Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated) Page 19

by Mychal Daniels

“Who hurt you?”

  His question might as well had been a stun gun to her muscles. Everything froze, refusing to allow her to gain composure or compile a sarcastic comeback. He’d asked her something no one ever had. Who hurt you? It was the one question that snaked its way down into that deep part of her, Quinn never visited—at least not on purpose.

  Willing herself to stand erect, Quinn didn’t rush the movement. Lucien’s eyes followed everything she did, slowly moving up her body to capture her eyes with his smoldering gaze. If she didn’t know better, Quinn would swear he willed her to come back to him. And she wanted to. Feet moved without her conscious consent as her body took her back to stand at the end of the bed.

  He sat up and beckoned for her to come back to him in bed.

  “No, I can’t. Lucien, you’re not playing fair.”

  “Who says I’m playing. I’m fighting for us right now. You want to live, and I want to be that support that helps you to do that. Quinn, if you could put down your guard and defenses for a moment, I would show you how much I’m committed to you and us. I see the fear. I understand how you might think this is moving too fast or that something is wrong with how I’m going about this. I get that.” He held his arms out. “Come here, my love, and let me show you how much different I am from anyone you’ve ever been with before.”

  She considered his words and outstretched arms. With one knee on the bed, prepared to climb back toward him, her lips moved as the words tumbled out.

  “His name is Craig Bastian.”

  She sensed he had to still his emotions before speaking again.

  “Was he the one who caused your injuries?”

  “No, he never hit me or physically hurt me. He’s a low life con and jerk who stole from me and made me feel like the fool I’ve been for far too long. Lucien, it’s not you. It’s me. I’m not good with romance and men. I don’t trust myself.” What she didn’t say was that it was her parents more so than Craig. They’d died, leaving her when she was so young. Even though it was irrational, she blamed them. They could have been more careful. They could have taken her with them on that faithful trip. She hurt, and it was their fault. Craig was the newest instrument life had used to ping that old pain of hurt and loss.

  He was in front of her in a flash. “Hey there! None of that.” He tilted her head to look him in the eyes as he said, “From this moment forward you have the power, right and ability to feel however you wish. This Craig Bastian isn’t able or strong enough to take your joy. That goes for me or any other. Only you,” he said, placing a massive hand over her chest for emphasis, “Can grant that kind of power. Do you understand and receive that message in here?”

  The heat of his hand engraved his words on her heart, giving her a jolt of inspiration. He was right. Only she could have that sort of power over her feelings.

  “Quinn, even though we may join, you will always be your own person. I won’t ever ask or expect you to fuse into me, losing your sense of self. No, I love who you are, and that’s the person I want to be with and grow with. As for this man, I will make sure he doesn’t get the opportunity to harm another soul.”

  “No, don’t kill him!”

  “What is it with you and thinking my first course of action is to kill? No, I merely meant I would appeal to his base nature of survival. All living things have a desire to thrive when that ability is threatened they adapt and change. I have a knack for showing people that side of their fragile existence.”

  “Oh, okay. I honestly thought, given a chance, I’d love to have someone snuff out Craig. But it’s not right or decent.”

  “Glad you feel that way, or I’d have to reevaluate my thoughts on your character.” His smile made the statement softer and more palatable than it would have been otherwise.

  She attempted to give his shoulder a shove. It didn’t move. He encompassed her in an embrace and leaned back, Quinn landed on top of him.

  “Kiss me, Quinn.”

  She obeyed. Coming up for air, she said, “I want this—us—yeah, I want to be with you.”

  “It’s about time you saw what was staring you in the face. I promise on my name and oath that I’ll never knowingly do something to cause you pain. You have to promise me that you’ll never stay silent if I do something to that effect as well. Our joining will be strong and stronger still if we keep the lines of communication open.”

  “Look at you sounding like a love doctor.”

  “That’s fine with me as long as it makes you happy.”

  Quinn rolled off him and onto his side, laughing at the distance of the drop from him to the bed. “Yes, that works.” Then she sat up and looked at his profile. “Lucien!”

  “What?” he asked inheriting the excitement in her voice.

  “Please tell me you’re not affiliated with any men’s only groups or political beliefs that would try to stifle my rights and my body?”

  “Huh? Quinn, my Quinn, you don’t have to worry about any of those things. My kind and I stay out of the affairs of your society when it comes to personal rights. My mother can be an unyielding person who rules our household. Always has been and my father loves it. I want you to feel free to be you and have total dominion over your body, as long as it doesn’t cause either of us harm.”

  Everything within her relaxed. “Whew, all right. I didn’t want to have you thinking I was going back to some antiquated way of living.”

  “No, wouldn’t think of it. But there is one thing I would like to broach with you.”

  “Shoot.” She was curious. Their conversation was so easy to have, and she loved hearing his voice fill the space.

  “I would like to clear up your financial obligations. And, before you protest or say something that’s born out of pride, let me say that it’s for security and welfare of the Clan. Can’t have anyone looking for you and risking their life for something as simple as money.”

  And like that, the mood had become the lead on her chest. Money—it was the filthy lucre she’d always heard of. “Can we talk about that later? I don’t want to spoil this moment.”

