The Player and the Tattoo Artist (New Hampshire Bears Book 8)

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The Player and the Tattoo Artist (New Hampshire Bears Book 8) Page 4

by Mary Smith

  I’m in awe of his stick handling and watch him handle the puck. He’s mesmerizing. It’s clear to see he is extremely talented and passionate about the game. I watch him raise his stick and slap the puck. It sails over the goalie’s left shoulder. He scored! Alden scored! Kace and I are on our feet. I’m cheering loudly as the Bears celebrate, hugging Alden, and high-fiving each other.

  “Mom! Mom! He got a goal! He got a goal!” Kace is screaming and jumping.

  “I saw, baby.” I beam at him.

  I’m on pins and needles as the game continues. I can’t look away as the minutes tick by. I stare at the puck with more emotion than I should. Alden hits the ice again. I hold my breath as he takes his place in front of the net. I’m not sure why he’s just standing there but a couple of seconds later, he’s banging his stick on the ice. The puck is passed to him by the hugest player—or guy—I’ve ever seen. Alden stops it, spins, and shoots it right past the goalie again.

  We all go crazy.

  The team goes through the celebration again and I’m about to burst with happiness. I didn’t realize how a hockey game can put you through such emotions. It’s almost as exhausting as good sex.

  Poor Kace may lose his voice as he continues to cheer until the final buzzer. I thought it would be time to leave but my son informs we have to wait for the three stars to be announced. I remain seated as the stars come across the jumbotron. Alden is named number one.

  My phone vibrates several times. I figure it’s Rocco with his excuse of forgetting Kace, instead, it’s Alden.

  Alden: Come to the west side of the building. Show your badges.

  “Come on.” I show Kace the message and we begin to shuffle with the crowd.

  He is bouncing foot to foot and ready to run at any moment. I can’t stop smiling seeing how happy he is right now.

  Security is quick to stop us but Kace holds up his badge. “It’s okay Alden Brockman is my friend.”

  The guard tries to hide his smile and eases both of us through. There’s a small crowd of people standing in the hallway. I’m not sure where to go or what to do, so Kace and I stand toward the back against the wall.


  I turn to the sound of my name. “Yes?”

  A very pretty, younger girl smiles. It’s plain to see she’s related to Alden. They have the same shaped face, black hair, and dark brown eyes. The difference is I don’t see any tattoos.

  “I’m Amara, Alden’s sister.” She holds out her hand. “This is our mother, Elizabeth.”

  I shake her hand and their mothers. “Nice to meet you both. This is my son Kace.”

  “I’m Alden’s biggest fan.” He pipes up quickly, making us all giggle.

  “It’s nice to meet my son’s biggest fan.” Elizabeth answers him. Her French accent is much deeper than Aldens and Amaras.

  “Alden has spoken quite fondly of you and Kace.” Amara has the same facial expression as Alden. It’s like there’s something else behind it – a different meaning.

  She knows we’ve had sex.

  “Baylor.” Nova, the female from earlier, makes her way through the small crowd. “May I speak to you?”

  “We’ll watch Kace,” Elizabeth says.

  I nod and tap my son’s shoulder. His eyes are locked on the side door. “I’m going to step over here. Do not move.”

  “Okay.” He quickly states but doesn’t look at me.

  I follow Nova away from the crowd toward an older man. He’s in a suit but has a serious beer belly and balding hair.

  “Baylor, this is Oliver Matthews the owner of the Bears.” Nova introduces me.

  “It’s great to meet you.” Mr. Matthews holds out his hand.

  “Same here.” I shake it. “I’m unsure why I’m here though.” I glance between them.

  “The Bears sponsor the Cubs league and tonight your son won a spot on the team.” Nova beams. “We’re happy to have Kace join the league. You’ll just need to sign these.” Nova pulls out a few sheets of paper from her large purse. “Everything is paid for as long as he’s a Cub.”

  My mouth drops. He won? He won. “Oh my.” I take the papers from her. “Um...when does he start?”

  “Tomorrow is the beginning of practice for the spring season,” Nova says.

  “We’ll just need his measurements,” Mr. Matthews says. “This way his equipment will be ready for him.”

