Shifter Starter Set

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Shifter Starter Set Page 24

by Candace Ayers

  Home. I couldn’t wait to create a home for our family, me, Carter and Jellybean. I’d seen the fear in her eyes, yes, but I’d also seen the hope. She wanted it just as much as I wanted her. She just needed reassurance. I planned to give her that.

  Carter wasn’t downstairs when I came back down after getting my stuff together. Muddy had let me sleep in a closet-sized room of the B&B since Chelsie still hadn’t removed her stuff from the other room I’d rented. Muddy wasn’t around, either.

  I wished I had Carter’s cell number to call, but I’d leave a note on the front desk where either she or Muddy would see it. I opened my briefcase to look for a piece of paper, but all I found was corporate letter head. It would do.

  As I put pen to paper, I thought of how Carter’s body had trembled in my arms when she told me about her past. She couldn’t even look at me. A pang of guilt shot through me. She had deserved so much better than finding her mate only to learn that he was engaged to another woman. I swore I’d do everything in my power to keep a smile on her beautiful face from now on.

  A grin spread across my face. I remembered an old movie I once saw. She deserved it. I would write her a love letter.

  What kind of shit does someone say in a love letter?

  Turns out, it wasn’t hard at all to pour my heart out on paper. Not when the vision of Carter’s nest of blonde curls, pink cheeks with smears of flour, and buttercream scent was in my head. I let her know I’d be gone for a couple days, and that I would miss her every second I was away. I promised her that when I returned I would do everything in my power to make her happy. Her and Jellybean.

  I meant every word.

  I signed it “With all my heart, Alec,” then folded it in thirds and scrawled Carter on the outside. I paused. What the hell. I drew a little heart next to her name. Fuck, I had it bad.

  I left it propped on the front desk for her, knowing she or Muddy would find it. A slow grin spread across my face as I imagined her reading it. Damn, I needed to get everything taken care of so I could return to her fast.

  It was hell to leave Helen’s Corner and head to the airport. I knew finding a mate would be intense, but I had no clue that wherever I went, my heart would stay with her, remaining in her hands.

  Every other thought in my head was about her. Everything I was doing was to be closer to her. I was giving up everything I’d worked so hard for, but none of that mattered. What had once meant everything to me, no longer did.

  After finding Carter and Jellybean, they became everything.



  Alec was nowhere around when it was time to leave. I briefly considered going upstairs to look for him, but from what Muddy told me, Chelsie hadn’t checked out yet, and I had no desire to run into her.

  Alec had said he had some things to take care of. I wondered if that meant he’d stop by later. I tried not to admit to myself that I felt a certain amount of giddiness at the thought, even though it was still hard for me to envision a happily ever after.

  I was thoroughly enjoying the midday stroll home down Main Street. When I passed Charlie’s shop, CMSD, I glanced through the window and waved. Then paused and looked down at myself.

  Hmm. Maybe I could stop in and see Charlie. For a minute. Just to say hello. Not to buy any cute and sexy undies. Snarling back at my bear’s traitorous urging to dress up for my mate, I jerked open the door and walked in.

  Charlie stood at the counter with a smirk on her face. “If only all my customers looked as pleased about buying lingerie as you, Carter.”

  “I’m not buying. I don’t need any of this.”

  Her lips twisted to the side. “Muddy mentioned that you’re in a pickle.”

  I dug my fists into my sides and made a face. “Muddy’s got a big mouth.”

  “Yeah, tell me something we don’t all already know.” She came out from around the counter with her hands raised. “I come in peace. I also come to show you some options that would look amazing on you. Should you change your mind about buying, that is.”

  She lifted the tape measure from around her neck. “First, arms up.” I raised my arms while she slid her tape measure behind my back and met the ends in front.

  I stayed quiet as she did her measuring, still doubting I’d actually buy anything, until she showed me a pale blue lacy set that I knew would hike up my assets to kingdom come. I lightly touched it and groaned. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “It would look spectacular on you.”

  The bell over the door rang and a muddled, acidic version of Alec’s scent drifted to me. I knew it was Chelsie without looking. My back stiffened and I dropped my hands to my side.

  Without turning around, I blinked at Charlie a few times, attempting to communicate through facial expressions to let her know not to say anything else.

  “Got something in your eye?”

  I closed my eyes and then rolled them to the back of my head. “No. Nothing. I just stopped in to say hello.”

  “Oh, I love that! I’ll take it.” Chelsie wedged herself in between us and fingered the blue lace number. Then, dug in her purse and handed Charlie a credit card. “Well, hello, Carly. I’m surprised to see you here.” She didn’t sound surprised.

