The Prince of Machines (The Last Mechanics)

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The Prince of Machines (The Last Mechanics) Page 7

by Holly Law

  “Lady Lenora,” Asinoa asked Lenora politely, smiling with all her beautiful white teeth, “where did Elisha get her dress? Who gave it to her?”

  “The seamstress works in the Golden Needle,” Lenora informed her, naming the most expensive shop in town. Elisha’s stomach churned at that admission. “And it is a gift from her benefactor. There is one in town who has decided to sponsor her at the school. He seems to think her a worthwhile student with much promise.”

  That news seemed to bother Asinoa. Clearly, she hadn’t thought someone besides Lenora would have offered anything towards the improvement of Elisha. The shop involved also spoke of much money, and Asinoa clearly thought it had been a waste of money. Elisha could only agree with her, though she didn’t voice that opinion out loud for fear of disappointing Lenora.

  Dinner continued on for a few minutes, and Elisha hoped silently that her presence would be forgotten. She ate with caution to prevent any notice from being turned in her direction. It was just before dessert that Lenora was called away from dinner by a servant. That was something unusual and all watched her leave.

  “I heard some interesting gossip about the Prince the other day,” Demisi said softly across the table. Elisha cringed internally. There was always gossip about the Prince when Lenora wasn’t present. Lenora disliked such talk and would silence it instantly when she returned. The other girls, instead of fearing Lenora’s return, listened to Demisi with great interest. “I heard he has a palace the size of the city in Melink, and it’s made entirely of marble.”

  “I heard he has a great zoo filled with every animal in the world,” Hillina added.

  “I hear he has machines that fulfill his every whim,” Demisi told them. “And that he has some ancient mechanic working on machines for him all the time and he keeps him trapped in a dark cave.”

  “I hear, he’s very powerful,” Asinoa said sipping her wine imperiously. “That he is among the Havalla—the Creators, for those of you who don’t speak old Melinkin. He’s a king among them.”

  “The ruler of the Creators was evil,” Elisha found herself saying, in spite of herself. “You would have a difficult time convincing me the Prince is evil.” Elisha had met the Prince only briefly, but she found that she wanted to defend him. He had been very kind to her. And his smile had been so genuine.

  “Don’t take her seriously, Elisha,” Stefana said, looking equally unhappy and annoyed. “Everyone knows the mechanics trapped the ruler of the Creators in a prison nearly a thousand years ago. He won’t escape from that, and even if he did, what would such a powerful ruler want with a poor city like Sumvale?”

  “The house the Prince moved into is said to be one of the ruler’s many palaces,” Hillina volunteered. “That’s why it’s so beautiful. I think it more likely that people related the Prince to him because of that and not because the rumors truly have any merit.”

  Demisi smiled then, and it was a wicked little smile. She leaned forward and whispered. “A woman at the jewelers the other day told me that the Prince has a palace in Melink reserved for his mistresses and concubines, of which she was certain he had at least a hundred.”

  “I heard that, too,” Asinoa agreed instantly.

  “I have important news for you,” Lenora said entering the room, an invitation resting in her hand. Everyone looked at her eagerly. “We have all been invited to a dinner party at the Prince’s manor in one week’s time.” That announcement caused instant commotion at the table. Everyone was excited and talking. They seemed to think it the best news ever. All except Elisha. The thought of attending such a party was a horrible one. She could only humiliate herself there and expose herself to the ridicule of all the prominent people in Sumvale. Elisha hoped Lenora did not mean for her to attend.

  “I’ll have father order an outfit for me at once,” Asinoa declared.

  “Yes, do child,” Lenora agreed easily. “All of you should prepare, but I must warn you, in order to attend this party, you will each be required to pass several tests. I will not permit anyone lacking in etiquette, manners, and dance to attend. If you do not pass, you will not attend. Is that understood?” All the girls readily agreed that they understood.

