Exposed: A Jaded Regret Novel

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Exposed: A Jaded Regret Novel Page 14

by L. L. Collins

  Natalie knew what she was doing, and it showed. She had no problem giving advice to someone who was just starting out. The entire band was like that. Hearts of gold and talent to match. This was why I represented them. This was also why they would be hard to top in the rock industry.

  I was in awe of her right now. I loved seeing her in her element, being the Natalie Anderson.

  “Let’s play!” Ginger said. “Natalie, Kai, make yourselves comfortable. We put water and some snacks over there for you, too.”

  Natalie walked over to me, and her manager persona dropped for just a second as she smiled at me. Her real smile, dimple included. The one that made my heart skip a beat. She didn’t know it yet, but I would do anything to have her keep smiling at me like that.

  I wanted to touch her, to reach out and take her hand with mine and sit with her leg touching mine, but I knew that wasn’t what she would want. Right now, Natalie was the manager of Jaded Regret, scouting talent for the band, and I was Kai Pierson, the rep for both bands. We weren’t us at this moment. Even though it was my final decision who opened for Jaded Regret on their tour, I wouldn’t pull rank on Natalie. I would let her make the best decision for the band, just like she’d done for all these years.

  She settled next to me on a plush leather couch they had just outside their practice area. “They’re great. I like their vibe already.”

  I nodded. “I knew you would. They remind me a lot of you guys, back in the day.”

  If she wondered how I knew about them “in the day,” she didn’t ask. “I agree,” she said. “I’ve heard their stuff on those videos you sent me, so I can’t wait to hear them live.”

  “Ready?” Ginger counted off to her band, and they began their first song, one I knew well. “Femme Fatal” was their breakout song, one that started them on the road to notoriety.

  Natalie tapped her fingers on her legs as they began singing. Ginger reminded me of Bex, her raspy voice filling the room. When Alleigh joined in, Natalie started bobbing her head to the music. It was infectious. Their rock wasn’t quite as heavy as Jaded Regret, more toward the pop side, but they shared some qualities with the band powerhouse.

  After four songs, they stopped for a break. The girls looked at each other nervously before Ginger asked the question they all wanted to know.

  “What did you think?” Ginger walked toward us, and the girls followed behind her. I understood their nervousness, but they were going to have to get over that. If they were going to make it to the big time, they had to be confident. Know their talents and embrace them.

  Natalie didn’t look my way at all before responding. I both loved that and wished she needed me to make a decision like this.

  If there was anything that proved to me Natalie was her own independent woman, not used to relying on anyone but herself, it was this right here. While I admired it, I also wished she didn’t have to learn she was the only one she could count on.

  I wanted to change that perception.

  “That was phenomenal. I took some video for the band to see, too. Before I came up here, we watched the links Kai sent us and they all loved your sound.”

  “Really?” Alleigh spoke up. “Someone pinch me. I think I’m dreaming.”

  Natalie laughed. “It may be your dream to open for Jaded Regret, but believe me when I say you won’t be openers for long. Are you guys ready for the attention this tour will get you? Are you ready to hit the big time?”

  Ginger’s eyes widened. “The big time?”

  Natalie nodded. “Yes. As you know, Jaded Regret has been around for several years in the ‘big leagues.’ We’ve had several bands open for us, some who’ve gone on to bigger and better things and some who haven’t. But you know the only difference between those that make it and those that don’t?”

  “What?” Harlie spoke up.

  “Their drive to do what it takes to get there. You’ll get more attention and press than you know what to do with after a tour like this. This is Jaded Regret’s first international tour, as you know, so to have you along would mean you’re thrust full force into this life. You have to be ready to take it and run with it. So, are you ready for what will happen to your career after this?”

  The girls all exchanged a look. Natalie was right. The excitement of touring with Jaded Regret was just one part of what Fatal Knockout had to be ready to endure. An international tour for their breakout tour was huge.

  Almost simultaneously, the girls nodded their heads and said yes.

  “Are you saying…?” Ginger trailed off, almost afraid to jinx what Natalie implied.

  I knew Natalie wanted them, and I was glad because I wanted them to join Jaded Regret, too.

  “I’m offering Fatal Knockout the opener spot on Jaded Regret’s international tour if you want it.” Natalie looked over at me, and I nodded in agreement. I had the feeling it didn’t matter if I agreed or not, because Natalie was doing what she thought was best.

  I wondered absently if Allan had been bowled over by Natalie, too, and had let her do whatever she wanted.

  I assumed no one told Natalie no very often.

  I wasn’t about to be the one to start.

  Whatever that woman wanted, I’d give it to her.

  Ginger’s mouth dropped open, and she turned back to her girls. Their expressions all mirrored hers. I could only imagine what they felt right now. Their dreams were about to come true thanks to Natalie Anderson.

  “Yes.” Ginger put her hands over her mouth and tears dripped from her eyes. “I’m sorry. I just—” She broke off, shaking her head as she tried to come to grips with what just happened.

  “Thank you,” Alleigh said. She stepped forward and hugged Natalie. “We can’t ever thank you enough for believing in us and allowing us this opportunity.”

