Love, Sex, Death and Words

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Love, Sex, Death and Words Page 1

by John Sutherland




  Previously published in the UK in 2010

  by Icon Books Ltd, Omnibus Business Centre,

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  Text copyright © 2010 John Sutherland and Stephen Fender

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  Typeset by Marie Doherty



  Title Page


  About the Author


  Preface: 2 July

  1 January: Peter Pan: eternal boy, eternal copyright

  2 January: The SS Commodore sinks off the coast of Florida, leaving Stephen Crane adrift in an open boat

  3 January: Construction begins on the Brooklyn Bridge, long-standing icon of American modernism

  4 January: The death of T.S. Eliot

  5 January: Dumas fights a duel

  6 January: The Feast of Fools and the end of the world

  7 January: John Berryman follows his paternal destiny

  8 January: Villon escapes the rope, and is never heard of again

  9 January: Deconstruction deconstructed?

  10 January: In Philadelphia, Thomas Paine publishes a pamphlet that will change the world

  11 January: Lorna Sage dies as her memoir triumphs

  12 January: Agatha Christie, the queen of mystery, and Dame of the British Empire, dies

  13 January: Truth on the march

  14 January: A.S. Byatt fights for her local

  15 January: The youngest novelist in English literature dies, aged 89

  16 January: Samuel Clemens, aged fifteen, publishes his first story in his hometown paper, the Hannibal, Missouri Western Union, edited by his older brother

  17 January: Gary Gilmore is executed by firing squad in Salt Lake City, Utah, ending nearly a decade’s moratorium on the death penalty in the US

  18 January: Imagists, ex-Rhymers and aesthetes dine on roast peacock at Wilfred Scawen Blunt’s stud farm

  19 January: The Irish author Christopher Nolan wins the Whitbread Prize

  20 January: The European Union enjoys itself

  21 January: George Moore, the ‘English Zola’, dies

  22 January: Anthony Powell’s great dance begins

  23 January: After the failure of his stage play, Guy Domville, Henry James resolves to ‘take up my own old pen again’

  24 January: Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe are divorced in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

  25 January: Rabbie Burns: whisky, literature and lassies

  26 January: James Frey confesses his fact is fiction, and wins twice over

  27 January: The US Congress sets up an Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma

  28 January: Horace Walpole coins the word ‘serendipity’

  29 January: The death of George III elegised and satirised

  30 January: King Charles I of England is beheaded. A fortnight later John Milton will risk his life to defend the act in a pamphlet

  31 January: Louis Asa-Asa tells how he was captured in Africa and sold there six times before a storm forced his landing in Cornwall

  1 February: The New York Review of Books is first published

  2 February: Long Day’s Journey into Night’s long road to performance

  3 February: The Reverend George Crabbe dies in Trowbridge, far from his family and roots in East Anglia, leaving many volumes of unpublished poems behind him

  4 February: Rupert Brooke goes off to his corner of a foreign field

  5 February: Longmans digs in for a very long stay

  6 February: Raymond Chandler publishes his first novel-length detective fiction, The Big Sleep, at the advanced age of 51

  7 February: Madame Bovary in the dock

  8 February: The Pickwick Papers are launched and almost sink

  9 February: Frank O’Hara sees a headline that Lana Turner has ‘collapsed’ and immediately writes a poem

  10 February: The king of the cuckolds dies

  11 February: Sylvia Plath commits suicide, in the coldest winter in England for fifteen years

  12 February: Alexander Solzhenitsyn is stripped of his Soviet citizenship

  13 February: Allied air forces firebomb Dresden

  14 February: Salman Rushdie goes to ground

  15 February: Francis Parkman launches The Oregon Trail

  16 February: The Thirties are over. Belatedly

  17 February: John Sadleir, the greatest financial swindler (to that date) in British commercial history, commits suicide by poison on Hampstead Heath

  18 February: Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is published in the US, delayed by an obscene engraving

  19 February: Ezra Pound’s The Pisan Cantos wins the first-ever Bollingen Prize for poetry

  20 February: F.T. Marinetti publishes the Futurist Manifesto on the front page of Le Figaro, Paris

  21 February: Dead, but not yet buried

  22 February: Coetzee’s Gulliverism

  23 February: The print run begins of the Gutenberg Bible, in Mainz, Germany

  24 February: The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, burns down, prompting a laconic quip from its newly ruined owner

  25 February: The other Naipaul dies. Prematurely

  26 February: In Paris, Ernest Hemingway receives two cables from New York accepting his manuscript of In Our Time

  27 February: Poet meets drummer

  28 February: F.R. Leavis demolishes C.P. Snow

  29 February: Gay’s ‘Newgate Pastoral’ will do

  1 March: The witch trials open in Ingersoll’s Tavern, Salem Village, Massachusetts

  2 March: Lucky Jim is conceived

  3 March: The Birth of a Nation is released: literature meets film

  4 March: Kidnapped by Native Americans, Mary Rowlandson is carried dry-shod over the Baquaug River, which proves an impassable barrier to the English army pursuing them