  “Why would it be spoiled? What’s mine is yours. I have more than enough to spend over a million lifetimes. Quinn, you’re my mate, and I never want to see you hurt like you did today over material things. You can get any vehicle you want, buy what you want and need and never have to worry about money again. Just don’t… don’t ever put more emotion and care in the value of money than you do in life and living. Trust me; it’s not worth it.”

  She continued to stare at his profile as he looked up at the high ceiling. It wasn’t his words that did it alone. It was his way that had ensnared her into a web of love. She was falling for him, despite every precaution she took to avoid it. His life and sharing it with him mattered more than she could have imagined even yesterday. Lucien Drake had gotten to her in a way that she was willing to change her life to be with him. All the studies and research were true; love was a drug akin to insanity. Feeling the heat from his body caressing her, Quinn was certain her life had led her to this moment with this man—no correction—her Dragon.



  The look she gave him bathed Lucien’s side with excited anticipation as they lay here together. Lucien’s body ached for her touch, yet he wouldn’t rush this. Their future weighed in what happened during these precious moments. From the time Quinn had come back into the bedroom, he’d known to take it as slowly as possible to win her over. Yes, the primal attraction between them was there. But Quinn’s spirit ached and cried out so loudly; he had to answer and assure her he could be trusted with her heart before they could move forward.

  His Dragon had soared high putting on a grand spectacle for her, and rejoiced when she’d accepted him. Quinn was a trooper. She hadn’t been startled or thrown off by his other side. Dragon wisdom was notoriously accurate and Lucien’s Dragon had chosen her as much as he had. There was no doubt or turning back, Quinn Bradford would be his mate until his dying day.

  That was what a true mate was, a well-fitted component of life. And, he’d show her how he was that to her as well. Her delicate scent beckoned him. Quinn’s body was a pathway into her inner self. If her body was tense or closed off, so was her mind. The way she’d relaxed and let down some of her guard when he’d tasted her sweet little pussy earlier was proof of that.

  Tuning in to listen and perceive her mood and emotions again, Lucien couldn’t hide his smile to how calm and settled she was. Quinn’s breathing was deep and healthy. Her demeanor was smooth but alert, showing no sign of stress or timidity. And then there was her soft, sweet body. It called to him as sure as a Siren’s Call to her admirers.

  Maybe Quinn had Siren blood in her linage? That would offer some explanation for her immunity to the Lair and his touch. She waited on him to make the next move. He recognized her Warrior heart and spirit and wouldn’t douse her need to feel in control of her own mind, body and life.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

  “You.” His answer was quick and easy. There was no need to shroud her from his thoughts.

  “And what about me are you thinking?”

  “About how much I want to join with you.”

  “So why don’t you?” Her voice held a bit of flirtation in it, a very becoming trait where she was concerned.

  Lucien loved the gentle challenge she offered. His Quinn had the right mix of fun and seriousness for his liking. She was his little minx.

  “I’m waiting on you to clear up a few things.”

  “Such as?”

  Her voice turned him on with how low and throaty it had become.

  “You accepting and using what you want and need to clear up your financial obligations for one.”

  “And the other concerns? List your requests and we’ll come to some sort of agreement.” She almost purred with seduction. Did she know how hard it was not to take her hard and fast?

  “A list huh? Well then, I want you to become my mate, agree to live here at the Lair with me, accept that your family may or may not be able to ever visit you here and that your entire life will change as a part of our joining.” He paused realizing they’d not discussed her family. “Quinn… tell me about your family. I completely overlooked that part and ask your apology.”

  She waited a beat and then placed a delicate hand on his chest. The energy from her touch was more of a touch for connection and strength than for caress. He placed his hand over hers, sending her strength to proceed.

  “My parents are dead. It’s only my older sister, Liesel, and me. She lives in the New Orleans area where she’s working to finish up her Ph.D. Wren is the closest family I have outside of her.” Her little hand balled under his as if involuntarily. “I don’t have to worry about any other relatives or friends. Liesel rarely has time to visit with her schedule and rents a small apartment of rooms in a house close to the university. She raised me and now that we’re grown, she’s finally able to do her thing, and I stay out of her way.”

  “Do you have a good relationship with her?”

  “Yes, it’s great. I just can’t see taking any more of her time. She put everything on hold to raise me. Now that I’m an adult, the gift I’ve tried to give her is that of being self-sufficient. It looks like I failed but I won’t ever let her know that. She’s happy and going after her dreams.”

  He worked his thumb into the tight fist she’d made to get her to relax. Once her hand was flat against his chest again, he asked, “Do you think you would have a problem with introducing us? I’d love to meet your sister, since she is your family. I would never do anything to knowingly put you in a position to have to answer for me or the guys.”

  Instead of the hesitation he’d expected, she offered, “Of course not! I can’t wait for her to meet you and the guys. She’ll be happy to know I have support. She didn’t like me living away from her or Wren. Now that I’ll be here where Wren lives and have you, she’ll not worry as much.”

  Even if she hadn’t realized it, Quinn had accepted him. She was going to stay.

  “Quinn, you said you’d be here and live. Do you mean it? Do you mean you’ll stay here with me?”