  “It’s Carter.”

  She waved a hand like she was dismissing my name correction. “Alec explained all about how you tried to rope him into dumping me so you could sink your gold digging hooks into him.” Chelsie crossed her arms over her chest and looked down her nose like she was scolding me.

  Charlie bristled, but let me handle it.

  I supposed I owed Chelsie an explanation, although I didn’t know exactly what to say. “Look, what happened between Alec and me—”

  “Well, your ploy didn’t work. He’s not stupid enough to throw away a billion-dollar deal for some white trash waitress.”

  My stomach sunk to my toes. What was she saying?

  Charlie handed Chelsie her purchase and quickly backed away, disappearing behind the counter again. I’d have to thank Charlie for abandoning me when I got the chance.

  “I can’t wait to wear this for Alec. He loves when I wear these tiny little things for him. Not that I ever have them on for long.” Her tinkling laughter was like nails on a chalk board. “If you’re wondering where he is, he’s come to his senses. He’s gone back to New York, and our wedding is proceeding as planned.”

  I felt like I’d just crested the highest hill on a roller-coaster ride and was on a fast descent, only the drop was never-ending. “I’ve really got to go.” I edged away, but Chelsie matched my every step. I was torn between wanting to throttle her and wanting to rip my own hair out.

  I glanced at Charlie, but Charlie was mimicking choking Chelsie. No help at all. I made a beeline for the door. But, she followed me outside.

  “You really didn’t think someone like you would snag one of New York’s most eligible bachelors, did you? Alec’s in a completely different league than you. Could you just picture it, him introducing you to his Wall Street buddies? He’d be a laughing stock. This is my girlfriend, the low-rent maid and her snotty little brat.”

  Line crossed. It was one thing to go after me, but my daughter was off limits. I felt the fur on my arms start to emerge. Charlie just watched through the window, wide eyed.

  Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Don’t shift.

  There was no way I would be able to explain away an uncontrolled shift to a non-shifter. I had to get myself under control. But, how dare she insult my child! How dare she call Jellybean names! She didn’t even know her.

  Calm. Calm. Breathe.

  It took several seconds, but I was able to calm my bear enough to feel the hair on my arms recede. I was back in control.

  I balled up my fist and popped the bitch right in the face.



  In the two days since Alec left, I’d managed to burn everything I touched in the kitchen, drive St. Anon crazy, drive Muddy crazy, convince Cannon that I’
d lost my mind, and become an all-around psycho lunatic. Thank god Jellybean was out of town.

  I’d knocked Chelsie’s lights out. She’d been so embarrassed to wake up and find herself flat on her back in the dirt in front of Charlie’s that she’d hightailed it out of town without pressing charges.

  The joke was on me though, because Sheriff Rivers still made me spend a couple hours in a holding cell to calm down, and Chelsie probably ran right home and tried on the blue lace undies for Alec.

  That mental image haunted me.

  Muddy wouldn’t let me work in the kitchen anymore. I was put on cleaning duty until I could get over my baking slump which was back in full force. I hated cleaning duty. It made Alec’s betrayal sting just that much worse.

  At the weekly St. Anon meeting, I was teased for being too negative. They were joking, but it still hit me where it hurt. I couldn’t stop. I was a bristling lump of sorrow and anger. Betrayal sucked. I swayed back and forth between emotions so much that my head hurt constantly.

  I couldn’t believe I’d been stupid enough to start to think about a future with my mate, only for him to up and take off on me. I wanted to punch his lights out. The worst part was that I couldn’t stop hoping that maybe it was all a mistake and that he’d return to me soon. How pitiful.

  If he did return, I sure as shit wouldn’t take him back!

  I couldn’t eat, mainly because everything I made tasted like either chalk, or burnt chalk. I couldn’t sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Chelsie in that fucking blue lace lingerie. I was so exhausted, and hungry, that I couldn’t even shift.

  I made a promise to myself that if I ever saw Alec again, I would maul him to ribbons.

  Imagine my surprise when I answered a knock on my door and stood face to face with the devil himself. He looked hot as…well, hell, and smelled like spiced cake heaven.

  “I missed you, cupcake.”

  My words caught in my throat. I was frozen in shock and horror, a tray of burned muffins in my hand. Alec dragged me into his chest for a hug. I let him, but only because I was stunned stupid

  Fury tore through my veins. How dare he! How dare my mate think he could play a back and forth game between me and Chelsie all for the sake of business! I smacked him upside the head with the tray of muffins. They rolled out on him and fell to the porch floor around us. Then, I slapped the empty tray against his chest and shoved him and the tray back a step, slamming the door shut.

