Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn

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Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn Page 20

by Shelley Lubben

  And you know what; the State of California started to listen! Especially when God instructed me to bring a powerful pack of recovering porn stars He freshly saved out of the industry to also testify about the horrible work conditions in the porn industry. Truly, God in His infinite wisdom had created a small army of “ardent” women to take down one of the greatest evils in all of history.

  Both Martin Luthers stand up in heaven and applaud the ex porn stars!

  But there was a price to pay for that kind of victory and history making and certainly, my family and other Pink Cross team members paid it. With daily satanic attacks on our lives and even physical threats by the opposition, we cried out to God for hardcore reinforcement.

  The next thing you know a group of Southern California law enforcement Chaplains wanted to join our cause and even ordain us for the mission!

  Only God could have come up with that one.

  On April 4, 2009, Garrett and I became officially ordained as Chaplains of the Order of Saint Martin, in the tradition of Martin of Tours. Suddenly, our anti-porn mission began to look like a real Reformation as God deliberately threw “Martin” hints at us. I knew right then what I was called to do.

  To whoever much is given, of him will much be required.

  That would be me, I recited Luke 12:48 in my head as I looked up into heaven at the “rest” of the reformers nodding their heads in agreement. I knew too much and God Almighty expected a lot from me.

  God announced to me I was an official Reformer in 2008 and on my way to becoming a mortified Saint.

  Yes, I almost died several times because of this ministry. Okay, so this book is about truth, right? So, I’m going to tell you the truth behind Shelley Lubben and her wrecked family. We literally gave up our beautiful perfect life and everything we ever cared about or held dear to our hearts in order to help people who continue to view pornography and ignore the impenitent porn problem.

  With our family almost completely wrecked by the end of 2008, only our truest friends saw us through our darkest hours. I admit, I had my “Elijah” moments and thought I was the only prophet in town who cared passionately about the problem of porn, but through the years God revealed to me thousands of loving and committed people who don’t and won’t give up!

  One of those beautiful people is Dr. Judith Reisman, world renowned pornography expert, powerful author and Jewish woman who is in my opinion, the greatest of unsung heroes in our nation. She naturally took the time to mentor me, encourage me excessively, taught me about our nation’s history and how the greatest generation of our time was sabotaged by a pornographic assault by a man named Kinsey. [“Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences for example” by Dr. Judith Reisman.]

  My heart broke and bled as she explained the vast devastation that Playboy and other pornography pioneers also caused our nation. Our nation’s greatest men had been completely destroyed by pornography.

  Sent by God to rejuvenate me with powerful ammunition to help me continue the fight against pornography and see God set His people free from its devastation, I realized that God put a Jew and a Christian together to do His powerful work in the earth.

  It was prophetic and supernatural!

  At the same time Dr. Reisman began to mentor me about the pornographic assault on our nation, fraudulent sex scientists and how they experimented on young children to gather information on orgasms, as well as handing me over thirty years of her experience literally on a silver platter, I was also knee deep in the trenches with Pink Cross Foundation in a year of non-stop outreaches at porn conventions.

  My team was on fire and doing the impossible. We boldly walked into porn conventions with an eight foot wide banner that declared, “Porn Is Not Glamorous” and erected it above our pink and black booth. Causing everyone who walked by to take notice, our team offered education, prayer, hardcore truth and huge amounts of love to thousands of porn stars and porn fans. By then I had been emptied of most of my humanity and was so full of God’s Spirit that I also put up the Latin Inscription of the Cross above our banner. I was on a mission to tear down the high places of idolatry and establish the Kingdom of God.

  Filled with a greater measure of the Holy Spirit, my newly ordained team marched around with Bibles in hand and aimed them at the major porn companies praying down the judgment of God. God also instructed us to march around the Hustler booth seven times and to shout out when we were done. We also went to every booth and aimed our prayers directly at porn stars and declared chains to be broken off of them and to be completely set free. It was time for the porn industry to officially come down. It was time for God’s creations to be declared free to live and do something powerful and amazing with their lives. NO longer would God tolerate the pornographic slave trade of human beings. It was TIME for thousands of men and women to be set free from the porn industry and at the same time, God was formulating a powerful plan to heal His Church.

  After our last major convention outreach in Las Vegas, in January 2010, I had become ridiculously confident in God’s ability to go above and beyond like He originally promised me. With a powerful team by my side, thousands of wonderful people around the world praying by now and the loving support of true friends, I realized there was absolutely nothing impossible for God. My life was living proof of that over and over. From drugged out prostitute and porn star to Betty Crocker cupcake Mom to international Reformer and Champion of the Faith, only God could have orchestrated anything like that!!

