The House of Fire

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The House of Fire Page 18

by M. Goldsmith

  “I knew we were on the right track. We’re heading straight to her now. It’s going to be okay, Hawk. We’re going to get Ash back,” River assured.

  Still on the line, River spoke to Cadence, “Hey, buddy, call in the two teams closest to our destination, and tell them to meet us at the rendezvous point tomorrow. Also, book a few more motel rooms. We’re pretty conspicuous, so spread out the locations; we don’t want to draw any unwanted attention. Recall the remaining teams back to Aether. Tell Bear we’re pretty sure we’ve tracked down Ashlyn’s position, and I’ll be in touch soon. Got all that?”

  “Got it, River. Bear’s right here listening in on the speakerphone so he’s all caught up. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. I’ll recheck the schematics of the CEB location you’re heading to. I just want to make sure we didn’t miss anything. Let me know when you get closer, Cadence out.”

  As they neared their destination Hawk grew more hopeful, but his anxiety kicked his powers into high gear. His hair lifted in a current of air and swirled around his head. Small tremors continued to rock the Hummer. He couldn’t wait to get to Ash, but at what cost? Would Ash ever be the same person again after enduring her captivity and abuse?

  Quill grabbed hold of the seat in front of him; it seemed, he was trying remain upright. “Hawk, dude! Get your shit together. We’re going to drive off the road.”

  Unable to keep his thoughts from her, Hawk soon sensed something creeping in, despair, hopelessness. Caught off guard, pain bombarded him in a rush, doubling him over. Repeated electric shocks wracked his body. Thrashing, he slid down to the floor in front of his seat groaning loudly.

  Quill dove over the seat. “What the hell? Hawk, what’s wrong with you?” Grabbing River’s sleeve, he panicked a bit. “River, pull over, quick! He’s having a seizure or something. “Kai, get over here!”

  Kai leaned over the seat, and Hawk felt his fingers pressing on his neck. “His pulse is normal, and he’s conscious. My guess is, it’s Ashlyn. I’ve seen this before, but it is even more intense than the last time. Their telepathic link is growing stronger.” Kai closed his eyes. He looked as though he were concentrating to bring forth his gift. Placing his hands on Hawk, Kai reassured everyone their friend was in no physical danger.

  Hawk heard faint whispers all around him. Quill got down on his knee squeezing in next to his friend. “Hawk, buddy, talk to me.”

  He opened his mouth, gasping, only able to mumble faintly. “Hurting her. Need to stop them…” His voice trailed off as another round of violence assailed him. Hawk’s head shot back into the seat just as Devlin’s fist made contact with Ashlyn’s face. Reaching up, he touched his throbbing eye and cheek, wincing. He received a jab to his ribs and expelled a loud, “Ooof.” The punches were followed by several more shocks, and Hawk crumbled.

  Quill hoisted him under the arms and back up onto the seat. Hawk floated between Ash’s pain and his own physical body. As he tried sit up, his stomach tightened with fear.

  Hawk’s words caught in his throat. “Someone has a knife to her neck,” he managed to choke out. Blood trickled down, and Hawk instinctively reached up to wipe it away, but his hand came back clean. “They c-c-cut h-h-her,” he stammered, “I feel the blood.” He looked down at his hands, turning them over. “Nothing here though.”

  A surge of power rammed into Hawk throwing him more off balance. Ash’s Fire. The heat of her Flame coursed through his veins. She was fighting back. “That’s my Guardian. Fight back, Ash. I’m almost there.”

  “Have you gone mental? What the hell are you talking about?” Quill yelled out.

  Slumping down lower in the seat, Hawk felt defeated. He thought Ash fought back with her Fire, but he encountered something altogether different, her surrender. Before he could even process the idea, the bond between them ignited in a burst of intensity. As both bodies absorbed blow after blow, Hawk’s ribs protested, his arms and legs convulsing. Ash’s Fire was squelched. Hawk curled into himself as Ash absorbed wave after wave of pain. Helpless to save his Guardian, Hawk collapsed in a heap. Even as she called out to him, he remained powerless. “Please, Hawk. Find me. Save me. I need you.” Gone in an instant, their link severed, no more pain or fear, and no more Ash.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The smell of smoke tingled inside Laurel’s nose. Thick, gray clouds filled the blue sky, and glowing fires blazed all around Aether. Even the Grand Lake protested the capture of Ashlyn. A layer of flames skittered along the surface like an oil spill set on fire. The Aetherians utilized their partnership with the Elements to keep the fires at bay. Even with their union, they barely maintained control and balance in Aether. The Elders feared the disharmony would soon affect the human world as well.

