Black Dahlia, Red Rose

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Black Dahlia, Red Rose Page 36

by Piu Eatwell

  and removal of Gangster Squad from BD case, 151–52, 185

  homosexuality, 66–72

  Hopkins, Ernest Jerome, 78

  Horrall, Clemence B., 279

  appointment as chief, 93

  and Dillon’s arrest, 112, 113, 226

  early stages of investigation, 76

  and Gangster Squad, 95

  and LAPD Vice Squad scandal, 148–49

  life after BD case, 269

  preparations for meeting with Dillon, 98

  removal as LAPD chief, 146, 149

  retirement banquet, 204

  Hughes, Sid, 15, 18, 68

  Hunt, Vernon W., 213, 214

  Huntington Park, California, 24, 26–28

  Hurst, James, 138–40, 144, 156n

  Hyman, Robert, 62

  “Inglewood, Babes of” case, 9, 84–86, 279

  initials, on ES’s corpse, 65–66, 169, 197, 229, 236, 249, 254–58, 333

  inquest, 45–47

  Intelligence Division, 150, 173n

  “Jack Sand,” See Dillon, Leslie Duane; Sand, Jack

  Jackson, Elmer V., 147–49, 279

  James, Arthur Curtis, Jr. (Charles B. Smith), 63–64, 306

  “Jeff,” See Connors, Jeff

  Jemison, Frank B., 279

  Carl Balsiger and, 245

  final report on BD case, 210

  grand jury investigation, 172–76

  grand jury report, 197

  George Hodel investigation, 208–9, 243, 244

  life after BD case, 270

  re-interviewing of Aster Motel witnesses, 201–3

  review of BD case, 206

  San Francisco trip to interview witnesses, 176–79

  on secret details in DA grand jury files, 293, 315

  Ann Toth interview, 199–200

  jewelry scam, 183–84, 248

  Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. (Hirsch Apartment owners), 73–74

  Jones, Officer, 95–97, 188, 279, 312

  Judd, Winnie Ruth, 70

  Kay, Stephen, 331–32

  Kearney, Francis, 279

  and Gangster Squad/Homicide Division rift, 194–95

  lack of grand jury testimony from, 194–95

  in Las Vegas, 102

  preparations for meeting with Dillon, 98, 102, 107

  questioning of Jeff Connors, 122

  secret meeting about tracking Leslie Dillon, 95

  Keeling, Inez, 19–20

  Keller, Conwell “Con,” 107, 128, 187, 279

  Keppel, Robert, 241, 257

  Klein, Wally, 222–28, 280, 315

  Kynette, Earle, 94

  LaGore, Buddy, 74

  Lane, Arthur (“Artie”), 118; See also Connors, Jeff

  LAPD; See also specific LAPD personnel

  campaign for appointment of new chief, 214–15

  corruption/incompetence, 75–79, 94–95, 146–49

  reorganization of, 150–52

  LAPD Vice Squad corruption scandal, 147–49

  Lapp, Russ, 16

  Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), 25

  Las Vegas, Nevada, 101–2

  La Vere, Alice, 69–70

  Lavine, Morris, 121

  Lawson, Harry, 171–72, 175, 180, 182, 184, 186–87, 191, 195–97, 247, 280

  leash, See dog leash

  Leimert, Walter H., 4

  Leimert Park

  Dillon at, 109–10, 181

  discovery of ES’s corpse at, 4–9

  Lenorak, Lillian, 328

  lesbian killer theory, 66–72

  Leyes, Donald, 57

  Lippmann, Walter, 21–22

  Long Beach, California, 43, 108; See also A1 Trailer Park

  Long Beach Independent, 158–59

  Los Angeles Daily News, 25–26

  Los Angeles Evening Herald-Express; See also Underwood, Agness “Aggie”

  after BD case, 270

  Aster Motel report, 152–55

  coverage of LAPD’s campaign against De River, 211–12

  De River’s articles on psychology of BD murderer, 83–84, 89

  and Dillon’s arrest, 112

  and Dillon’s postcard, 111–12

  on ES’s fate as warning to young women, 20–21

  female killer theory coverage, 69–71

  Jeanne French story, 65

  grand jury coverage, 188

  on Mark Hansen’s link to BD case, 159–60

  Nieson Himmel and, 219

  leaking of Waggoner report, 167, 184

  “Red” Manley interview, 32–33

  police corruption/incompetence coverage, 75–76

  William Randolph Hearst and, 25

  removal of Aggie Underwood from BD case, 33–34

  Aggie Underwood’s early career, 7–8

  Los Angeles Examiner; See also Richardson, James Hugh “Jimmy”

