Enlighten (Thornhill Trilogy Book 2)

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Enlighten (Thornhill Trilogy Book 2) Page 6

by J. J. Sorel

  I’d dressed in the same summery floral dress that he had chosen for me the morning after our night at the Red House, his music venue.

  “You wore that lovely dress,” he said, stroking my thigh. His fingers crept up slowly. It started all over again—that divine throbbing ache, a reminder of our steamy session in the shower.

  His fingers didn’t just stop at my thigh but crept all the way up. “Clarissa,” he rasped.

  “Yes.” I remained standing by his side, allowing his fingers to tickle me.

  “You’re not wearing panties.” His lids hooded. “Come and sit on my lap while we wait for our breakfast to arrive.”

  He lifted a decanter and poured a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for me. “Here, darling.”

  “Thanks.” I took the glass and enjoyed the sweet freshness. As I sat on his lap I felt his growing arousal beneath my thigh. I giggled. “Am I crushing you?”

  “No, baby. You’re as light as a feather.” He kissed me gently on the lips. His mouth lingered. I wrapped my arms around him. We remained embraced tightly. Our lips fused. His tongue, tasting of orange juice, provoked mine.

  He pulled back his head to look at me. “Now why did you go and do something as naughty as that?”

  “What?” My lips curled.

  “Not wearing panties, and”—he undid a few of my buttons, his fingers creeping down my cleavage— “your tits are naked.”

  “I’m only obeying orders from my boss,” I said with a cheeky grin. His beautiful blue eyes twinkled with amusement. “My darling girl.” His fingers reached in and caressed my nipples which went hard instantly sending an electrical charge all the way down. “These tits are on my mind all the time, as are your gorgeous big dark eyes. And this cheeky little ass.” He slapped it, making me laugh.

  “In fact.” His eyes darkened with that unmistakable devilish glint. “I think I have to put you over my knee…” Before I knew what was happening, he had turned me around and was spanking me.

  I didn’t know what to think. But I was sticky and turned on, especially when I felt his erection under my belly. I laughed with each gentle little slap. It didn’t hurt at all.

  Aidan lifted me with those strong arms of his and looked deeply into my eyes. His finger went on a mission to undo me completely. It didn’t take much. I let out a long sigh and melted into his arms.

  “I love the way your eyes go all misty when you’re coming, my angel.”

  I fell into his arms like jelly.

  “Seeing your beautiful peachy ass all flushed is terrorizing my cock.”

  “I know, I can feel it all hard beneath me.” My voice was breathless.

  I noticed his eyes move over my shoulder. “Ah, here’s breakfast.”

  Realizing my breasts were half exposed, I quickly buttoned myself up and jumped off Aidan.

  Susana came toward us. She was dressed in a short skirt and low-cut, tight blouse. Embarrassment quickly turned into deep resentment.

  Sporting a smirk, she appraised my post orgasmic flush. Her focus went straight to my buttons, which I had done up crookedly in my haste. Written on her face was ‘“You lucky girl. I wish I could have a piece of that in me.”’ I also noticed her eyes widen when settling on Aidan’s groin. His big bulge was impossible to miss. She even licked her lips.

  My stomach churned. I hated her. Particularly after she bent over to get the trays, her panties were fully exposed. She left little to the imagination. I growled silently while my claws unleashed their fury on my fleshy palms.

  I looked over at Aidan, who was staring straight at me and smiling sweetly. I couldn’t read him. Was he mocking her? Or simply oblivious to that whorish display?

  She placed plates laden with eggs, bacon, spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms on our table, along with a fresh pot of coffee, and muffins.

  “Will that be all, Aidan?” she asked with a Southern twang.

  Mm… Aidan, not Mr. Thornhill?

  “Yes, Susana, thanks.”

  She batted her eyelids and wiggled off. “How goddamn clichéd could one get?” I said to myself in a whisper.

  Loathing must have been written all over my face because Aidan shook his head and asked, “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “She’s the matter, Aidan.”

  “Susana? Why?”

  My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe Aidan didn’t get it. “Because she wears very little. And makes sure she bends over in front of you. And her skirt’s so short one can see what she had for breakfast.”

