Billionaire's Fake Wife: A Single Mom BWWM Romance

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Billionaire's Fake Wife: A Single Mom BWWM Romance Page 9

by Tyla Walker


  What the hell did I get myself into now?

  Sonya and I finally get into a mutual understanding of our relationship, casual and professional. Easy breezy, even a child could do it in their sleep.

  But here I am, looking for a reason to be with Sonya way past working hours, and everything that's in my head is our night of passion together. It's basically night outside, and the room is looking ever more cozy and comfortable with each passing moment Sonya.

  Her bare skin under the moonlight, the smell of her hair, her moans, everything. They are all killing me inside as I'm only inches away from Sonya.

  Quick, Grant. Think of something to finally get of the room and get out of this situation, I think to myself.

  But as I turn to leave, the unexpected happens again. My lips are once again all over Sonya's. I don't even remember how it happened. All I know is that right now, I am right where I'm supposed to be.

  Yes, her skin, her hair, her moans, everything is still right here, I think to myself as Sonya and I make out in the middle of the room. I can't help myself but push her on the desk as we continue our passionate kiss.

  Sonya responds by swatting away all of the documents and whatnot cluttered on the desk. I hear a few broken things hit the floor, but they are all inconsequential sacrifices for the moment I'm able to spend in Sonya's arms.

  She lays her back on the desk and pulls my collar along with her. We laugh as I hear a thud. Sonya apparently hit her head on the desk as she pulled me to her. I pet her head and lightly kiss her forehead.

  Her expression changed from laughter to predatory, just like she always does whenever she gets turned on. She puts her soft hands on my cheek as I admire her red lips on her caramel face. This time, she kisses me gently, not rushing anything.

  She's right, there's no need to do anything rash. We're the only two employees left in this building most probably. And right now, I'm savoring every waking moment that I'm on top of Sonya.

  Her plump breasts, her fit body, and her sexy voice, they all serve only to turn me on even harder. My hands are already under her blouse as she's opening my belt buckle.

  Frustrated that she can't get them off, she wraps her arms around my neck instead and kisses me. On my mouth, the chin, and neck, while her hands are unbuttoning my shirt.

  I'm enjoying the sensation of Sonya making quick work of my clothing until I see a broken frame on the floor. It's an old frame given to me on the first Christmas I spent with the company. It was at this time that my mother finally allowed me to serve under her company.

  She gave me a picture of us together in the first fashion extravaganza event that I was able to attend.

  Those were simpler times, my mother was ecstatic to have me around. Now, I'm just concocting plots on masquerading a fake marriage to have her pass on her company to me.

  "Wait, Sonya," I interrupt as I get up off of her and fix my clothes. "Let's stop here."

  Sonya sighs exasperatedly, "What's wrong now? Isn't this what you wanted?"

  Her hands are clenching her beautiful straight hair in frustration. Does she even realize how beautiful she is when angry?

  "No. I mean, yes," I respond quickly. "Are you kidding me? Making out with the most beautiful woman I know in my own building late in the afternoon is easily top five of things that I've wanted to do at the office."

  Sonya gets up from the desk and stares at me, confused, "What are the other four? Wait––don't answer that. I don't want to know. Well, this building isn't yours yet, Grant. Or have you forgotten about what we need to do for you to inherit all of this?"

  "I haven't," I somberly reply. Everything hangs on our fake marriage. I can understand Sonya's frustration, but what else can I do? Can I really just keep on pretending that I'm not developing any feelings for Sonya?

  And can I even really do this to her? Sleep around with her, pretending not to feel a thing, when really my whole world is starting to revolve around her?

  "There you go again," Sonya complains to me.

  "I'm sorry, come again?" I ask her not being able to comprehend her questions from all the anxiety in my brain.

  Sonya buttons up her shirt and pats her clothes, "I said, there you go again. Your soul running off to wherever you usually go to whenever you're faced with a dilemma, Grant.