  “…I’m not sure what to say.” I hold the papers tightly.

  “You don’t have to say anything. We’re excited to have Kace join our little league,” Mr. Matthews says.

  “Thank you.” I borrow Nova’s pen and sign the papers. I even write down his sizes.

  “Bring Kace over. I’d love to meet the little guy.” Mr. Matthews nods over to where my son stands.

  I call for Kace and he races over to me. I introduce him to Mr. Matthews and Kace politely shakes his hands.

  “Son, do you remember when Miss Nova came over and talked about the drawing tonight?”

  He nods.

  “You won, Kace.” I announce brightly. “You’re a Cub starting tomorrow.”

  I watch as his face goes from shock to pure elation. He then jumps up with his fists in the air and then hugs us all. I try to calm him down but it’s impossible. I thank Mr. Matthews and Nova again then take Kace back over to Amara and Elizabeth. Kace excitedly tells them about joining the Cubs. My son’s day had started shitty but look at him now. It’s a dream come true for him. All he’s ever wanted was to be on a hockey team. It’s all he’s talked about since he learned how to skate. Now, it’s happening for him.

  About thirty minutes later, the Bears players begin to come out from the side door. Several of them hug and kiss females, some kids call out ‘dad’, and it dawns on me – this is the family entrance. I should have realized this when Alden’s family introduced themselves to us. Sometimes I’m the biggest dork.

  As soon as Alden walks out, Kace bolts for him. Before I can grab him, Kace wraps his arms around Alden and begins to tell him about being a Cub now. I watch in awe as Alden listens to every word Kace says and even inputs some advice. I can’t hear everything they’re saying but Kace’s face goes into shock and slowly a smile grows back before hugging Alden again.

  “Your son is adorable,” Amara says.

  “He is and very smart,” I proudly tell her.

  “You should come to dinner with us.” Elizabeth suggests.

  “Thank you but no.” I’m certain they’ll go somewhere I could never afford.

  “Please.” Amara almost begs. “You’ll have loads of fun.”

  “Truly, thank you, but—”

  “Mom.” Kace cuts me off. “We’re going to go to dinner with everyone.”

  “…” I try to think of a way to break the news we can’t go when Alden suddenly hugs me.

  “You’re going to dinner. No arguments,” he whispers in my ear.

  Alden’s fresh shower scent makes my knees weak. I nod because words elude me. When he releases me, he gives my ass a pinch. I try my best not to blush or yelp since so many people are around us. He winks as he turns back to his family.

  “Mom, can I ride with Alden?”

  Before I can answer Alden takes Kace’s hand. “Come on, Buddy, you most certainly can ride with me.”

  “Baylor, you will ride with us.” Amara adds.

  “I have my own car,” I say.

  “Leave it here. It’ll be fine. Come on.” Amara has all the answers.

  There’s no point in arguing with anyone. Elizabeth hooks her elbow with mine and she guides me down the hall behind Alden and Kace.

  “Are you married?” she softly asks.


  “Seeing anyone?”

  “No.” Even though I want to be with Alden.

  “Alden loves your work on his tattoos.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re extremely talented.” Elizabeth states as we walk into the parking garage.

>   “I’d love to see what you would come up with for me,” Amara says and points to her car.

  “Kace.” I gently gain his attention. “Buckle up and don’t touch anything.” Alden’s car has enough buttons and gadgets in there to run a spaceship.

  “Promise.” He waves as Alden winks at me.

  “I’ll be careful.” Alden opens the passenger side car door and lets Kace in.

  I feel nervous because I don’t let Kace go with just anyone. Usually only Aunt Lois and myself. I slide into the backseat of Amara’s Lexus. This car costs more than my house. Then again, my house is just a simple one story. It’s small but works for us. Plus, the payment is affordable.

  I take my mind off it by asking Amara about tattoos.

  “I don’t have any right now but seeing Alden’s work makes me want something special.”

  “Baylor, your work is really superb,” Elizabeth says again.

  “Do you have any?”

  She pulls up her right sleeve. Inked into her skin are two different years. “My babies.”

  “ sweet.”