  Ginger nodded, the emotion still too great for her to talk.

  “This is happening?” Tyra bounced up and down. “We’re really going on tour with Jaded Regret?”

  Harlie and Tyra hugged, squealing in excitement.

  Natalie laughed, and the manager persona dropped. “Congratulations. You guys deserve it. We’ll be in touch on specifics, and Kai will get with you on promo materials and schedules. When we come to New York to start off the tour, we’ll be here a few weeks early so we can start promo photo shoots and appearances. Kai will take care of letting you know what you need for that.”

  “In the meantime,” I said, interrupting her. “Get ready to push that album. Practice, practice, practice. You’re going to see millions of people for your first tour.”

  The girls looked back and forth between the two of us, their eyes wide and their faces shocked. I wondered how much of it they’d remember. I didn’t blame them for their shock. Their lives just changed in the blink of an eye and did an abrupt one-eighty.

  Natalie touched Ginger on the arm. “Kai has my number if you have any questions, or if you need anything. Do you guys have a manager?”

  Ginger shook her head. “N-not really. I’ve been doing it all since we started.”

  Natalie nodded. “That needs to change. You need to find someone you trust. You’re the talent, not the manager.” She turned to me. “They need a manager. Yesterday.”

  God, I loved this side of her.

  I looked at Ginger. “You guys think about whether you know anyone with a background in management you can trust. If you don’t, I’ll help you find someone. We need to get this done in the next few weeks so whoever it is has time to get used to what we need before we go out on tour.”

  “We’re on it. Thank you, Natalie, Kai. We can’t thank you enough.”

  Natalie smiled. “Practice hard and get ready. We’ll be in touch. It was great to meet all of you. The band will be so excited to meet you. Until next time.”

  I said my goodbyes to Fatal Knockout, and we walked out of the studio. I could hardly wait until we got back into the cab because Manager Natalie would be gone and my Natalie would be back.

an I tell you something?”

  Natalie turned to me. I loved how she liked to look out the window as we drove like she could absorb everything about the city through the glass. Her eyes sparkled with amusement. I loved seeing her happy.

  “Of course.”

  “Seeing you back there was one of the hottest things I’ve ever witnessed.”

  She furrowed her brow. “Where? At the studio?”

  I nodded. “Yep.”


  “Seeing you in ‘manager mode’ was hot. I can’t explain it. It just was. That’s the first time I saw ‘Manager Natalie’ in action. I wanted to push you against the wall and kiss you breathless.”

  Her eyes widened at my admission. “Kai.” I liked when she said my name that way. It meant I got to her, and she didn’t know what else to say. I affected her.

  I shrugged. “What? Too much honesty?”

  She glanced at the cabbie, who was too busy cursing out New York drivers to listen to us. Natalie licked her lips. “I like your honesty.”

  “Good, because that’s who I am. I don’t lie, Natalie. What you see is what you get. And I’m going to be one hundred percent honest with you because I know you need that. No games. Ever. You’ll always know how I feel.”

  “I like that. You’re different from most guys.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It is.” Natalie reached her hand out and cupped the side of my face. God, I loved when she touched me. “I’m going to be honest now, too, okay?”

  I sucked in a breath, waiting.

  “‘Starving.’” Natalie looked at me wide-eyed, waiting for me to get it. I wasn’t sure I saw her eat anything yet today, and it was closing in on dinner time. Then again, I didn’t see her eat much ever. She drank water like a fish but ate like a bird.

  “Starving?” I felt like I missed something, or like I should know what she was telling me. “You’re hungry?”

  “Hailee Steinfeld. ‘Starving.’” This time, Natalie pulled her phone and earbuds out of her purse and clicked a few keys.

  A song. She was talking about a song. Never did I think our mutual love of music would turn into us talking about our feelings through lyrics, but it worked.

  She watched me as the words began. My gut tightened, and my heart pounded in my chest. Oh my God. She was starving…for me. The lyrics surrounded me, and I absorbed every single one of them. I wished for the cabbie to hurry and get to my apartment because I needed to be alone with her. Now.

  The song ended, and she pulled the earbud out of my ear gently. She tucked her hair behind her ear and bit her lip, a sign of her unease. It was my turn not to be able to speak. “Natalie.”

  “Too much?” I could hear the uncertainty in her voice, and I never wanted her to feel like that. She needed to know expressing her feelings to me was a no risk situation.

  “No. Not at all. I’m just…” I didn’t know how to put it in words what her admission did for me. I tilted her chin back and kissed her lips softly, wanting so much more but needing to get the words out. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “That was huge for you. I know it was. Those words—you don’t understand how much they mean to me. I also saw the fright all over your face once I started listening to the song. You’re still afraid to tell me what you’re thinking and feeling, and I want you to know you don’t have to. I’m not going to turn you away. Ever.”

  Natalie nodded. “It’s going to take some getting used to.”

  Her beautiful eyes were wide open, and I could read every emotion passing through them. “I know it is. But just in case you needed me to tell you, I’m starving for you, too.”