  Aidan laughed raucously. “Oh, my princess, she’s not my type. She’s invisible to me. She could be naked and my cock wouldn’t stir.”

  I was about to open my mouth when Aidan touched my lips, adding, “She’s fucking Will.”


  “I caught her blowing him yesterday.”

  “How can you be so easy going about that?”

  “I don’t give a shit. Will’s been with me for years. He’s a good man, and if Susana wants to give him head, so be it.”

  “What? In the kitchen? While he’s working? It’s so unsanitary.”

  Aidan doubled over with laughter. “Oh, Clarissa, you are such a sweet darling girl. I love that about you.”

  My brows knitted furiously. “What happened to the ‘thou shalt not wear skanky gear to work’ stipulation?”

  “For my PA’s, I insist on a certain look. But with the maids, it’s up to them.”

  “I feel so uncomfortable around her. She wants to fuck you or blow you or whatever.”

  Aidan’s hand was on my leg. His smile had been chased away by an earnest frown. “Clarissa. I’m a one-woman man. I’ve seen it all. And Susana bending over showing me what she had for breakfast does nothing. What would make my cock hard, however, is if you were to bend over. But you must eat first, and then I can see what you had for breakfast.”

  His lips twitched.

  I shook my head. “Aidan Thornhill, you’re incorrigible.”

  “And you, Clarissa Moone, are driving me mad. Do me a favor and undo a couple of buttons again so that I can feast on that cock-swelling cleavage of yours.”

  I did just that. I loved seeing Aidan’s eyes turn a dark shade of lust.

  “And look, Clarissa, seriously. I no longer do sex as sport. I used to. Got it out of my system.” He regarded me with intensity. All his playfulness dissolved. His eyes grew heavy and deep. “I never made love until you came along. What we have is profound, Clarissa. I can’t find the right words.”

  My mouth opened, but I’d lost the ability to speak.

  “No woman, I mean no woman can do to me what you do. You’re perfection. And you’re mine.”

  His hand landed on my hand, and our eyes met in a tangle of desire and vulnerability. Vulnerable? Me, indeed, but Aidan?

  Was I his? Was this too soon? My body and heart didn’t think so. My head, however, like some nagging Miss Prissy, pointed the finger at me saying “BEWARE.”

  “Let’s eat. I’m famished,” said Aidan, reverting to his earlier, easier, down-to-earth self.

  How could I eat after that?

  I sighed deeply. “Yeah.”

  Aidan’s brow lowered. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m not sure,” I said.

  “Am I coming on too strong again?” Aidan put down his utensils.

  “No… I mean, yes… but I like it, anyway. It’s just that there are so many things about you I don’t know.”

  “My past isn’t pretty, that’s for sure. I think you’ve heard the worst of my dealings with women. Let’s eat now, Clarissa.”

  “Sure. Sorry. Sex makes me emotional.”

  Aidan cast me one of his deep blue gazes that sent everything moving down south again. “I love that about you, Clarissa. Your soul is pure and beautiful.”

  Breakfast went down very well after that.


  While Aidan made some calls, I decided to sketch. I wanted to finish the drawing I’d begun of the
rose garden that fateful day when Aidan and I had first made love.

  The image of Venus poised on a shell with roses creeping around her just like the Botticelli – Birth of Venus proved to be one of my finer sketches. I liked it so much that I planned to color it with pencils so that later, I could paint it with watercolors. It was a technique I had adopted when I was young.

  It had been a while since I’d visited my art. Aidan’s encouragement inspired me to do so. I’d already picked many scenes in the inspiring, beautiful garden I wanted to work on.

  More of a conventional artist, I was rather old fashioned in my approach. I guess that was why I hadn’t gone to art school in the end. Conceptual art and abstract minimalism, being the market choice, were where the money was.

  As I squinted to study my work, a voice roused me.

  “Can I see?”

  Aidan stood behind me. Rocket was by his side, wagging his tail and dribbling with excitement.

  “Hello, boy,” I said, patting him. I rose from the seat. “I don’t know, Aidan. It’s not finished yet.”

