Locker Room Blitz (sWet)

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Locker Room Blitz (sWet) Page 1

by Sadira

  Locker Room Blitz



  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.

  Locker Room Blitz © 2013 Sadira

  Editor: Stephanie Parent

  Cover Art: Marteeka Karland

  Books are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.


  1. 6

  2. 8

  3. 10

  4. 12

  5. 15

  6. 16


  Breaking into the locker room of the local professional football team probably wasn’t the smartest thing Angelica had ever done. Having gone so far as to enter the dressing area near the showers, she figured there was no sense getting cold feet now. She'd done it to get an interview. With any of them. Hell, she didn't care if it was the star quarterback or a third-string reject. She just wanted to talk with someone. What she hadn't counted on was a player already being there when she crept around the corner near the showers.

  The big man sat there nursing some kind of leg injury. Angelica didn't really care at that point. Her heart pounded when his intense green eyes snapped to hers. The forbidding look she saw their nearly buckled her knees and sent her running all at the same time.

  He was dressed only in a white towel which contrasted nicely against his sun-bronzed skin. Muscles rippled with every movement and, for the first time, Angelica realized what she'd gotten herself into. These men were big, powerful men. Built to take the punishment of men equally as big and powerful. A woman like her—slight and thin—had very little hope of fending one of them off if he chose to kick her out. Or worse.

  "What the blue fuck are you doing in here?" He stood, favoring his left leg slightly. Heaven help her, but he towered over her. Angelica had never felt so small in her life!

  "I—" She cleared her throat and said the only thing she could think of. "I'm Angelica Whetter with WSXT radio. You were taken out during the beginning of the third quarter. What does this mean for your team?"

  He blinked at her before sitting down heavily, a grin beginning to curve the harsh angles of what turned into a sensual-looking mouth. "Really? Whetter? WSXT? Are you fucking kidding?"

  Irritation flashed through her. As if she hadn't ever heard that one. "Yes. Really. Surely you could come up with something more original than making fun of my name and the station I work for."

  "How about this then. There's no way you're getting out of this locker room without letting me see if that ridiculous pairing of your name and place of employment fit the woman."

  That persistent shiver that had overtaken her body since she'd first seen this man resumed its torment. She was tempted to tell him to go to hell, but, damn if she didn't want to let him find out. If the size of the tent appearing in the towel was any indication, she could really enjoy herself.

  She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really. Looks like you're not in much of a position to make that happen." She nodded at his leg. "I bet I could outrun you even in my stilettos."

  His smile widened. "Care to make a wager on that?"


  Angelica didn't respond. She simply turned and sprinted for the door as fast as her gold spiked heels would carry her. A warm chuckle tickled her ear as an arm snaked around her and pulled her against a very hard, very warm body. His cock pressed tightly against her ass.

  "Oh, no. You're not going anywhere. And if the way your nipples are poking against that silk blouse are any indication, I don't think you want to go anywhere."

  Lord, he was right. She didn't. But there was no way she could simply give into him without ruining her reputation with the local teams. This was her job, goddammit!

  "Let me go or I do some permanent damage." For emphasis, she rested the heel of her shoe just below his knee. She could rake down his shin to his bare toes and break the delicate bones in his foot if she did it hard enough.

  His answer was to bury his face in the side of her neck and inhale deeply. "You know, I have all kinds of women throwing themselves at me. Every single fucking day of the week. But I don't think I've ever smelled anyone—man or woman—as fucking horny as you smell right now."

  That was it. Her knees went weak and she melted into him. Vic. His name was Vic. She remembered from the last time she'd interviewed the team. He was a linebacker. Angelica might have been at the station longer than just about anyone, but sports just wasn't her thing. Her current assignment was to replace the jock who quit because he hated interviewing jocks better than he was. She hated sports as a rule. But this...yeah. She could get used to this.

  "I might be horny as a motherfucker, but if you don't let me go, you'll be sitting on the sidelines while I get my kicks with your teammates because I will un-man you, Vic. Got it?"

  Vic chuckled, but let her go, backing away from her as Angelica turned around. Hands in the air in a surrendering gesture, Vic continued to move away from her, that maddening grin still firmly in place. His cock still tented the towel wrapped around his waist. Angelica knew there was no way she was passing this up. She was going to fuck Vic. Right there in the locker room. Job be damned. She wanted this.

  With exquisite care, Angelica removed her thong and tossed it to Vic. He caught it easily and brought it to his nose. Closing his eyes, Vic inhaled deeply.

  "Ah, yeah," he groaned. "You're one turned-on woman."

  "I am." Angelica walked to him, pushing on his chest until he sat on the bench in front of the locker. "Think you're..." She glanced at his cock hidden by the terrycloth towel, "up for the challenge?"

  She stood in front of him, between his open thighs. Vic ran his hands up her legs, inching up her short skirt until he found the bare cheeks of her ass. "Oh yeah. I'm definitely up for the challenge."