  As fires glowed incandescently all around the village, Laurel said a silent prayer. Please bring Ash back safely. Aether needs her. I need her. The longest Laurel had ever gone without seeing or speaking to Ashlyn was about two days while she was on a trip. Not only did Laurel worry about Ash, now she worried about Kai and the others, too.

  As if he knew she’d been thinking about him, Laurel felt the vibration of her phone. Her stomach knotted, and she hesitated before tapping the screen. “What if it’s bad news?” she whispered to no one.

  Squaring her shoulders, Laurel took a deep breath as she unlocked the screen on her phone. Kai’s words filled the screen. —Hey, baby, I’m so sorry I had to leave you this morning. Forgive me? If it helps, I miss you already.—

  Laurel stared blankly at Kai’s message. She understood completely why he had needed to join Ash’s rescue team, but the timing could not have been worse. Her fingertips moved to her lips which still tingled from Kai’s passionate kisses. Squeezing her legs together, she reminded herself of the delicious soreness that settled there. The night before had been magical, but she woke alone in his bed after their first night back together. In spite of herself, Laurel smirked as she thought of her response. —I may consider forgiving you if you grovel appropriately. I’ve always wanted a sex slave.—

  His retort was almost instantaneous. —Oh, baby, I’ll be your sex slave anytime. I’m all yours, my love.—

  Her smile wide, Laurel held the phone to her chest and wished Kai was back with her in Aether.

  The phone sounded again, and she pulled it away to read what Kai had written now. —Good news about Ash. We know where she is being held, and we should be there in 8 or 9 hours with the way River is driving. They’re sending two more teams to help us. Hopefully, by tomorrow night we will have Ash back with us.—

  She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. —That’s the best news! How is Hawk holding up?—

  Kai replied. —He had an encounter with Ash, and he was really thrown by it. He’ll be okay as soon as we have her back.—

  Certain that Kai was keeping something from her, Laurel wondered, what kind of encounter they could’ve had? —What aren’t you telling me, Kai Sanders?—

  It took a minute to receive an answer. —There is too much to explain in detail through a text. I’ll call you tonight when we can talk privately. I’m squished between Quill and Bracken. I keep catching Quill trying to read over my shoulder. I’m going to slug him.—

  She laughed loudly. —That I would love to see. I’m still laughing at the image of you sandwiched between those two. And Quill snuggling up to you. Ha, Ha, Ha.—

  Her phone dinged with his response. —Nobody used the word snuggled but you! You are the only one I want to snuggle, baby. Anyway, thanks for making me laugh. I really do miss you already, Laurel. I’ll call you tonight. But it’s going to be really late, probably not before one or two am. Why don’t you stay at my house? I like the idea of you in my bed.—

  There was only one response she could think of.

  —Okay and I miss you, too xoxo—

  Stowing her phone in the back pocket of her jeans, Laurel headed for the South Tower. She was worried about Rowan and Mica and wa
nted to check in on them. The majestic South Tower jutted up in front of her blocking the sun and casting a mammoth shadow over her path. It made her think about Ashlyn. A vision standing in the Tower’s Atrium, Ash exuded beauty, strength, and power. Pausing, Laurel looked up. “I miss you so much, Ash.” She dabbed the corner of her eye with her sleeve. “I know what you would tell me, sister of my heart, tap into the Elements.” Laurel planted her feet firmly and brought her fingertips to her temples. Opening her connection to the House of Earth, Laurel let the power fortify her. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the task at hand. “One day, one hour, one minute at a time, that’s what I’m going to concentrate on.” Determined to think positively, Laurel pointed herself straight toward the Tower.



