Destruction (Asylum for the Mechanically Insane Book 2)

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Destruction (Asylum for the Mechanically Insane Book 2) Page 9

by Sahara Kelly

  “Will there be any side effects to the drug?”

  It was the first time she’d spoken and he was pleased with the level tone she used to address him. It was once again exactly as it should be. What a jewel she was.

  “He will be fatigued. Which you will appreciate, since he will probably only be able to mount you once. Other than that, no. No side effects at all.”

  She dipped her head in acknowledgement.

  “I shall expect you for breakfast at the usual time. With luck you will be able to transcribe his answers to these questions. If not, I shall rely on your memory.” He neared her, thrusting his cock against the softness of her belly. “Make no mistake, my dear. These are important questions. The answers must be gleaned, and done so accurately. Don’t let me down.”

  He reached for her breast and held it, his thumb flicking roughly across her nipple, making it harden even as he saw her pulse accelerate at the base of her neck.

  “It is a great gift I’m giving this man, because I would fuck you now, and thoroughly, were this not so important.”

  “I understand.” She lowered her head. “I shall do as you wish, Kerala.”

  “Of course. You always do.” He stared at her, drinking in her undeniable beauty, the cream of her skin, the curve of her belly, the scent of her sex.

  He touched her, letting his fingers drift between her damp nether lips and test the moisture within.

  Then he withdrew his hand and stroked his shining fingers on his cock. “I ache for your mouth, but the time is wrong. Bring me with your hands. The way I showed you.”

  Vivienne moved toward him and grasped his cock, beginning a stroke and a squeeze in a rhythm he’d taught her many months before.

  As she continued to work him, he smiled and closed his eyes. Truly she was a valuable asset, if not a remarkable treasure. He must remember to reward her appropriately at some point.

  Very soon.


  Del’s heart nearly stopped when he heard the quiet scratch on his door. It was past midnight and he’d almost given up hope—but there she was, her face flushed, her eyes bright, and finally a smile on her lips that he recognized as genuine.

  “You came.”

  She giggled. An honest-to-God giggle that warmed his soul.

  “Not yet. But I’m counting on you to rectify that situation.”

  He raised his eyebrows as he closed the door with as little sound as possible. “Wicked wench.”

  He opened his arms and she ran into them. Ran, not walked, ran. They collided, breast to chest, and her mouth was on his before he could catch another breath. Not that he wanted to, anyway, because her lips were as sweet as he recalled and her tongue hungry for his.

  He ate at her mouth, sucking, teasing, learning her all over again, reviving memories of nights so wonderful and sensations so stirring that he’d never really forgotten them.

  It could have been moments or hours later that found them tumbling naked together, grasping, moaning, eager for each other, taking as if starved since their last meeting.

  Fast, desperate—their passions consumed them, limbs tangled, breaths mingled and bodies so close not even a sigh could part them.

  He took her hard, knowing she was ready, feeling her inner muscles grip him with a need every bit as savage as his.

  And when she screamed, that muted sound from deep in her throat that had lingered in his mind never to be forgotten…he emptied himself into her without a moment’s hesitation.

  She was his. Always had been, always would be. No matter what circumstances had separated them, or might do so again, she was irrevocably his.

  And he…well, he belonged to her, heart and soul. And he kicked himself mentally for never realizing it. So many years wasted. He could have saved her so much pain.

  But now, he could at least make up for some of his stupidity by giving her joy. As much as possible. Which he set out to do, with fingers, with his mouth, with soft whispers in her ear and tiny nibbles of her skin.

  She laughed, sighed and moaned as he took her once more over the top, coming with her, to his surprise. His breath was becoming labored, but never once did it fail him.

  Finally they slumped, exhausted and sweaty, amidst the ruins of what had been a neatly made bed. After a few minutes of delightful lassitude, Vivienne turned on her side and snuggled against Del, running her hand over his chest—and his scar.

