All I Need

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All I Need Page 4

by Metal, Scarlett

  She snorted and shook her head. “Somehow I doubt that.” She slipped on her shoes and checked her reflection in the mirror. She smoothed her hands over her hair and dress before turning back to me. “Thanks for tonight.”

  “The pleasure was all mine,” I smiled down at her. Maybe if I kissed her, I could get her to stay without actually asking her to. I wasn’t ready to be done with her.

  “I’ll see you around.” She walked past me and opened the bedroom door and left the bus before I could say another word.

  I flopped back on the bed. What the fuck had just happened? Earlier she was worried about being treated like all the other girls I slept with, but I’m pretty sure she just tossed me aside.

  This was something new to me. I was the one who left after sex. I was the one who blew the chick off after we fucked.

  I grabbed the bottle of whiskey next to the bed and took a swig. I should shower before passing out for the night, but I liked smelling like her.

  I heard a commotion outside the bus and took another drink. The rest of the guys were back and I was in no mood to party with them. Maybe if I was quiet they would leave me alone, assuming I had some chick back here.

  The noise got louder as they got on the bus. I heard a few high pitched voices. Great, they brought women back with them. I shouldn’t be surprised. That was pretty much the norm every night on this bus.

  There was a knock on the door. I ignored it until it got louder. I stood up and opened it. There stood the drummer Zane with a girl on each arm.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I clutched my bottle of whiskey in my hand.

  “I brought you a present,” Zane grinned at me and nodded to the girl on his right. We often shared women, swapping them and watching them together.

  I shook my head. “Not tonight.” I slammed the door shut and went back to the bed. I put my head phones on and turned on some old school Metallica.

  I was going to drink until I passed out and forgot about the red head who just fucked not only my body, but also my head.

  Damn women.

  Chapter Six


  I walked back to my bus quickly, hoping no one stopped to talk to me. It was late, and all of the parties were wrapping up. I wanted to get back to my bus and into bed before there were too many questions about where I had been.

  I really didn’t want to run into Drew. He would have a ton of questions about what I had been doing tonight and if he figured out I had fucked Cane, I would never hear the end of it.

  It was amusing to leave Cane in such a hurry; he probably wasn’t used to women doing that to him. He was probably the one making a mad dash for the door after sex with a woman. It was nice to turn the tables on him for once.

  I turned the last corner before getting to my bus when I ran right into someone.

  “Excuse me. Sorry,” I muttered and started to walk around him, not even looking up.

  “Lindsey?” A familiar voice made me turn around. My jaw dropped when I saw my ex, Shaun, standing there. He was wearing camo shorts and a black wife beater. A backwards baseball cap was on the top of his shaggy blonde hair and he was holding a beer.

  “Hey Shaun,” I smiled. “What brings you here?”

  “Our band, Twisted Chaos, is on one of the side stages.” He looked me up and down and I hoped to God I didn’t look like I just had sex. “What are you doing back here?”

  “I’m covering the tour for Rolling Stone,” I said, checking him out. He still looked as good as ever with his muscular, tattooed arms. I briefly remembered the way he would toss me around the bedroom with those guns.

  “Awesome!” He took a drink of his beer. “Do you want to go get a drink and catch up?”

  “Not tonight.” I shook my head. “I’m tired. Soon though.”

  His eyebrows furrowed and I had a flashback of the dude with a temper I quit seeing. That probably hadn’t changed.

  “Ok, cool. Same number?” He asked.

  “Sure, but I’ll see you around. It was good seeing you.” I didn’t want to mention that I hadn’t seen him in the few weeks I was here, so it may be a few more weeks before we ran into each other again. This tour was so huge, there was constantly new people I was meeting.

  “Good night Lindsey,” he said and leaned in for a hug. He held me tight against him and I almost gagged from the stench of whiskey on his breath.

  “Good night, Shaun.” I hugged him back half-heartedly so he would let me go.

  I made a mad dash for the bus, praying I wouldn’t run into anyone else. I finally slipped onto the press bus with a sigh of relief. It was empty except from some guy from a newspaper. He nodded at me and turned back to his computer.

  I went into the bathroom and closed the door, my heart racing. I got here without Drew seeing me or any of my colleagues asking me a bunch of questions, but I saw Shaun. What the fuck was he doing here? Obviously he was with his band, but how did I not know about it?

  I met Shaun when I first moved to LA. Rebecca and I were excited to check out the music scene and fell for the first musicians to show us a little bit of attention. He was playing at a club we went to and after a few shots of tequila, I ended up going home with him.

  For a while I thought it was cool to be the girlfriend of a guy in a band and looked past his jealous and possessive ways. My stupid ass even thought it was romantic the way he didn’t like guys talking to me.

  On top of that, he was a raging alcoholic – an angry alcoholic. We had some wicked fights when he was drinking, but again, I thought that was what it was like to be dating a musician.

  Then one night he pushed me into a wall when I friend of mine from work met us out at one of his shows. His jealousy went too far and I came back to reality. I broke up with him that night. A few times I thought I saw him following me and he left me a couple of notes on my car. I almost got a restraining order, but then it stopped. I hadn’t really given him a second thought in a long time.