  And that’s not all.

  God topped Himself and proved to me through the name of the street I live on what the true nature of my call is. I didn’t realize it at the time we bought our house in Bakersfield, but God supernaturally orchestrated for us to live on Elias Avenue. Yes, Elias is Greek for Elijah, the name of the fieriest prophet in the Old Testament who took on 850 false prophets of Baal and called down the Fire of God on them. That’s right; the 850 prophets could not triumph over ONE prophet who knew God.

  I’ll let you think about that one for a minute.


  Admit One

  Circus Maximus Prophecy

  Chapter Thirty

  It began with the rape of the Sabine women.

  The imperial Roman Emperor held chariot races that were so distracting, that “nobody had eyes or thoughts for anything else.” While the Sabine men enjoyed the races, their unmarried women were abducted by the Romans to become their wives.

  But for the next thousand years, chariot races distracted Rome.

  Meeting the demands of the Roman citizenry for mass public entertainment, chariot racing became the most viewed event at the world’s largest and first circus: Circus Maximus.

  It was spectacular.

  The greatest Roman entertainment complex of all time, over 200,000 spectators indulged in gambling, shows, prostitution, and pleasure. Admission was free to “the greatest show on earth” and anyone could attend, even the poor of Rome.

  The rape twisted entertainment attracted Romans from every corner.

  Highly-charged fans, sectioned off into “factions” of Reds, Greens, Blues and Whites, cheered the almost naked Charioteers. Drawn from the dregs of society, the slave horse drivers affiliated with teams were supported by large businesses that invested heavily in the training and upkeep of the hot-blooded thoroughbreds. The colorful team jerseys provided drivers with names, and fans would often hurl violent enthusiasms, as well as aim curse amulets punctured with nails, at the Reds, Greens, Blues and Whites.

  It was a cursed occasion.

  Under the spirit of what the Romans called furor circensis, the name for the mass hysteria the races induced, fans ate and drank to excess, and fights were common among the pounding bleachers.

  Excitement, risk and frenzy were vital ingredients for a champion race.

  After seven savage laps, which would include as many as 12 chariots at any one time, the drivers who managed not to be upended or killed and finish in the top three took home prizes. They became deified
super-stars, like Scorpus who won 2,000 races before dying in splendor at 27. They were also made extraordinarily wealthy.

  Drivers who didn’t survive were thrown from their broken or overturned chariots and trampled and killed by the charging horses, or dragged to their early deaths.

  Erected high atop platforms, the emperors loved to watch the bloodthirsty games.

  From sunrise to sunset, one quarter of Rome’s population came to witness a deathly average of 25 races per day. During breaks from the races, the Circus also held a variety of religious ceremonies, wild-beast hunting, mock battles and even the unexpected gladiator exhibition found its way into the circus. The majority of Christian martyrdom in the sprawling capital city also took place at the Roman Circus Maximus.

  In 64 A.D. the Roman Emperor Caesar Nero attempted to systematically exterminate all people who professed faith in the Newly found Christian religion. Under his evil rule, Romans witnessed the worst atrocities upon his victims; he did not just kill Christians, he made them suffer extremely. Nero enjoyed dipping the Christians in tar, and impaling them on poles around his palace, he would then light them on fire, and yell: “Now you truly are the light of the world.”

  Nero also performed many other kinds of torture, often killing them in the grand Circus Maximus in front of large crowds of spectators where he perpetrated some of his most gruesome murders. Here he would wrap Christians up in animal skins and throw them to lions, or dogs that would viciously tear these men and women apart in front of thousands of “entertained” spectators. At other times he would crucify them, and after the crowd would get bored, he would set the Christians on fire.

  The whole of Rome was in an uproar as they witnessed Christians executed for public entertainment. It was a fantastic spectacle and not much different than today.

  Take heed, Christians, the spirit of Nero is alive and well. While you strayed from Me and chose slave drivers in their bloodthirsty races and did not return to My love, I gave you over to your hysterical lust and now you belong to Nero. He has dipped you in the worldwide wax and impaled you around his pornographic palace. You are now officially the Light of the world.

  Welcome to the abomination of desolation.

  Now listen to the prophet Isaiah.

  Chapter 58:

  “Shout it aloud, do not hold back.

  Raise your voice like a trumpet.

  Declare to my people their rebellion

  and to the house of Jacob their sins.

