Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated) Page 28

by Mychal Daniels

  “Never, you’re trash and I would never submit to the likes of you.”

  “Have it your way.” Hildy moved fast, repositioning herself to put Oriana into a sleeper hold. “Go to sleep Mommy Dearest.” Oriana blacked out. Hildy looked over to Ajax and said, “Now you can help me. Get her to the trunk and use those zip ties I use that are in my car kit to keep her subdued. Grab enough for the others as well.”

  It was at that moment that they all thought to look around for the bodyguards, Mr. Scott, and Julia. None of them were anywhere to be found. The SUVs remained, but six people had managed to escape into the night.

  “Oh God no—that little shit-starter, Julia, is on the loose,” Quinn said, dread sinking to the bottom of her stomach.



  Everyone except Greg was still downstairs waiting when Ajax stumbled through the door with an unconscious and blood stained Wren.

  After the initial shock wore off, Matt beat Lucien to the entrance of the Lair to take Wren out of Ajax’s arms.

  “Jax, what happened to her?” Matt asked, anguish and confusion lacing his question. Staring at her blood-smeared face, Matt kissed her forehead.

  Lucien marveled at watching another of his Clan interact with his mate. Refusing to fly off the handle before he knew if anything had happened to Quinn, he continued to watch as Matt spoke softly, uttering words of prayer and asking her to wake up for him.

  Seeing the impact of another blow like this to Matt shook Lucien to his core. Matt was normally the emotional regulator of the Clan, maintaining peace and harmony for the functioning health of everyone. With Wren unconscious and clearly hurt, Matt was hanging on by threads from blowing up. The normal flow and tone of the group was off, as if everything was in flux. Lucien sensed that anything else could skew the delicate balance.

  Since Hildy’s arrival all the guys had been close to the edge on high alert wanting and waiting for their mates to arrive. Going to the portal entrance so often and having Quinn and Wren show up here as mates to him and Matt had amplified tensions. Knowing that he had to get out in front of the situation and how to manage it was two different things. Yes, the dynamic of the Dragofin Clan was changing, and Lucien was in over his head for the first time.

  He stepped back to the side of the entryway, holding his breath and praying to the Goddess for Quinn to walk through that door by the power of her own will. When she walked in with no clear injuries, Lucien was hit with a wave of mixed emotions. Thoughts swirled and weighed on him like anger that she went out on such a dangerous mission, gratitude that she’d returned safely, happiness that she was home, and curiosity to know what she’d been up to at this time of night.

  Besides her concern for Wren’s welfare, his Quinn looked to be the picture of health. As soon as he saw the wildness of her hair, exotic beauty and powerful yet graceful movements, Lucien relaxed loving the anchor to his emotional health she provided.

  With a quickness, his Dragon came forward as it always did when she was near. Dragon wisdom reminded him not to pull on her energy to remain strong. He was to share with her the responsibility of this leadership, and they would both be strong. Lucien would never place the burden on her for making or keeping him happy or in a good mood. That was his job and his alone. She was his mate and not his savior. He embraced the Dragon’s wisdom as once again it came to the rescue. Thanking his Dragon for that bit of insight, Lucien pulled back that thirst and hunger to consume Quinn for his emotional gain.

  Instead, he stayed back and studied her as she took off her coat and hung it on one of the gear hooks. From what he could pick up, standing as far away from the group as he did, his mate’s body was tired, her soul was vexed, and spirit dampened. That was the first set of messages he received from her demeanor. The next was that of trauma and fatigue. Something with emotional depth had happened. This wasn’t some accident. They looked shell-shocked.

  Then Hildy came through the door, carrying a woman—no, an elf-leprechaun female. Of all the types of people to come into the layer, this would be a nightmare. If she was like most, the ego, greed and superiority complex of this mix breed spelled good old fashion tricky and greedy. Lucien wanted to hold any biases he had about her. But, in all his years he’d yet to meet one who proved him wrong with how they obsessed with stealing Dragon hoards of treasure.

