Eraser Platinum

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Eraser Platinum Page 5

by Keith, Megan

  “We could keep discussing our future …” Nate tried to make his voice sound neutral but he was annoyed at her change of subject. He glanced around at the tree they were standing under and thought about Mackenzie’s story of her safe haven when she was a kid. He would love for her to think of this tree in the same way. Maybe even a place where they could play with their own kids one day.

  “Or we could make out?” She crooked her finger at him and smiled a sexy smile.

  He wanted to argue. He wanted to continue their conversation. But he couldn’t push her into talking. He had to be satisfied with the fact that she’d opened up, if only a little. He needed to be pleased with the piece she’d offered. They’d made so much progress in the past twenty-four hours.

  “You know I can’t resist an invitation like that.” He had to admit it, because he really couldn’t resist her. He’d take her anyway he could. He cupped her face and crushed his lips to hers.

  It wasn’t long until their kisses became heated. Nate ran his hand down her side to her thigh and hitched her leg up against his. Nestling himself between her legs, he pressed his hard cock against her. His hand slid back inside her top, gripping her breast and tweaking her nipple. She moaned into his mouth.

  She started rubbing on him, her thin cotton pants allowing the feel of the seam of his jeans covering his erection, to press into her in exactly the right way while they kissed. She gripped his ass and pulled him closer. He detached his mouth from hers and trailed kisses down her neck.

  “I want you Nate, please,” she whispered.

  He moved his hands to the button of his jeans then paused and stepped back. A bit of teasing first, he thought smugly. The look on her face when he let his hands drop to his sides was priceless. He loved Mackenzie, but when she was aroused and fired up he loved her that little bit more.

  “Don’t you dare give me that look!” She could see the cogs turning in his head.

  “What look?” Nate chuckled with false innocence.

  “The one that tells me you’re thinking about delayed gratification.” She rushed forward in an attempt to undo his jeans but he outstepped her. “Nate!”

  He turned from her and pushed through the branches and ran toward the house laughing.

  “If you want it, come and get it.”

  Once she entered the house Mackenzie slowed from her run to allow her eyes to adjust from the brightness outside. By the time she focused on the room around her Nate was nowhere to be seen. She thought she heard movement to her left. Following the sound, she stepped out of the kitchen and into a narrow hallway.


  Mackenzie had no idea where she was going, she hadn’t been in that part of the house before. The corridor was long and dotted with closed doors. She warily took a few more steps through the darkened hall, her footsteps on the wooden floorboards were loud in the narrow space. She felt a door open behind her, but before she could turn around she was pushed up against the wall, chest first. She turned her head to see a pair of dark eyes fixed on her.

  “You scared the shit out of me!” She gasped when he bent her arm behind her and used his free hand to hold the back of her neck. “You’re a bit old to be playing hide and seek, don’t you think?” she teased.

  “No more talking, Mackenzie.” He pressed his chest into her back. His lips brushed her ear and he whispered, “Get your pants off.” Then released his hold, taking a step back to allow her to do it.

  Mackenzie faced him and didn’t hesitate to undo her button and fly. She was already turned on and his heated instructions only increased her desire. As soon as she had her pants and underwear on the floor, he spun her and once again pressed her into the wall. Her breasts squished against it, her hardened nipples aching at the pressure. He slid one hand slowly up the inside of her thigh before stroking where her thighs met.

  “Ah Mackenzie, you’re never too old to play games.” He hissed as he pushed his fingers into her. “Fuck, you’re so wet. See? You like my games.”

  He withdrew his fingers so he could undo his pants. She whimpered when he pressed his hard cock against her before pushing inside. Using his fingers he rubbed on her clit while he started a slow and steady rhythm. Her muscles clenched around him.

  “Yes, you like that very much,” he said softly, thrusting into her.

  “Oh fuck!” she called out on his next plunge.

  “Shh, papillon, there could be staff about, this is where their rooms are you know.”

  “What?” Mackenzie whispered.