  after BD case, 270

  aggressiveness of reporters, 25–26

  Aster Motel coverage, 155–56

  coverage of discovery of ES’s body, 14–16

  coverage of female killer theory, 68

  on De River’s firing, 216

  on Dillon’s arrest, 114–16

  early coverage of ES case, 25–26

  and ES’s trunk, 36–37

  on grand jury investigation, 196–98

  William Randolph Hearst and, 25

  and parcel from BD killer, 49–51

  “Red” Manley coverage, 27

  Los Angeles Times, 24

  “Madam Chang” (Margaret Chung), 72, 210

  Madden, Owen “Owney,” 56

  Manley, Harriette, 27, 32

  Manley, Robert “Red,” 280

  arrest of, 27–28

  ES and, 36

  on ES’s fastidiousness, 75n

  identification of shoe and purse, 62

  at inquest, 46, 47

  search for, 24, 26

  Aggie Underwood’s interview of, 28–33

  Margolis, Marvin, 58, 206

  Martin, Lynn (Norma Lee Meyer), 63, 64, 192n, 242, 306

  McBride, Myrl, 74, 123, 140

  McCreadie, Jack, 76

  McCromber, Pearl, 136, 173n, 177n, 185

  Means, Bevo, 295

  Medford, Massachusetts, 38–41

  Mehringer, Tim, 42, 299–300

  Meltzer, Harold “Happy,” 147, 148

  Meyer, Bob, 47, 289

  Meyer, Norma Lee, See Martin, Lynn

  Miami, Florida, 95–98, 312

  Miami Beach, Florida, 40–41, 89

  Miller, Bill (jeweler), 183–84

  Miller, William A. (colleague of De River’s), 126

  “missing week,” 53, 67, 73–75, 134, 178–79, 199, 248, 250

  Monroe, Marilyn, 55

  Moore, Jiggs, 109, 128–29, 135, 181

  Moorman, Betty-Jo, 280

  and Aster Motel investigation, 133–34, 142–43, 151

  grand jury interview, 201–3

  Moorman, Burt, 280

  Gangster Squad investigation of Aster Motel, 133–34, 139–40, 142, 144, 151

  grand jury interview, 201–3

  Morgan, Harry, 47, 50

  Morgan, Walter, 247, 327

  morgue, 9–10

  mouth, mutilation of, 8, 10, 168

  movies, 35

  Moyer, Jane Ellen, 245

  Murray, Caroline, 256

  Murray, Ora, 23n

  mutilations, 17n

  Neeb, Robert A., 207, 208

  Newbarr, Frederick D., 10–12, 17n, 47, 280

  newspapers; See also specific newspapers, e.g.: Los Angeles Examiner

  as better investigators than LAPD, 75

  competition between, 24–25

  Normandie Avenue, 114–15, 178

  Northern, Mae, 48

  Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, 4, 46, 109; See also Leimert Park