  “They are my greatest pleasure.” Elizabeth smiles.

  “Kace is mine as well.”

  Amara talks about her nursing school and love of reading as we pull up to the steakhouse. She seems well rounded. I want to ask about their father, but I’m certain it’s private. The nosy part of me is dying to know.

  “Mom, I broke Alden’s radio,” Kace sadly tells me.

  “What?” I exclaim as my heart jumps into my throat.

  He and Alden laugh. “Told you she’d flip.” Alden bumps his fist.

  “Not funny.” I hiss eyeing both of them.

  Alden is still chuckling as he says, “Let’s go in.”

  We all walk in together and I feel so self-conscious of my outfit. I have on dark skinny jeans with a white cable knit sweater. My hair is down in its natural waves. Had I known I would be coming here I would’ve dressed up.

  “Alden plays jokes all the time. Don’t worry yourself.” Elizabeth smiles, patting my back.

  “I know.” I nod back to her.

  The host tells Alden all that is available is a round table for four. I’m about to suggest we can leave when he says it’s fine and to bring over an extra chair and place setting.

  Alden pulls out the seats for his mom and sister. Kace watches him and then does the same for me.

  “Thank you,” I say, sitting down.

  “I can’t push you in because you’re too heavy.” His voice is louder than it should be, plopping down in the seat next to me.

  “Thanks, Kace.” I shake my head. At least he is honest.

  “You’re not heavy at all,” Alden whispers in my ear as he takes his place on the other side of me.

  Very close to me.

  He pushes his leg against mine and places his arm around the back of my chair. He leans over me and says to Kace, “You want to order a big steak like I’m going to get.”

  Kace looks up at me. I nod slightly. “Whatever you don’t eat we can take home.”

  “You’ll get a steak too, Mom?”

  “Nah, I’m thinking a salad.” Or something else horribly cheap.

  “No way.” Alden sits back up. “We’re all here to celebrate Kace’s big day. Everyone is getting a steak.”

  “I’m in,” Amara says and Elizabeth agrees as well.

  When the waiter comes Alden takes charge and orders for us all. I’m not sure how he knew how I liked my steak cooked, but he did. He even ordered a pie for dessert.

  “Mom, Alden said I can come practice with him next week. Isn’t that awesome?’

  “Yes, it is.” My son wasn’t even this happy on Christmas when I got him an Xbox One.

  “Are you excited to join your new team?” Amara questions.

  “I am. I can’t wait to make new friends because I don’t have any right now.” He doesn’t even sound sad about it. However, my heart sinks.

  “You’re just too cool for the ones at school.” Alden pipes in.

  “I guess.” Kace shrugs. “It’s because they think Mom is strange with her tattoos. They just don’t how awesome she is.” He smiles at me.

  My heart breaks for my son. He needs friends.

  “Your mom is beyond awesome.” Alden speaks up.

  “You don’t worry about what they say.” Elizabeth pats Kace’s back. “Those fools will drift away from your life, but your mother will never fade.”

  Tears burn behind my eyes from her beautiful words.

  “Exactly.” He agrees. “And now I have Alden too.”

  “That’s scary.” Amara mumbles with a hidden smile.

  “Do you not like Alden?” He asks. I can’t process past his words because I’m thinking about how he has Alden.

  Amara leans her elbows on the table. “Alden is my best friend. He’s loyal, kind, and funny. When I was sick he would read to me and rub my back. He would help me with my homework too. But most of all Alden is always there for us no matter what’s going in his world.”

  I glance at Alden, who is smiling brightly.

  “Now, why did you go and be all nice? I’m already buying dinner.”

  “Shut up.” She smacks his shoulder with laughter. “Kace, he’s a jokester, but a great guy.”

  I’m not sure if she said all those amazing things for my benefit or not. However, I know Alden’s sex life is vast. He’s a player and a big one. There’s no way he’s a one woman guy.

  The food arrives and Elizabeth is quick to help Kace. I watch them as Alden’s hand is high on my thigh. He gives it a hard squeeze and I gently brush his hand away. I focus on my food, but it’s difficult since I’m imagining Alden’s hands on my bare skin.