  Eyeing her wearily, he hoped this was an unusual circumstance where she wouldn’t have to be here long. It was a huge security risk with her being here and there was no way he’d lower the wards or allow her to be accepted by them as it stood. She’d have to prove her intentions or be contained in the holding cell if Hildy couldn’t vouch for her. This would be for her welfare. Else, the woman’s unquenchable need for treasure would drive her to her death looking for it in the ward-protected den’s below.

  Could this night get any worse?

  “What are you doing back so soon?” Ajax asked Matt. He looked over to Lucien, saying, “Thought you’d be gone until tomorrow night.”

  “Yeah, well you were wrong. It’s a good thing we got back when we did or there’s no telling what would have happened to our mates under your watch,” Matt barked. His anger flared hot and heavy.

  Matt’s words might as well have been a cat of nine tails for the pain that they inflicted on Ajax. Lucien knew it wasn’t time for him to say anything to Matt. Unfortunately, his youngest brother would have to suffer Matt’s wrath until they could sort out what happened and make sure Greg was back to normal.

  The elf-leprechaun screamed, “Burning, make it stop. Too painful!”

  Hildy whispered something to the woman and then rushed to where Lucien stood with Quinn following close behind her. Lucien looked at Hildy and then down at the agitated woman in her arms saying nothing. It wasn’t until Quinn came around her and slipped into his arms did Lucien have the patience to deal with one of the worst beings to be in a Dragon’s Lair.

  With Quinn snuggled into his side and starting to settle back down from whatever they’d all been through, Lucien finally looked Hildy in the eye and said, “What do you suppose we do with an elf-leprechaun here in a Dragon’s Lair? She’ll die.”

  “Not if you give her protection against the wards.”

  “And why would I want to do that?”

  “I need her to help us locate Julia and Mr. Scott. If there’s a holding area, I suggest we keep her there. I don’t trust her as far as I can smell her, but she’s the best way we’re going to find those two.”

  “Yes, we have a holding area and I don’t need to grant her access to bypass the wards if she remains in that area.”

  “Why is that?”

  “It has to do with the dimension the holding cells are bound to. That area exists in another dimension that has a unique security access feature. Think of it as a clearance level. Once she goes in there, Greg or I would be the only ones able to release her. The rest of the Clan would have to be escorted by one of us to see her. It’s a holding dimension in the truest sense of the idea of prison and lock up.” Lucien eyed the woman and then scanned Hildy’s face to see her reaction to his words. “If she’s done nothing to warrant such treatment, then I’m honor and duty-bound to refuse that she be put in there. But if she has, once she’s been put in there she doesn’t leave until I release her. It’s hard for an elf-leprechaun to resist the lure of treasure. Knowing she’s in a Dragon and Gryphon Lair would be equal to putting a drug addict in a well-stocked pharmacy. The temptation for her to try to get to the treasure would be too great. She would most likely be willing to risk her life to escape with such a situation.”

  “And what would happen if she tried to escape?” Quinn asked, caught up in Lucien’s description of a holding cell’s features.

  “The holding cell would kill her. She’d meet her demise by being torn apart from the pressure of shifting dimensions surrounding it or other unpleasant things that would happen when attempting to enter or leave that area without an authorized escort. The holding
area can be accessed from the Lair but isn’t a part of it. Thus, once she was in the cell, the wards of the Lair would have no effect on her. She’d be safe without me lifting any ward protections or granting her access to them. There’s no need for wards there since everything surrounding it acts as a ward.”

  Lucien could swear Hildy’s eyes had glazed over.

  “Uh, okay, didn’t understand most of that, but got that we do have holding cells. They will hold her. You or Greg would have to escort us to and from to see and interrogate her for information. We stress that she would have no way out without you or Greg and once she’s in there, it’s either you get her out, or the holding area kills her.” She looked down at the woman in her arms and shook her head. “Lucien, I do believe this one is too vain to risk her life like that. Let’s take her there now.” Hildy started walking past Lucien until he reached out and stayed her.

  Hildy turned back around with a clear look of annoyance on her face as she waited for what else he had to say. Lucien didn’t think this would work and the matter wasn’t that easy to settle.

