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Deadly Valentine

Page 2

by Jenna Harte

  "So you're seeing Asa's nephew?" Jack sat next to her on the love seat crossing one ankle over his knee.

  She nodded.

  "Is he anything like them?" Jack gestured to the group bickering in the middle of the room.

  "No. He's more like his mother, Asa's sister. He shuns the lifestyle of his uncle."

  "Like you did with your family. I guess that makes him perfect for you."

  He was, she thought, except for the fact that she didn't love him.

  "I hope he's good to you. You deserve that, Tess. You always did."

  She thought so too. That's why she'd left Washington D.C. and moved back to Jefferson Tavern. She had suffered too much betrayal and rejection to stay. In Jefferson Tavern she'd built a new life, a new career and didn't appreciate having reminders like Jack invading her world.

  "He is," Tess said. She knew Jack wouldn't be serious about a woman like her, but on the off chance he was thinking of taking her up on a long ago offer, she decided it was better that he think that Daniel was her boyfriend. She hoped that Jack wouldn't share this news with Daniel. It was hard enough to keep the relationship at the friendship-only level as it was. Daniel didn't need anything to suggest that it could be more.

  "How's Ava?" Tess asked.

  Jack grinned. "You've kept tabs on me."

  "Not really. The tabloids were hard to avoid." In truth, she had kept tabs for a short time. Until he started dating the Hollywood starlet Ava Dumont. Tess suspected her real name was something like Jane Dinklemeyer, but of course a Hollywood star needed a fancier name. And it fit her. Ava was tall, curvy and gorgeous.

  "That ended awhile ago." He watched the bronze colored drink as he swirled it in his glass.

  "So who is it now?"

  He laughed, but there was a sadness behind it. "No one now."

  "Losing your touch with age?"

  "No." He looked at her then. "Just being more discriminating."

  Tess didn't want to know what he meant by that, so she didn't ask. They sat in silence, Jack returning his gaze to his drink. Finally he said. "Asa is right. If I do decide to join him on whatever business venture he has planned, I'll need a lawyer in town."

  "I thought you weren't going to do business with Asa."

  Jack shrugged. "I may change my mind."

  "I'm sure one of your army of lawyers would be more than able to make the trip here. We aren't that far from D.C."

  "Probably. But you don't seem to have trouble standing up to Asa. And with your connection to Tom and Asa that could give me an advantage too. You know a bit of how they think and work."

  "What are you working on?" Tess asked trying not to sound too interested. The truth was that while her practice was surviving, she really could use the money and clout Jack's business could bring her.

  "I don't know."

  She looked at him in confusion. "I thought Asa said you were working on a joint project."

  "That’s what he keeps saying, but so far he hasn't given any details. I don’t like it. He's been checking up on me." He swallowed the remaining contents of his glass.

  "Don’t you usually investigate each other before entering into a partnership?“ Tess asked.

  "Yes. But Asa’s latest digging is deeper. More personal. It feels underhanded."

  "Sounds like paranoia."

  "Maybe." Jack looked directly at Tess. "I do well in business, but I don’t have the benefit of thirty years experience in the tactical aspects like Asa does. What I do have are my wits and a healthy amount of paranoia. I don’t trust Asa and to be honest, my intention tonight is to find out why he’s been poking around in my past, not to learn about a business venture. But if I have to do business with him to find out what's going on, I'll at least hear him out. Which means I could use a good lawyer."

  Tess nodded. She knew of Asa’s reputation in business and figured Jack’s caution was justified. On the other hand, Jack was no babe in the woods when it came to business. He'd built an empire in computer security and technology, and had vast real estate holdings. His offer felt like a hand out, but he was kind enough to veil it in need.

  "I guess you'll find out this evening. If you do decide to partner with him, you can let me know."

  "Fair enough."

  "You bastard!" The shrill voice interrupted the relative calm in the room "What are you up to now?“

  "Jesus, boy, did you invite her?" Asa said turning on Philip.

