The House of Fire

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The House of Fire Page 6

by M. Goldsmith


  Completely overwhelmed, Hawk’s heart raced. His heated skin tingled with a strange sensation. With his gaze fixed on Ashlyn in the Tower above, Hawk sensed her Fire. He felt her longing, and he was ensnared, captured by the beautiful Guardian. The intense urge to scale the side of the Tower, to take command of the woman holding his heart and his mind captive, filled Hawk. A trance-like state gripped him cementing his feet to the ground, and his gaze was riveted to vision before him. Hawk’s lids suddenly grew heavy, and his eyes closed of their own volition. Before he could process what was happening, his stomach dropped, and he felt the sensation of being lifted from the very spot on which he stood. Floating on a current of air, he was transported to the top of the Tower. Or was his mind playing tricks on him?

  When he opened his eyes once again, his fantasy was a whisper’s distance away. She was close enough to touch, to smell, to taste. There was no hesitation on his part. Hawk’s long strides had him in front of Ashlyn in seconds. Her wild red curls whipped in the wind gently blowing around her delicate features. Those intense amber colored eyes pierced him while her brow furrowed in confusion. Hawk didn’t care how it had happened; he was alone with Ash feeling her need as much as his own.

  As if fueled by compulsion, Hawk’s hands reached out grabbing Ashlyn by the shoulders. He was silent deciding to let his lips, and his body do the talking for him. Swallowing Ashlyn’s surprised gasp with a deep penetrating kiss, he devoured her. After her initial shock, she responded as he had always hoped she would. Licking her way into his mouth, she explored every inch. The taste of her lips, her tongue, so sweet, her intoxicating cinnamon scent drifted up, filling his nose. The moan he made sounded animalistic to his own ears, as he plunged further into the already ravenous kiss.

  Ashlyn’s arms wrapped tightly around his waist as she pulled herself closer to him. Her nipples hardened to sharp points abrading against his chest, driving his desire to new heights. Desperately needing more of Ashlyn, he gripped her perfectly rounded bottom lifting her to meet his throbbing erection. The contact had him nearly exploding from the electric jolt which zapped through him. As if by instinct, she used her legs to hold on, moving her hands from his waist and plunging them tightly into his hair. The sound of Hawk’s ragged breathing combined with Ash’s, formed an erotic sounding rhythmic chorus. The pounding of his heart in his ears added the beat of a bass drum to the symphony.

  Hawk, spellbound, dreamily closed his eyes. In that instant, the loss of Ashlyn’s nearness, her heat, overtook him. The floating sensation returned. When he had opened his eyes, he was back on the ground under the trees behind the South Tower. Looking up, he found himself in the exact spot from which he had risen to the Atrium.


  Hawk snapped out of the memory when Quill interjected. “Listen to me. I’ve seen her looking at you the same way you look at her. You two look like you’re going to go full volcanic eruption, like Pompeii, and you’re going to take all of Aether with you. Just chill out, buddy, we’re going to find her and then you can tell her everything. It’s been a long time coming.”

  “I want you to go see Kai and find out if he has learned anything new. Report back to me and then you can join the others in the woods. We need clues and fast and not just to save your love life. Ashlyn is needed for the Guardian Ceremony to bond with the infant. And, Hawk, stay calm. Ashlyn needs you, we all do. Now hurry,” Bear said.

  Chapter Four


  A spectrum of tones rang out from Laurel’s monitors creating an odd sort of vibration echoing through her room in the Medical Center. Kai stood over her bed gazing down. Although he knew it was wrong, he reached out, running his fingers through the tangled strands of her hair. He enjoyed the feel even in its bedraggled state. Taking a step back, Kai huffed out a frustrated breath. “Damn it! What the hell is going on with you?” He gripped the dart in his tightened fist allowing it to dig deep into his flesh, welcoming the sting of pain.

  “I wish you could talk to me, Laurel. I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s going on with you. Barely a trace of the substance contained in this dart is left. I don’t even have enough to test. Your blood work didn’t reveal much either.” Rolling the dart between his fingers, he shoved it into the pocket of his lab coat so hard he felt it give way at the seam. The desire to save her consumed him, and he knew it was more than his commitment as a doctor; it was personal. Perhaps the time had come to admit to himself he still had deep feelings for Laurel. Maybe his parents were right in telling him he needed balance in his life; balance between work and a personal life.