  “The issue I have is that she won’t. Fairies are bad enough when it comes to power and wealth, but elf-leprechauns are egotistical thieves that can’t resist gold, money, treasure or anything else of value or that a lot of people desire. They put too much trust in their looks to con people. Dragofin guardians see past their glimmer and can’t be conned by them. Thus they’re driven to chance going up against our wards, only to die trying to locate treasure. It’s happened a few times in the past, and I’m not in the mood to dispose of a stinking elf-leprechaun corpse from the Lair. The paperwork with the council would be bad enough. Are you?” Lucien leaned in, giving Hildy his best stare down.

  Hildy didn’t flinch or bat an eye. Instead she smirked like that damn Ajax did when he wasn’t willing to do what Lucien asked. The more time these two spent together the more they became as one. Observing their mating was fun until it wasn’t—like right now.

  “Hildy, has this woman done anything that justifies her going to a holding cell?”

  “Oh Lucien, let me count the ways. Not only is Oriana, that would be this woman, Julia’s foster mother, she had something to do with stealing money from your mate Quinn and, oh yeah, she’s also the big boss of the largest human trafficking ring for this entire region. Ooh, almost forgot—she’s one of the people responsible for Wren’s kidnapping tonight too where she demanded a hundred grand, the Dragon’s Eye and me in exchange for Wren. I’d say all that more than qualifies her for an entry ticket to a holding cell, don’t you? Hell, you can put more wards on it with all the disgusting stuff she’s done. We need to get more information out of her about Julia, Mr. Scott, and those god-awful trafficking locations. Word from Julia is that a local one is ready to send another twenty or more young girls into slavery. On top of all that, she was working with Julia and my old boss and handler, good old Mr. Scott. These three were working together on the kidnapping, and we have to find out why and what this is about. It all still feels like the other shoe hasn’t dropped yet.”

  “Did you say they demanded the Dragon’s Eye as part of the ransom exchange?” he looked down at Quinn in spite of trying to stay cool.

  “Yeah and Ajax already explained to us that it wasn’t a jewel but Quinn as your mate. The good thing is that Oriana here thought it was some valuable piece of jewelry. She was looking Quinn square in the face and still asked for the Dragon’s Eye.”

  Lucien felt the caress of his mate’s hand on his back. When he looked down at her, Quinn nodded, giving him a warm smile that expected him to say yes.

  “What do you say about this?” he asked, not wanting to make the decision without Quinn’s input.

  The woman didn’t hesitate. “I say this is way bigger than any one person. We got lucky tonight. Wren is going to be all right.” She lean away from him, locked her gaze on Matt and said, “Did you hear me, Matt? Wren is going to be fine.” Matt nodded, face not changing from the scowl he sported. “But getting back to your question, yes, she needs to be in a cell even though I think she will try to break out.”

  Lucien pondered if it was worth the hassle of trying to keep Oriana from killing herself to find treasure or chance it and learn where Julia and Mr. Scott were. Getting that Intel and having Quinn’s input helped him decide.

  “Yes, I, no we agree. Oriana has more than won herself a holding cell.”

  Quinn said, “Good call baby. Not only do we have to shut down this one’s human trafficking ring, something tells me Julia is only sidelined for a break. I saw when she was out there scheming and plotting. That girl’s a planner and strategist. I understand something important about her that she might not even know yet.”

  “Oh yeah, what is that?” Lucien asked, loving how his mate was cutting away at unnecessary fluff of the situation to focus on what was important—the people’s welfare—like a leader’s mate should.

  “She has the unbridled need to win and have things her way. I’m not talking about a spoiled child here. No, this is a cunning, power lusting megalomaniac that needs to win.”

  “I agree. But that should all change now that I pronounced judgment on her through the Siren’s call,” Hildy said.

  “Huh? You can do that?” Lucien asked.

  Quinn waved a hand for them to be quiet. “It’s late. How about we get Oriana to the cell, Wren cleaned up and then meet up for a quick debriefing upstairs. We can fill each other in on all that went down with both our nights.” She looked at Oriana who kept scratching in her deep enchanted sleep and said, “I’d say she’s our first priority. We’ve got to get this… Oriana into a holding cell. The sooner we get her taken care of, the sooner we’ll get a lead on where to locate Julia. That little witch’s power is growing by leaps and bounds.”

