Eye Candy

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Eye Candy Page 25

by Tijan

  Feeling safe, I weave my way through the throng of guests. Some of the costumes are amazing. More than one person decided to be Dracula, or a vampire. There’s a couple here who literally look like Barbie and Ken—it’s a bit creepy. I pass Alice in Wonderland, a lonely looking zombie—there was a reason I said no to that theme—and Chewbacca, whose date is Princess Leia, which is a bit . . . odd. I have to say excuse me every two feet, because my dress is just as puffy as every other woman’s in this room. It’s like playing dress bumper cars. I also have to duck behind a group of people to avoid one of my past flings. Dear God. I’ve been to tons of events in the past six months and managed to avoid running into anyone whose bed I’ve been in. Why does it seem like all my bad choices are here tonight?

  I spot Bane. He’s a hard man to miss, even if he’s dressed in the same suit as the majority of the men here. I should’ve agreed with Armstrong and had a masquerade party even if it would’ve taken some of the fun out of this for Ruby. It would’ve been easier to navigate and I would have had a better chance of hiding from my soon-to-be mother-in-law and the other people I’m not interested in reminiscing with. Or I could’ve chosen to be a Storm Trooper, I suppose.

  I search the area around Bane’s massive frame, but I don’t see Ruby anywhere. Regardless, he’ll have Lex’s number, he can contact him and find out when he’ll be arriving. I lift my massive skirt and begin the arduous task of crossing the room again.

  “Amalie!” Armstrong’s father stops me with a hand on my arm. “Come meet some of my associates. I’m so sorry Armstrong couldn’t be here tonight to see you in this dress. Has anyone sent him a picture so he knows what he’s missing?”

  Fredrick’s breath is sharp with scotch and I think I might catch a hint of slur in his words. He puts an arm around my shoulder and turns me to the group of men, all holding glasses of amber liquid. He issues introductions, the last names familiar, and I try to be attentive and gracious while I panic internally. I want this evening to go as smoothly as possible to avoid anything negative from Gwendolyn. I need all the help I can get with her. Our missing bachelor is an issue I’d like to rectify, otherwise I need to find someone else to stand in for Lex and that’s not going to be easy with less than an hour before the auction begins.

  Fredrick’s arm is still slung casually over my shoulder. “Isn’t she a catch? Armstrong has great taste in women, just like his father, isn’t that right?” The question seems to be directed at me.

  I’m really not sure what to say to that. Gwendolyn is an insufferable bitch. Although, I’ve seen pictures of her when she was younger and hadn’t been subjected to years of Botox and surgery. She was once very pretty. I just nod and smile and blush appropriately before I excuse myself and slip out from under Fredrick’s arm.

  I finally reach Bane, who’s drinking imported beer, chatting with his other brother, Griffin, and someone dressed as a gladiator. His back is to me. I fight an eye roll. Clearly whoever it is wanted a reason to be shirtless. As I get closer I notice he’s at least attempted to complete the look with some fake scars. Two thick lines run down his back. His incredibly muscular back. I assume it’s supposed to mimic whip or sword marks. He has a shield propped against his leg. Which is also muscular. A helmet, shoulder armor, and an authentic-looking skirt-type thing complete the costume. He can definitely pull the costume off with a back like that. Actually, the whole package is quite nice.

  “Bane.” I put my hand on his forearm to get his attention. It’s loud with the music and the conversation.

  “Amie.” His white teeth flash in the chandelier light. “Hey! How’s it going? Have you seen my girlfriend? She’s been missing for a while.”

  “I’m actually looking for her. And do you know if Lexington has arrived yet? The bachelor auction starts soon and I haven’t seen him. I need to make sure he knows what’s going on.”

  “I’m right here.” The deep male voice is close and yet muffled.

  I jump and spin around. The voice is coming from under the gladiator helmet.

  “Oh! I didn’t realize it was you.”

  I try to keep my eyes above his neck, but they dart down anyway. It’s supposed to be the quickest of glimpses. He looks like an airbrushed model. Ridges defining each and every contour.