  Before we could say anything else, the cabbie screeched at the curb, and I handed him the money and practically pulled Natalie out of the car. We needed to get upstairs. Now. I couldn’t lose momentum on Natalie opening herself up.

  The elevator was empty, and I couldn’t wait any longer. I pushed her against the wall and ran my nose along her neck, inhaling her scent.

  Her hands moved through my hair as I continued my way up her neck. She sighed when my teeth scraped her ear lobe. Natalie linked her hands on the back of my neck and pulled me to her. We kissed, the small moans of pleasure the only sound in the elevator.

  Much too soon, the doors dinged open, and I pulled back from her reluctantly. Her flushed cheeks and pink lips were more pronounced than usual from my kisses.

  We stepped out of the elevator and into my apartment, both of us moving a little quicker than we might usually.

  “What do you want to do tonight?” Natalie broke our silence. I almost laughed, because the truthful answer wasn’t something I should say. I must’ve had a look on my face because she laughed. “I want that too, Kai.”

  Dear Lord, give me the strength. “Natalie, you can’t start saying things like that.”

  She smirked. She smirked. “I can’t? What? I didn’t read your expression correctly?”

  “Oh no, you read it correctly. I’m just barely hanging on to my restraint, and when you say something like that…”

  Natalie stepped up to me and ran her finger down the center of my chest, stopping only when she reached the button of my pants. “But what if I don’t want you to restrain?”

  I prayed she wasn’t testing me to see if I would stop things again. Because it was sure as hell harder—pun intended—to step away from her, and when she gave me that come hither look like she was doing right now…

  Visions of lying her down on my bed, her cheeks flushed, and her body bare before me, flashed through my mind like a movie reel. I wanted to know what it felt like to have Natalie Anderson fall apart under me, over me, with me. I wanted it more than I wanted to breathe right now.

  But I made myself a promise. I made her a promise.


  “Kai.” She matched my tone. “We’re in this together, right? That’s what you said?”

  I took her hands in mine. “Completely together.”

  “Then we can decide, as adults, to further things to the next step, right?”

  I opened my mouth, but no words would come out. I didn’t know how to answer her.

  “You know I’m only here a limited amount of time,” she continued. “So how…hard will it be for me to leave with this tension between us?”

  “Natalie.” I swallowed, wondering why my throat was so dry all of a sudden. “Are you sure about what you’re saying? Are you the same Natalie Anderson that’s been with me the last few days?”

  She threw back her head and laughed, that creamy neck beaconing to me. “I know. I’m not sure what’s come over me, but something happened to me in the cab with you. I don’t want to stop, Kai. I want you to make love to me.”

  She couldn’t have surprised me more if she would’ve turned into a three-headed monster and started spewing green stuff.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was like someone else was speaking for me. This couldn’t possibly be happening. First, I told Kai I was starving for him in the cab, and now I was throwing myself at him. I didn’t have a clue what had gotten into me.

  The thing was, though, I couldn’t even guilt myself about it. For the first time in my life, I wanted to be forward—take something I wanted. I wanted to tell Kai how I felt and do something about it, so I did. I didn’t want to think about my growling stomach, how many hours I needed to be in the gym, if my brother was okay, or the threat that always overshadowed my life.

  I wanted to live.

  Kai made me want to do just that, and even if it was just temporary, I wanted to feel his body against mine. I wanted to get lost in him, in the way he looked at me and touched me. I wanted to feel the appreciation of a man in a way I hadn’t in years.

  But not just any man.

  This man.

  I stepped up to him until I was as close as I could be. Tilting my face back so I could continue looking at him, I watched as his A
dam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed hard. His eyes were wide and watched every move I made. He still hadn’t said a word.

  “Cat got your tongue?” I tried to hide the tremor in my voice. As sure as I seemed, it still terrified me he’d figure out he wasn’t interested.

  Kai reached into his back pocket, and it didn’t take me but a second to realize what he was going to do. I waited as he hit a few keys, looking up at me in between with fire in his eyes.

  “It’s an oldie but perfect,” he said, his voice so deep it sent shivers through my body. He hovered his finger over the play button. “Tell me you’re sure, Natalie.”

  I nodded. “I’m sure.”

  He stared at me for a few more seconds. “Remember when I told you before that I couldn’t go back once you woke up in my arms?”

  Of course I remembered. I couldn’t stop replaying every word he said. “Yes.” I could barely make my lips form the word; the anticipation was so great.

  Kai rested his forehead on mine; his phone still clutched in his hand. “Once we do this, Natalie…” He broke off and kissed me, the warmth of his lips making me shudder as I anticipated what would come next. He pulled back enough to talk but kept our mouths close enough to feel every word he said. “I know for a fact I won’t go back. I can’t. When I feel what it’s like to be inside you…I need you to be sure you’re okay with this. I promised I wouldn’t take advantage.”

  That lock of hair I loved so much dropped down onto his forehead, and I had to reach up and run my fingers through his hair. “Kai, I don’t do this lightly. I know we still have so much to know about each other, and so much to work through. But for the first time in a long time, I want to be connected to someone. Not just anyone. You. It isn’t just a hookup for me if that’s what you’re worried about.”


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