  "He didn't invite me," the woman said as she charged towards Asa, swinging her long silver hair over her shoulder. "But he told me you were having a business meeting. I may not be your wife anymore Asa, thank the lord, but I am on the board."

  "This doesn't concern you, Lauren. Leave before I have Walter escort you out."

  Walter looked up from his place behind the bar. He picked up a tray and left the parlor. Tess couldn't blame him. Lauren Worthington was as much of a force as Asa.

  "If it's business it does concern me."

  "Tonight is for family only."

  Lauren scanned the room. "Family my ass. They aren't family," she said pointing towards Jack and Tess.

  "I wasn't aware there would be entertainment." Jack whispered to Tess.

  "It makes you think twice about doing business with them."

  He nodded.

  "I'm not going to ask again Lauren. I will have you removed even if I have to do it myself."

  "What's going on?" Senator Worthington said as he entered the room in the distinguished way that older southern gentlemen did. "Ah Lauren you're looking lovely this evening. I didn't realize you'd be here."

  "She's not staying," Asa said.

  "Oh, well..."

  "Tell me what you're up to, Asa. You know I'll find out eventually and then I'll make your life miserable," Lauren promised.

  "You've already made my life unbearable." Asa moved towards her.

  "This could get bad." Tess said.

  "My money is on Lauren," Jack said.

  Tess snorted. "I don't think I'll take that bet."

  "Asa. Lauren." Tom moved between both of them. "You're making a scene."

  "He's making a scene," Lauren said pushing Tom aside.

  "You'll see that Helen isn't here." Tom made a second attempt to get between the couple. "Maybe you can stop by the house and visit with her."

  "Just because she doesn't care about her inheritance, doesn't mean I don't."

  "You don't get an inheritance." Asa said tightly as he shouldered Tom out of the way.

  "Philip does and I intend to protect him."

  "You are well planned for," Tom said.

  Asa grabbed Lauren's arm jerking her towards the door.

  Jack stood. "Asa!"

  "Get your hands off me." She yanked her arm from his grasp. "You're a bastard!"

  "You've told me enough times. Now get out!"

  The two stood, eyes glaring, The guests held their breath as they waited to see who would make the next move and what it would be. Tess hoped it didn't involve bloodshed. Her stomach was already uneasy.

  "This isn't over," Lauren said throwing her scarf around her neck. "It's not over."

  "It will be over soon enough." Asa said under his breath.

  Lauren ignored the remark. She spun away from Asa, her scowl replaced by a shallow smile. "Kiss, kiss kids," she said towards Philip and Shelby. Then with one last glare towards Asa, she turned and left. The room stayed quiet until the front door slammed shut.

  "I apologize for that outburst," Asa said as he headed to the bar and pulled out a bottle of amber colored liquor.

  Tess noticed that Asa's near brawl with Lauren had cost him. His face was red and sweat beaded around his hairline. Downing a single shot of his drink, he took out a handkerchief and wiped the wetness from his brow.

  "Get yourself a drink," Asa said to his father as he headed towards the foyer. "I'll find out how much longer it will be until we eat."

  Chapter Four

  "Nice to see you again Senator," Tess
said when he greeted her. She stood to shake his hand and felt the world tilt.

  "You too, young lady. You're the one who's captured my grandson's eye?"

  Tess took a deep breath. "Yes sir."

  The Senator looked at Jack and then to Tom. "Where is Daniel?"

  "He was called to work. This is Jack Valentine. Jack this is Senator Arthur Worthington."

  "Senator," Jack said as he shook his hand.

  The Senator studied Jack. "You're the one who helped catch the Army hacker at the Pentagon a couple years ago."

  "My company, yes sir," Jack said.

  "Quite a feat. Your country owes you a debt of gratitude."

  Jack shook his head. "He would have been caught sooner or later. He wasn't that good."

  "Modesty. It makes me wonder why you're doing business with my son."

  Tess couldn't tell if the Senator was joking or not. Apparently neither could Jack as he didn't respond.

  "Are you alright young lady? You're looking a little green around the gills," the Senator said.