  Watching helplessly as Hawk convulsed and thrashed from Ashlyn’s assault, Kai felt powerless. Once again, his two worlds collided in dramatic fashion. Science and Aether were diametrically opposed. The unfolding of this phenomenon before his eyes still left him bewildered. Hawk had suffered Ash’s pain previously, and Kai knew there had been no lasting effects. This time, the connection appeared stronger and even more physical. Kai was completely convinced Hawk and Ashlyn were now linked empathically not just telepathically. Kai drew a deep breath into his lungs and blew it out. He needed to stay calm and find a link between science and the Elements. Squinting his eyes tightly, Kai dug deep searching for his own gifts. Hesitantly, his power came forth revealing his true nature.

  Kai leaned over Hawk. “It seems you have tenderness to the touch on several areas of your body yet no bruising or swelling of any kind.” He suspected it was phantom pain laced with emotional distress that had Hawk reeling. Kai could see it written all over his friend’s face. His gift kept him in tune with what was happening inside Hawk’s body. He could sense the increased rate of Hawk’s heart and respiration. He wished he could help his friend, but he knew only time would help Hawk recover. And Ashlyn.

  Hawk turned to River who was still at the wheel. “If you stop this truck, I will kill you. Just keep driving. I’ll be fine in a little while but Ash won’t. She’s hurt badly, and I lost communication with her. I’ll try again when I’m feeling stronger. Please, River, just hurry.”

  It seemed Quill could not stay quiet another minute. “Hawk, buddy, listen to me. Some serious shit just went down here. You need to let River stop so Kai can get a better look at you. It was like some invisible guy was pounding the crap out of you, but there was nobody there.”

  “I’m fine, Quill, really. I’m much more worried about Ash then I am about myself. They tortured her and she did something, something I never thought Ash would do in a million years… She surrendered. We can’t afford to stop for any reason.”

  Kai leaned over Hawk. “Can you straighten up? I know the areas are tender, but you have no residual damage.” Hawk winced but pulled himself upright in his seat. Relief was evident on everyone’s faces. “Do you want to talk about it?” Kai asked.

  “No… Yes… They wanted her to do something for them, but Ash refused so they shocked her with cattle prods. I guess the jolt temporarily knocked out her Fire. This one bastard, with a scar running down his entire face, punched her in the eye.” Sweat streaked down the side of Hawk’s temple as he described Ash’s experience. Hawk reached up and touched his cheek where Ash must have been hit. “Then, they shocked her again. She was hanging tough until he held a knife to her throat and cut her.” Hawk ran his hand over his throat, and pain was evident on his face. Whose pain was it though, Hawk’s or Ash’s?

  “I could feel the blood on my own neck but when I touched it, nothing was there. It’s like hovering between two places at once. It’s so strange.”

  Not only was Hawk’s anger palpable, but his powers lingered in the air around the Hummer. Currents swirled around the massive vehicle, and vibrations jostled everyone in their seats.

  “Really, Hawk? Again? Give it a rest with the powers, man,” Quill said.

  “You don’t understand. They forced her to use her Fire. She was so strong, but finally, she acquiesced. They gave her no other choice. I’m going to kill the son of bitch who put his hands on her.” Hawk brought his hand to his forehead rubbing his temples with his thumb and forefinger. “I felt her fall to the ground. Then she was gone, and our link was severed.”

  “Listen to me, Hawk. Ash can definitely handle those types of injuries, and she’ll be able to recover pretty quickly. Most likely within a few days. Please don’t give up hope,” Kai encouraged.

  “I get the medical shit, Kai, but why the hell should she need to recover at all?” Hawk’s fists tightened, and his voice developed a dark edge. “The prick with the scar is dead. I’m warning you guys right now. Don’t even think of stopping me.” Hawked cautioned, vibrating with tension.

  River sounded steady and even when he interjected. “All right, this is what’s going to happen. For now, Hawk, you will cease and desist all talk of murder please. You need to get some rest and get your strength back. We’re going to need you in top form. Everyone, unless it’s an emergency let’s just stay quiet. Get in touch with your true Protector. We will fight to the end to get Ashlyn back. I need all of you to focus on our common goal, to save our Fire Guardian.”