  This tour was big enough that it took me a couple of weeks to even run into Shaun. If his band was playing on the side stages, he was in another group though. Because there were so many people and buses and equipment, Drew had separated the caravan into a few different groups.

  I wondered if he still drank as much. Judging by the smell of his breath, I was guessing he did. It had been a few years since we dated, but would he get crazy with jealousy if he found out I slept with Cane? Hopefully he wouldn’t find out. In fact, hopefully no one would.

  I would tell Rebecca of course. She was going to be so jealous. As much as I enjoyed it, I didn’t intend for there to be a repeat of last night. My mission had been to sleep with Cane and mission accomplished. Now that I had that out of my system, I could back to focusing on my writing.

  I stripped out of my dress and turned on the shower. I was sad to wash his scent off of me, but I didn’t want anyone in these close quarters to notice the smell of sex and start asking questions. I wanted my peers to take me seriously and I was afraid they wouldn’t if they knew I slept with one of the stars of the show.

  After my shower, I slipped into shorts and a Hookers and Hand Grenades t-shirt. I felt a little like a lovesick teenager wearing it, but I didn’t care. I climbed into my bunk and got out my iPad. I tried to read a little bit, but I kept finding myself reading the same line over and over again. I couldn’t concentrate, thinking about the way Cane’s lips and hands felt on me.

  Sure, it was hot to have sex with a rock star, but above that, we had some great chemistry. Maybe I noticed him because he was an international sensation, but he was hotter than fuck and I would have slept with him even if he weren’t famous.

  I eventually fell asleep, exhausted from the night’s earlier activities. When I woke the next morning, the bus was moving. I slid out of my bunk and stretched, wincing at my sore muscles. It was a good kind of sore from the kind of exercise I didn’t mind doing.

  I found some coffee and sat down on one of the chairs. Another guy fro
m the press was sitting next to me, reading his iPad. I took a sip of coffee and sighed, almost feeling the caffeine flow through my veins.

  “Rough night?” He asked with a smile.

  “Something like that.” I crossed my legs on the chair. “I don’t know how some of these guys tour constantly. It’s exhausting.”

  “I agree.” He shut his iPad. “Well at least we get a break. We arrive in Vegas today and actually get to stay in a hotel with a real bed for a while.” He stood up. “Enjoy your coffee. I’m going to try to get a little more sleep.”

  I nodded and took another drink, a smile on my face. With everything going on the day before, I totally forgot we were going to Vegas today. I couldn’t wait for a few days in one place. I was going to take a long bubble bath when we get there and spread out in a big bed that wasn’t moving. Maybe I could even squeeze in some time at the spa. We were there for almost a week. The bands had a couple days off and then four days of shows. I couldn’t wait.

  I finished my coffee and went to get my laptop. I set it up on the table in the kitchenette and got another cup. I wrote my piece for the week and emailed it to my editor for some feedback. I surfed the Internet for a while when my phone chimed with a new text message. I looked down and cringed when I saw it was from Shaun.

  It was good seeing you last night. Hope to see you again soon.

  Fuck. So much from not hearing from him again. I didn’t even know how to respond to that. I didn’t want to be a bitch and make him angry but I also didn’t want to lead him on. I needed to talk to Rebecca about this. She would know what to do.

  I sent her a text, asking if she could talk, but she said she was on a conference call for work. She was a CPA at a big accounting firm in LA and worked crazy hours. She told me to send her an email.

  I reopened my laptop and fired off an email, telling her about sleeping with Cane and then how I ran into Shaun. It was probably the longest email I’d ever written. I hit send and leaned back with a sigh. It wasn’t long before she sent me a text.

  Holy shit girl! Sending reply now.

  I grinned, imagining Rebecca typing her answer furiously with her long manicured nails. She was such a walking contradiction. If you met her outside of work, you might think she was a groupie who liked to sleep with musicians. Well, she did like to sleep with musicians, but she was also super smart and I was lucky to have her as my best friend.

  I clicked refresh over and over until I had an email from her in my inbox. She started out congratulating me on sleeping with Cane and said she wanted to hear the details later tonight. Her email took a more serious tone when she addressed my situation with Shaun. She advised me to stay away from him as much as possible and to let a few people I talked to the most know about him and our history.

  She gave me great advice as always, but I wasn’t sure how to tell anyone else about Shaun. How do you casually bring up the fact that a crazy guy you used to date is along and you’re just a little bit scared of him?

  I deleted Shaun’s text and turned back to my laptop. I wanted to do some shopping and sightseeing in Vegas, so I had to get some work done before we arrived. I was doing a few other pieces for my old magazine and I wanted to get them sent off to the editor as soon as possible.

  My mind drifted to Cane. I wondered what he did after I left him last night. Did he enjoy sex with me as much as I did with him? I went to my favorite gossip page and laughed when I saw a picture of Cane performing on stage. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I cursed myself for not taking the time to trace those muscles on his chest and stomach with my tongue. After the way he made me come over and over again when he went down on me, I should have teased him repeatedly with my tongue.

