Best Bondage Erotica 2015

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Best Bondage Erotica 2015 Page 11

by Rachel Kramer Bussel

  He slipped his hands under my head and neck, the same way Mason had. “Too bad he won’t share you this way. I’d love to fuck your mouth in this position while he fucks your pussy. It looked damned hot from where I was watching.”

  His voice was rough and his body aroused, but he didn’t make any moves to unzip his pants. Part of me—the still denied part of me—considered begging Mason to allow it, but that was a bridge I wasn’t sure I was comfortable crossing. As it was, my one-track mind and my attention were yanked away from temptation when Mason grabbed my hips and surged into me with one long, hard thrust.

  I screamed and arched my back, my head pressing down against Silas’s hands. “Master!”

  “Lift her up, Si, before she hurts herself. Feel free to play with her tits.”

  Silas maneuvered me so my head was no longer hanging down and my shoulders were leaning against his chest, his hands cupping my breasts. He squeezed them and I gritted my teeth against the shocking pain as Mason thrust into me again.

  Silas bit my ear, then whispered into it. “Look at him, Addie. Look at his face. He’s as much yours as you are his. If I tried to fuck your mouth, he’d rip my damn head off. The little one first, and then the big one.”

  I started to laugh but Mason fucked into me again and I cried out instead.

  Together, they set a rhythm that had me gasping and shaking and panting. Silas would tug at the nipple clamps and Mason would power into me, sending my nerves into overdrive.

  “Oh god, I need to come. Please may I come? Please, Master?” My mind was spinning, my body tight with denied release. I hovered on the edge of something amazing, and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. My eyes filled with tears and spilled over. “Please.”

  “Come for me,” Mason ordered, fucking me hard, his fingers gripping my hips so tightly I knew I’d have bruises. Heat and pressure built inside me, but I couldn’t get there, even though he’d told me I could.

  I started begging. “Please, please, please, please.”

  “Now, Silas,” Mason growled. Silas removed the nipple clamps as Mason fucked me, pinching my clit.

  I shrieked at the pain and the pleasure, flying off the precipice into a roiling sea. Mason came with a shout to match mine. Breathing heavily, he held me as close as he could, his head bowed forward.

  I felt Silas press a kiss to my temple as he released the ropes keeping me suspended. He helped Mason carry me to the blanket where they set me down on my stomach.

  “Thanks, man,” Mason murmured, and with my head turned sideways, I saw Silas leave us alone again.

  Carefully, Mason unbound my arms. As they were released I groaned, feeling the ache in them. He rubbed my shoulders and pressed a kiss between them, along my spine. I was still breathing heavily from my release, and slightly sore from the suspension, but I felt languid and loose too. That had been one hell of an orgasm.

  He left the harness on but removed the ropes binding my legs, and again, I groaned. His hands felt wonderful as he massaged my legs, his fingers digging into the overstretched muscles. When he finished they were limp noodles. If I had to get up and run, I’d be in big trouble. My heart was a tumble of emotions, my mind still mostly filled with cotton.

  Mason stretched out next to me on the quilt and pulled me into his arms. He kissed me, then tucked my head under his chin, pulling a thin blanket over me. “I love you, Addie-mine. You please me very much. Rest now. We’ve got more to do later. So much more.” He murmured nonsense words to me, stroking my skin with gentle hands.

  “I love you too.” I closed my eyes, knowing I was safe and protected in my Master’s embrace.


  Annabeth Leong

  Ruby had never been in bondage so complex that it required coolant. As Paula wound tubing around her body and taped it in place, Ruby’s stomach dropped in that familiar, exhilarating, maybe-this-isn’t-such-a-great-idea-after-all sort of way.

  Except that this wasn’t familiar at all. Ruby had never played in Paula’s basement before. The gymnastics mat beneath her felt sticky and spongy under her bare toes. The acrid smell of industrial cling wrap filled the place, and the lighting was weird.

  She hadn’t played with Paula that much, either—just a few times, until Ruby had been sure that she felt safe enough to get extreme with her.