  Washboard abs flex and ripple as he raises his arms, thickly corded with muscle, his full sleeve tattoo on display, and lifts his helmet. His hair is a mess, damp from being contained. He runs a hand through it, sending it into further disarray. Usually it’s tamed with a perfect part to the left making him authentically the businessman he is. But right now he looks very much the part of the untamed gladiator.

  “Excellent costume choice, Lexington.” I place a hand on his forearm. “You’re perfect.”

  His brow arches. And I blink a few times. Reviewing what I’ve just said, I rush to complete that thought. “For the auction. You’re perfect for the auction.”

  That panty-dropping smile widens. “Anything for charity, Cinderella. Where’s Prince Charming?”

  “I’m sorry? What?”

  “You’re Cinderella, right? Where’s my cousin? I assume he’s playing at being Charming tonight.”

  “Oh! Right. He had a business thing to take care of. Very last minute, so he’s unable to attend.”

  “That’s unfortunate.” He sounds very much like he doesn’t mean that in the slightest. He takes my hand and bows, his lips pressing against my knuckle for the briefest moment. It’s completely disarming, exactly like it was a year ago when I met him at a Moorehead function. Incidentally, it was the same night I met Armstrong, who warned me off his too-smooth cousin.

  I snatch my hand away and laugh, a little disconcerted. “Have you been practicing that move all day? You should definitely do that when you’re being auctioned, you’ll have women throwing their checkbooks at you. Anyway, once I’ve found Ruby I’ll give you a rundown of how the auction is going to work.”

  “I’ve done a bunch of these, so you’ve got nothing to worry about.” He winks.

  I turn away from Lexington so I don’t succumb to the urge to look at his abs again.

  Bane appears annoyed with his brother. I’m not sure why. His costume is genius. He’s going to garner lots of attention at the auction.

  I glance around the room, searching for Ruby, but it’s difficult with the low lighting and all the people. “When was the last time you saw Ruby?” I ask Bane.

  “It’s been a while. She mentioned changing her costume, but then she went to get a drink and hasn’t come back yet. To be honest, it’s fine with me if she just stays in that dress so I don’t have to change out of this suit.”

  “Have you seen her in the other costume?” She sent me selfies yesterday. It’s amazing how a costume that covers so much skin can still be so scandalously sexy.

  “She wanted it to be a surprise. You know how she is.”

  I give him a sly smile. “I’m pretty sure once you see it you’ll feel differently.”

  Lexington taps me on the shoulder. “Uh. What’s Ruby’s costume again?”

  I maintain actual eye contact this time. “She’s supposed to be Catwoman.”

  “I think she’s changed then.” He points across the room.

  Bane and I follow his finger. I smile as his mouth drops open.

  “Sweet fucking Christ.”

  “It’s a really great costume, isn’t it?” Ruby is talented with a sewing machine.

  The V neckline plunges teasingly low, but stops before it reveals cleavage. Her long hair is pulled up in a ponytail and a simple mask covers her eyes. Her lips are painted a deep, glittery red. The bodysuit clings to her like a second skin, showcasing every curvy inch. Black stilettos complete the look. And of course, a pair of cat ears. She also has a whip. Because why the hell not?

  She’s grinning as she slips between guests, drawing attention from all sides. “She needs to put that damn dress back on.” Bane’s hands are in his pockets. I try not to think about wh
at I accidentally got a glimpse of the other day when I was there. Or how Armstrong fails to stack up, even a little.

  Chapter 10: Panty Eater


  Bane looks like he wants to commit several murders as I move through the crowd, which is the exact reason I refused to let him see the costume before this moment. I have a plan for later tonight. And it includes costumes. His and mine. And sex. Hot superhero sex.

  Once I’m close enough, I do a little spin and curtsey. “Do you like it?”

  Bancroft adjusts his tie, then stuffs his hand back in his pocket, exhaling a low whistle. He clears his throat, but it doesn’t help much with the gravel in it. “A little too much.”

  I bet he has a wicked hard-on right now. I wonder how long I have to wait before I can get my hands on it, or more exciting parts of my body.

