Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated)

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Lucien: Dragofin Mated: Book 2 (Dragonfin Clan Mated) Page 32

by Mychal Daniels

  “Do you know how dangerous this could be for her if she’s not his mate? Did they touch each other?”

  “No, why?”

  “Because if they did and she’s fine, that’s one thing, but Wren you should know the guys can’t touch ordinary women. It’s painful for the women.”

  “I didn’t realize that. I didn’t think—”

  “Exactly. You didn’t think, and now that woman could be coming over here for something that might not happen.”

  Wren narrowed her eyes and looked at Quinn deep and hard. “Oh my gosh, Quinny, you’re jealous of Zia! I never knew that until now. It’s plain as day. And don’t try to deny it. I see it all over you. You’re hoping she can’t be with Greg.” Wren paused.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Don’t lie to me. Quinn, that’s awful.” Wren reached over the table and put a hand over her friends. “We have different types of friendship, but you are still my best friend. I didn’t tell you certain things because you had too much on your plate. And, I didn’t want to overwhelm you. Now that you’re with Lucien, I have so much I’ve been saving up to talk with you about that only my best friend, Quinn, can know. Quinn, I promise, Zia will never come between our friendship. I also promise you that she won’t take any affections away from any of these guys for their mates.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I see it. I’ve started to see Blaise, and Nolan’s mates too, but I don’t know them.”

  Lucien couldn’t stay quiet any longer. “Wren, you see the guys’ mates? How so?”

  “They come in snatches of scenes. I see the mates while they’re with the guys. Sometimes I’ll be looking at one of the guys, and the vision will pop up for me. They’re quick, though. So, I can’t tell them where, when or how they’ll meet, I know what they look like and that the guys, at least Greg, Blaise, and Nolan so far, have mates.”

  Lucien pondered this. Matt was over at the mat working with Nolan and Ajax on some moves. This was as good a time as any to test something.

  “Wren… have you seen the other guys’ mates yet?”

  “Nope, but they got back last night and are still sleeping. Maybe when I get a chance to hang out and look at them again, I will. I don’t want to say I can. We’ll have to wait and see.”

  “I see.” He knew this was pushing it, but he wanted to, no, had to know. “Hey Wren, have you seen who Matt’s mate is?”

  She looked down and wrinkled her nose. Quinn looked at him and made a cutting gesture across her neck and then pointed at him. He smiled in spite of pissing her off. His mate was fun and made him laugh all the time. But, he wanted to know how Wren dealt with things that pertained to her. When he thought she’d checked out of the conversation, he was about to ask Quinn about the plan to meet with Oriana when Wren spoke up.

  “No, I don’t see who his mate is.” She looked at Quinn and then him, “But, I can tell you something that I haven’t mentioned to him.”

  Quinn shot him a quick look before squeezing the woman’s hand and asking, “What is that honey?”

  “I wish it was me. I have the biggest crush on him. He’s so kind to me, and I know it’s going to tear me up when he finds her. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I guess that’s why I can’t seem to see who she is.”

  Lucien concentrated on reaching his mate through a mental link. He said in a slow voice, “Quinn, this is Lucien. Do not tell Wren she’s Matt’s mate. She needs to figure that out for herself. Do you hear me?”

  He watched with horror as Quinn’s mouth opened, as she looked at Wren. He tried again, saying the same thing, without bothering to slow down.

  His mate’s voice filled his head. “Why in the hell are you screaming at me? I know not to tell her. Dragon, give me some damn credit. I’m not going to take this journey away from her.”

  “Then why didn’t you answer me that you heard what I said? I thought you didn’t hear me.”

  “I was caught up in the moment trying to keep the long silence that’s happening right now from, well happening. My bad, I’ll answer you next time. Help me keep Wren’s hopes up. She’s never been in love or really dated. This is all new for her. I don’t know what to say. You know Matt way better than I do. Help your mate out here.”

  “I’ve got you. I’ll say something to her.”