  Is that where you went when I told you that I wanted things professionally between us? And why are you going through all these lengths to get the company just so you could throw the money away on charities?"

  "I…" I try to reply, but I had no answer that would satisfy her question.

  "Just as I thought," Sonya said, with a tinge of annoyance in her voice. "Thanks for listening to me, and then ignoring what I just said, and then getting me all worked up for nothing. For goddamn nothing, Grant. Nothing."

  Sonya grabs her purse and walks towards the door.

  I quickly run-up to her and grab her wrist, "Wait, Sonya. Please just wait for a second."

  Sonya does not respond, but she does stop walking and stands in front of the door, her back facing towards me.

  "Thank you," I say as I walk back to the desk and clean up all the mess scattered on the floor until I finally found it. The porcelain box that held it was now broken, but at least it was still here. An ordinary rock.

  "It's because of this," I say as I hold the piece of rock to Sonya, but she doesn't move one bit.

  "What is it?" she asks her back still faced to me.

  "It's just a rock. A plain rock that Aaron Melrose gave me," I explain.

  "If this is your idea of a joke, Grant, then I'm leaving," Sonya said seriously.

  "No, please just listen," I plead Sonya. "Aaron…he was my brother."

  "You're an only child, Grant," Sonya replies.

  I stare at the rock once again, "Yes, Aaron and I weren't related or anything. But we were brothers. Whenever Gloria was out there trying to make the most of my career, I was left to spend the day with myself while the servants kept a close eye on me. As I grew into my teenage years, I garnered the ire of many people from my juvenile activities, but it was all just an act, Sonya. I was just trying so hard to get my mother's attention."

  I pause for a bit and lean on the desk, "When Gloria finally had enough, she had me sent to Julestown, a correctional center for teenagers. That's where I met Aaron. He was one of the mentors and counselors there. He had the unfortunate luck of having to take care of me. But he was always there.

  Even when my mother wasn't there to celebrate my birthday in the community center, Aaron was there. When my dog died while I was trying to be a better person in Julestown, Aaron was there."

  "It must have been hard for you, Grant," says Sonya, still not moving an inch.

  "It's okay. Big bro was there. But he wouldn't be there for long, he wanted to help other kids in places where they haven't gotten any place to go to like Julestown. He volunteered to go to Ethiopia a month before I'd be released from Julestown.

  We still got in touch with each other, writing letters to each other. Until the letters stopped, and then a few weeks later, I received a letter from his NGO, saying he died from Malaria.

  They gave me one last letter from him with a rock in it. The letter told me that he was going to collect rocks from all around the world and send them to me once he had built a school in each place. This is a reminder to me that as long as you build strong foundations within and without yourself, hope can spring up wherever and whenever."


  "So that's why I'm trying to build charities, Sonya," I interrupt her, in hopes of not breaking down in tears. "Can you imagine what Gloria would say had she known about all of this? She might even go as far as disowning me.

  But in spite of all that, I need to honor Aaron's legacy. Pass forward the good he did for me. But when I'm with you, I lose control, Sonya. I lose focus. That's why I'm sorry for leading you on tonight."

  "Not as sorry as I am, Grant," Sonya replies as she leaves the
room. There is nothing I could do but clench the rock in my hand.



  You've got to get your head in the game, girl.

  I repeat this mantra over and over again as I wait for the elevator doors to open.

  Finally, I hear the chime. I let out a deep sigh as I enter the elevator and push the close button.

  It's been a long and confusing day. To say that my emotions have been subjected to a roller coaster ride is an understatement. I think I'm starting to lose it, and there's nothing else that I want to do right now than take a long, warm bath.

  My phone starts to ring, and I grab it out of my purse. I look at the screen to see that it's Grant calling. I'm not in the proper mindset to talk to him right now. I slide the button to cancel the call, then I switch off my phone.

  For a while, I bask myself in peace and quiet while I travel back home.