  “Banny!” A collective group-cringe accompanies the shrill sound.

  I know that voice. I know it well. It’s Brittany Thorton. I call her Brittany Whore-ton. Because it’s fitting and sometimes I’m juvenile. She also wants to sink her claws into my man. She uses the fact that she’s known him her entire life as an excuse to hug him every time she sees him. Two broken arms would make that rather difficult.

  Back before Bancroft and I were dating, he went out with her once. It was the same night we met.

  As expected, she ignores me and throws her arms around his neck like she does every single time. God, I hate her so much. “You have got to be kidding me. Who the hell invited her?” I mutter.

  Amie shrugs and Lex watches the interaction with amusement.

  I have no idea what her costume is supposed to be. Her dress barely covers her ass, which is typical based on what I’ve seen her wear at other events. She shows up everywhere we are. It’s one of the pitfalls of being connected to all these people with money. They invite each other to everything.

  I glare at Bancroft, who’s smart enough not to hug her back with the same level of enthusiasm. In fact, he barely pats her back. He touches her. That’s enough to make me consider using my whip to strangle her.

  When she finally lets go of him her nose crinkles. “Who’re you supposed to be?”

  She sucks a lollipop into her mouth. Pushing it to the side, she creates a bulge in her cheek.

  “Bruce Wayne.”

  “Oh.” She tilts her head as if she doesn’t understand. Shrugging, she pulls the lollipop out with a suctiony sound. I want to shove that damn thing up her left nostril. “Are you in the auction again? I brought my checkbook!”

  “I’m not a bachelor this year.” Bane looks like he’s trying to keep his smile under control. He knows how much I loathe Brittany, especially when she ignores me on purpose and gets all touchy-feely with him. He thinks it’s funny when I get worked up about it. Probably because the sex afterward is extra feisty. He often comes away with scratches post–Brittany encounters, and then struts around without a shirt on so I can see the damage I’ve done.

  “Oh, right. I forgot. You have a girlfriend.”

  Lex coughs to cover his laughter. He knows just as well as Bancroft how much Brittany’s continued interest in Bane irritates me.

  I push my way between them, wrap one arm around his back and slide one under the lapel of his suit. If it wouldn’t cause a huge scene I’d stick my tongue right down his throat just to make a point, or grab his crotch, but that would be pushing the line a lot. “Hi, Brittany, it’s so great to see you again!” I put on my best fake friendly smile.

  “Oh! Hi, Rosemary! I didn’t even see you there.”

  I don’t correct her on my name. She purposely gets it wrong every single time. Or she’s just too dim to remember.

  “Did you know Lexington is up for auction tonight?”

  Lex shoots daggers at me, but flashes a smile when Brittany turns her grin on him.

  “Oh my God! Lexy!” She launches herself at him. He catches her, wrapping one arm around her waist as she clings to his neck. I unfurl my whip and make like I’m going to strangle her. Lex’s white-toothed grin widens, but changes to a cringe when he gets hit in the face with her hair.

  Bancroft’s chest presses against my back and his mouth is suddenly at my ear. “Don’t be catty.”

  I elbow him in the ribs. “Such a bad joke.”

  When Brittany finally lets go of “Lexy” she drags her hands down his bare chest. “Oh wow! I love your costume. What’re you?”

  “A gladiator.”

  “Of course.” Her nose crinkles and she touches the sword holster at his waist, running her finger down the length. “So like, is this similar to a highlander? You know, the whole kilt, no underwear thing?”

  Seriously. I detest this chick so much.

  Lex smirks. If flirting were a profession, he’d be the CEO of the company. He leans in and says something none of us can hear.

  Her giggle tells me he’s in full-on flirt mode. “I’ll be sure to bid on you. Daddy said I could spend as much as I want this year.” She winks exaggeratedly and licks her lollipop.

  His eyebrows lift. “Lucky me.”

  Judging from her smile, she entirely misses the sarcasm. It’s amazing that he’s able to flirt so shamelessly when even he’s admitted his disdain for her.

  He settles his hands on her hips and moves back a step so she’s not in his personal space anymore and looks her over. “What’s your costume?”