  “Baylor, Alden says you own your own shop.” Elizabeth brings the attention to me.

  “I do. I recently added three more artists as well.” I go into who the girls are and what they specialize in.

  As we finish our dinner and box up Kace’s leftovers, the pie comes. No one wants any so Alden makes the waiter box it up, then forces me to take it as well. I try to offer to pay our portion, but Alden glares at me.

  Elizabeth and Amara both hug Kace and me before going to Amara’s car. Alden carries our food to his car and we follow.

  “Buckle up,” I tell Kace as he climbs into the back seat.


  “Yea, Buddy.” Alden pulls out of the lot toward my place.

  “Thank you for a great evening.”

  “You’re welcome. I had a good feeling about you winning.”

  I smile at their conversation and then a question hits me. Did Alden rig the drawing? Why did Nova come to me? Shouldn’t there have been a signup? Those forms were partially filled out. Why? I know why...Alden did set this up. I should have known. I feel a bit betrayed but part of me wants to thank him for this gift. Kace wants nothing more than to be on a hockey team.

  Alden pulls up next to my extremely used, older car. I shouldn’t be embarrassed, but I am. His car barely has two thousand miles on it and mine is almost at two hundred thousand. He jumps out of his side and Kace does the same. Together they put the food in my car.

  “Bye, Alden.” Kace hugs him. “Can I text you so we can skate together?”

  “Yes. I’m in town Wednesday and Thursday. I can do either of those days.”

  He steps back. “I’ll have to check my schedule.” He jokes.

  “Kace, go ahead and get in the car,” I tell him and step closer to Alden. “You did that didn’t you?”

  “Did what?” He furrows his brow.

  “Don’t lie. You got Kace in the Cubs league. You’re the one paying for his equipment. Aren’t you?” The final epiphany hit me a moment ago.

  Alden says nothing.

  “Your silence tells me I’m right.”

  He sighs. “A kid needs sports. Kace needs friends. Let me do this.”

  His short quick sentences make valid points, but I’m still mad. “I’m paying you back.











  We glare at each other for a full ten seconds before Alden smiles. “You want to pay me back?”

  I nod.

  “Then you have to go on date with me.”


  “You heard me.”

  “You don’t date. You fuck ‘em and leave ‘em.” I can’t believe he would even make a suggestion of this kind. Wait? It’s sex. He’s wanting sex and clouding it with the word date.

  “Yes, you are correct. However, this time I want to date.”

  “You want to fuck me.”

  “Oh, you’re not wrong at all.”

  “I’m right. This is a ploy and you’re using Kace as a pawn.” I cross my arms and glower deeply at him. “How could you stoop so low?”

  Alden frowns. “First, I would not use Kace to get you into bed. That’s a dick move, and I’m not one to do that to kids. Kace deserves a good role model since his father has forgotten about him. Second, I can fuck anyone I want. I have plenty of hookups I can call. But I don’t want them.” He leans down putting us nose-to-nose. “I’ll do you one better. We’ll go on the date, and I won’t even make a pass. You have to be the first to make the call.”

  My mouth drops. I can’t believe he’s being serious or is he lying? Damn, I can’t tell.

  “I’m going home.”

  Alden blocks my path. “Answer me.”

  “Not now.” I brush past him. “Thank you again.”

  I jump in the car and quickly get the hell away from him and his drop dead gorgeous body.

  Chapter Five


  I KEEP POKING Nathan with my hockey stick to piss him off even more. He’s trying to focus on practice, but the play calls for me to hug the net.

  “Alden, you prick!” Nathan shoves me after I score on him.

  “Aren’t you glad I’m on your team?” I joke.

  He rolls his eyes. “Not right now.”

  “Again!” Coach yells and we all line up again.

  For the next couple hours, we learn more new plays Coach and the staff came up with for our next few games. It’s March, which means the season is coming closer to an end. The playoffs are what we’re focused on. The Bears are sitting pretty at number one in the league. No one would have thought a couple of seasons ago we would be here because we were dead last. Nonetheless, everyone kept believing in us and here we are. We’ve all worked extremely hard for this.


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