  Elisha felt relieved at that announcement. She could not possibly pass any of the tests to go to such an event. She didn’t need to worry about the party after all. The tests caused her no concern either. Not passing them would make her life much easier. She smiled and hoped the others did not understand why she was so pleased.

  Chapter 10

  Elisha had spent the past three hours after dinner tinkering with various machines. She felt very proud of her work. Assorted machines whirled around her desk doing different things. Some she had repaired and others she had made herself. She knew Lenora would be pleased with those machines. Lenora was always very impressed when she presented her with a machine that had never existed before.

  Lenora would not be pleased however, that she had been neglecting her homework. She was supposed to be reading several chapters that night. Some of it was poetry, some chapters out of a novel they were critiquing, there was a chapter on party etiquette as well, and another was a book on politics in the past hundred years. Elisha felt no interest in any of it. It was all aimed at preparing them for their tests to go to the party. Tests Elisha knew she would not pass anyway and would not waste her time preparing for.

  It was very late and Elisha still did not feel tired. She paced her room briefly trying to think of what to do next. She had no more machines to work on. Homework was out of the question. It took her only a few seconds to decide to go visit her brother.

  Elisha went to the door and hesitated. Lenora would not be pleased if she caught Elisha out of bed. She didn’t like any of the girls wandering the hallways at night; she thought it inappropriate for women of their stature. Elisha knew that part of the restriction was because her brother was in the building, and Lenora didn’t want him seeing the girls in their nightgowns. Elisha didn’t care about that. Eldwin was her brother, and he wouldn’t care.

  Carefully, Elisha pulled the door open, ensuring it didn’t make a sound. She stepped into the hallway in her padded slippers and carefully snuck down the hall, stepping around some of the more squeaky boards. She reached the staircase and could hear Lenora speaking with someone in her office just slightly down the hall. Elisha took care even with her breath to not alert attention as she began descending to the first floor. She was nearly down the stairs when she heard Lenora’s door open and someone exit. She started trying to hurry, but it was too late. As she neared the bottom, she was clearly seen.

  “Elisha?” a man’s voice called softly. Elisha cringed as she looked over her shoulder and up the stairs. The Prince stood at the top of the staircase. He was clearly surprised to see her, and Elisha was instantly embarrassed. She was immensely self-conscious that she was in her nightgown as he walked down the stairs towards her.

  “Your highness,” Elisha murmured softly, curtsying respectfully.

  The Prince said nothing until he had walked down the full flight of stairs to her. Elisha flushed in embarrassment as he stood before her. “What are you doing out of bed?” the Prince asked her.

  “I’m going to see my brother,” Elisha explained softly. “I haven’t had the chance to see him much the past couple of days.”

  “I see,” the Prince said and something in his tone was critical. “And why are you sneaking?”

  “I was trying not to disturb anyone,” Elisha lied.

  “Are you sure it is not because Lenora requires all her students to stay in their rooms after a certain hour?” the Prince asked her, his blue eyes piercing. Elisha felt all the more uncomfortable and could not make herself answer. “Do not lie to me, Elisha. I do not take well to it. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, your highness,” Elisha said, looking at the floor, wishing more than anything that she could just run and hide.

  “Such behavior does not become you,” the Prince scolded her
softly, but for all his softness his words had an unexpected bite. “You are here to learn what Lenora teaches you and young women of good birth do not sneak around at night. Lenora would be very disappointed in you for such behavior. She trusts you a great deal and gives you more freedoms than the other girls. I see she has placed her trust poorly. She will be as disappointed in you for your actions as I am.”

  Elisha did not reply. She stared hard at the floor, forcing her tears to not come. His words stung her more than any other piece of criticism she had heard that day. She wanted to hide, to be back in her room and away from his piercing voice and disappointed eyes. He had accepted her so readily before, had held no criticism for her being where no other was supposed to be. He had accepted that she was different and had not expected the refined manners of the other girls. He had been so kind to her. That she had disappointed him was a devastating blow.