  “I’m no Sibyl, but I could swear Julia’s blood lustful too. I know that look.” Hildy shifted the unconscious Oriana in her arms. When Ajax, Lucien, and Matt offered to take the woman from her, Hildy waved them off. “No, I don’t want to lose touch with her. My charm is still on her and might break if I don’t maintain contact until we get her into the containment area. But back to what I was saying about Julia, I’ve seen it in too many folks I had to eliminate over the years to know a murderer or one in the making when I see it. If she hasn’t already done it, only a matter of time before she starts killing to get what she wants.”

  The sight of Quinn and Hildy taking charge was powerful, exhilarating and fresh. He marveled at how they worked together and presented what was most pressing. If he’d had any lingering thoughts about Hildy’s mating with Ajax, they were completely gone. That Siren was an integral part of the Dragofin Clan as Ajax’s mate. Lucien looked over to his brother who wore a smile watching Hildy.

  “Like you ladies said, it’s getting late. Hildy, follow me. I’ll take you to the holding cells to get her situated,” Lucien nodded at Oriana. Hildy was strong to continue holding the woman for so long. Tonight was opening up a lot of opportunities to see her and his mate during a crisis and possible battle. Hildy impressed him. She was a Warrior Siren. And Quinn was growing in her Sibyl strength. The wisdom she added was good. His Quinn’s abilities would be well-met to his own as leader and Dragon.

  “If Hildy’s going, so am I. Don’t want Oriana giving her any trouble at the last minute. She could be faking still being asleep and waiting for a chance to strike out at Hildy,” Ajax said.

  “Aw babe, that’s so sweet of you,” Hildy said, winking at her mate.

  “Then I’m going also,” Quinn said, as she looked around and asked, “Where’s Greg?”

  “He’s upstairs asleep. Needs the rest,” Matt chimed in. “I’m going upstairs with Wren. “When you’re ready to get her cleaned up, come to my rooms.”

  The women nodded and Matt was off.

  Hildy called after him. “Matt? I have Wren in an enchanted sleep. She’s not unconscious, so don’t think she’s worse off than she is. I should have said that earlier. I had
her under to keep her out of shock from what went down tonight. I can lift it now or later when we meet you upstairs. It’s your call since she’s your mate and all.”

  Matt didn’t try to wipe the tears that rolled down his face. “Thanks for that. I thought she was unconscious. So, she’s going to be all right.”

  “I said she was. Damn it Matt; you gone learn to quit ignoring me,” Quinn said.

  Matt laughed and said, “Yeah, I might take it under consideration. As for her mate, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, I have to be patient until she sees it too.”

  “Well, I have it on somewhat good authority that she likes you and is hoping it turns into something serious.” Quinn wanted to give him some hope and Zia had known about him, so it was true. “Something one of her local friends said, when I was looking for her earlier tonight.”

  “For real? That makes me happy to hear I might have a chance. As for waking her, how about we let her rest until we have to wake her up. I want her to have as much time to heal from the ordeal as possible. I heard a Siren’s enchanted sleep is like sleeping like a baby.”

  Lucien had to get everyone moving. “Let’s move out people. Everyone meet upstairs in an half hour.”

  “Make it an hour. Babe, we have to get Wren cleaned up, and I want her there as well. We need to find out what happened to her before we showed up,” Quinn said.

  He did love his mate, she was fitting in nicely. “Sure thing, my Quinn. Everyone, you heard her. Meet up in an hour.”

  Lucien turned to go to his office where the entrance to the holding cells were located. When he got over to the mat, Blaise and Nolan were laid out snoring and had most likely missed most of what had transpired in the entry way.

  He yelled, “Nolan… Blaise… Get up!”

  The men came to and looked around, dazed and confused. From their red-rimmed eyes, their Dragons were in need of deep sleep. He felt for them but needed to get everyone together. Once they looked alert enough to comprehend what he’d say, Lucien said, “Something happened tonight to Wren. Meet us in the meeting area in an hour for a debriefing. Then, both of you, go downstairs and get some deep sleep.”


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