  “Be quiet.”

  Using his free hand he covered her mouth while the fingers of his other hand quickened their pace against her. His hips rotated in just the right way, pushing Mackenzie into a euphoric frenzy. She was tempted to bite down on his hand to stop herself from screaming when her orgasm hit. She settled for squeezing her eyes shut and moaning loudly, while her body shook into a quivering mess.

  He pumped into her a couple more times before withdrawing, leaving a panting Mackenzie to slump face first against the wall.

  “I’m not finished with you yet,” he whispered, pulling her to the floor a moment later.

  Mackenzie wasn’t coherent enough to argue and looking up to the handsome man hovering above her she decided she probably never would turn him down for sex. She couldn’t say no to him when he looked at her that way and did the things he did to her body. She’d gladly lay down anywhere for him. And when he re-entered her she also decided she didn’t give a fuck if there were any staff members about that could hear her or could walk in on them. They’d have to get used to it because he was irresistible and together they were insatiable.

  “Oh fuck yes!” she called out as he hit the exact right spot.

  She was still coming down from her orgasm and he was already bringing forth another, her eyes gave her away. And when she screamed out his name while staring up at him he got lost in those gorgeous pools of jade, he wanted to stay lost with her forever. When her eyes became unfocused as she was pushed over the edge again, he remembered to breathe.

  Mackenzie could see he was straining to hold his orgasm at bay while she continued to shake around him. He was a determined bastard and his obsession with dragging it out, delaying that final moment, held her captivated. His movements resumed, slow and with purpose, he was loving her. She watched the passionate and affectionate look on his face, battling with eyes that held the primal urge he had to go hard, and though her body had already reached two massive orgasms she wanted one more. She also wanted to prove that she was what he needed; that she was enough for him.

  “Harder,” she encouraged. She pressed her hands to his back, pulling him closer.

  He dipped his head to suck on her skin. He licked, bit and kissed her body, worshipping her. “Mackenzie, I love your tight pussy wrapped around my cock. I want to live like this, live on you, in you. You feel so good.”

  “Harder!” she demanded, wanting it even more for him than herself. She wanted him to have his desire fulfilled. She wanted to be worthy of him and she needed to know that they were okay.

  “Harder you say?” he asked, lifting his head from her chest to catch her eye.

  “Yes! I fucking want it harder!” she yelled out.

  He withdrew, repositioned his knees and grabbed both of her thighs, hitching them up so that her legs were pressed toward her chest, her ass off the floor and pointed at him. He admired the view of Mackenzie spread open for him then looked up to catch her heavily hooded eyes.

  “Just remember, you asked for this,” he warned, then lined his cock with her entrance and went in as hard and fast as he possibly could. He watched the air leave Mackenzie’s mouth on a loud gasp, her eyes widening in fright and pleasure, with perhaps a little pain. He backed up and did it again, leaning his body over hers, he held tightly onto one of her thighs and ran his other hand up to her throat. He wrapped his hand around her neck and thrust harder, pulling all the way out and pumping back in again.

  He tightened
his hold on her throat and pressed a searing kiss to her mouth, stealing her breath on yet another painfully hard thrust. It hurt, but it hurt so damn good. So good, in fact, she could feel herself heading toward orgasm number three. With her knees leaning toward her head she called out, “Fuck!” on his next plunge into her. She felt the ache all the way to her womb, the intensity of his movements pushing her along the hardwood floor. It hurt her back. She didn’t care. She stretched her arms to hold onto his shoulders. Digging her nails into his skin she held on for dear life. His hand moved higher, against her head, holding it to the floor, his palm to her neck and his fingers across her cheek. She managed to move just enough to suck one of his fingers into her mouth. She sucked like she was hungry, starving for him, she sucked on it hard like she would his cock.

  “Yes Mackenzie! You like that? Is that Hard. Enough. For. You.” He spoke on each thrust, driving into her with even more force.