  No matter how many times Ruby had brought herself off to pictures of people wrapped tight until they couldn’t move at all, and no matter how many times her clit had pulsed to thoughts of full-body heat and constriction, there was nothing familiar about the reality of it. Paula had explained exactly what they were going to do, and Ruby had nodded politely through that conversation and then gone home to masturbate furiously, but when it came down to it, she still felt as if she had no understanding of what was about to happen to her.

  Ruby began to tremble.

  Paula patted her absently on the hip but continued her task. She clinked as she moved, and Ruby wondered what was making that sound. The medical tape she used to attach the tubing to Ruby’s inner thighs itched. “Do we need so much of that?”

  Paula glanced up at her with an inscrutable expression. “You’re going to want it once I get you covered in plastic, sweetie. I don’t want our scene to end early because you’re overheating.”

  Covered in plastic. The words echoed through Ruby’s head. She imagined her skin compressed, sweaty, suffocating under layer upon layer of cling wrap. The misery and the helplessness attached to the image made her squirm and press her thighs together, dislodging a length of tubing and earning her a light slap from Paula. Ruby had never been able to explain why it got her so hot to picture herself so unhappy, and then she’d met Paula, who didn’t care why.

  Her teeth chattered.

  Paula cocked her head. “We can stop if you need to. I could play with just your hands or something, not your whole body. I know this is a big step for you.”

  Ruby spent a moment wishing that Paula would be meaner. If she would cackle like a villain and tell Ruby that she was trapped in the dungeon now and had no choice, this might be easier. It felt particularly humiliating to have to look her in the eye and admit, “No, I want to do this. Please don’t stop.” People often talked as if BDSM was about doing a favor to the top—“submitting” to dominance, “letting” her spank you. Since Ruby had turned fantasy to reality, she had learned an uncomfortable truth. Paula was doing her a favor. She was spending money, time and skill putting on an elaborate scene for Ruby’s benefit, because Ruby needed to feel confined, because Ruby wanted to get off. It was hard enough to ask people for simple things, and harder still to ask for complicated, extreme, slightly dangerous things. Ruby’s stomach flipped over as she recalled seeking Paula out because of the magic word “mummification” listed on her kinky social network profile. She suspected that she needed Paula more than Paula needed her.

  By the time Ruby worked that all out in her head, Paula had already nodded and finished attaching her tubing. “Let me test this,” she muttered, adjusting Ruby as if she were a recalcitrant piece of machinery. Paula picked up the bucket of ice water she’d prepared earlier, her stout body showing no sign of effort. She grinned as she raised it to the level of Ruby’s head, her broad nose flattening as her face widened. “Get ready. Try not to move.”

  She inserted one end of Ruby’s tubing into the water, and after a few moments, gravity began to make the siphon work. An icy sensation curled around Ruby’s torso, arms and legs as the cold water traveled through the tubing and into the bucket waiting at the other end. Ruby shrieked. She fanned her hands against the outsides of her thighs, trying to hold still as Paula had commanded, but needing some sort of outlet for her reaction to the cold.

  Paula grunted. “You’ll thank me for this later, believe me.” She paused. “Though you might also scream twice as loud as that.”

  She lowered the bucket, leaving Ruby gasping.

  Before Ruby could recover, Paula reached into her pants pocket and pulled
out a handful of pennies. She taped them in evenly spaced rows over Ruby’s body.

  “What are those for?”

  Paula raised an eyebrow. “I explained this the day we had coffee. They’re for making vents. In case I need to let your skin breathe.”

  However, she offered no additional explanation for the coins that went over Ruby’s hard nipples, nor for the special rigging that allowed her to position a quarter over Ruby’s arousal-slicked clit. Ruby looked down at her body, which already looked strange thanks to the medical tape, and decided not to press Paula to tell her more. She liked to be restricted more than she liked to submit, but she saw no need to be a brat when Paula was going to so much trouble.

  Paula attached a last piece of medical tape with a flourish, then thumped Ruby’s ass with her palm. “There. Now we’re ready for the real fun.” She rushed to her racks of industrial cling wrap with a sort of manic enthusiasm that put Ruby paradoxically at ease. Paula was enjoying herself, too.