  Tess did her best to smile and assure him all was well, but failed. "Actually, I'm not feeling well. Tom, do you think you can drive me home?"

  She felt Jack stiffen next to her. "I told you I could drive-“

  "No one should be out now," Walter said as he picked up glasses around the room."Freezing rain."

  Tess sank into the love seat. How did worse get to doomed?

  "Dinner is ready." Asa stood at the parlor door. He'd regrouped and looked every bit like the man of the mansion.

  Tess' breath hitched as the mention of food sent a burning sensation from the pit of her stomach to her chest. She pressed her hand over her mouth willing her water and her lunch to stay down.

  "Is there a place she can lie down until the weather is better?" Jack asked.

  "Yes. Daniel should be back shortly. He'll be able to take her home regardless of the weather," Tom said.

  Tess wasn't sure Daniel's car was any more equipped to drive in freezing rain, but maybe he was better trained to drive in it. Like the postman, rain, sleet and snow can't stop the police.

  "There's a daybed in the library next to my office," Asa said absently. Clearly he was more interested in his business dinner than a sick guest.

  Jack bent down in front of Tess. "Can you walk or should I carry you."

  "You're kidding, right?" His grin told her otherwise. "I'll walk."

  Jack's arm reached under hers and helped her to her feet.

  "Why don't you all go to dinner? I don't want to keep you," Tess said hoping to get rid of the audience as she made her way through the room.

  "Yes, dinner is getting cold," Asa said.

  "You can go too," she said to Jack. "I'm sure Walter can show me."

  "Yes miss," Walter said. "I'll ask Agnes to fix up something to settle your stomach."

  "Thank you Walter, but I don't know if I can keep it down."

  "I'll help you." Jack said. "Walter, you can check with Agnes."

  "Yes, sir. The room is just across the foyer."

  "You don't have to do this," Tess said as they made their way across the foyer.

  "Worried about Daniel? What will he think that a former -"

  "We’re not former anything!" The outburst was nearly her undoing.

  Jack wrapped his arm around her to keep her upright. "Worried he'll get the wrong idea?"


  They entered the library and Jack guided her to the daybed. She couldn't remember ever feeling more relieved to sit down. Now if the room would stop spinning.

  As he'd done in the parlor, Jack bent down in front of her. The amusement in his face was gone, replaced with bewilderment. And maybe hurt. "Why is it so upsetting that I'm here? I thought we'd been better friends that that."

  Until you rejected me, she thought. "I'm just not feeling well."

  Jack made a sound that suggested he didn't believe her.

  She lay down while he took the throw blanket folded at the end of the day bed and covered her.

  "Ms. Madison," Walter said. "Here is some fizzy drink. Agnes says it's what you need."

  Tess could hear the fizzing drink from across the room and it nearly sent her stomach over. "Oh, uh... thank you, Walter. Just set it on the table."

  "Do you need anything else?"

  "No. Thank you." She appreciated his attentiveness. Her parents' butler would have been more likely to put her in the shed so she didn't ruin the expensive oriental rug.

  Walter nodded and left the room.

  Jack walked across the room, picked up a waste paper basket and brought it to her.

  "Just in case," he said setting it next to the daybed. "I can sit here with you."

  "No. Asa will be here any moment wondering where you are. You go eat and enjoy the dinner."

  "I don't know about enjoy."

  "I'll be fine. I just need to rest."

  He nodded. "I'll be back to check on you soon."


  Tess hated naps. She always had weird dreams and woke up not knowing where she was. This time she was on the verge of being sick, but couldn't find the waste basket or make her way through the darkness to a restroom. Any minute she was going to ruin her family's rare Oriental rug.

  She heard arguing. At first it sounded like her parents, but then it changed to two men, one threatening, the other sounding unconcerned. She didn't want to interrupt them, but she needed a bathroom. Now.

  It was dark. The world was wall-less as she groped in the darkness, but found nothing to help her find her way. Since she couldn't see, she listened, trying to find the voices. But they'd stopped. She was lost in a black world. And tired. So tired. Giving up, she curled into a ball.