  “Yes!” she screamed around his fingers. Her hands moved across his back. Her nails dug into his skin, scratching him and it felt so good to Nate, so primal, he couldn’t stop his actions. He rocked into her one last time, watching her.

  Her eyes fluttered closed briefly before latching onto his. She watched him stiffen, his body going rigid and then she felt him pumping his hot seed into her body. He moved back onto his knees and brought his hand down to her center, rubbing on her with determination.

  “Come for me.” He squeezed the last of his orgasm into her and then watched her slowly explode around him. “That’s it, papillon.”

  He gently placed her legs on the floor before coming to lie on top of her. Brushing the hair from the side of her face he let out a contented sigh.

  “I love you, Nate,” she whispered.

  “I love you more.” He kissed her gently on the lips and then rested his head in the crook of her neck, both of them panting.

  Eventually he stood and helped her up. He watched a flushed Mackenzie getting hurriedly dressed.

  “There’s no one here,” he said.


  “Hilda and Simon are the only staff that live here and they’re both out for the day.” He smirked at her.

  “You mean to say … gahh!” She did up her pants and took a step forward. “You really are a shit!” She shoved his chest. He took hold of her fingers.

  “But you love me anyway.”

  The next morning, Mackenzie was woken by soft warm kisses against her skin as she lay on her side. She dropped her shoulder and tilted her head to allow better access. She moaned sleepily as Nate continued to kiss up her neck, his mouth reaching her ear.

  “Papillon,” he whispered, causing her skin to break out in goose bumps and her body to shiver.

  She rolled toward him, stretching as she went. Her eyes blinked open and disappointment overcame her when she saw that he was standing beside the bed fully dressed. He was leaning over her in a suit. The scent of his cologne filled her nostrils. She inhaled a deep breath and let it out with a disgruntled sigh.

  “You’re going to work?”

  “Yes. It’s Monday morning. I normally do.” He chuckled. Mackenzie groaned and squeezed her eyes shut, an adorable scrunched up scowl on her face. Nate allowed his eyes to trail her barely covered body. His desire for her threatened to overpower him and draw him back to bed. He cleared his throat and took a step away instead.

  “No fair! You can’t tease me like that and walk away.”

  “I assure you I can.” He bent down again, pushing his hand under her head. His fingers tangled in her hair and his mouth hovered over hers. “My teases are always full of promise Mackenzie, you should know that by now.” He kissed her hard, coaxing her lips apart, nipping her and injecting his tongue. She moaned into his mouth and his cock hardened even more at the sound. She lifted her arms to encircle his neck but he pulled back before she could reach him. “We’ll continue this tonight, I promise.”

  Mackenzie groaned with frustration. Banging her fist against the mattress, she grumbled, “I’m working tonight.”

  “After.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you,” he said, straightening his stance.

  She blinked up at him with a smile on her lips. “I love you too.” Her eyes caught on the movement when he adjusted his pants. “You torturous bastard.”

  He laughed his way out of the room and Mackenzie pressed her face into the pillow. She let out a small, frustrated, but happy, scream.

  Not ten minutes later, she was still lying in bed, unable to wipe the grin from her face, when her cell phone chimed with a text message. She rolled across the bed and collected it from the nightstand. Her smile broadened when she saw it was from Nate.

  If you married me, I would fulfil that promise every day for the rest of our lives.

  An involuntarily laughed escaped her lips. She imagined Nate sitting in the back of the car while Simon drove him to work, in his suit, cell phone in hand and a smug look on his face. She was beginning to realize these little attempts at persuasion weren’t going to stop any time soon. He was the master of seduction and he knew how to get what he wanted.

  Seduced into marriage to the most handsome man she had ever known? She shook her head. No. That wouldn’t be her story. She was tougher than that. Beautiful messages and his romantic side may be her weakness but if she were to ever change her mind it would be all her idea. Right? Change my mind? She groaned.

  Go away. I’m sleeping.