  “Behavior such as this will not help you attend my party in a week,” the Prince continued, clearly thinking she had not fully understood his disappointment. “A lady does not act in this way.”

  “I am no fine lady, your highness,” Elisha told him softly, in a forced steady voice. “I did not expect to pass those tests to begin with. I have no plans to attend your party. I will go back to bed. I won’t venture out at night again.” She made that promise easily and she meant it. She started back up the stairs, wanting to flee the horrible situation.

  The Prince caught her arm. It was not a rough gesture, but there was strength in that grasp and she could not continue up the stairs. Elisha stared straight ahead, hoping he would just let her go. “I think you underestimate yourself, Elisha,” the Prince told her. “You can pass those tests. Why do you doubt yourself?”

  “I lack knowledge needed on all areas of the tests,” Elisha said a bit coldly. “And even if I could pass the tests, I would not want to attend your party anyway. I have no business at such an event, and I would fit in poorly.” She tried to pull her arm away to continue, but he held her fast and stepped onto the stair beside her, trapping her more thoroughly.

  “I think you would be just fine, Elisha,” the Prince told her. “Lenora has had much good to say about you, I would think you her most promising student. I have heard you looked quite lovely in your new dress. Dressed correctly no one there would question your right to attend, and if any insulted you, I would take care of it.”

  Elisha did not reply and did not look at him. She wanted nothing more than to be back upstairs in her room and away from the Prince. She wanted to hide in her bed and cry. She wanted the night to be over. She wanted to be free from the humiliation.

  “If you come, I will save you a dance,” the Prince promised her. “But enough of this talk. Before you go to bed, you must face Lenora for your deception.” The Prince started to pull her up the stairs until he realized she would cooperate and let go of her. He knocked briefly on the office door before he pushed it open. Elisha stepped into the room first, followed by the Prince. Lenora looked surprised by their abrupt intrusion. “Forgive my intrusion, Lenora. I found this student wandering the hallways, against your orders. I thought I would turn her over to you.”

  “Thank you, my Prince,” Lenora said rising from her desk to approach them. Disappointment was clear in Lenora’s face and that made it all the harder for Elisha to fight back tears. She would not cry before both of them. She simply would not do it. The more she thought about it, the closer the tears came.

  “She also has informed me she has no intention of putting any effort into the tests to attend my party,” the Prince told Lenora, and Elisha felt the corners of her eyes grow wet. She would not cry. She would not cry. “She seems to think she lacks the knowledge to go and doubts her ability to fit in. I trust you will remedy this situation. I was looking forward to sharing a dance with her.”

  “Yes, I will do what I can,” Lenora said at once. Lenora glanced briefly at Elisha’s face, and Elisha knew the woman could see the beginning of the tears forming in her eyes. “It is very late, my Prince. Let me deal with Elisha and get her to bed. I will see you in a week?”

  “You shall. Good night, Lenora, Elisha,” the Prince said politely and left.

  When the door closed, Elisha found tears flowed from her eyes. Elisha tried to stop them, but they would not stop. Elisha closed her eyes tightly in shame. She felt humiliated and had hoped to save her tears for the privacy of her room.

  “Why were you out of bed, Elisha?” Lenora asked her calmly.

  “I just wanted to see my brother. I haven’t seen him all week,” Elisha sobbed. “I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. I know you don’t want him seeing the others dressed for bed, but he’s my brother. I didn’t see any harm in it.”

  “Your brother is far from my only concern,” Lenora said in the same unshakeable calm she always possessed. “The Prince frequently comes to see me at night, so as not to disturb the learning here during the day. If you are embarrassed you should be. Do not sneak out again.”

  “I won’t,” Elisha promised earnestly, she still could not make herself look at Lenora.

  “Good. Calm yourself, Elisha. You will be in no further trouble from me. You have already learned your lesson, I can tell that clearly. The Prince scolded you for your actions?”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Then he has dealt with the issue at hand. Now tell me, what is this he mentioned about you not going to the party?”

