An Introduction to the Pink Collection

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An Introduction to the Pink Collection Page 13

by Barbara Cartland

“No, that would be ineligible. In view of this latest development I see that stronger measures are called for.”

  He took a deep breath and settled himself as though taking root in the ground.

  “I offer myself to you in marriage.”

  “I – beg your pardon?”

  “It must be clear to you that you can no longer remain in that house when a – ah – happy event has come to pass. Lord Lansdale knows his duty to the community, and you, I believe, are also conscious of your duty.”

  “You are very kind sir, but I have no desire for marriage.”

  “You do not know the world young woman. You are living in a disgraceful situation, and should quit it without delay. Only an immediate marriage will rescue your reputation, and it is highly unlikely that you will ever find another man ready to sacrifice himself.”

  “You must excuse me, sir,” she said breathlessly, “I have to go. I thank you for your offer but regret it is quite out of my power to accept it. Please stand aside.”

  When he remained before her she dodged round him and began to run. She ran and ran until she was out of sight, hidden in the woods on John’s land.

  There she stopped, leaning against a tree, gasping.

  This was it. This was now the choice that life would offer her. After knowing the glory of John’s love she was told she had no option but to become the wife of this pompous bully.

  She must turn away from the only happiness she would ever know, and settle for a bitter, mean marriage to a man she could never like.

  She could and would refuse to marry Steven Daykers, but without the man she loved all other choices would be equally wretched. And this would be her life, unless Adolphus could find a miracle.

  But she no longer had faith in miracles.

  Burying her face in her hands she slid slowly down the tree until she was on the ground, and sat there in a huddle while she sobbed and sobbed.


  As Rena made her way to the house she became aware of a commotion going on. From inside came whoops of glee, laughter, triumph.

  Then John came flying out.

  “Rena,” he called, waving and running to her.

  “What’s happened?” she asked as he whirled her around.

  “Adolphus has made an incredible discovery. You remember that leather purse that we found under the cross?”

  “The one that contained the last two coins, yes?”

  “There was something else in it. A piece of paper. It’s a riddle, a clue to the other twenty three coins. Adolphus thinks they’re somewhere in the house and if we can find them – “

  “Oh John, John can it really be true?”

  “It has to be true. Don’t you see, this is the miracle he spoke of. Come on.”

  He seized her hand and they ran back together.

  Adolphus and Cecil were both hard at work in the picture gallery, covered in dust but cheerful and determined. Adolphus showed her the paper they had found.

  “The leather has kept it in good condition,” he said, “so it’s still readable.”

  “Only to you,” John said good humouredly. “It takes a scholar to read this.”

  “It must date from hundreds of years ago,” Rena agreed. “That isn’t modern English.”

  Adolphus nodded. “Written about the time of King Charles II, I would say.”

  “And there’s something about a King here.” She was squinting at the paper. “What does it mean?”

  “They were the King’s coins, and the rest are to be found in some part of the house that is connected with him,” said John. “So we started with the gallery because there are several portraits here of Charles II, and a couple where he appears with the family.”

  “So far we haven’t been lucky,” said Adolphus. “The coins aren’t hidden behind them or anything. But we’re not giving up.”

  To be on the verge of success and yet have it keep elusively out of reach made Rena feel giddy.

  She fixed her eyes on one of the portraits that Adolphus showed her. It showed the king, still a young man, probably soon after his accession to the throne, sitting beside a window, gazing out onto a country scene. In his hands he held some gold coins.

  “Would they be the coins that we are looking for?” she asked.

  “Quite possibly,” said Adolphus.

  “Then perhaps we should be looking in the room depicted behind him,” she said excitedly. “I know which one it is. I recognise the view. I’ve been going through the house recently and there’s only one bedroom that shows you the land from exactly that angle. It was probably where the king slept when he stayed here.”

  “Can you take us to it?” asked John.

  They followed her out into the hall and up the stairs. Then, to her horror, she found that her mind went blank. Suddenly all rooms and all corridors seemed alike.

  “I can’t remember,” she whispered. “It’s like being in a maze.”

  “Calmly now,” Adolphus said, taking her hands. “You are overwrought and that has confused your mind. The memory will return in a moment.”

  “Yes, yes,” she said in relief as the jumble in her head began to sort itself out. “It’s along here.”

  At the end of a long corridor they found the room. It was dirty and tattered, but at one time it must have been glorious. In the centre stood a huge four poster bed, its hangings crumbling, its decorations almost obscured by grime.

  But one thing was still clear, the great crest that proclaimed that this bed was for the use of King Charles II. This had been his room, and of all rooms, surely it was the one most likely to hide the treasure they sought?

  They began going through drawers and chests, looking for concealed cupboards behind hangings.

  “But I fear it won’t be hidden as obviously as that,” said Adolphus. “We shall have to be subtle. What was that noise?”

  They all listened and could hear the sound of carriage wheels, then Wyngate’surly voice barking instructions.

  “Has he dared – ?” John breathed.

  “Of course,” said Adolphus “Go down to him and distract his attention. Rena, you go down too. At all costs he must suspect nothing.”