  She returned with a tube of plastic wrap as long as her torso tucked under one arm and two rolls of duct tape swinging off her outstretched fingers. She seemed lighter on her feet and much less stolid.

  Before Paula started in with the cling wrap, she leaned her forehead against Ruby’s. “You promised, but I need to make sure. You’re going to tell me how you’re feeling while we do this, right? Even things that seem trivial to you might be something I need to know. Don’t hold back, okay?”

  Ruby forced herself to nod.

  “Let’s practice,” Paula coached. “What are you feeling right now?”

  “Um…” Ruby wasn’t shy with herself, but it was still hard for her to tell other people how kinky she was. “Nervous. Excited.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Wet.”

  “Good,” Paula purred. She dropped the duct tape at Ruby’s feet and used her thumb to work the loose end of the cling wrap off the roll. Accompanied by an exuberant ripping sound, she spread her arms wide, freeing a broad expanse of clear plastic. Paula stepped behind Ruby and hugged her through the cling wrap. In the process, she made a loose tube around Ruby’s torso.

  Ruby frowned, feeling the wrapping already slipping down her body. She moved her arms apart to hold it in place, but Paula pushed them down against her sides. “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “It’ll get tighter as we go.”

  The sound of cling wrap separating from the roll filled Paula’s basement, cracking and echoing against the concrete walls. Paula held the roll steady and commanded Ruby to spin into it, forcing her to participate in her own mummification. Ruby obeyed, her movements becoming increasingly awkward as, layer upon layer, the plastic began to squeeze tight around her. She wobbled, dizzy and full of adrenaline.

  Paula laughed. “I haven’t even done your legs. Don’t fall down yet!”

  Ruby bit her lip and struggled to continue spinning. A bead of sweat formed inside her armpit then rolled down her arm. It tickled as it traveled but, encased in the plastic, she couldn’t do anything about it.

  She stopped moving, aware on a visceral level of how helpless she was becoming. Her arms could only wiggle a few millimeters, and Paula had just gotten started.

  Paula noticed and responded at once. She stroked Ruby’s hair. “How are you feeling?”

  Ruby swallowed. “Scared.” She corrected herself. “Terrified.”

  “Fun terrified? Or I-want-to-use-my-safeword-but-I-can’t-remember-it terrified?”

  Ruby considered the question. “I don’t want to use my safe-word,” she said after a moment.

  “Okay. Do you want me to slow down?”

  “I want to stop spinning. I feel too off balance.”

  Paula kissed the top of her ear. “Thank you for saying so.” She paused, then pulled Ruby firmly. “Come here.”

  In the corner was a sturdy pole. Paula pushed Ruby toward it. “This will help you stay on your feet,” she said. Ruby nodded. The pole did feel comforting against her back. She no longer felt as if she were going to tumble off her feet or spin into the concrete wall. On the other hand, Paula began to include the pole in the wrapping, pulling Ruby’s body straight and taut.

  Ruby’s torso felt thick and stiff. She tried a few experiments and found she could no longer bend at the waist—not forward, and not side to side either. No rope or restraint had ever immobilized her abdominals. It was an odd feeling, as if the pole behind her had replaced her spine.

  “Keep talking to me,” Paula murmured. Her wraps had begun to travel lower, down over Ruby’s hips and the tops of her thighs. Ruby felt a sudden urge to resist her immobilization and tried to spread her legs. Paula didn’t fight her, but the wraps pulled her knees closer together inexorably, a millimeter at a time.

  Ruby scanned her body, trying to obey Paula’s command. Her heart pounded. She couldn’t seem to relax, and she’d become aware that the more desperate her body became to free itself, the faster blood pumped through her body, and the hotter she got. She noticed that she felt sticky underneath the plastic, clammy and uncomfortable, especially in the places where her skin made contact with the metal coins.

  “It doesn’t feel good,” she admitted to Paula. “I’m at the point where I think this isn’t very fun after all. I sort of want to stop. I don’t like the plastic. I don’t like the way it’s squeezing me. I don’t like that I can’t get out.”