  “Come on, don’t be shy. Show me.”

  I passed the sketch pad to him. His eyes moved from my drawing to the scene in front of him. “It’s fantastic. It seems complete to me.”

  I took the pad from him. I was sensitive when it came to people looking closely at my markings. “I want to go over it with watercolors.”

  Aidan’s gaze lingered again. “Then can I have it?”

  “Of course, it’s for you, Aidan. I’m just worried it might not be very good, that’s all.”

  “Nonsense. It’s stunning, just like you.” He leaned in and kissed me, leaving a fiery stain on my lips. “Greta mentioned that you had some good ideas for the art classes.”

  I packed up my pencils and placed my picture in my carry bag. “What direction should I take them in? Drawing, painting, watercolors, oils, acrylic?” I asked.

  Aidan sat by my side on the garden bench, tossing the ball to Rocket. “All of that.”

  “Do you want me to source teachers?”

  “Yes. Whatever you need to make the program workable.”

  “I’ve found two rooms we can use. Both have excellent light. How about if we start small? I can find someone who teaches drawing and painting. One session a week can be devoted to learning technique and the other to free-form art. That way they can either utilize what they’ve learned or go their own way with it. What do you think?”

  “I think it will work really well.”

  “What sort of budget have we got, Aidan? Art supplies are not cheap. And you’ll have to pay the tutor.”

  “Spare no cost. Can one tutor do all that? Should we bring in more?”

  “For now, let’s start with one. Maybe a final-year student. Students can always use the money. And they’d have enough skill to share.”

  Aidan looked pleased. “That sounds perfect, Princess.”

  “I can’t wait. I’ll go in tomorrow. I’ve got to go to my apartment anyway. I have to collect a few more things. I’ve got all my art supplies there.”

  “Come on, Princess, let’s go upstairs.” Aidan grabbed my bag for me. He took me by the hand, while Rocket ran ahead with the ball in his mouth.

  “I have to go away all week. I’m on a tour of drought-stricken farms. I plan to buy land for my renewable-energy farms.”

  “But will the families want to sell? I mean, some farms have been in families for generations.”

  Aidan puffed his cheek and blew out slowly. “Yeah, good point. I’m aware of that. We’ll offer to rent the land if that’s the case. I’ve already spoken to some folks. Their land is dead. And they are crippled with debt and despair. It’s depressing, that’s for sure. If I can help them and the community, then it’s all worth it.”

  I stopped walking and shook my head. “Aidan, are you really this good? I mean, how is it that you’re so kind?”

  “Why is that a shock? Can’t I be wealthy and generous?”

  “You are that and more, Aidan Thornhill.”

  Aidan put his arm around my waist and drew me in tight. Our lips met, and the heat was instant. “I need you upstairs now and naked.” He took me by the hand.


  The coffee made my lips wince. They were red and raw from Aidan feasting on me all night. Who would have thought that pain could be so delicious? We didn’t get much sleep. Every inch of my flesh had been devoured and stroked. I buzzed after countless orgasms. It felt like I’d taken a party drug for breakfast, such was my high.

  I managed to finally find a parking space after driving around the block a few times. Just as I pulled up, my phone pinged with a message.

  Presuming it was Tabitha, I rummaged through my bag. I was running late for our catch-up at Sammy’s.

  It was beautiful, my love. I can still taste you. xxx Aidan. I sighed loudly. What was a girl to say to that? I stared down at my phone while trying to come up with an apt response.

  I can still feel you, Aidan. My skin smells of you. My legs are weak reliving you inside of me. xxx Clarissa

  The phone pinged in my hand. The screen lit up.

  Mm… now you’ve gone and done it. I’ll have to start wearing loose trousers from now on. Skype tonight? Wear a blouse with buttons. xxx Aidan.

  I giggled. I’m breathless thinking about that and about you in your tight jeans looking all yummy and hot. xxx Clarissa

  Once again it went off. As am I thinking about how juicy you are baby. Speak to you tonight. xxx Aidan.