  Olmsted and Olmsted, 4

  O’Mara, John J. “JJ,” 281

  at A1 Trailer Park, 108–9

  background, 100–101

as chauffeur/bodyguard for Paul De River and Dillon, 101–3, 105–6

  and Dillon’s behavior at Leimert Park, 109–10

  grand jury testimony, 180–81, 186–87

  and Intelligence Division, 150

  life after BD case, 270

  Pacios, Mary, 39

  Paegel, Felix, 6, 290

  Palm Springs, California, 102–7

  parcel of ES’s belongings, 49–50

  Parker, William, “Bill,” 281

  appointment as LAPD chief, 214–15

  and “Bloody Christmas” beatings, 219

  firing of De River, 216

  life after BD case, 270

  Payette, Bill, 66

  Peete, Louise, 70

  Pegler, Arthur James, 15

  Perkins, Frank, 6

  phenobarbital, 106, 167, 250

  Phillips, Clara (“Tiger Girl”), 70

  Phillips, George, 85n

  Pinker, Raymond, 32, 323

  piquerism, 241

  pornography, 63–64, 207, 241–42

  postcards, 51, 52, 111, 112, 121

  presumptive blood tests, 260–61

  Price, George, 63–64, 241

  pseudo-reaction, 252, 253, 261

  psychological profiling, 83–84; See also De River, Joseph Paul

  pubic hair, 11, 67, 105, 169, 315

  purse, discovery of, 62–63, 305–6

  Radin, Edward D., 219–21, 228

  Ramlow, Gerry, 68

  Ray, Man, 331

  Raymond, Harry, 93–94

  Red Hibiscus murder, 22, 23n

  Reed, Joe, 95, 125, 148–49, 186, 204, 281

  Reynolds, Christine, 67–68, 147n

  Richards, Ray, 16

  Richardson, James Hugh “Jimmy,” 281; See also Los Angeles Examiner

  and “Black Dahlia” moniker’s origins, 22, 295

  call to FBI about rumors of police incompetence, 76

  and competition between newspapers, 25, 26

  and Dillon investigation, 99, 117

  early coverage of BD case, 14–15, 18–19

  on ES’s life, 23

  and ES’s trunk, 36–37, 44

  interview with Frenches, 34–36

  life after BD case, 269

  “Red” Manley and, 24

  phone call from Dillon, 47–49, 179

  postcard from “Black Dahlia Avenger,” 51

  Ringer, Roy, 25–26

  Ringo, Juanita, 60

  Ritzi, William L., 207

  Robertson, Grant, 178–79

  Robinson, Bill, 58

  Rohr, Linda, 60

  Rose, Arthur Brigham, 127

  rose tattoo, See tattoo, rose

  Rosie, Paul, 42

  Rummel, Sam, 147–48

  “runaway” jury, 171

  Ryan, Suzanna, 253–54, 260–62

  St. Cyr, Lili, 55, 56

  St. John, “Jigsaw John,” 13

  Salem Street (Medford, Massachusetts), 39–40

  Salisbury, Christina, 73

  Sand, Jack (Leslie Dillon), 89–92, 95–97, 113, 120n, 312, 313; See also Dillon, Leslie Duane

  San Diego, California, 19, 23–24, 29–30, 34–36, 44, 60, 245

  San Francisco, California

  attempts to locate Jeff Connors in, 110–11

  and attempts to manufacture Dillon’s alibi, 119, 167, 173–74

  and attempts to verify Dillon’s alibi, 176–79, 190, 192–94

  Jeff Connors in, 122

  Dillon as pimp in, 96, 113, 130

  Dillon in, 114, 135–67

  Dillon’s death in, 234

  in “Jack Sand” letter, 89, 90

  Santa Barbara, California, 16–17

  Santa Monica, California, 178

  schizothymic personality type, 225

  Scott, A. A., 87, 124

  Scott, Robert H., 204

  secret facts/details, 67–68, 113, 168–69, 174–75, 225–26, 293, 314–15

  “Sergeant Chuck,” 20

  “Seven Dwarves” affair, 173n

  Sexual Criminal, The (De River), 212–13, 224

  Sexual Offense Bureau, 86

  Shaw, Frank, 94


  discovery of ES’s, 62–63, 305–6

  in Leslie Dillon’s hotel room, 106–7, 316

  Short, Cleo Alvin, 38–40

  Short, Elizabeth, 281

  alleged sightings during last week of life, 73–75

  at Aster Motel, 137–40, 143–44

  autopsy, 10–13

  at Camp Cooke, 19–20

  at Carlos Avenue house, 57–61

  discovery of ES’s corpse at Leimert Park, 4–9

  Gordon Fickling and, 42–44

  first encounter with Mark Hansen, 57–58

  Matt Gordon and, 41–42

  identification of, 16–17

  last phone call of, 200–201

  last sighting of, 31–32

  life in Medford, Massachusetts, 38–41

  location of trunk, 36–37

  “Red” Manley and, 24, 26, 29–33

  relationship with men, 20–21

  sexual “coldness” of, 30, 71, 297

  Short, Ginnie, 39

  Short, Phoebe Mae, 18–19, 38–40, 45–46, 281

  Short, Virginia, 46

  Siegel, Bugsy, 14

  signature behavior, 229, 235–36, 249, 330

  Smith, Jack, 7

  Smyre, Jack, 172, 175

  Solomon, Max, 78

  Soundphoto, 16, 18

  South Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles, See Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles

  South Normandie Avenue, 114–15, 178

  Spangler, Jean, 173n

  Stanley, Leo, 166, 167, 169, 281

  Stephens, Jeannette, 84

  Sterns, Glenn, 192

  Stevenson, Georgia, See Dillon, Georgia (Stevenson)