  Quinn looked over at him and blew him an air kiss. Lucien was happy that he never had an idea of the pleasure that came with having a mate before. It would have been too unbearable to live alone all those years had he.

  Clearing his throat, Lucien said, “Wren, I’d love for you to keep me abreast of when you see any of the guys’ mates. I’d like to make sure we consider when and how we tell them, as not to cause too many issues for those who you haven’t been able to see mates for yet.”

  “Don’t worry, Lucien, I haven’t said a thing to Blaise or Nolan, just Greg because I felt sure about Zia and him.”

  Quinn grunted.

  Both he and Wren ignored her.

  He chose his next words carefully. “As for Matt, he’s very in tune with his emotions. I’m certain he will be one of the first to know his mate. I think you’re getting visions for those other guys who might need a little help on what to do when their mates cross their paths.”

  Lucien noticed how her eyes kept drifting past him to where Matt sparred with the guys on the mat. This was almost too painful to watch. Once he talked it over with Quinn and she was good with it, he’d have a talk with Matt and ask him to speed it up. Wren was in pain being this close to him and not being able to either connect the dots or know her feelings well enough to accept that she was his mate.

  “Thanks, yeah that makes sense. Matt is very intelligent. I’ve learned so much from him by being around him. His mate will be a lucky woman if he treats her half as well as he’s treated Hildy and me. I don’t know about Quinn, they tend to butt heads, but for other women, he’s a dream come true. I mean, nice guy.”

  “That he is,” was all Lucien could say. Opting to change the subject he said, “It’s time for you two to meet with Oriana. I’m going to be with you the entire time, so don’t let anything she tries intimidate or bother you. Greg assures me that he went over the plan and how elves behave as well, in case she tries to switch her behavior on you.”

  “Yes, oh my God,” Quinn said, whining and throwing her hands up in the air. “Why are you being such a paw-paw about this? We’re going to be fine,” Quinn said. “You worry too much to be so young.”

  “I’m way older than you think, young lady,” he chastised his mate.

  “Yes big poppa, but that’s for another time and place. As for Oriana,” she pointed between Wren and her, and said, “We got this, mkay?”

  “Mkay, but all the same, I’m not leaving you two alone with her. I have no problems killing her where she stands if she causes any harm to either of you.”

  “I thought you didn’t think to kill first,” Quinn eyed him with a little suspicion.

  “I never had to consider someone trying to harm my mate before. Over you, I’ll kill in less than a heartbeat.”

  “Ooh, poppy, I’m getting so turned one right now I want to—”

  “Okay! You two—friend who is embarrassed—I’m sitting right here. Geez! Maybe y’all should have stayed down in the den for another day.”

  This wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped.

  Quinn slammed a fist down on the table where they all met with Oriana in the holding area. Instead of it being the three of them, Matt and Greg had also insisted on coming along.

  Quinn said, “Bitch, please! I’m a lion, and you thought you were dealing with a pussy. Get your life right. Now, where is my money?”

  Greg shook his head and motioned for Lucien to get Quinn to get back on script.

  Oriana laughed and looked at her, not flinching. “This isn’t a good look for you, Sibyl. I told you, your money is gone.”

  “And I told you, I want some of yours to replace what I

  “Quinny, why don’t we get back on task here?” Wren asked, attempting to be the diplomat in the situation. To Oriana, she said, “You said you’d only talk with us about Julia’s possible whereabouts. We’re here like you requested. Start talking.”

  Lucien cut an eye to see Matt smiling hard. He was so obvious in his affections for Wren; she had to be blind not to see it. But, stranger things had been known to happen.

  Oriana looked between the women and appeared to consider and choose her words carefully. Lucien tensed up, hoping this wasn’t some clever trick to get them to promise her something later down the road.

  She spoke, “I need to know something that you two might be able to reveal to me.”

  Quinn said, “Reveal where my money is and we’ll see.”

  Lucien wanted to face palm. The woman was like a pit bull about that money. “Quinn, my love, please stick to the task at hand. The money can and will be replaced. Lives can’t,” he said, trying not to show discord in front of Oriana.