  For day after day they seek me out;

  they seem eager to know my ways,

  as if they were a nation that does what is right

  and has not forsaken the commands of its God.

  They ask me for just decisions

  and seem eager for God to come near them.

  ‘Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and you have not seen it?

  Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?’

  “Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please

  and exploit all your workers.

  Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife,

  and in striking each other with wicked fists.

  You cannot fast as you do today

  and expect your voice to be heard on high.

  Is this the kind of fast I have chosen,

  only a day for a man to humble himself?

  Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed

  and for lying on sackcloth and ashes?

  Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD?

  “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:

  to loose the chains of injustice

  and untie the cords of the yoke,

  to set the oppressed free

  and break every yoke?

  Is it not to share your food with the hungry

  and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—

  when you see the naked, to clothe him,

  and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

  Then your light will break forth like the dawn,

  and your healing will quickly appear;

  then your righteousness will go before you,

  and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

  Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;

  you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.

  “If you do away with the yoke of oppression,

  with the pointing finger and malicious talk,

  and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry

  and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,

  then your light will rise in the darkness,

  and your night will become like the noonday.

  The LORD will guide you always;

  he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land

  and will strengthen your frame.

  You will be like a well-watered garden,

  like a spring whose waters never fail.

  Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins

  and will raise up the age-old foundations;

  you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,

  Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.

  “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath

  and from doing as you please on my holy day,

  if you call the Sabbath a delight

  and the LORD’S holy day honorable,

  and if you honor it by not going your own way

  and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,

  then you will find your joy in the LORD,

  and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land

  and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.”

  The mouth of the LORD has spoken.

  End Notes

  I: Under the Big Top

  1. Regan Starr Interview. Talk Magazine,, February 2001.

  2. Porn Star Jersey Jaxin Interview.

  3. Becca Brat Interview., May, 2006.

  4. Christian XXX. “Christian Sings the Blues”. January 2008.

  5. Shelley Lubben. AIDS, Suicide, Homicide and Drug Related Deaths since 1999. PornFactoid2009deaths_lubben.pdf

  6. Michelle Avanti Interview.

  7. Jasyn Jones. The Pornographication of American Culture. April 23, 2003. The Daily Utah Chronicle web site.

  8. Facts and TV Statistics. facts.asp

  9. Porn Star doctor Sharon Mitchell, “We keep the adult entertainment industry safe.” Video at

  10. Shelley Lubben. Aids Related Deaths in the U.S. Porn Industry since 1985. AIDS_related_deaths_lubben_0.pdf

  11. Rong-Gong Lin II. “Porn Star recalls nightmare of testing HIV positive.”

  12. Porn Star doctor Sharon Mitchell, Founder of AIM (Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation). Porn Legend Sharon Mitchell - Interview With Court.

  13. Johnathon E. Fielding, M.D., M.P.H. Adult Film Industry Health Report. LA_Public_Health_9-17-09.pdf

  14. Kami Andrews. Interview with Luke Ford on September 15, 2004.

  15. New York Post web site. “Marital stress in the X-treme.” marital_stress_in_the_treme_qCVvNWMkSQvDPkseFQh58M

  II: Send in the Clowns

  16. Based upon in-depth inter
views and public testimonies by pornography employees, we estimate 90% are adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. These data are considered reasonable based upon the extant data from established governmental statistical findings as follows: 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18. (, ACE Study - Prevalence - Adverse Childhood Experiences); 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18. (, CE Study - Prevalence - Adverse Childhood Experiences); An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today. (Abel, G., Becker, J., Mittelman, M., Cunningham-Rathner, J., Rouleau, J., & Murphy, W. 1987). Self reported sex crimes on non-incarcerated paraphiliacs. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2(1), 3-25

  17. Dusk in Autumn Blog. At what age are females at their hottest?, March 25, 2008.

  18. April Garris. The Porn Effect Blog. “Myth 2 Exposed.”, March 8, 2010.

  19. Adam Higginbotham. The porn broker. October 9, 2004, Telegraph Magazine, presented by The Age.

  20. Shelley Lubben. Aids, Suicide, Homicide and Drug Related Deaths since 1999. 2009deaths_lubben.pdf

  21. Dead Porn Stars.

  22. Glenn Peoples. Analysis: Important Sales Trends You Need To Know. e3i4ad94ea6265fac02d4c813c0b6a93ca2, June 2, 2010.

  23. Nominations for 2010 AVN Awards Announced., December 2, 2009.


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