  He pulled forward sharply, making her lose her balance and catch at his shoulders just to keep upright. Angelica gasped, but did as he urged when he pulled her legs to him until she straddled his hips. Her skirt was hiked up around her hips leaving her open to him. Normally, Angelica insisted on foreplay, but there was really no need. She'd been wet since the moment she saw him. Truth be told, she'd wanted him from that second. But a girl has to play a little hard to get from time to time. In her experience, that just made the man that much more appreciative of what she offered him.

  Expecting Vic to simply push his way inside her weeping cunt, Angelica squealed when he laid her down on the bench and spread her wide. That wicked grin deepened as he lowered his head to her and took a long, slow lick.

  She arched into him, raising her hips to meet his questing tongue. A soft cry escaped her throat before she could stifle it. Hell, she didn't want to keep quiet, but had the feeling it might be the best thing at the moment. If anyone else from the team caught her...well. As appealing as it sounded in fantasy, she doubted the real thing would be her style.

  "Mmmmm... I knew you'd taste sweet," Vic said between licks. "So good. So hot." Then he latched on to her cunt again and Angelica's eyes crossed.

  "Oh, fuck yeah!" Pleasure zinged through her lower body, centering on her clit where Vic provided such wonderful stimulation. The man was seriousl
y talented with his tongue and mouth.

  "You like that, huh?"

  "I do."

  "Do you want to come?"

  "Oh yeah!"

  His warm chuckle vibrated her clit and drove her higher and higher...

  Only for him to pull the fuck back.

  "What the fuck?"

  "Not until you're dancing on my dick, baby. You do that and I'll make you come so hard you'll beg me to fuck you over and over until we both pass out." Well, when he put it like that.

  Angelica sat up, scrambling to climb on top of Vic. He chuckled as he sat up and reached for her. Rough hands slid up her thighs to urge her to straddle him as he pulled a condom out of his locker and sheathed himself.

  She was going to do this. She was really going to do this! Then Vic was sliding into her, filling her with a delicious burn she could easily become addicted to. Once she'd settled herself, Angelica began to move. Slowly at first, then with more vigor until she was dancing on his dick. Just like he'd said.

  "Yeah, baby. That's it. Fuck me good." Vic's rough voice washed over her like warm honey. Angelica had to smile. He was definitely good at this. Better than she'd had in a long while.

  "I'll fuck you. You just make sure you make me come like you promised."


  A vein pulsed in his temple and he bared his teeth at her. Angelica was still fully clothed except for her panties. Never had she been this close to an orgasm and still been fully clothed! He lunged for her and found her mouth with his, demanding, taking what he wanted. Vic's tongue plunged inside her to tangle with her own tongue. Yup. The man definitely had a talented tongue.

  Reaching between them, Vic found her clit and flicked it gently over and over. His other hand gripped her hair, angling her where he wanted her as he continued to ravish her mouth. It was all Angelica needed. Like a shot, she exploded on top of Vic, her cunt pulsing around him, her body seeming to sizzle in the volatile heat.

  Angelica screamed then, unable to contain herself as pleasure washed over and through her. Vic groaned appreciatively, but kept urging her on, encouraging her to ride him even as the spasms made her body convulse.

  "That's it, baby. Come for me." His praise was as erotic as that sexy voice of his. Angelica loved doing what he commanded. It made her feel out of control. Wild.

  Gripping at his shoulders, Angelica impaled herself as hard, fast, and deep as she could. It was hard to keep a steady rhythm when her body was gripped in wondrous pleasure, but Vic helped her move so she really didn't have to do much. His strong hands at her waist urged her on, taking control when she was too caught up in her orgasm.

  Muscles stood out in stark relief across Vic's chest and arms. When she calmed down, she fully intended to roam her hands over every defined inch of his body. Maybe, after this was all over, assuming she still had a job, she'd ask to be permanently transferred to the sports section. If all sporting events were this much fun, she might learn to enjoy herself.

  As she came down from the orgasmic high, Angelica was aware of Vic still hard and throbbing inside her. His grin told her he wasn't nearly finished.

  "Lose the blouse if you want to keep it. Linebackers aren't known for their delicate touch. In about another three seconds, I'm undoing the buttons myself and they might not survive the attempt."

  With a grin and a carefree laugh, Angelica did as he instructed, divesting herself of her silk blouse and lacey bra, as well as shimmying out of her skirt. She started to remove her shoes as well, but Vic batted her hands away impatiently. He grunted. It seemed all he was capable of at the moment. His eyes devoured her, going hungry and filled with so much lust Angelica almost backed away. Almost.

  Strong hands lifted her easily. He urged her to straddle the bench, her legs spread wide. Vic gripped one hip, fingers digging deep into her skin, pushing her back down with the other hand so that she lay with her breasts mashed against the bench, standing with her ass high in the air.

  Angelica had never liked the "tramp stamp" tattoos some girls got low on their backs, but she'd wanted some kind of tatt. Instead of something usual, she'd opted for the unusual. Two green cat's eyes adorned the dimples just above her ass. She was proud of the little decorations, especially now.

  "Ah, yeah," Vic whispered, rubbing her ass with his rough hands. "Such a naughty little girl with such a tight little ass. I bet those eyes drive your lovers wild."