  “Look at you lying there. You’re so beautiful. Even after all these years, I’ve never stopped thinking about you and loving you. There isn’t a day which goes by when I don’t wish I could go back in time and change things between us. I know I hurt you, and I don’t expect you to ever forgive me, but I am sorry.” He swallowed the lump forming in his throat. Gently he gripped her delicate hand, warm and soft inside his much larger one. “Wow, am I pathetic or what? Instead of fawning over you, I should be helping you. Don’t worry, I won’t give up on you no matter what. I promise you that.”

  He heard someone clear his throat and looked up to find his two closest friends, Hawk and Quill, in the doorway. He wondered how long they had been standing there and how much they had heard.

  “Kai, you confessing to an unconscious girl? Isn’t there some medical law against that shit?” Quill joked. “It’s been a big day for confessions around Aether. Isn’t that right, Hawk?” Quill gave Hawk a playful jab with his elbow.

  Hawk responded with what appeared to be a friendly shove back. “You really don’t know when to shut up, do you?”

  “All right, all right, but I’ve heard enough about you two and your feelings. I can’t stand all this emotional crap. I think I’m going to be sick. Please just tell the man why we’re here,” Quill said.

  Hawk turned to Kai. “Ignore Mr. Sensitive here. I’ll get right to the point. My grandfather sent us for an update on the dart and Laurel’s condition.”

  “As usual, I have no idea what you two are talking about. Seriously though, as you can see, she is still unresponsive, and I’m at a complete loss with regard to the dart. Obviously, it’s some kind of tranquilizer, but I haven’t been able to figure out much more than that. There simply wasn’t enough left in the dart to test,” Kai said. Shaking his head, he blew out a rough breath. Running his fingers through his hair, he tugged and pulled making it stand on end.

  The sound of heavy footsteps and loud voices advancing abruptly paused their conversation. River poked his head in the doorway as two other Protectors loitered just outside.

  “Can I have a word with you guys out in the hallway, please?” River asked.

  Hawk and Quill withdrew quietly from the room, but Kai lingered for a moment and raked his eyes over Laurel’s sleeping form. “I’ll be right back, Honey. Don’t you worry. I’ll figure this out and you’ll be back to your old self in no time.” He leaned down gently pressing his lips to her forehead. Forcing himself to turn away, he stepped out into the hallway glancing back over his shoulder the entire time River spoke.

  River reached inside his jacket pocket, produced a small cardboard box, and handed it over. “We found several darts in the trees and this, deep in the woods near some tire tracks. Go ahead and open it.”

  Kai took hold of the box and turned it over in his hands examining it. It was plain cardboard marked with a handwritten red X on one side. His hands trembled slightly, and he struggled with the flap. Finally, he ripped the edge free. Encased inside were a dozen ampules containing a clear liquid. He wondered if this was the break they were praying for.

  He turned to River. “It’s possible you may have just helped us find the answers we need with this discovery. Clearly, I won’t know for sure until I conduct some experiments on these, but I’ll get started right away. I’d also like to see the rest of the darts you collected for a comp

  River reached into his other pocket, pulled out several more darts, and handed them to him. “Okay, we’ll leave you to your work. Let us know the minute you have any information for us. I don’t have to tell you time is of the essence here. Not only to save Laurel, but to find Ashlyn, too. Laurel is the key to finding out exactly what happened last night.”

  “Don’t worry, I understand the importance of finding Ash to everyone in Aether.”

  Kai waited for the others to leave before entering Laurel’s room. “I told you I’d be right back,” he said, in a gentle tone. He proceeded to tell her about the Protector’s findings. Even though he thought she couldn’t hear him, it felt good to share the news. “Don’t worry,” he continued soothingly, “I won’t leave you alone. I’ll stay until your parents get back. They haven’t left your side the entire time you’ve been here. I forced them to go get some food. They should be back any minute.” Kai took Laurel’s hand and tenderly stroked his thumb across the back. He mused how right it felt to hold her hand, to feel the warmth of her soft skin.