  She propped herself up on an elbow and said, “I’ll try it out. How about that? Between here and Wren’s apartment, I think it could work.”

  His Dragon bristled in time with his own consternation. He wanted and needed her here with him full-time.

  “Quinn,” he had to be gentle and considerate or this could still blow up in his face, “my offer is for you to be here with me full-time, not between Wren’s and here. For all you know, she might be here as well.”

  “If you’re referring to her crush on Matt, I mean to get to the bottom of that. I won’t stand for him to string her along. She’s innocent and might not be able to handle it if he’s just having fun with her.”

  “Quinn, your worries about Wren are unfounded.”

  “How so? I don’t see Matt doing anything to show her he’s that into her.”

  “Oh really? While you were sleeping, we got a chance to see him almost grovel for her to stay here with him again tonight. Once you become my mate, there will be so much more I can share with you. Right now, Matt’s intentions and feelings aren’t mine to share or offer commentary on.”

  “I see. All I know is he’d better not hurt her or I’m coming for him.”

  “I have no doubt. How about this? If he does, I’ll be right there with you leading the charge.”

  Instead of speaking she fell back onto the bed as if exhausted. He followed to hover over her. She reached up and looped her arms around his neck pulling him down. As their lips met, he whispered against her soft, plump lips, “I need to hear you say it—that you accept my requests.”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “Say it Quinn. It becomes real when you speak it.”

  She licked his bottom lip sending a jolt of arousal straight to his cock. Lucien had managed to separate that part of his make up to have this conversation with her. The wall of his reserve crumbled a little more with each passing moment. She was unaware of how powerful her hold on him had grown. The reaction he had to her in comparison to any other woman was striking in their opposites. Quinn kept him magnetized to all things Quinn. He couldn’t stop touching her, and nothing else mattered as much to him as being with her. Unless he already knew the ways of the mated Dragon from his father, he’d suspect he was ill, or she’d bewitched him.

  She grabbed his hand and guided it to her sweet, hot, wet pussy and placed it on her mound.

  “Touch me and I’ll say it,” she almost mewed as she spoke the words.

  “You little vixen. I’m going to make you want way more than my fingers in short work.”

  “I don’t doubt it, but I need you touching me in my most intimate place as I make these commitments to you.”

  Liquid pools of the decadent chocolate of her huge eyes drew him in. She opened her thighs to allow him more access. When his middle finger breached the crease of her lady folds, he had to pause from the intensity of the effect on his own body. Sensing and becoming in tune with him, Quinn’s hand found his cock making it twitch and grew harder as she gently grabbed him at the base. She began to stroke him with care and in time with his own pace of his finger in and out of her hot, slick channel.

  “I agree,” she moaned. “Make me your mate and I’ll stay here and… oh shit, I can’t think straight,” she breathed into his close lips.

  “You agree to what? Say it or I stop.” He swallowed, not sure why she drove him to want to hear her say everything she agreed to. Her hips swiveled in response. So it seemed his little minx liked it when he was direct. “Quinn? You know what I want to hear—give it to me and I’ll give you this,” he said thrusting into her hand that encased part of his shaft.

  “Oh God fuck yeah,” she moaned. “I want you. I want us. I want to be here with you.”

  He thrust again poking her thigh with his sensitive tip. That must ha
ve encouraged her, as her little hand increased its languid movement up and down his cock to a more deliberate pace.

  “You want me?” he asked.

  “You know I do.”

  “You want my big cock inside you?”

  “Fucking yes! Stop torturing me, Lucien. It’s cruel.”

  “You love it though, don’t you, my Quinn.”

  She nodded, writhing beneath him. Lucien couldn’t hold out any longer, he had to have her now. Moving to position himself between her open and inviting thighs, he said, “Open your eyes and watch as I enter you.” She obeyed, opening her eyes and fastening them onto his throbbing cock.

  Lucien beheld the beauty that was her glistening, tight little pussy. It glistened to the point of weeping and he loved it. She would have to be this moist to allow him the ability to slide into her hot little body. He looked up to see her eyes fixed on his cock.

  “Good, my love—keep watching us join. I want you to see and know I want and need only you as I enter you.”

  The tip of his cock was moist with a bead of his own juices in anticipation of joining with her. Lucien swallowed willing himself to stay in control and not hurt her. He ran the tip of his cock along the seam of her folds, marveling at how amazing she felt against him. When he couldn’t withstand the urge any longer, Lucien thrust in deep and with force.

  The whimper that escaped her threatened to tear him apart, because she was so tight. He knew the only way to move her past the pain was to take her. With slight withdrawals followed by more deep thrusts, he was seated deep inside her. She trembled around him as he noted her walls stretching to accommodate his width and length.

  When she bucked her hips upward, it threw him. “Take me, Lucien, I want to feel you go deep.” Her sultry voice was his undoing as he began to move within her.

  To say this was the sweetest torture would be an understatement. Even inside her as he was, it wasn’t enough. Lucien wanted more of his Quinn.

  “More… please, Lucien. Don’t hold back, give it to me, now,” she whispered, drawing another twitch from his cock.


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