Brothers - Dexter's Pack - Liam (Book Four)

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Brothers - Dexter's Pack - Liam (Book Four) Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  His needs took over.

  His body grew a fever for his own completion.

  He needed to put his seed deep within her womb, complete the ritual, take her like a wilding, because there was nothing else that he could do…

  Liam had imagined taking her in the bed. He’d imagined opening her body up against the sheets and pinning her beneath him as he had his wicked way with her, but there was no time – his fever grew…

  He pulled out of her and lifted her from the counter, turning her to face the mirror, he spread her legs, before he thrust his cock right back inside of her.

  He was buried so damn deeply within her, still clenching, channel that he wasn’t sure where he ended and she began.


  They were joined as one.

  His hands gripped her hips and his fingers dug into the curves. He locked his eyes with hers in the mirror, and he lost all sense of control…

  His hips slapped the curves of her backside as he pounded against it, and her fingernails clawed at the counter top as she begged him not to hold anything back…

  She was climbing right back up towards another release, and he was more than desperate to give it to her.

  Agatha noted the way that her mate looked like a wildling with his jet black hungry eyes and the corded muscles that flexed beneath his skin as they strained and locked the closer that he got to finding his own release…

  The white hot heat of friction inside of her built until every inch of her body locked up in expectation – he grunted and growled with each deep erratic thrust – until finally, she cried out at the intensity or the orgasm that ripped through her…

  That hard clench and release of her inner muscles suckled the seed right from his balls. He craned his head back on his neck and the rumble of a growl that rolled through his chest broke free as a howl as he craned his head back on his neck and revelled in the endless, ferocious pleasure that took him…

  Over and over, he thrust his cock to the hilt as he delivered every last drop of his seed into her womb.

  Claimed as his.

  Bonded to him forever.

  His mate.

  His love.

  His life.





  Connor took what his mate offered him and out of sheer devilment; he allowed his fangs to push down just enough to run one against her fingertip and graze her skin – tasting just a sip of her blood against his tongue along with the specially sauced piece of barbecued chicken that tasted even better for it…

  Vicky cocked one eyebrow at her mate and scolded him with just a look…

  “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” she berated him.

  “But, then how are you going to feed me,” Connor offered back with a smug grin that got him zapped for his troubles. “Point taken, love.”

  “Eat the chicken and curb your other appetites for when we are alone,” Vicky said, more than aware of the pack that was gathered around the fire pit outside of Dexter’s cabin.

  Isobel was playing hostess and mother to the pack again, demanding a family cookout, and she’d insisted that Connor and Vicky attend as a small thank you for what they had done.

  Dexter was still a little moody about being left out of fighting the bears. As alpha, he’d wanted to be there…

  “Because not one of them has ever tasted blood before or been bitten,” Connor sorted back.

  “It’s a case of vampires suck and shifters don’t,” Dexter offered with a small grunt of annoyance for the man who had teased him earlier about saving his pack…

  “I do suck…” Connor offered back. “I wholeheartedly admit it. There. Happy?” Connor offered back with a devilish grin and Dexter grunted again.

  “No, it was too easy.” He growled.

  “There’s no pleasing some people,” Connor said, dramatically rolling his eyes towards his mate. “That includes you.”

  “I’ll be pleased when you buy me another castle, and not before,” Vicky offered back in what had become a running joke between them.

  “I did,” Connor shrugged.

  “Did not.” She scowled back. “I’d have remembered that.”

  “I think you might be going a little bit senile…” he teased and she hissed…

  “Are you saying I’m old?”

  “Not … in so many words…” he grimaced.

  He had to wonder if he’d just lynched himself.

  “So, you’re implying it…” Vicky offered him her version of the evil eye…

  “Now, let’s not twist my words, love…”

  “No twisting needed.” She shot back.

  “You’re as old as the man you feel…” he grinned as it took her a moment to think that one through…

  “So, ancient then?” She might have been sitting down on a log, but she still managed to be an imposing sight as her hands went to her hips.

  “Nooo,” Connor slowly shook his head. “Oh, look – it’s George!” he lifted his hand and pointed as the shifter stalked towards them…

  “Don’t change the subject…” Vicky barked back.

  “It’s a dead subject…” Connor grinned.

  “You will be,” Vicky grumbled. “Dead-dead.”

  “Reminder to self to hide all the sharp pointy things in the castle for a few days.” Connor gave her a devilish grin.

  “I can whittle,” Vicky shot back.

  George entered the circle and Isobel thrust a fully loaded plate towards the man’s hands. He had no choice but to take it or wear it.

  “Hungry? Good. Sit. Eat.” Isobel smiled, not giving the man a chance to turn her offer down.

  It wasn’t often that George ventured into their circle, joined in the feasting, and while she had him there she was damn well going to make the most of it.

  “I’d do it before she pulls the earth from beneath your feet with her magic and you end up on your butt,” Dexter warned.

  George wasn’t sure that he wanted to sit. He’d walked over to where the pack was gathered to tell them that he had decided to leave.

  His eyes locked with Isobel’s and she was practically pleading with him to do as she’d asked…

  He sighed inwardly.

  He liked the woman.

  Witch or not – she was soft and caring – he kind of wished he’d been able to have a woman like her in his life as his own mate…

  “I could say pretty please…” Isobel grinned.

  “Or I could zap you…” Vicky offered, and Connor sighed.

  “Must you always zap people?” he asked.

  “I’d like to say no, but you know me too well,” Vicky shrugged.

  George’s beast grumbled within him. The wolf had enjoyed their stay within the pack.

  It might have been a pack full of alpha’s, but his beast felt comfortable being around its own kind, especially as it had no reason to want to claim what Dexter had.

  He’d be gone soon enough.

  Tonight he could enjoy the company of the pack that had grown on him.

  They were family.

  He was going to hate to say goodbye.

  The End.

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