  “This is where you were wounded?”

  “Yes.” He stroked her hair.

  “It looks as if it was bad, Del.”

  “It wasn’t pleasant.” He sighed. “A fire. I burned a lung. They took it out.”

  She froze for a few seconds. “Oh my God. You only have one lung?”

  “Yes. And the only time I’ve ever really wished for the other one back was a few minutes ago.” He chuckled. “I could have made you come one more time.”

  She nodded. “Yes, you could. But I have no objection to waiting a little. I’m no youngster any more.”

  Del continued to stroke her hair. “I saw the bruises, Viv. He hurt you.”

  She drew the covers over her, an unconscious move that made Del’s heart ache. “Now and again. It goes with the territory. I am his kept woman and he has the right to use me as he pleases.”

  “Viv.” He put his arms around her. “No one has the right to hurt you. To cause you pain like that.”

  “Different cultures have different attitudes, my dear. What is not acceptable to an Englishman is perfectly normal to someone raised elsewhere.”

  “So practical. And logical.”

  “I had no choice, Del. You know that. All things considered, it could have been much worse.” She shrugged it off. “Which reminds me.”

  “Reminds you?”

  She grinned. “It’s a plot, of course. There has to be a plot.”

  “Ahhh.” He leaned back on the pillows and watched her features as she laughed softly. “Tell me of this plot.”

  “Well…” She drew out the suspense playfully, enchanting him even more, if that were possible. “I’m supposed to administer some kind of drug to you, in your wine. When you’re not watching, of course.”

  “Of course. I never watch people when they’re drugging my wine.”

  “Naturally. Then, when the drug has taken effect, I’m to question you.”

  “Hmm. About anything in particular?”

  “I was thinking of asking about your recent love affairs…” She lifted an eyebrow challengingly.

  “Go ahead. I haven’t had any. Too busy healing from this piece of bother.” He glanced down. “Of course, before that…well, there were those acrobatic Chinese twins. That might be an adventure you’d want to hear about.”

  She snorted. “I’m sure I wouldn’t.” A slim hand crept down his body and nestled between his legs, cradling his balls and teasing the masculine length already growing once more. “Since two women are clearly going to be better than one.”

  “Depends on who that one is.” He pressed her hand into his body, relishing the feel of her fingers around him, loving the slight squeeze she administered in just the right spot. “Ah, God, Viv. That is so good.”

  “Yes, yes it is.” She sighed deeply, then released him. “But before we pursue that thought, I need to do something about these damn questions, Del. If I don’t…”

  He frowned. “I understand.”

  She moved, leaving him bereft without her warmth. But she soon returned with a twist of paper. “Here. This is what I’m supposed to ask.”

  Del scanned the carefully written questions. There weren’t many, but they were very clearly designed to extract every bit of information he possessed about current airship deployments in the Indian areas of conflict.

  Much of this he knew, although some was out of date. If Vivienne had drugged him, he’d have revealed a lot more to the enemy than he would ever have known.

  In gratitude, he dropped a kiss on top of her head. “Here’s the plan. You will ask me
these questions. And I will answer them. However, I do not guarantee the veracity of those responses.”

  She flashed him a quick glance and then nodded, a slight smile on her lips. “I understand completely, Fleet Commander. After all, being in bed with a naked woman can so easily scatter a man’s thoughts.”

  He leaned over and suckled a ripe nipple, licking his lips with pleasure. “Mmm. It can indeed.”

  So the next period of time was spent alternating between completely false descriptions of troop movements—which Vivienne dutifully noted—and much sensual teasing. Which both Del and Vivienne enjoyed heartily.

  One thing led to another, and it was very late when she regretfully slipped back into her robe.

  “Del, I have to say it. Thank you. Thank you for giving me the gift of your passion.” She touched his face gently, her palm cradling his cheek. “I love you. I think I always have. I just didn’t recognize it for what it was back then. Now, I know better.”