  Lauralee's already prepared for bedtime when I arrive. I feel a twinge of mommy guilt as I wasn't able to help her with schoolwork today. I put down all of my things in one corner, then I accompany her to the kitchen to get her a glass of milk.

  "How's school today? Did you do anything interesting?" I ask my daughter as I pour milk into her sparkly pink glass.

  "Hmm, it's alright, I guess," she answers tentatively. "We learned about plants today. Ms. Hannah showed us a real, live sunflower plant today. It's very pretty."

  "Oh, that's very interesting," I reply.

  She scrunches up her little nose and looks up to me.

  "I think we need to plant more flowers that would look nice," she suggests.

  "Let's think about how we can do that in the coming days. That could be one of our little projects, would you like that?" I ask her.

  "Yes!" Lauralee answers enthusiastically.

  She gets her milk and finishes it in three chugs. She hands it back to me with a big smile of accomplishment across her face. I get the glass, put it in the sink, and then I get her hand, and we walk together towards her bedroom.

  She sits on my lap as I slowly brush her hair.

  "Lauralee, honey, I'm really happy that you're enjoying your time at school. If ever anything's troubling you, don't be shy to tell mommy, okay?" I remind her.

  "Yes, mommy," she answers dutifully.

  I tuck her into the bed, and I sit down beside her with a book in my hand. Tonight's story would be about a very hungry caterpillar. I read to her as she listens to me intently.

  She starts to yawn as we near the end of the story. Her eyes are almost half-closed as we finish the book. I return the book to the shelf, turn off the lights except for her star lampshade, and kiss her on the forehead.

  "Goodnight, dear, have sweet dreams," I tell her.

  "Goodnight, Mommy," she replies. "I love you."

  "I love you too, sweetheart," I assure her.

  I quietly close the door to her bedroom as I step outside. I go to the bathroom and start drawing out a bath for myself. As I wait for the tub to be filled with water, I pour myself a glass of white wine.

  I twist my hair into a messy bun. I pour some lavender bath salts into the water and stir it with my hands for a little bit. I remove all my clothing as I gingerly stepped into the tub.

  My body welcomes the warm water as it covers me. I start to relax as I soak, but my mind continues to race with thoughts about Lauralee, work, and most especially about Grant.

  Grant Fields.

  The very thought of his name brings back vivid images to my mind.

  I can't deny that he's handsome, no wonder he's got the reputation of a playboy as women would probably line up just to get some of his attention. Not to mention the money that he's got.

  I also remember the way he's been with Lauralee. He's good with her, and I don't think that's something that you can fake or pretend. Plus, children are more sensitive to these kinds of stuff, that's why I'm quite surprised that my daughter warmed up to him so easily.

  Then, there's the sex. The damn, hot sex. Grant's got the body of an Adonis that would give any of the male models that we have a run for their money. He's got the goods, and he knows how to use them.

  I close my eyes and start to imagine the things that we've done. I can still feel his mouth and tongue as it touches every part of my body. The strong but gentle touch of his hands. Even his deep, sensual voice that can entice anyone into submission.

  Of course, to top, it all is his long, hard dick. I think it's what makes the women crazy. He can go soft and slow, or he can take things up a notch and be wild. Either way, he'll make you cum multiple times.

  I shake my head as I try to clear out these thoughts from my head as they're already making me turned on. I take a sip out of my wine and try to focus on other things.

  More than the physical aspect, Grant is also very smart. Gloria must know that since she put him in the finance department. Ever since most of his projects would equate to savings and improvements in the cash flow of the company.

  I'll have to admit, I'm attracted to Grant. I mean, who wouldn't be? But I'm not even sure if this is just purely attraction from what I'm seeing, or if it's something else.

  With the story he told me earlier, I got more glimpses of the kind of person he is inside. Which makes me even more confused with my feelings for him. Is this what you call pity? Empathy? Or am I just feeling this because my mind is telling me that we have to due to our agreement?