  “I know what you said, but it’s the principle of the matter. Her daughter killed Craig, and I think it only right that she do right by me at least.” Quinn looked hurt, and he had to admit the money was more symbolic than her wanting it to spend.

  “Did you say that Julia killed Craig?” Oriana looked down at her expertly manicured hands and fidgeted. Everyone in the room remained quiet, waiting.

  Wren jumped in, speaking up. “Yes, I saw her with my own eyes.”

  “Did he suffer?”

  Wren looked over to Lucien. He nodded for her to tell her.

  “Yes, he did. She did something to him that made him have the same bleeding as I had, except he didn’t survive.”

  “I see, that’s a shame,” the woman said, pulling on everything to remain regal.

  Quinn glared at her hard. Lucien felt the apprehension rising as she opened her mouth to speak.

  “Oriana, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you had some feelings for Craig.” Quinn’s tone was neutral yet sincere.

  Oriana looked around the room at each of them before speaking. “I was very fond of him. I would have never harmed him. I had a love for him in my own way. We’d been together for over ten years, and I’d taught him everything he knew. I didn’t deserve his love or loyalty. No matter what I did, or how cruel I treated him, he always came back to me. Craig was loyal.” She looked up at the ceiling and then to the group before her. “In here with nothing but my thoughts, reflection is a sobering companion. I’ve realized some things.” She looked at Quinn. “To answer your question, yes I had feelings for Craig and… I apologize for any hurt or suffering we caused you.”

  For the first time since the meeting began, Quinn was shocked into silence.

  Lucien spoke up, taking advantage of Oriana’s break in character. “Oriana, you have made a request of Wren and Quinn in exchange for helping us find Julia. Time isn’t on our side, and Julia is out there planning her next move.”

  Oriana held up her hand. “Say no more. I was going to ask the Oracles to tell me where Craig was and if he was all right. They have told me what I wanted to know. I will help you. However, I can. Julia is dead to me now. I never taught her to kill and do most of the things she does. When she threatened to kill me by using my necklace as a talisman against me, I knew she was too far gone. I didn’t want to accept it until now.”

  Quinn said, “Your words are something you could be saying since you think that’s what we want to hear. How do we know this isn’t some trick of yours?”

  “Because I’m certain that this holding dimension is the only reason I’m still alive. I know enough about her to know that she’s using that necklace and looking for me, to kill me. I know that as long as she lives, my life is in danger. And I know if I have to choose between her and myself, I love myself enough to choose me.”

  “Well, there you go and amen,” Quinn said nudging Wren in the arm. “Wren and I need to consult with the guys before we move forward. In light of what you’ve said, we need to make certain you remain safe.”

  Wren interrupted. “Oriana, do you have any urges to seek out any treasure you think is in the Lair?” Wren leaned in and watched Oriana.

  The woman looked back at her and said with apparent conviction, “No. I know that from here I’ll most likely be sent to stand for my actions before the Council of Elders. Why risk my life when I would never have a chance to enjoy whatever is housed in the Lair.” She turned her attention to look at Lucien, Greg, and Matt. “It’s true, I wanted Dragofin treasure and was the one who kept sending Julia to find a way to infiltrate the Lair. I even encouraged her crush on Ajax when I thought it would help me profit, but I always thought I had some control of her. When it came down to it, you were the ones who spared my life, not Julia. I may be a thief, but I know and recognize when a kindness of life has been granted to me. Yes, I will help you.”

  To Quinn, she said, “In memory of Craig and for what Julia did to him, I’ll give you access to one of my accounts that I had earmarked to give to Julia. Since she’s no longer a fan of me living, she doesn’t deserve my money. I release all claims she had on it. She will have to fend for herself from now on. I had set it aside for her to have quick access, should she need to disappear for a while. I never told her about it, so it should be safe to access.” Oriana paused. “I might not have been her birth mother, but I raised her and continued to support her as well financially. I hope you never experience the pain of a child wanting to kill you.” Her eyes were moist, yet she made no move to raise her restrained hands to wipe any tears away. With her face back to its normal movie-star dazzle, Oriana spoke again. “There’s a hundred grand cash and some other items in there. All if it’s yours. Quinn, I figure that should take care of what Craig and I took over the years he saw you and your ordeal from the other night, with a little interest.” Oriana looked at Lucien and asked, “May I open this locket I have around my neck? You’ve already checked it and know it’s no weapon.”