  Zarina and Canyon walked in and noticed Kai caressing their daughter’s hand. Zarina looked pleased, but Canyon cast a suspicious glare in Kai’s direction.

  “Hi there. I’m glad you’re back,” Kai said. Handing Canyon the box, he updated them as her father examined the contents. “I’m hoping it’s the same drug that is affecting Laurel.”

  “What are the chances it’s anything else if it was found in the woods near tire tracks?” Zarina asked.

  “It seems logical that it’s the same,” Kai answered. “If it is, I suspect I’ll be able to use it to develop a formula to counteract the effects. Listen, I know this may not be the right time, but a few of Laurel’s students were here asking to visit her. I told them they had to check with you guys first. They’re in the waiting room. It’s up to you if you want them to come in. If you need me for any reason just come find me in the lab. As soon as I figure anything out, I’ll let you know. I have a really good feeling about this, so you two hang in there,” Kai said. Walking out the door he turned back, unable to resist a final glance at Laurel. Vowing to cure her, he hustled down to the lab hopeful for the first time since she was brought in.

  Kai had a goal, a purpose, and he urgently wanted results. The recognizable smell of starch tickled his nose as he donned a fresh lab coat. Kai enjoyed spending time in the lab. The familiarity of the sleek black countertops with beakers and test tubes lined up in an orderly fashion gave him a sense of control. His laboratory was as well-equipped as any other hi-tech hospital lab.

  He carefully opened the box with the mysterious X printed on it. It was like a treasure map; figure it out, and you find a bounty at the end. The box only contained a dozen ampules, so he needed to take care not waste any of the solution. With a gentle grip, Kai plucked one of the innocuous looking tubes from the box. He held it up to the light, and the yellow hued transparent liquid glinted at him.

  Agitating the tiny vial in his restless hands, Kai continued to examine the specimen. He watched the substance flow back and forth checking its viscosity. Although he delighted in the idea of discovering something new, of solving a puzzle, nothing was more important than figuring out what was happening to Laurel.



  It was pitch black when Laurel gradually became aware of a strange tempo resonating around her. Her head ached, and she willed her hand to move to her forehead needing to rub the pain away, yet she remained detached from her own body. She was mystified. With as much strength as she could muster, Laurel attempted to force her eyes to focus within the eclipse obscuring everything before her. It was to no avail. All consuming darkness continued to weigh her down. Desperately seeking to retrieve her last memories, Laurel strived to slow her racing heart and to think through this peculiar murky feeling.

  As she concentrated, the memories clicked into place like a key in a lock. Snapshots flashed through her brain in a staccato formation. Walking in the forest with Ashlyn…masked men shooting at them…a prick in the back of her thigh…a dazzling flash of light in the distance. Emotions flooded her system, and her stomach swirled with nerves. Bits and pieces in a chaotic rhythm, a slideshow of images, continued to barrage her making her head spin. Stumbling…waking up in the dark of night…freezing…pain and then nothing except blackness.

  After puzzling it out, Laurel had a pretty good handle on the events which had left her in this strange dark place. But, where was she? And Ash? For that matter, where was anyone? She called out tentatively at first, then grew bolder. Hello? Can anyone hear me? Hello?

  A gentle hand stroked Laurel’s hair startling her. Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing? The stranger in the darkness continued to caress her. It was oddly soothing, and she fought the feeling of this person providing her comfort in the midst of her confusion. Will you stop that! Come on, turn a light on. I can’t see a thing… Yo, are you listening to me? I said knock it off with the petting thing. You’re freaking me out.

  A voice, evidently attached to the hand, shouted loudly making Laurel’s heart jump in her chest. All right, let’s calm down, buddy. She tried to soothe the angry man. As his tone gentled, the deep timber of the voice somehow sounded familiar. A warm grip softly clasped her hand. Shuddering from the contact, Laurel tried to pull back from the stranger. It was no use. The brushing of fingers across her tender skin did not relent. Okay now, I’ve just about had it with you. Who are you and where the hell am I?