  There was no choice but to do as he said. Together they descended the stairs to find the hallway a scene of chaos.

  In the centre stood Wyngate and Matilda. Around them swarmed workmen, hurrying here and there, inspecting, grimacing at what they found.

  “What is this?” John demanded.

  Wyngate gave him a sour smile.

  “I thought it was time to make a start.”

  “A start which I have not authorised,” said John angrily.

  “Come now, we know you’re only playing games. You need what I have, and it’s no use pretending otherwise. This work has to be done, and now is as good a time as any.”

  John’s hands clenched at his side. In another moment he would have thrown Wyngate out bodily, but Rena’s gentle touch made him stop and remember Adolphus’ advice.

  “Miss Wyngate,” Rena said, stepping forward, “how nice to see you. Why don’t you come with me and – ?”

  Still talking she led Matilda away up the stairs.

  “Is Cecil still here?” she whispered when they were a safe distance.

  “Yes, I’m taking you to him. And somebody else is here. Your grandfather.”

  “I have no grandfather.”

  “But you have, and he is longing to see you.”

  They had reached the king’s room and Rena threw open the door. Adolphus was studying a small cupboard. He looked up at the sound.

  Then he became very still.

  Tears began to pour down his face.

  “Jane,” he whispered. “My Jane.”

  “Jane was his wife,” said Rena. “You look like your grandmother.”

  “You’re the man I saw all those years ago,” Matilda said suddenly. “I thought you were my father’s ghost – you look so alike.”

  “No ghost, my dear,” sai
d Adolphus. “Just a man who had just discovered that he had a grandchild. I have always wanted to meet you properly.” Tears still coursed down his cheeks, but he was smiling through them.

  Matilda gave a little gasp and ran into his arms. She too was weeping with joy.

  “Grandfather, Grandfather,” she cried.

  He looked tenderly down at her face. “I thought you had something of the look of Jane, all those years ago,” he said. “But you were a child, and it wasn’t very clear. But now, it is like seeing my darling again.”

  “Papa always says I’m nothing to look at.”

  “You are beautiful,” said Adolphus. “Cecil and I agree on that.”

  Now Matilda saw Cecil, watching them. Adolphus smiled as they hugged each other, and said, “I congratulate you on your choice of husband. He is an excellent young man.”

  “Oh Grandpapa, will you help us?”

  “With all my heart. But first we must conclude our search of the house.”

  “There are some old coins hidden somewhere in the house,” explained Rena. “They used to belong to Charles II.”

  “Then surely they’ll be in his chapel?” said Matilda.

  Everyone stared at her.

  “The King’s Chapel,” she added.

  “There is no King’s Chapel here,” said Rena. “It’s just an ordinary chapel.”

  “Well, there was this waiter who served Papa and me in the hotel last night. He was ever so old and he said he used to work here when he was a boy. According to him the family always called it the King’s Chapel, because of Charles II. He made it sound like a big secret, a name that only the family used, because the ‘lower orders’ weren’t good enough. So if the place has been empty for years I suppose nobody would know.”

  “Sweet heaven, is it possible?” exclaimed Adolphus. Some footsteps in the corridor made them all alert, but it was only John.

  “I’ve left Mr Wyngate barking orders to workmen,” he said. “He’s perfectly happy as long as nobody contradicts him, so I thought I’d slip away for a moment. Has anybody found anything.”

  Swiftly Rena explained about the King’s Chapel.

  “What marvellous luck if it’s true,” said John. “Let’s go and find out. But we’ll have to be careful. Wyngate mustn’t see you, Adolphus, or Cecil. I’ll go back and draw him off.”

  It went against the grain with him but he managed to smile as he returned to where Wyngate was still in the hall, giving orders to a thick set man.

  “This is Simpkins, the architect I’ve employed,” he said.

  John suppressed a wince and held out his hand to Simpkins. “Delighted to meet you sir. We must have some discussions about what you’re going to do in my house.” He stressed ‘my’ very slightly.

  Simpkins, a decent man, was beginning to sense that something wasn’t quite right here. Wyngate had spoken as though the house was his. He looked uncertainly from one to the other.

  “Are those plans you’re holding?” asked John, indicating some scrolled papers Simpkins had in his hand.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Why don’t we all look at them in the library?”

  As he’d hoped, at this sign that he was being more ‘reasonable’ a self satisfied sneer settled over, and he made no protest at being led away to the library.

  Now, John thought, the others had the chance to come downstairs and go to the chapel without being seen.

  The plans were excellent, all but the tower. If only he could afford to do this work himself he would be glad to employ Simpkins.

  If only….

  His mind flew to the others in the chapel, searching, searching, everyone’s fate depending on it.

  He forced himself to concentrate.

  “This tower is impossible,” he said. “You must strengthen the foundations first.”

  Simpkins gave a sigh of relief. “That’s what I keep trying to – ”

  “Shut up, both of you,” snarled Wyngate . “That tower is what I want, just as it is. And I want it now. If you think – what the devil are you doing here?”

  The other two looked up to see Adolphus standing in the doorway, regarding his son with sad, terrible eyes.

  “Because I have longed to see you again,” he said.