  He could see no harm in allowing her to access the locket but looked over to Quinn and Wren who nodded. Giving Greg the signal to remove the necklace from her neck, once it was done, the locket was placed in her hands that remained enclosed in zip ties. The group watched as she dismantled it like a puzzle putting it back together to form a key.

  Oriana handed the key to Quinn and said, “Take this. You’ll have to go in person, use this key and show a letter that I give you to access the money. It’s in a deposit box and not in a bank account.” She smiled at them. “I’m tired. No lies, tricks or deceit. I swear by the pledge of The People.”

  Wren spoke, “I see no deceit in her words. Oriana, for your help, you will live to see freedom and have love in your heart. This time an everlasting love, not based on fear or worship, but on mutual respect and understanding will find you. He will be from the line of the royal elves like you and will cross paths with you soon. Embrace that good part of your nature to become worthy of such a love as his.” But Wren wasn’t done. “You will only be free to receive his love once you renounce all your previous ways and live a life of charity and good. Oriana, as part of the information you give us, you’ll also need to give us the specifics for dismantling your illegal businesses. Do you understand? This is for your own good, happiness, and length of life.”

  “I understand and will tell you all that you ask and require.” Lucien almost hated seeing the defeat and sorrow on her. Oriana was in mourning over Craig but hearing Wren’s words of a promise of true love had softened her like nothing else.

  The regal, distant air that Oriana had cloaked herself in for the entire interaction evaporated, revealing a hopeful woman who wanted to know true love before she met her death. Lucien nodded to Quinn and Wren, motioning for them to work on getting the information from Oriana.

  Once they had received various places and contacts Julia might use, Lucien, said to the elf-leprechaun, “If you do not try to escape and this information you’ve provided leads t
o the capture of Julia, I will go before the Council and ask for leniency on your behalf.”

  “Thank you. There is one place I suggest you start with that isn’t on that list,” Oriana said. “If my hunch is correct, Julia is and has been close by. Start at the Diner and canvas the area. As you know, she’s obsessed with Ajax and watches the area where she believes the Lair shows up from the Diner. I wish you the luck of the Leprechauns and the wisdom and shrewdness of the elves. Please find her and release me from this guilt and torment for the part I’ve played in shaping Julia into the monster she’s become.”


  Quinn… Eight days later. 5th Floor Meeting Room of the Lair

  Quinn took a large bowl of popcorn from Lucien as he came to sit next to her on their leather oversized love seat. All the seating in this area had been turned around to face the back wall. They sat in a U-shape formation so everyone could see and talk to one another and watch the movies. She was excited to finally have what would amount to a date night with her man.

  Quinn had been pleased to get these custom-made leather love seats transported from the portal to the Lair. Not wanting to chance anyone getting inside, she’d had the guys get them from the designated delivery drop point in the city. Once back at the Lair, she had four of them brought up by the guys to the meeting area, with Ajax complaining about being manual labor all the way.

  After Oriana had been transported to the Council of Elders, things had settled down. There was still no sign or activity from Julia, and all the spots and contacts Oriana had given them had turned up dry.

  With Wren going back to work and only stopping by to visit instead of staying over, Quinn needed something to occupy her time. After untangling all her financial issues and paying Liesel and Wren back at Lucien’s insistence, Quinn was debt free and no idea what to do with herself. Not having to work was novel and scary. The love seat project had been the thing to keep her busy.

  As a promise from her mate, Quinn had taken him up on getting her chair. But instead of choosing more chairs for each new mate, she found a vendor from a mirror planet who had made the other furnishings. When he’d suggested love seats for each of the members, it felt right.


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