breath quickened. He lay still, reveling in the feel of her against him. Snaking one hand around her torso, he cupped her breast. She moaned softly and the sound sent shockwaves down his spine, torturing his already aching cock.

  Aaron pushed back, and slid both his hands down her body, relishing the curve of her waist, her hips, the swell of her ass.

  “This may not be your skin…but this is your shape I’m feeling in my hands. This is your body that is responding to my touch. God, you are so sexy.”

  Katie moaned as his hands continued to caress her.

  “Katie,” he said, hearing the rough edge of desire in his voice. “I really want to spank you.”

  She moaned something into the bed and Aaron strained to hear.

  “What was that? I didn’t quite–.”

  “Yes,” she spit out the words. “Yes, please–”

  Aaron swung his arm back and then released it. His palm made sharp contact with her skin, and Katie jumped, her pert bottom bouncing in the air.

  “Holy moly, that was–”

  He spanked her again.

  “This suit is insane. I cannot believe the accuracy of the sensation–”

  He spanked her once more, a little harder this time, and she stopped talking.

  Grinning, he bent over her and growled in her ear. “Do I have your attention now geek girl? Or do you want gush more about the tech?”

  “No, no,” she said, a giggle in her voice. “Keep doing what you’re doing.”

  He did, and when the skin of her avatar was nice and pink, when she was writhing in his lap and his cock was begging for release, when he just couldn’t take it anymore, and he was sure she couldn’t either, he calmed and ghosted his palms over her backside, his fingertips teasing between her legs.

  She sighed and melted under his hands. Aaron reached above her and undid the ties on her wrists, then helped her over onto her back.

  “I want to make you come,” he said. “Will you let me?”

  “Is that possible?” she said, turning her face to his.

  He smirked. “Technically, sure. The S-suit won’t simulate penetration, but any
stimulus I apply in that area should translate via the haptics–”

  “I love it when you talk geeky,” she said, throwing her arms around his neck. “Give it your best shot.” She arched an eyebrow. “But, on one condition. I want to stimulate haptic translations too.”

  “Too late, I think I just came,” he said. “That was so fucking hot.”

  Katie threw her head back and laughed, and Aaron took that opportunity to dive right in. Laughter turned to moans as Aaron’s fingers slicked between her avatar’s legs, and Katie’s S-suit did its best to keep up with his technique.

  He thought he had the upper hand, the way her chest was heaving and how she kept biting her lip. Her eyes were closed and her avatar’s skin was pink and dewy. But then he felt her grip around his cock, and he knew she’d been serious about reciprocating. He felt her other hand on his chest, and he looked up, deep into her avatar’s eyes, and grinned.

  “Your eyes are so real,” she said softly. “It’s like I’m really looking at you.”

  “You are,” he said, straining to keep his voice steady as Katie’s hand fisted up and down his avatar’s cock. “The visors we’re wearing go both ways, in a sense. I’m seeing your eyes in real time, as you’re seeing mine.”

  “Like two way video,” she said with wonder. “But just our eyes.”

  “Yes.” He groaned with pleasure as her grip tightened around him.

  Katie’s avatar sat up, threw one leg over his and straddled him. Hovering over his hips, she anchored her palms to his chest and pressed her core against his cock. Then she began to move. Swiveling her pelvis, Katie’s sex slid against his length, as the S-suit translated the sensation. She lowered her face to his, her hair curtaining around them.

  “Look at me,” she said. “I want to see you. The real you.”

  “You want to watch me come?” he said, half question half statement.


  Aaron fisted his hands in her hair and held her tight. He met her gaze, steady and unblinking, as if the deeper he fell into those eyes, the deeper she would feel his touch. Thrusting his hips against hers, he matched her rhythm until their breath was panting in time and they came together, instincts driving them to cling to each other’s bodies as they fell, kissing cheeks and lips that couldn’t feel the touch.


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