  “I’m the lollipop girl.”

  “Right. Of course you are.”

  After a few beats of silence and a muffled cough from Bancroft, she bounces on her toes, her boobs nearly popping out of her dress. “Okay! Well, I’m going to say hi to some more people. See you all later!” And off she goes.

  “Wow.” Lex blows out a breath.

  I turn to say something to Amie and notice, first, that she’s watching Brittany sashay across the room with the same level of absolute loathing as I usually do. She’s such a great best friend. It’s why I put up with Armstrong. That and I really have no other choice. It’s actually quite nice that he couldn’t make it tonight. As I observe Brittany interacting with another group of debutantes, I note a very familiar-looking man headed straight for Amie, dressed as Peter Pan, jaunty cap perched on his head and everything.

  It takes me a moment to place him. He’s one of Amie’s exes. “Oh shit.” I grab her arm. “Three o’clock. The panty eater.” Of all of Amie’s exes, he’s one I never would’ve considered inviting to an event, because I’m pretty sure he’s certifiable. I did however slip an invite to a couple of the ones who aren’t crazy, but who were definitely enamored of her, likely because she wasn’t interested in whatever they were offering for more than a date or two.

  Amie’s eyes go wide and she glances over. It’s too late to escape. He’s only fifteen feet away and closing in fast. “Who invited him?” she hisses.

  “I have no idea.” It’s the truth, too. As bad as I feel for Amie right now, I almost wish Armstrong was here to witness this, because I’m pretty sure it’s going to be epic. He also needs to understand just how fully obsessed some of Amie’s exes are with her.

  His smile is almost manic as he closes the gap. “Amie. It’s so good to see you.”

  Before she has a chance to respond at all, he wraps his arms around her and buries his face in her neck, turning his head so his nose is pretty much in her hair. Her hands are frozen in the air, fingers spread wide as if she’s being electrocuted. I can’t see her face, but I imagine it’s filled with horror.

  Bancroft’s mouth is at my ear. “Who the hell is that?”

  “I’ll tell you later. It’s a great story,” I promise.

  Prior to meeting Armstrong, Amie had decided to give online dating a chance. She thought it might help weed out some of the undesirables she was prone to going after. Some huge bigwig corporate mogul started messaging her, along with about six hundred other men. As was typical for Amie. She has absolutely no need to use online dating services, apart from being curious. She got asked out st
anding in lines at the grocery store, at least until Armstrong put a rock on her finger. I’m not sure even that has been much of a deterrent.

  Deacon, the man currently hugging her, certainly wasn’t her usual type, but he was hot, and she was desperate to break her bad-boy pattern, so she went out with him.

  Fast forward three dates later and she ended up back at his place. Apparently this guy had a thing for dining at the pussy buffet while her panties were still on. Which can be sexy in a teasing kind of way. Except he chewed an actual hole in her panties. And of course he kept them, because what man doesn’t need a pair of crotchless panties from a woman he’s fucked? We laughed about it.

  The sex was insane though, based on her reports, so she went back for more.

  The panty chewing continued. He seemed to be making it his mission to turn all of her panties into crotchless ones.

  Anyway, after three panty destructions, she ended things. But in true Amie fashion, she’d managed to secure herself a stage-five clinger. He continued to message her for weeks after she said she wasn’t really interested in a relationship. It took a while for the message to sink in; the threat of a restraining order helped.

  She shut down her account after that. Unfortunately the bar scene produced even less favorable dating options. The next guy she went out with was worse than the online ones—and almost landed her in prison.

  Deacon embraces her far longer than is appropriate. During that time I shift a little, so I’m able to see her face. Everyone in our small group has stopped talking to watch this interaction.

  He finally releases her but holds on to her shoulders as he leans back enough to see her face. His thumbs sweep along her collarbones. “I’d hoped you’d be here.”

  “Deacon, it’s so . . . I didn’t . . . How are you?” Her voice is shrill, disarmed.

  Lex gives me a questioning look. His fingers curl around the hilt of his sword, as if he’s considering using it.


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