  5 March: Shakespeare comes to America. Very slowly

  6 March: Poe meets Dickens. Ravens fly

  7 March: Alice B. Toklas dies at 89, 21 y
ears after the death of her companion, Gertrude Stein

  8 March: The author of The Wind in the Willows is born

  9 March: Rand’s religion: the almighty dollar

  10 March: The first two Cantos of Byron’s Childe Harold are published; Walter Scott sensibly turns to writing novels

  11 March: Following the defeat of the French in Egypt, the British army presents the Rosetta Stone to the Society of Antiquaries in London

  12 March: The author of the nation’s anthems is born in Covent Garden, London

  13 March: A play is anathematised, a movement is born

  14 March: Mrs Beeton, arbiter of household management, is born

  15 March: The Ides of March: Julius Caesar is assassinated

  16 March: Lytton Strachey declines to do battle

  17 March: Marx waxes literary over the Crimean War

  18 March: Philip Massinger joins the eminent literary company in Southwark Cathedral

  19 March: As Philip Roth turns 74, his alter ego begins to feel his age

  20 March: After being serialised over 40 weeks in an abolitionist periodical, Uncle Tom’s Cabin comes out as a book

  21 March: Thomas Cranmer, author of the Book of Common Prayer, is burned at the stake for heresy in St Giles, Oxford

  22 March: Goethe’s last words – and the other last words

  23 March: Sexual intercourse has begun – or has it?

  24 March: Nietzsche’s typewriting course ends

  25 March: The Annunciation and Good Friday fall on the same day; John Donne doesn’t know whether to feast or fast

  26 March: Modernist meets Anthroposophist

  27 March: The Vicar of Wakefield is published, never to go out of print

  28 March: Isaac Rosenberg sends his last poem to Edward Marsh

  29 March: Brave New World is liberated in Australia

  30 March: John Cheever (‘Chekhov of the Suburbs’) makes the front cover of Time magazine

  31 March: Titanic poetry

  1 April: Scientifiction blasts off

  2 April: Alexis de Tocqueville sets sail from Le Havre to examine the American prison system

  3 April: Mr Pooter decides to keep a diary

  4 April: Winston Smith begins his diary

  5 April: Pocahontas marries John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia

  6 April: Francis Petrarch catches his first sight of Laura, and will go on to write 366 sonnets about his love for her

  7 April: Edith Wharton entertains Morton Fullerton to dinner. Later that night she will write in her diary: ‘Non vi leggemmo avante’

  8 April: Henry James writes of an idea for a novel that will ‘show that I can write an American story’

  9 April: Dylan gets a Pulitzer

  10 April: Revolution averted – without too much trouble

  11 April: Frankenstein’s Volcano begins to subside

  12 April: As forces of the Confederate States of America bombard Fort Sumter, the American Civil War begins

  13 April: ‘Houston, we have a problem’

  14 April: Roy Campbell punches Stephen Spender on the nose

  15 April: The Dust Bowl gets its name and the Great Depression gets its dominant image

  16 April: Britain’s first novelist (and first woman novelist) dies

  17 April: ‘Holy Thursday’, William Blake’s ‘Song of Experience’

  18 April: Paul Revere gallops through the night from Boston to Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn patriots that the British are coming

  19 April: Samuel Johnson publishes Rasselas, his conte philosophique, written in one week to pay for his mother’s funeral

  20 April: Amiel comes home in triumph

  21 April: Jane Carlyle’s dubious post-mortem

  22 April: In Household Words, the weekly periodical he ‘conducts’, Charles Dickens publishes ‘Ground in the Mill’ alongside the fourth number of Hard Times

  23 April: Death of Poets Day

  24 April: A terrible beauty is born

  25 April: The novel is invented, but its inventor has no name for it

  26 April: George Herbert is inducted as rector of the parish of Fugglestone-cum-Bemerton, near Salisbury

  27 April: Encounter’s CIA connection revealed

  28 April: The British bestseller list arrives (belatedly)

  29 April: The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano is published: fact or fiction?

  30 April: The United States buys the entire Middle West from the French for $15 million, more than doubling the size of the country. Fenimore Cooper has his doubts

  1 May: The nine-year-old Dante Alighieri first meets the eight-year-old Beatrice Portinari when his father takes him to their family home for a May Day party

  2 May: An unnoticed revolution in books

  3 May: Chekhov’s last visit to Moscow

  4 May: Sherlock Holmes dies at the Reichenbach Falls

  5 May: John Scopes is charged with teaching evolution in a Tennessee school

  6 May: The Washington office of the Federal Writers’ Project writes to the south-eastern region to praise their life history of ex-slave Betty Cofer