  What could he do? He kissed her with every ounce of feeling, pouring his soul into her mouth. “I love you too. We will work this out, Vivienne. I’m not letting you go this time. I’ll deal with Sahib. Soon, my darling. Soon it’ll be you and me.”

  She looked at him, her eyes wide and hopeful. “You and me. It sounds like heaven. I’m afraid to hope. But…that won’t stop me. Let me know what I can do, if anything, to make it happen”

  “I will.” He kissed her lingeringly. “But you’d better go now or I’ll never let you leave.”

  She smiled then, a tired loving smile that burned its way into Del’s brain. He’d never forget how she looked at that moment.

  God, he loved her so much he hurt. And yet he wanted to shout it aloud, tell the world, scream it through the elegant salons of Harbury Hall. But he couldn’t. Not yet.

  He promised himself the time would come, as he watched her hurry down the dark hallway and out of sight. Yes, their time would come. He would make absolutely sure of that.

  Chapter 11


  Portia scurried down a forest path, cursing the cloudy morning and the roots over which she tripped regularly.

  Her target, Inspector Burke, was strolling on his customary early route, which she’d learned quite quickly. And today she blessed the fact that he was a man of routine.

  “James…” She shouted, startling some birds into flight.

  And finally he turned around. “Good God, Portia.” He waited as she ran up to him and bent over, her head down, her lungs heaving. “Are you all right?”

  He touched her back as she panted.

  “Yes, I’m all right. Lord, you must be half deaf. I’ve been shouting for the last five minutes.”

  He frowned as she stood up. “Sorry. I suppose I must have been lost in thought.”

  “Yes, well, try to find yourself more frequently, if you would.” Her response was a little tart as she got her breath back. “I need to speak to you.”

  “Well go ahead then.”

  She glared at him. “It’s important.”

  “All right. I’m listening.”

  “Last night I had to run an errand for that Professor Ringwood.”

  The Inspector’s gaze sharpened. “Really? What errand?”

  “I was asked to take a package and a note upstairs to the Hall and see that it reached some Indian man. Thakur Sahib something?”

  “Yes. He’s part of the party staying at the Hall.” Burke tipped his head to one side. “Why is this important, Portia?”

  She bit her lip. “I don’t know, James. Truly. But something about it is wrong. Very wrong. The package was smallish, about…” She held her hands apart in descriptive measurements. “About this size. It was quite heavy but it didn’t rattle at all. Almost as if it was padded or something inside.”

  “A box?”

  “Yes, but a flat box. More like something you’d put jewelry in, I suppose.”


  “Anyway, I couldn’t get the note free, unfortunately, and it was sealed, so it wouldn’t have mattered if I had. But James…” She reached out and gripped his arm. “If you could have seen Ringwood’s face. He smiled at me. It was the most bone-chilling smile I’ve ever encountered. It gave me nightmares. It wasn’t a smile of pleasure that he was giving a gift. It was a smile of victory, James. Of triumph. Like what was in that box was very very bad and he knew it and was glad about it.” She sighed. “He said something about there being something in it for me if I delivered it correctly. Only it would be today. Around four or so…” she paused, remembering…”no, after four. That was it. After four o’clock today. I don’t know how to explain my sense of apprehension, and it sounds quite silly now that I’m listening to myself.”

  Burke patted her on the shoulder. “Not silly at all, my dear. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years as an inspector, it’s to never dismiss anything that anyone feels is off somehow. Not right. I’m not a believer in a sixth sense or things like that, but if this business is enough to upset you to this extent? I’m paying attention.”

  Portia gave him a quick hug. “Thank you, James. You’re one of the few people I know who doesn’t ridicule me. I appreciate it, more than you know.”

  “They haven’t taken the time to know you, I suppose. Because you’re far too bright to be ridiculed.”

  She shrugged off the compliment. “So you’ll keep an ear open for anything to do with Ringwood and this Indian chap?”