  Stevenson, Laura, 114

  Stoker, Charles, 148

  Strand Hotel (South Union Avenue, Los Angeles), 111–12

  Streed, Michael, 242, 261–62

  Studholm, Harold, 297

  Sutton, Wain, 18, 19

  Tabu Club (Los Angeles), 73

  Tann, Quinn, 16

  tattoo, rose, 17, 105, 174–75, 226, 315

  “Third Street Bridge confessions,” 77

  Titus, Lola, 157–58, 191–92, 247

  toenails, 11

  Toth, Ann, 57, 281

  and Dillon–ES connection, 249

  on ES’s fastidiousness, 74–75

  on ES’s time at Mark Hansen’s Carlos Avenue house, 58–61, 193, 199–200

  and Mark Hansen’s connections to abortion racket, 248, 304

  and Bill Miller, 184

  True Detective magazine, 90, 97

  trunk, ES’s, 36–38, 44

  12 Against Crime (Radin), 219–21, 228

  Underwood, Agness “Aggie,” 6–7, 281; See also Los Angeles Evening Herald-Express

  and Aster Motel revelations, 152–55

  and “Black Dahlia” moniker’s origins, 22, 23, 295

  and Fins Brown/Mark Hansen connection, 247

  coverage of irregularities in BD case, 160, 226

  Paul De River and, 88–89, 218–19, 227–28

  and Dillon’s postcard, 112

  and Dillon’s release, 117, 119

  and female killer theory, 70–71

  and Jeanne French/BD connection, 257–58

  and grand jury investigation, 195, 196

  Mark Hansen and, 61

  at Leimert Park, 6–9, 290–91

  life after BD case, 268

  Red Manley interview, 27–33

  removal from Dahlia case, 33–34

  on Arthur Brigham Rose, 127

  videotaped interview (1974), 263–64

  Underwood, Harry, 7

  Underwood, Rilla, 89, 218

  Unkefer, Mary H., 17, 315

  Utley, Jimmy “Little Giant,” 55, 56, 183, 248, 269, 282

  Valdez, Tony, 77, 246

us, Jimmy, 148, 149

  Veitch, Arthur, 282

  and grand jury, 186

  at secret hearing, 236, 240, 254, 255

  and Fred Witman’s report, 166–70

  Vetcher, Peter, 71

  Voorhees, Daniel, 65

  Waggoner, Loren K., 282

  Aster Motel investigation, 128–30, 132, 135, 137–38, 141–43, 151

  grand jury testimony, 181, 182, 184, 185

  removal from Gangster Squad, 144–45

  report leaked by Aggie Underwood, 152, 167

  Walker, Caroline, 20–21, 33

  Ward, Garth, 282

  Gangster Squad investigation of Aster Motel, 138, 152

  grand jury testimony, 185, 186

  and Waggoner’s removal from Gangster Squad, 145

  Washington Hotel (Long Beach, California), 43, 300

  Watson, Harry, 77

  Welles, Orson, 331

  Wellington, Edward P. (“The Duke”), 63

  Wellpott, Rudy, 68n, 147–49

  Welsh, Dorothy, 245

  Wenzel, Rose, 56

  Wheeler, Sergeant, 49

  White, Thomas P., 86, 88, 282

  White Gardenia murder, 23

  Williams, Eugene, 88, 212

  Witman, Fred, 165–70, 240, 282, 312–15

  Wolak, Stephen, 42, 193

  Wood, Woodrow J., 167, 178, 179

  Woolard, Warden, 15–16

  Worton, William A., 282

  firing of De River, 216

  LAPD corruption scandal, 146

  reshuffling of LAPD, 149–50

  resignation as chief, 214–15

  support for grand jury investigation, 169–70

  Zaid, Sid, 57

  Zelinsky, Bill, 14, 15


  The Dead Duke, His Secret Wife, and the Missing Corpse: An Extraordinary Edwardian Case of Deception and Intrigue

  Copyright © 2017 by Piu Eatwell

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

  Portrait of Elizabeth Short, Los Angeles Times Photographic Archives (Collection 1429).

  UCLA Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA.

  Three articles reprinted from the Los Angeles Evening Herald Express, dated September 9, 1949, September 13, 1949, and September 14, 1949. One article reprinted from the Los Angeles Examiner, dated September 15, 1949. © Hearst Newspapers.

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  Book design by Lisa Buckley

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  The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

  Names: Eatwell, Piu Marie, author.

  Title: Black Dahlia, Red Rose : the crime, corruption, and cover-up of America’s greatest unsolved murder / Piu Eatwell.


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