  7 May: Even though Richard Wright has broken with the Communist party, the FBI Director memoes the New York office to keep a Security Index Card on the African-American author

  8 May: Nobbled

  9 May: Everyman’s publisher dies; Everyman books live on

  10 May: Bibliocaust

  11 May: Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses is published

  12 May: As Kenneth Tynan lauds Look Back in Anger in the Sunday Observer, a ‘small miracle in British culture’ ensues

  13 May: De Quincey writes to Wordsworth

  14 May: John Smith lands in Virginia

  15 May: Amazon’s stream strengthens to flood force

  16 May: Burgess reviews Burgess (favourably)

  17 May: Héloise is buried alongside Abelard in the cemetery at the nunnery that he had built for her

  18 May: Proust, Joyce, Picasso, Stravinsky and Diaghilev sit down to the modernist dinner from hell

  19 May: Mounted settlers from surrounding towns attack the natives at Peskeompskut; language poet Susan Howe scrambles the history

  20 May: W.H. Auden becomes an American citizen

  21 May: Henry Pye is appointed Poet Laureate

  22 May: Allen Lane launches Penguin Books

  23 May: John Banville throws a spanner in Ian McEwan’s works

  24 May: Guy Burgess tries to telephone W.H. Auden just before defecting to Moscow

  25 May: Oscar Wilde is convicted of gross indecency and sentenced to two years’ hard labour

  26 May: Born: iconographer of the Great Depression

  27 May: Cromwell returns, bloodily, from Ireland to be greeted, ironically, by Andrew Marvell

  28 May: The first Hay Festival

  29 May: H.G. Wells publishes his first (timeless) ‘scientific romance’

  30 May: Dramatist Christopher Marlowe is murdered in Deptford, London: assassination or drunken brawl?

  31 May: Evelyn Waugh looks on as No. 3 Commando blow up a tree for Lord Glasgow

  1 June: Sydney Smith defends his style as the model English clergyman

  2 June: Thomas Hardy is born, dies, and is reborn

  3 June: Enoch’s melancholy return

  4 June: Perón becomes president. Borges becomes an inspector of chickens

  5 June: Daring novelist dies, no longer daring

  6 June: Wallace Stevens writes to the editor of Poetry allowing her to change his most famous poem – for the worse

  7 June: Washington Irving greets his native land after seventeen years living abroad

  8 June: Mr Higginson gets a letter from Miss Dickinson

  9 June: Dickens’s heroism at the Staplehurst rail accident

  10 June: Registering a new word every 98 minutes, the vocabulary of English reaches one million words, more than the sum of Italian, French, Spanish and German combined

  11 June: Owen Wis
ter sets the scene for the western movie – literally

  12 June: Conrad enters the Heart of Darkness

  13 June: Charles A. Lindbergh receives a ticker-tape reception as he parades down 5th Avenue, New York

  14 June: William Brazel comes across a ‘large area of bright wreckage made up of rubber strips, tinfoil, a rather tough paper and sticks’ while working on the Foster homestead, near Roswell, New Mexico

  15 June: The ball before the cannon balls flew

  16 June: James Joyce goes out on his first date with his future wife, Norah Barnacle

  17 June: The death of Joseph Addison. Bibles and brandy

  18 June: Crossing the country on his way to the California Gold Rush, Edward Tomkins tries to describe the buttes and pinnacles in the Platte Valley

  19 June: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed by electric chair at Sing Sing Prison, Ossining, New York

  20 June: After one of Anne Bradstreet’s many grandchildren dies at three years and seven months, her grandmother writes a poem on the brittleness of life

  21 June: Isaac Asimov submits his first SF story, ‘The Cosmic Corkscrew’, to John W. Campbell of Astounding Science Fiction

  22 June: The Un-American Activities Committee of the House of Representatives publishes its ‘Red Channels’ blacklist

  23 June: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu writes a novelette of London gossip to her clinically depressed sister in Paris

  24 June: The day before the Battle of Little Bighorn, Jack Crabb is appointed official jester to the commander of the 7th Cavalry, George Armstrong Custer

  25 June: T.S. Eliot writes to his lawyer, patron and friend John Quinn that he has ‘written a long poem of about 450 lines’

  26 June: The writers’ writer dies at Deauville

  27 June: John Fowles despairs too early

  28 June: Lawrence fails an examination, disgustedly

  29 June: Theodore Roosevelt writes to Brander Matthews, professor of literature at Columbia: ‘What a miserable little snob Henry James is! His polished, pointless, uninteresting stories about the upper classes in England make one blush to think that he was once an American’

  30 June: The United States passes the Pure Food and Drug Act

  1 July: No smoking day

  2 July: Blast deafens philistine opposition, until the blasts of war destroy it

  3 July: To save face, Francis Bacon asks Robert Cecil for a knighthood


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