  A large smile cracked my face in half. It ached from smiling. Could this joy be sustained? I wondered as I moved along briskly.

  I lambasted myself for being pessimistic. Perhaps I really did need to visit a shrink. After all, Aidan saw one. But then, I suspected he had more skeletons in the cupboard than I did.

  As I turned the corner, I saw Tabitha through the window. She was sitting in the corner, talking on her phone, wearing a flushed, flirtatious expression that I knew so well.

  Her eyes followed me as I approached the table. I kissed her on the cheek and sat down.

  “I’ve got to go. See you later on, big boy.” She looked up at me and bounced her eyebrows.

  “Big boy?” I laughed.

  “Well, he is. And we like our little banter.” She chuckled. “You’re late, Clarissa. I’m normally the late one. You had me worried.”

  “Sorry, Tabs. I had to go to the Art Institute to stick up notices. I’m looking for a tutor for the new program we’re setting up at the Veterans’ Health Center.”

  “That sounds right up your alley. I’m starving.”

  “So am I. I didn’t sleep much last night,” I said.

  “I can tell. You have that flushed all-night-fucking look.” Tabitha did not speak quietly. A few of the patrons cast their focus on me.

  I leaned in and whispered, “Everyone heard that.”

  Tabitha laughed. “So how many times did you come?”

  “Tabs, why is it that every time we get together, all you do is talk about sex?”

  She opened her hands wide. “What else is there? Other than clothes, that is.”

  “Tabitha Hendry, you’re so shallow.”

  “And loving it.” She did her Maxwell Smart voice, and I giggled.

  “So how is it going with Big Boy, then?” I asked.

  The waiter arrived just as I asked, and his lips twitched. Tabitha and I looked at each other. Our lips tightened to stifle an attack of laughter.

  “What do you feel like?” she asked.

  “I feel like carbs. Lots of them,” I said, looking up at the blackboard that held the menu.

  “Yes, some good post fucking food,” said Tabitha, she winked at the waiter, who was pretty out there with his shock of purple hair.

  I kicked her under the table.

  He didn’t even flinch. “Then let me suggest the lasagne,” he said with a girly voice.

  “Great, I’ll have that,” I said.

; “Me too, thanks,” said Tabitha. “And a glass of Merlot.” Tabitha looked up at me.

  “I’m driving, Tabs. Just water, thanks.”

  The smirking waiter left us.

  “I miss drinking with you and you being all tipsy and silly. You can always crash here in town,” said Tabitha.

  “Only if you stay the night,” I said.

  “I can’t. My man will be waiting for me. I have to be there. Or else I’ll get into trouble.”

  “What?” I asked, frowning.

  Tabitha smiled. “It’s not that bad. It’s a game. A sexy little game. I just have to be there ready for him on my knees when he walks in the door.”

  “What?” My voice went up in pitch.

  “Is that all you can say?” Tabitha grinned, tapping my nose.

  “On your knees?”

  “Yeah, it’s not that bad. In fact, it’s rather entertaining. And he really makes up for it. If you know what I mean?” She raised a brow.

  “But that sounds too demeaning, Tabs. What else is he making you do?”

  “He’s not making me do anything. It’s up to me. If I don’t like it, I can tell him. I have power. It’s just fun. And it’s really hot. I mean, he does this thing with a feather.”—She fanned her face— “Oh, my God.”

  “Like what?” I asked, hating myself for being so curious.

  “He flutters a feather over my clit and then alternates with his tongue, followed by a gentle lash here and there. It is excruciating. He prolongs my release, which sends me crazy. But when I do… it’s out of this world.”

  “Right.” I shook my head. “I don’t know if I’d like to be whipped down there.”

  Tabitha laughed. “He doesn’t hurt me. You’re so vanilla, Clary.”

  “Now what’s that meant to mean?”

  “Vanilla is conventional sex. You know, man on top, humpy-pumpy.”

  I laughed. “It’s more than humpy-pumpy. What about caresses, kisses, and the deep connection?”

  “I have all that, and more. Evan is very tender. It’s just that he’s wild. And so am I. We suit each other. And it’s fun. We play.”


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