  They drove in silence for many hours on the winding mountain roads. The scenery hummed by as they sped along mesmerizing Kai as he stared out the window. Quill slept beside him dropping his head to Kai’s shoulder every once in a while. Jabbing Quill repeatedly as he attempted to use him as a pillow, Kai was sure Quill’s ribs were going to be bruised tomorrow. The buzz of his friend’s loud snores permeated the vehicle’s interior furthering Kai’s irritation. He couldn’t help but think how amused Laurel would be with the image of Quill resting on his shoulder. He was anxious to hear her voice tonight when he called her from the motel. Part of him still worried she would be angry with him. With the way River drove, they would be there in no time so Kai closed his eyes and dreamed of Laurel.

  Bouncing out of his seat, Kai woke with a start. The Hummer lurched forward as River hit a giant pothole in the motel parking lot. “Up and at ’em, men.” River chuckled under his breath as he hit a second divot in the lot. Kai thought he was having a little too much fun. “We’re here at the motel. The other two teams are staying at different locations in the area. We have a rendezvous point where we will meet up tomorrow. Brack and I will take one room and you three take the other. Sorry for the triple. Kai, you were an unexpected bonus. I’ll be right back. I’m going to check us in and get the keys.” River disappeared into the motel office while the rest of them waited.

  Quill broke the silence, “Hawk?” He paused, stared, and said nothing else until Hawk replied.

  “Yes, Quill?”

  “Are you all right? You kind of scared the crap out of me with the whole Exorcist, possession thing you had going there. Thankfully, your head didn’t spin around cause that would’ve totally freaked me out.”

  Hawk smiled faintly. “I’m fine now, but I appreciate the support, buddy.” Hawk’s smile faded, hard lines creasing the corners of his eyes. “I’m pissed though. Seriously pissed. I’m going to—”

  River swung the door open, abruptly ending Hawk’s mini tirade. The lead Protector expertly maneuvered the massive vehicle through the cramped parking lot and found a spot near an exit. He backed in and left space on both sides of the SUV in case they needed to make tracks in a hurry. “Let’s all get some shut eye. Come to our room in the morning at 0700. We’re in room 115, and you guys are next door in 116. Grab the gear, and let’s move out.”

  They yanked their bags and other gear from the cargo hold and headed for the room. A green light flashed when Kai inserted the key card and pushed his way in. Looking around, he stepped aside to make room for Hawk and Quill to join him. The room was time worn but clean. Two full sized beds with yellow and white flowered bedcovers took up most of the room. Across the way, sat a long dresser with an old-style box te
levision bolted to it.

  After surveying the place, Kai took a deep breath letting it out slowly. His entire body felt stiff. He desperately wanted two things, a steaming hot shower and to hear Laurel’s voice. They were all completely wiped out from driving for nearly twenty hours straight only stopping for gas and to use the bathroom.

  “I’m going outside to call Laurel. When I come back, I’m jumping in the shower. Then I definitely need to crash.” Kai headed toward the door looking over his shoulder.

  “Dude, you should probably call from the bathroom. I’m sure the other motel guests don’t want any part of your phone sex. Hawk and I can play some music real loud, you know, to drown out your moaning and shit,” Quill teased.

  “You never quit, do you?” Kai said, with a smile. “I’ll be outside if you need me for any reason. And, Quill, I mean a real reason. None of your bullshit tonight, please, I’m tired.” He swiped the keycard off the dresser on his way out the door.

  Sweaty palms had Kai wiping his hands on his pants. Pacing in circles, his stomach tangled in knots, he couldn’t remember being this nervous in a long time. But when he thought of Laurel, of being with her again, he knew he needed her desperately. Truthfully, if he was being honest with himself, he never stopped needing her. When he couldn’t endure it another second, he slid his finger across the screen scrolling through his contacts. Laurel’s name lit up. With his finger hovering over the button, he took a deep breath and touched it.

  Laurel answered on only the second ring not a hint of sleep in her voice. “Hello.”

  “Hi there, beautiful, hope I didn’t wake you.”


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