  She wiggled it at him, hoping to entice him to do more than rub it. "You like?"

  "Definitely." Just as she'd hoped, he smacked the left cheek with the flat of his hand once. Then again.

  "Fuck," she groaned, raising her hips higher. "Do that again." He smacked the other cheek before dipping his other hand between her legs and rubbing her wet pussy in long, rough caresses.

  The primitive actions seemed to snowball within Vic. He growled and grunted, sounding more animalistic than man. Angelica loved it! Especially when his hand came down on her cunt in a smart slap. She squealed, but pushed back against him, wanting more.

  "Oh, yeah," she moaned, looking back over her shoulder at him. "Do it again!"

  He complied with another sharp smack. God, how her pussy tingled! Angelica had never really been multi-orgasmic, but she knew she'd come again under this man's touch. Not only come, but revel in it!

  Vic bent to bury his face in her upturned pussy, licking with long, penetrating swipes of his tongue. The way he snarled and slurped, Angelica would have thought he was a man starving for the taste of a woman, but she knew he could have—and did have—any woman he wanted. The pressure of the game must have heightened his sexual needs. Which was just fine with Angelica.

  Again, he slapped her ass. Twice more and Angelica wiggled, needing to entice him to fuck her again. She saw as his eyes fastened once more to the tattoos on her lower back as if mesmerized by their green depths.

  Moving into position, Vic eased his cock into her. Immediately, the sensation of needing to come was overwhelming, but remained out of reach. She bared her teeth at him as sweat erupted over her skin, dampening their erotic glide. One of Vic's hands still gripped her hip while the other trailed up and down her spine, as if petting a cat. The irony wasn't lost on Angelica and she smiled.

  She pushed back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust until the air was filled with the sounds of their groans, flesh slapping against flesh, and the unmistakable scent of sweat and sex. Anyone entering the locker room wouldn't fail to notice what had been going on. That thought turned her on even more.

  As the tempo increased, Vic gripped both her hips tightly, pulling her back to him more than allowing her to meet him on her own. It was all Angelica could do to hang on to the bench and not lose her balance and go skittering off the side. Even though she straddled it, her feet on the floor, it was narrow and Vic was vigorous. It was all too much. Too much to think about, too much to keep up with. There was no way she could take in everything happening to her and fight off her orgasm too.

  Her breath came in ragged gasps as the pressure built and built until finally, she let go with a keening cry. Head thrashing, body trembling, Angelica came like she'd never come before. Fluid ejaculated from her cunt, bathing Vic's balls with her release. Later, she'd be embarrassed at having made a mess, but, right that moment, she couldn’t give two shits. It felt fucking good!

  Her orgasm seemed to trigger Vic's because he gave a hoarse shout and pulled her to him roughly, burying himself deep, his cock pulsing with his own release. He smacked her ass another couple of times as he continued to throb inside her aching cunt. Never in all her sexual history had Angelica been fucked so thoroughly or so well. She was completely and totally satisfied.

  Legs finally giving out, she lay forward on the bench, Vic draped over her. He kissed the back of her neck and the side of her face, moving her hair out of the way and over her shoulder. She glanced at him and was met with a brilliant smile.


  "I gotta say," he murmured, "that was some ride."

  "Totally," she agreed.

  Vic levered himself up and helped her to her feet. He checked the time and the game on TV. "You've got a couple minutes if you want to wash. I don't' suggest you be in here when the team comes back. Coach frowns on us gang banging pretty women in the locker." His cheeky grin made her laugh.

  "No, that probably wouldn't be the best option, fun though it sounds. Doing an entire football team would be...chafing."

  Vic burst out laughing, throwing his head back in a good belly laugh. "You are one twisted woman, Angelica. But I like you."

  She winked before going to the showers to wash the combination of her own juices and the condom lubrication from between her thighs. When she finished, Vic handed her a towel. She dressed, minus her thong, before turning to him again.

  "You keep the panties," she said, looking him up and down, wanting to eat him alive again. He was definitely a hot-looking man. All muscles and brawn, just the perfect amount of body hair too. "I'll never forget this, but I want you to remember it too."

  "No worries there." He grinned. "Hey, do you have a card or something? Maybe we could get together again."

  There was no way she could keep the smile off her face. "Oh, I'd definitely like that." She handed him a card with her personal cell scribbled on the back of it. "Give me a call sometime. We'll...see what comes up." She turned then, heading for her car. Screw the interview. She'd think of something to tell her boss. Right now, she just wanted to get home and into bed. After sex like that, she knew she'd sleep like a baby.


  Two Months Later...

  Angelica sat on the couch, her cat snuggled in her lap, her favorite terry robe wrapped around her. Insomnia had hit with a vengeance since her romp with Vic. The hot chocolate did little to dispel the cold running through her body. She simply couldn't get that sex in the locker room out of her head! That had been the best experience of her life. No matter how much she masturbated, no matter how many lovers she sought out, she couldn't match the intensity Vic had inspired in her. Combine that with the fact that the last truly good night's sleep had been right after she'd gotten home after the best sex of her life, and Angelica was one pissed-off queen bitch.


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