  I closed the page and forced myself to think about something else. I had my night with a rock star. Time to move on. Maybe there was a cute roadie I could hook up with for the rest of the tour. Up until now I only had eyes for Cane. I had my taste and now I could move on.

  If this was a one-time thing and he was out of my system, why couldn’t I stop thinking about him?

  Chapter Seven


  “Why are you in such a fucking bad mood?” Diesel asked as he flicked through the channels on the TV. We were a few hours from Vegas and I was dying to get off of this bus. I was starting to feel like a caged animal.

  I was restless ever since Lindsey left last night. It unnerved me the way she got dressed and took off without saying much. I saw her all the time, so it wasn’t really an issue if I would see her again, but did she want to fuck again? I know I wanted to. My cock got hard just thinking about it.

  “I’m ready to be off this bus for a couple of days,” I muttered, hoping that answer would appease him.

  “I hear ya,” he nodded and turned back to the TV. “Maybe we can party in the hotel… Get a couple of chicks or something.”

  “Maybe,” I replied. When Diesel and I were in Vegas, we usually partied pretty hard. Our parties were known to last for days with lots of girl, drugs, booze; in fact, they were legendary.

  I didn’t want to party this time. I wanted to spend our days off locked in a room with Lindsey. I would make her stay naked and we would order room service, not leaving the room for anything.

  “I’m going to go make some calls,” Diesel said and got up from the chair.

  J.J. came and sat down in his place. “How’s it going man?” He asked.

  “Ok, I bet you’re anxious to see Clarissa today,” I said with a grin. J.J. and Clarissa were the only two people on this earth who made me think finding true love was actually possible.

  “Yeah, I can’t wait,” he admitted, rubbing his hands on the legs of his jeans. Clarissa had to go back to LA a couple of weeks ago to take care of some family stuff. This was the first time the two of them were apart for more than a week. I was impressed with his willpower; the women threw themselves at him relentlessly, but he always turned them away with a smile and went back to the bus alone. I don’t think I could have that kind of restraint, which is why I was alone.

  “How’s Lindsey?” He asked, catching me off guard and causing me to almost spill my beer I was holding.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I saw you two come back here last night. I was going to go to bed but when I saw you guys, I went back to the tent.” He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back in the chair, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

  “I was just walking her back to her bus,” I stammered, avoiding his eyes. I never cared before if someone saw me with a woman, but for some reason, I wasn’t ready to admit I slept with Lindsey. I wasn’t sure why; she was hot as fuck and every guy here drooled over her. Maybe it was more about me not wanting to admit how much I enjoyed being with her.

  “Like hell you were,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” He examined all the rings on his hands, touching his wedding ring. “You know, it’s not bad to have someone. It’s hard in this business, but it’s nice. Despite the fans and everyone around us, it can be awfully lonely.”

  He stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. “I like her. Don’t let her get away.”

  “It was just one night,” I mumbled, dismissing him.

  “Clarissa and I met on a one night stand. I married her four months later.” He shrugged and rubbed his closely shaved head. “Sometimes when you know, you know.”

  His phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket. He glanced at it and grinned. “Speaking of the devil… I’ll talk to you later man.”

  “Later,” I said, chugging down the last of my beer. I got up to get another one and noticed J.J. sitting off by himself talking to his wife. He had a big stupid smile on his face and I felt a pang of jealousy.

  I shook my head and opened my beer. I was being ridiculous. I had it all right now. Why would I throw it away for some stupid woman I fucked one night? It was nothing but another night of sex like all the other numerous women I’ve banged.

  Then why couldn�
��t I get this one out of my head?

  Maybe I needed another chick to get her out of my head. Diesel’s idea of a party was a good one; I could get laid and erase Lindsay from my mind. It was the perfect solution.

  I spent the rest of the drive to Vegas working on some songs for our next album with Diesel. We always worked together and wrote all of our songs for the band. We usually started with the music and then added the lyrics. It was such a rush, better than any drug. Sometimes it was even better than stepping onto the stage to the sounds of screaming fans.

  I didn’t even give Lindsey a second thought until we got the Hard Rock Café hotel where we were staying. I got off of the bus and looked over in time to see her step off the press bus.

  She didn’t notice me, so I was able to check her out. She was wearing tiny jean shorts and a tank top that hugged her curves. Images of her tits with her tight nipples flashed through my mind. She had the most perfect, real tits I’d seen in a long time.

  She had her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, revealing hoop earrings in her ears. Chuck Taylors adorned her feet and I had to admit she looked fucking sexy. She would probably look sexy in a garbage bag. So many women I met tried too hard but with her, it was natural.

  That was a big part of my attraction to her. She was real. She didn’t fall all over me or suck up to me because I was Cane Stephens. She didn’t let me get away with any bullshit around her and wasn’t afraid to call me out.

  She didn’t dress like a whore or wear a ton of make-up. She had a style of her own and didn’t care what anyone else thought. I was a little surprised she didn’t have a boyfriend.

  “What are you waiting for?” Zane asked, nudging me with his arm. He was carrying a couple of bags and standing behind me.

  “Nothing,” I mumbled and went into the hotel. I sat in the lobby, waiting for our manager to come back with our room keys.


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