  Paula laughed again, patting Ruby’s side affectionately. Her touch seemed distant through the layers of plastic, muffled and awkward. Ruby shivered, reminded yet again of how constrained she was. “I love this part,” she whispered, a new and vicious tone entering her voice. “There’s no pretending now. You couldn’t work your way out of this if you tried. And it feels miserable. You’re too hot. You’re totally helpless. And unless you use that safeword after all, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. The plastic is going to get tighter and tighter. Your temperature’s going to keep rising. You can curse me, beg me, whatever you like, but there’s nowhere at all that you can go. You can’t adjust yourself. Not even slightly.” She stepped closer, her hands resting on Ruby’s plastic-covered hips. “I’m going to blindfold you and wait until I can tell that you’ve decided you hate it. That’s when I’ll play with you. I have ways of making your clit so big and hard you can’t stand it, but your thighs will be clamped together so your juices won’t be able to drip down. They’ll just collect in your cunt, and you’ll realize that, not only do you hate this, you’re more aroused than you’ve ever been, and there’s nothing you can do about that either.”

  Ruby’s eyes widened. She’d been on the verge of using her safeword, but Paula’s speech made her clit pulse so hard she could feel it in the back of her eyes. She whimpered. Paula brushed her lips against Ruby’s jaw, and though Ruby flinched away with her head, her body could not follow. She could no more retreat from Paula than she could approach her.

  Paula grinned, her glee giving Ruby a clearer sense of what she enjoyed about mummifying a submissive. Then she continued to wind plastic around Ruby’s legs. “Keep telling me how uncomfortable you are,” she ordered.

  Ruby squeezed her eyes shut and did her best. “It’s sweaty under the plastic. I swear it’s fifteen degrees hotter under here. My circulation’s getting a little weird. My fingertips are tingling.”

  Paula paused. “Yeah?” She felt the pulse in Ruby’s neck and several spots on her legs that were still exposed. “I think you’re okay, but keep me posted on that.”

  Ruby nodded. Paula had shown her the medical shears attached to her belt loop, but Ruby realized now that she hoped there would be no need to use them. “This is really unpleasant, but I don’t want you to cut me out just yet,” Ruby said, thinking she ought to voice the thought out loud.

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t.”

  “I need it to be a little bit unpleasant.”

  “Why?” Paula had finished with the cling wrap. Now she was sealing her work off with duct tape.

  “I don’t really know,” Ruby admitted. �
��I just know that’s the part that turns me on. And it’s the part I can’t do for myself. I don’t have enough willpower to hold still if I get myself into an uncomfortable situation.”

  “Well, you’re going to hold still now,” Paula declared. It was true. Ruby was cocooned in plastic, the wrapping so thick that it obscured the details of her naked body. Until the medical shears released her, Paula’s handiwork confined her to the tiniest twitches. “And I’m going to make you less comfortable, but safer.” She retrieved her buckets.

  “Oh no,” Ruby said. “Please.”

  “I told you, we have to make sure you don’t overheat.” Beside the pole, above the level of Ruby’s head, was a little shelf that Paula must have built expressly for her siphon. She hefted the bucket of ice water onto it.

  What had been merely cold before was an inescapable freezing grasp now. Ruby screamed so loudly that she felt her uvula vibrating. For the first time, she truly struggled against the plastic that held her and discovered how implacable it was. Another powerful throb went through her clit. It wasn’t quite an orgasm, but the spasm left her gasping.

  Paula laid a hand over Ruby’s stomach. “Your helpless little wriggles are so sweet,” she said with a wicked smile.

  Ruby couldn’t stand the chill in contrast to the sticky heat under the plastic. “I think you’re evil,” she sobbed, still squirming uselessly.

  “I’m definitely evil,” Paula grinned. “Now, how else am I going to play with you?”

  Ruby tried to get used to the wild variations of temperature under the plastic, but she felt completely off balance. The skin of her forehead was clammy with sweat. Paula approached with a roll of cloth bandages. “We need to cover your eyes,” she said. “I want you to lose all sense of time. You’re going to have no idea how long I’ve kept you like this, completely immobilized, sobbing for me, at my mercy.”

  Ruby opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Paula’s words filled her with horror and dread. Right on the heels of those terrible feelings, however, was utter, overwhelming arousal. Ruby wanted to beg, but she didn’t know for what.


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