  “I have no business there,” Elisha said quickly, her sobs coming hard. “I’m no fine lady to go to something like that. You are trying so hard with me, and I appreciate your effort, but I’m not like the other girls. I would be laughed at if I went to the Prince’s party. Everyone knows I’m a worthless orphan. It would be humiliating. Please, even if I can pass the tests, don’t make me go!” Elisha begged, and a sob followed.

  Lenora was silent for a long moment. Then Elisha felt Lenora’s arms wrap around her and hug her. “Shh,” Lenora said trying to calm her. “I would never let you be humiliated, Elisha. Do you think I’m so horrible?” Elisha shook her head. “You will not be humiliated, and I don’t think the Prince would let anyone insult you. You have grown so much, Elisha; you can’t even see for yourself how much. I want you to go to that party and shine like the wonderful diamond you are. You are very much like a diamond, you know. Diamonds are not so beautiful and perfect when they come out of the ground. The average person would pass them by and not know their value. I have full confidence in you. Go to bed and try to relax. Don’t let the party be a source of stress for you.”

  Chapter 11

  Eldwin was getting very tired of cleaning the tile in the main entrance. It seemed like every day there was more mud and dirt on it. Lenora expected it to look perfect for anyone who came to visit. He had been spending his evenings working on a machine to scrub the floor in the future so he wouldn’t have to.

  He was nearly done scrubbing the floor when there came a knock on the door. Eldwin sighed and looked at the floor sourly. Whoever was on the other side was likely to track more dirt and mud on the now shining tile. It made him hate the floor all the more. No one else came to get the door, knowing he was working by it. He opened it and was startled by who he saw on the other side.

  Amalia smiled at him, looking as radiant as a sunrise. Eldwin was dumbstruck by her sudden presence. “Hello, Eldwin,” Amalia said pleasantly.

  “Amalia, I didn’t expect to see you again,” Eldwin told her.

  Amalia laughed lightly as he opened the door wider for her to come in, no longer caring about the footprints and mud. “I had hoped to see you on this visit, Eldwin. You were very helpful to me the other day, and I can’t thank you enough. I hope I will have more time to talk with you later,” Amalia told him, and her eyes were honest. “Where are the girls gathering to learn how to dance?”

  “Up the stairs, down the hall and on the right,” Eldwin informed her. “Are you here to learn to dance as well?”

  Amalia laughed an
d Eldwin didn’t understand. “I am their teacher, Eldwin. I am very well known in Melink for my dancing abilities. Perhaps you will see some day. I will see you later, Eldwin.”

  Eldwin was polishing the staircase when the girls came out of the room. They were all talking and laughing. None even noticed him as he worked. His sister could only spare him a fleeting, uneasy smile as she hurried off to her next class, another one of the girls whispering to her. Eldwin looked back at his work and kept rubbing the oil into the wood.

  “You’re such a diligent worker,” Amalia approved from nearby. Eldwin flushed at the compliment and looked up at her. She smiled at him. “Lenora speaks very highly of your work.”

  Eldwin grunted as he sat up. “I doubt that. How did my sister do? Trip over her own feet much?”

  “You should be kinder to your sister than that,” Amalia told him reprovingly. “Elisha was a surprise. I am glad I finally got the chance to meet her. She truly is a very special girl. I know she has had some minor dance lessons up until now, but she definitely has some natural grace. She is also very light on her feet—that is no doubt connected to your slightly…shady past. I hear the two of you did a great deal of running from trouble.”

  “Nothing shady about our past. People tend to think we’re up to mischief when we’re not, that’s all.”

  “I am going searching for more machines this afternoon,” Amalia informed him. “I asked Lenora if she would release you if you were willing to aid me. She said she was, knowing you must desire some fresh air.”

  “I would like nothing more than to get out of here and help you, Amalia,” Eldwin said earnestly. He stood up. “When can we go?”

  “Now if you wish, unless you can’t stop in the middle of this?”


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