  “I will indeed.” He thought for a moment. “I had the good fortune of meeting up with another of the guests. A Fleet Captain down here to talk with some visiting scientists about new airship designs.”

  “Oh, I met him as well.” Portia smiled. “He seemed very nice.”

  Burke laughed. “You do get around, don’t you?”

  She blushed. “I’m a servant. I’m everywhere.”

  “Obviously.” He agreed. “Anyway, I might take a walk around the grounds later and see if I can connect with him. He might know something about the Indian. Or have some insight about Ringwood. One never knows.”

  “Be careful what you say, won’t you?”

  He lifted an eyebrow and observed her.

  “Yes, all right. That was a silly thing to say.” Embarrassed, she rolled her eyes. “But still. I don’t trust anyone these days.”

  “Wise girl. Run along now. I don’t want anyone missing you or asking where you are. Least said the better at the moment.”

  “I agree.” She nodded. “Will you let me know if you find out anything please?”

  “Of course. With luck it’s nothing. But if it’s something…you will hear about it, I promise.”

  “Thank you James. I’ll see you soon. Good morning.”

  With a quick wave, she was gone, leaving Inspector Burke with another puzzle on his hands. He sighed. Harbury Hall was proving to be a hive of questions to which there were no answers.



  “Most satisfying.” Thakur Sahib Kerala blotted his lips with a napkin, and placed his teacup on the saucer.

  He wasn’t referring to his breakfast, however, but to the piece of paper that he’d straightened out next to his plate. Vivienne had been summoned and had brought it with her, knowing full well what he wanted. And it wasn’t her presence as he ate his morning fruit.

  She didn’t respond to his comment, merely sipped her own tea.

  “I take it the evening went smoothly?”

  “It did.”

  “He was satisfactory in bed?”

  There was a loaded question. Vivienne sipped her tea once more, stalling for time. “The experience was not too unpleasant.” She kept her voice calm. Lord knew she’d had plenty of practice with this man.

  “Good, good.” He returned to the notes she’d written and questioned her on one or two of the words.

  “Well, this was a very helpful occurrence, my dear. One never knows when opportunity might arrive and this time it was…seren-serinnip-
what is your word?”


  “Yes. That is correct. Serendipitous.” He worked his mouth around the syllables. “A good word for a fortunate happening. Sometimes your English language is playful, I think.”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so fell back on her polite smile and innocuous comment maneuver. “Perhaps you’re right.”

  “So.” He pushed back his chair and stretched. “Today I shall be busy. This morning I am to tour the grounds with Lady Harbury and then visit the local airfield. If I am lucky, your Fleet Captain will be arranging a trip for me in an airship, but I understand there are none in the hangars at the moment, so it will have to be at a later date.”

  “Very well.”

  “You may entertain yourself, if you wish. I shall not need you until later. I am to meet Professor Ringwood after tea. It would be advisable for you to be with me at that time.”

  “I understand. Where will this meeting take place?”

  “In the grounds. I think he mentioned some walk, near the forest. Where those oddly shaped trees grow.”

  “Ah. The topiary garden.”

  “Good. You know it. You will take me there.”

  “As you wish.” She wasn’t averse to a day by herself, nor a walk in the gardens. Compared to some of the days she’d had, this one sounded quite delightful.

  Especially since she had many things to think about, not the least of which was a certain Fleet Commander.

  “I am pleased, dear Vivienne.”

  He walked behind her chair and ran his fingers over her neck. Somehow she restrained the shiver his touch invoked. Up to now, this hadn’t been a problem. But apparently a night with Del had changed her responses. From this morning on, life was going to be a little more difficult.

  “That is good, Kerala.” She answered him politely, nodding slightly as if in agreement.

  “I shall reward you, of course.”

  “Not necessary. You have given me a lot of things already.”

  “And you have given me loyalty and elegance.”


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