  The stranger continued to ignore her pleas. The repetitive sweeping motion of his thumb across the back of her hand persisted. Fear churned in her belly, and nausea took hold. Laurel attempted to draw in a deep breath, but even her chest felt constricted. Her panic swelled when she endeavored to sit upright and nothing happened. I-I can’t move. Oh, dear Goddess, what’s going on here? Please help me. Laurel wanted to weep as emotion swelled inside her, but even her tears refused to fall.

  The voice, focus on the voice. When she concentrated hard enough, she realized the guy sounded frustrated not truly angry. The stranger said something about wishing she could talk to him. Um, really? I’ve been talking to you this entire time. Clean your ears much? Still no response. Seriously, what is your damage? Still no response. Holy crap, you can’t hear me, can you? Still no response. Wait a second… I can’t hear myself either.

  Bile rose in Laurel’s throat. If she couldn’t hear herself, it dawned on her, perhaps she hadn’t actually been speaking aloud this entire time. A really bad feeling nudged its way into her gut sinking deep. Then, true realization settled in. Blackness shrouded the world around her. She was unable to move and unable to speak. This monumental revelation caused a stampede of terror thundering through her making her heart pound.

  Using the deep breathing exercises she learned from doing yoga, Laurel tried to slow her racing heart. Okay, Laurel, get a grip. What’s the last thing you remember? Think, Think. Laurel’s mind raced replaying snippets of memory over and over until it finally became clear to her. The dart! That maniac shot me with something. Dear God and Goddess, please protect me. Don’t let them kill me. I have to get out of—An odor tingled her nose pulling her away from her current train of thought. The scent was divine, masculine, like a sweet-smelling ocean mist. Her olfactory nerves registered the intoxicating fragrance instantly. Kai.

  Laurel breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn’t with her attackers. Kai, that’s Kai’s voice. She attempted to absorb all he was saying, and a million thoughts scrambled her brain. Get your act together, girl! Think about what the man just said to you. Something about a dart and blood tests. Wait a minute, I get it. I’m in the Medical Center.

  The sound of his voice made her want to cry. Laurel had never fully recovered from her painful break up with Kai. Part of her hated him for pushing her away, but part of her still loved him, still craved him. Just feeling him near, touching her, had her frozen body melting from the inside out. She knew with her whole hea
rt, and even with the history between them, nothing would deter him from helping her find her way back from the darkness.

  She focused on Kai; his touch, his scent, his tone. A picture of his handsome face ran through her brain. Intense aquamarine colored eyes and an adorable dimple in his left cheek winked at her whenever he smiled. In the midst of her memories, Kai’s words slowly penetrated the forefront of her mind. Words like beautiful, love, and forgiveness floated in the air. Wait just one damn minute! Is he kidding me? He loves me? Anger and passion mingled inside her fighting each other. That jerk broke my heart. Now, after all this time, when I’m incapacitated, he decides to tell me he’s sorry. Well forget it, buddy!

  Kai’s strong yet gentle hands continued to soothe her. Her body heated against her will. When he moved to her arms, brushing and rubbing her skin, Laurel’s arousal began to rise. This can’t be happening. How can this man’s simple touch still have so much power over me? Tingles settled between her legs even as she willed them to stop. An ache grew inside her begging to be released. If she was being completely honest with herself, she’d have to admit forgiving Kai wouldn’t really be that hard to do.

  Laurel heard someone else enter the room, and suddenly Kai’s warmth was gone. She recognized Quill’s voice immediately. They had known each other forever, and his effervescence was unmistakable. There was another voice, deep and serious. Instantly, she realized it had to be Hawk. Those three were never far apart. They were asking about someone who was drugged and injured. Ashlyn? Momentarily stunned, it finally occurred to Laurel they were talking about her.

  Wishing she could communicate aloud, thoughts continued to race through her mind. Stomping feet, that’s what she noticed next. Her dad walked like that. Though it wasn’t her father’s voice Laurel heard, it was someone she couldn’t identify. He called Kai and the others to join him out in the hallway.


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