  Tess woke to the sound of movement in the room. "Daniel?"

  "It's Jack. How are you feeling?"

  "You don't want to know. Is dinner finished?"

  He came and sat on the day-bed next to her. "We're on a break of sorts. We're supposed to meet Asa in the front room in five minutes. But I've come to take you home."

  "Asa won't be happy about that."

  "The hell with Asa! You're not feeling well and I'm sick of his games."

  Asa must be drawing out the anticipation, Tess thought. He was like a cat that enjoyed toying with the mouse before going for the kill. She could understand Jack's frustration and desire to leave. She wanted to leave too. Enough so that she was willing to let Jack take her home. Unfortunately, she didn't trust her stomach to remain calm enough during the trip. "I'm not ready to get up yet."

  "I'm leaving. I can carry you out of here or you can stay with this pack of wolves."

  Her body wouldn't comply. Any movement made her stomach feel like she was on a ship in troubled waters. "I need a little time to pull myself together. Why don't you go hear him out and hopefully by then I'll be up to moving."

  He didn't say anything at first. The room was dark, so she couldn't see his face to guess at what he might be thinking.

  "You said you wanted to know what he's up to. You're about to find out," she added.

  "I'll be back in a few minutes. And if you're not ready, be prepared for me to carry you." His annoyance toward her sounded like it equaled his irritation at Asa.

  "So leave then. Don't let me stop you."

  She couldn't see him, but imagined he was inwardly groaning. "Just be ready when I come back."

  When he left, Tess closed her eyes again. Now she wished she was in a dream and that any moment she'd wake up in her own bed at home and that this night, especially the part about seeing Jack again hadn't happened. She knew she needed to get herself upright or suffer the indignity of Jack's carrying her out. But she was so tired. She'd found the one position in which she could lay and nothing would hurt or threaten to come up. She closed her eyes, and drifted.


  It could have been minutes or it could have been hours. Tess wasn't sure how long she'd been out when she heard movement again.


  The figure stopped. "No miss, its Walter. I was just checking if you needed anything?"

  The room was dark except for the light that slipped beneath the doors on two sides of the room. She heard him move away from her. One of the doors opened letting in a stream of light that flowed around Walter's figure and forced Tess's eyes shut.

  "Is Daniel back?"

  "No miss. But I think Mr. Showalter heard from him. Shall I go get him?"

  "No. I'm just going to lay here a minute longer and then I'll get up and join the others. Are they still in the parlor?"

  "They're just gathering there now."

  So she'd been out only a few minutes. She breathed a sigh of relief. She still had time to pull herself together before Jack hauled her out of there.

  "Thank you, Walter."

  "I'll let Mr. Valentine know you're up. He seemed keen to take care of you."

  Leave it to the help to notice the nuances of the people they work for. "That's okay. I don't want to disrupt Mr. Worthington's meeting."

  Tess lay in the dark thinking about hiding until Jack showed up. She could stay where she was and avoid the Worthington angst. It was a good idea. Too bad her pride had other ideas.

  Determining she needed to salvage her image, Tess risked opening one eye. It was dark again except for line of light under the doors. She knew one door led to the foyer and figured the other one led to Asa's office.

  Slowly she rolled to her side and pushed herself to a sitting position. Her stomach lurched reminding her that her situation was still precarious. She reached out towards the coffee table in search of the fizzy drink. It was there, but no longer fizzing. Deciding it still might help calm her stomach she picked up the glass and took a sip.

  "Ugh!" She nearly spit out the chalky brew, but caught herself before she could ruin the day-bed or carpet. They were probably nineteenth century antique originals. She didn't need the night to get any worse by ruining priceless pieces of history.

  After a few deep breaths, she worked her way up to a stand and made her way to the nearest door. She'd never been in the room before. She couldn't remember which door she'd entered from. She reached for the handle hoping it was the door she'd just seen Walter exit. She was sure Asa wouldn't appreciate it if she invaded his inner sanctum. She pulled the door towards her and peeked into the room.


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