  She texted back before tossing her phone on the nightstand and stretching on the bed. A new message came through almost immediately. She smiled and rolled back to collect it.

  No you’re not. You better not be pleasuring yourself, Mackenzie. Delayed gratification, remember?

  She laughed out loud and quickly shot him a response.

  You know where you can shove your delayed gratification SIR.

  She sighed happily, her hand creeping down her stomach in defiance. A knock at the door interrupted her and she quickly shot up in bed, tucking the sheet close to her chest and running her fingers through her hair before saying, “Come in.”

  “Good morning, Ms. Reed.” Hilda walked in carrying a tray. “I have breakfast for you.”

  “Thank you, Hilda. You didn’t have to do that. I’m more than capable.”

  “It’s my job, dear.” The gray-haired woman replied with a smile, placing the tray across Mackenzie’s lap. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No. Thank you, this looks delicious.” Mackenzie’s mouth watered at the arrangement of food in front of her. “I’ll be sure to get up earlier tomorrow and eat downstairs.”

  “Whatever you prefer, Ms. Reed. Nathaniel requested your breakfast to be delivered at this time, but if you wish to have a later breakfast you just let me know. We don’t all like to get up at the butt-crack of dawn,” she said with a wink, before walking around the bed to open the heavy drapes.

  Mackenzie couldn’t suppress her giggle.

  Hilda turned to her. “It’s true. Just because he’s been up since five a.m. doesn’t mean you have to do it.”

  “What time is it now?” Mackenzie asked.

  “It’s just past eight.”

  He’s been up for three hours already? Mackenzie’s brow scrunched in confusion. Why didn’t he wake me earlier? Hilda must have misread her expression.

  “This is your home dear, I work for you too, now. You just tell me what you need and when, alright?”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  “Anything at all, I’m here for you, Ms. Reed,” she said with a small bow of her head, before backing away toward the door.

  “Then I insist you call me Mack.”

  “Oh no, I wouldn’t feel right.”

  “Mackenzie then? Please?”

  Hilda contemplated that for a moment before her face broke into a smile. “As you wish. Is there anything else?”

  “Not that I can think of. Thank you for breakfast.”

  “You’re welcome, Mackenzie.”

  She wat
ched Hilda leave the room, closing the door behind her before she tucked into the scrambled eggs. It would take some getting used to, people taking care of her, this massive house and the benefits that came with it, but for some strange reason she felt at home already.

  Slipping into the dark bedroom that night, Mackenzie quietly undressed in the attached bathroom so as not to wake Nate. It was after midnight and she’d been hankering to get home as quick as possible, with the hope that Nate would have waited up for her. Which was silly considering he’d been up since five a.m. and had worked a full day. Even so, she couldn’t help the feeling of disappointment at finding him asleep when she got home. Home. She smiled around her toothbrush at her reflection in mirror. I love the sound of that.

  She tossed her clothes in the hamper and flicked off the light before opening the bathroom door, only to find Nate sitting up in bed with the lamp on.

  “What are you doing awake?” she asked.

  Nate’s eyes raked the length of her completely naked body before latching onto her face. “What are you doing so far away?” Her answering smile was enough to light up the whole house. Nate swallowed. “Fuck, I’ve missed you. Get over here.”

  “Yes Sir.” She giggled before walking his way.

  He kicked off the covers so she could climb into bed, smoothing the sheet beside him. She ignored that invitation, instead settling for a place on his lap. His naked lap. She straddled him and rocked against him, her core against his cock.

  “Oh god, Mackenzie.” He groaned.

  “I missed you, too,” she said before kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her closer still, kissing her fiercely while she rocked against him until she was breathless.

  “You need to go back to your apartment,” he said against her lips.

  “What?” she screeched, pushing him away.

  “You need to go and sort all of your furniture and belongings out, decide what you want to bring here so that your apartment can be let go. I’ll organise a removalist. I need this to feel more permanent.” She slapped him hard on the chest. “What was that for?” He laughed.


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