  “Well, I haven’t longed to see you, and I don’t want to see you. I told you yesterday to get out. Why do you pursue me?”

  “Perhaps because you are my son, and despite everything, I still love you.”

  “Sentimental nonsense!” Wyngate said with a kind of soft savagery. “Stay away from me. I won’t be haunted by you.”

  “But you are haunted by me,” said Adolphus in the same melancholy tone. “In your mind I have haunted you more with every act of wickedness. That is why the sight of me is so intolerable to you.”

  “Get out of this house.”

  “That is for the owner to say,” Adolphus said, meeting his eyes. “You are not the owner, and you never will ever be.”

  “You’re wrong. I’ve never been defeated yet.

  “He – ” Wyngate shot out his arm towards John, “won’t refuse me in the end. He can’t afford to.”

  “You are mistaken,” said Adolphus. “He can’t afford not to refuse you.”

  John moved to join him in the doorway.

  “Mr Simpkins,” he said, “if I am fortunate, you and I may talk another time. In the meantime, stay well clear of the tower.”

  “You take your orders from me,” Wyngate flashed at the architect.

  “Now, come along, sir,” Simpkins soothed him. “You wouldn’t like me to bring the house down about your ears, would you?”

  John took the opportunity to draw Adolphus out of the room.

  “I thought you were going to stay hidden,” he murmured.

  “I will not hide from my own son. Strange as it may seem, I still love him, even hope to reclaim him.”

  As they spoke they were heading towards the back of the house where the chapel was. Cecil, Matilda and Rena were hunting through it. It was a big job, although the chapel itself was small.

  “Of course it might be up there,” said John, pointing upwards to the gallery that ran along one side of the chapel. “How can we reach it?”

  “It’s not accessible from down here,” said Rena. “It was where the servants used to sit. They came in by their own door at the back.”

  “We must search the main chapel thoroughly first,” said Adolphus. “And consider the gallery afterwards.”

  To everyone’s dismay a thorough search of the chapel revealed nothing.

  “What lies through that door?” Adolphus asked Rena. “The vestry, I suppose.”

  “Yes, just a very tiny one. Papa used it when he conducted services here, when I was a child. That didn’t happen very often. Apart from the old Earl’s funeral he baptised two children, and conducted one marriage. It was the Earl’s great niece and she asked me to be her bridesmaid. I was so excited.”

  As she spoke she was opening the door to the vestry. There was the little table, and on it the register of births, marriages and funerals, still open, her father’s writing clearly visible.

  “Let’s look at this wall behind,” said Adolphus. “It’s exactly the kind of place where a concealed cupboard could be. Help me move the desk.”

  Together they tried to push it but the desk wouldn’t move.

  “It’s stuck on something,” said Adolphus. “There’s a loose floorboard sticking up. Let me try to – ”

  He was working away at the floorboard until suddenly it came loose in his hand and he lifted it right out.

  There, in the gap beneath, was a leather purse, like the one Rena and John had found under the cross, but larger.

  “Adolphus – “

  “Steady my dear, don’t get your hopes up too soon.”

  But she couldn’t help darting to the door and calling into the chapel, “Come quickly. We’ve found something.”

  In a moment the others were all huddled in the l
ittle vestry, crowding round Adolphus as he opened the bag, thrust in his hand, took out the contents and laid them on the desk.

  Gold coins. Twenty three of them.

  “Have we found them?” Rena whispered.

  “We have found them,” said Adolphus. “The twenty three remaining gold coins that once belonged to King Charles II.”

  “And does that mean – ?” John also did not dare voice his hopes.

  “It means that you have all thirty,” said Adolphus. “Part of this nation’s history. And as you have the complete set, their value is fabulous.”

  “You said a hundred thousand?” John said. “Can it really be so much?”

  “I can give you the name of a collector who has been seeking these for years,” said Adolphus. “I have no doubt of what they are worth to him. You will soon be safe.”


  They all said the word, looking at each other. Then they said it again, for it was suddenly the most beautiful word in the world.

  “Why do you say ‘will be safe’?” John wanted to know. “Surely we are safe now?”

  “You will not be safe until you are legally married,” said Adolphus. “And that should take place as soon as possible.”

  “But he will stop us,” said Matilda. “Not John and Rena, but he’ll find a way to prevent me marrying Cecil.

  He’ll just drag me off to London.”

  “Not if you marry here and now,” said Adolphus.

  Again they exchanged glances. “But can we?” asked John.

  “I am a minister of the church, retired but still in orders. This chapel is still consecrated, so you told me Miss Colwell.”

  “Of course. You mean that you were thinking of this even then?”

  “I like to look far ahead.”

  “Will it be valid without witnesses?” Cecil wanted to know.

  “But we have witnesses,” said Adolphus. “Each of you will witness the marriage of the other. And if my son tries to make trouble I shall simply refer the matter to the local bishop, who will support me.”

  “You know Bishop Hoston?” asked Rena.

  “Know him? I taught him at theological college. He used to borrow books from me. In fact, I think he still has one or two. So that’s all taken care of. Matilda, are you legally of age?”


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