  I take another sip from my glass and close my eyes. I try to recall back to the previous days, and I start to question myself?

  Did I make the right decision to agree to this put-up show for his mother? I list my reasons.

  Of course, my main reason is my daughter. Agreeing to Grant's proposition means having a shot at the promotion. And that translates to better pay and lesser workload. All of which will benefit Lauralee.

  The more time I spend with Grant, the more I question myself. The lines are slowly becoming blurred, and I don't think I'm ready for that.

  Granted, I'm given the promotion, and I'm now doing the work that's fulfilling. But with everything that's happening, I'm starting to question if being in a pseudo-relationship with Grant is affecting the quality of my work.

  Honestly speaking, I'm starting to feel that I'm not sure if I want to stay working for the company anymore. All the effort and time I spent in building my career seems to be slowly tumbling down. My world is falling apart, and I'm not just going to stand by and watch it crumble.

  I can't handle this stress anymore, I need to do something.

  I tell myself as I find new resolve in facing this head-on.

  I finish my bath and prepare myself for bed. I lie into my pillows and close my eyes. I pray for a dreamless sleep as I slowly drift off.

  "You didn't reply to any of my messages last night," Grant whispers to me.

  We're currently in one of the meetings for one of the big clients, and I'm trying to ignore him. But he keeps on bugging me.

  "Sorry, I didn't think it was urgent. Plus, I was spending time with my daughter," I answer.

  A few minutes later, he taps me on my arm.

  "Let's have dinner later," he invites me.

  I look at him coldly.

  "Can we please focus on the meeting first?" I point out.

  Thankfully, he didn't bother me for the rest of the morning.

  The entire week has been like this, he tries to invite me to eat out or spend some time together, but I always have some sort of excuse. I just want to go back to our professional relationship without any strings attached.

  Of course, it's a different story whenever Gloria's around. After all, our agreement is still in place.

  "Mommy, let's have ice cream after we finish our dinner," Lauralee tells me.

  "Sure thing, honey," I reply. We go to our favorite place.

  We're in a burger joint having our dinner. It's Friday, and I promised her earlier that I'll take her out. So at 5 pm, I clocked out of work and fetch her.

After finishing our burger and fries, we go to the nearby ice cream place. Lauralee gets strawberry sundae, while I get a scoop of pistachio ice cream on a cone. We sit in a corner table, happily eating our sweets.

  "Mom, when is Uncle Grant going to visit us? Can we go with him to the zoo next time?" She asks out of nowhere.

  I pause a little bit, unsure of how to answer her.

  "I think he's busy with work right now, but I'll ask him," I reply.

  "Okay," she says and goes back to enjoying her sundae.

  Damn! Should I be doing this? Am I just setting up myself and my daughter for heartbreak in the long run?



  The past week's been like hell.

  I'm quite confused about what's the current state of my relationship with Sonya.

  Whenever we're in the same room with my mother, she still puts up with the act that we're lovers whose about to get married. The performance is impeccable that Gloria seems to be convinced.

  Professionally, we work great together. The strategies and plans that we come up with are solid, and I'm sure that the company will benefit from it. Honestly, I'm surprised that it took this long before Sonya's work is noticed, and she's promoted. We should have done it a long time ago.

  But that's where the good ends. Ever since our almost encounter the last Monday while ironing out the details of our latest project, it seems that the air around us drastically changed.

  She already told me earlier that day that our relationship will be strictly professional. I admit that I was a bit shocked, but I followed her lead since that what she wants.

  Unfortunately for me, I wasn't able to hold myself back whenever we're alone together. Some kind of magnetism just pulls me towards her, and I can't resist it. Then, some sense was knocked into my head by that memorabilia.

  The next thing I know, Sonya's ready to walk out the door. I don't know if it's out of frustration with me or the situation. I try to explain myself to her. I told her my story the best way I can, but I didn't get any indication if she believed the words that came out of my mouth.


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