  “Carter?” Alec knocked on the door and tried to open it, but I’d locked it. “That’s not funny.”

  “What’s not funny is you thinking I’d welcome you back after you dumped me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Dumping…? I didn’t du… open up so we can talk, Carter. I don’t want to yell through the door.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not opening any doors for you, you big dumb… flea bitten… tail chasing… butt licker!”

  “I hated being gone so long. It was hell being away from you. But, there are a lot of people depending on me to keep them employed and I had a lot to arrange. I’m back for good now. I thought you’d be okay with the letter. I meant every word.”

  I jerked the door open and gave him my meanest stink eye. “What letter?”

  He frowned. “The letter I left for you at the front desk of Muddy’s. I couldn’t find you when I was leaving, and I didn’t have your cell number, so I explained in the letter.”

  Was he for real? “I didn’t get any letter.” I crossed my arms over my chest, but I was softening a little. “I did get a personalized greeting from Chelsie, telling me that the two of you were back together and that I was, hmm, how did she put it? ‘A low-rent maid and way out of your league.’”

  He growled and yanked me into him. “Chelsie? What did she do? I left a letter. Carter, you had to know I damn sure wouldn’t have gone back to her. You’re my mate. And you’re definitely not low-rent anything, whatever that means. And you’re not in my league. You’re much too good for me.”

  I felt some of the despair I’d been feeling fade. “You seriously left a letter?”

  “Yeah.” He looked a little sheepish. “I thought it would be romantic. Bad idea?” He leaned down and brushed his lips over mine. “What happened with Chelsie.”

  I groaned. “I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll tell you some other time. It wasn’t pretty.”

  “I’m sorry, cupcake. I’m sorry that you didn’t know without a doubt that I was all yours. I get it, though. I have to prove myself. And I will, if you give me the chance.”

  I bit my lip. I suddenly felt as though I’d been acting like a histrionic drama queen. “That Chelsie is a real number.”

  “Good riddance.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house and into the street towards a rental car. “I need to show you something. I want to show you what I’ve been doing while I was away. You and me, this is the real deal. I’m here and I’m yours, and I want to show you that.”

  “I want you to learn to use a phone.”

  He grinned. “You say that like you’re warming up to the idea of forever with me.”

  My heart fluttered and I forced an easy shrug. “Maybe.”



  “Are you taking me to your secret lair?” Carter looked over at me from the passenger’s seat, the sun caught her hair and formed a bright golden halo. Her eyes were sparkling blue as she studied me through thick lashes.

  “Something like that. Just be patient.”

  She laughed. “You have so much to learn about me.”

  I drove to the edge of town and then turned down a dirt road that led a couple of miles through a forested area to a clearing. In the center of the clearing was a dumpster next to an old but sturdy, well-constructed barn.

  When I parked in front of it, Carter’s eyes narrowed. She got out and stood in front of the car, blinking a few times before looking back at me. “What is it?”

  “This is the soon to be factory and warehouse of Patterson Furniture, the Handmade, Custom-Pieces Division. The name needs some work yet.”

  I led her into the shop. The interior was huge and still need clean-up, but the bones were amazing. Wood working equipment would start arriving in the following weeks and I was excited to start getting the place in shape. Working with my dad would be like a homecoming. The two of us working on handcrafted pieces together would be like going back to what had captivated me about the family business in the first place.

  “Actually, I brought you here to meet someone.” I took her by the hand and pulled her after me as I crossed the space weaving around piles of old boards, broken tractor parts, and vermin-infested hay bales. I didn’t slow down until I spotted the shock of silver hair poking up from what looked like a stack of moldy, rotten bags of grain near the rear of the large space.

  Dad spotted us at the same time and waved.

  “There you are, Dad. I’d like you to meet the love of my life. My beautiful mate, Carter.”

  I found an incredible joy watching my dad’s reaction to my mate. His eyes crinkled in the corners from the broad smile stretched across his face. “And beautiful she is, son. I’m so happy to meet you, Carter! Finally, a woman able to knock some sense into my boy.”

  Dad embraced her in a tight hug that made her laugh. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  “Call me Duncan.” He patted her on the back a few times before pulling back and looking her over. “I hope my son deserves someone as fine as you.”

  I pulled my mate against my chest and pressed my lips to the side of her head. “I can assure you that I don’t. I’m going to spend my lifetime trying, though. We’re going to run out to the other place, Dad. I’ll be back later to help out.”

  Duncan waved us away. “Take the day off. I’ve got it handled here.”

  I didn’t give her much of a chance to wave goodbye before dragging her back out of the “barn-slash-warehouse” and into the car. I’d saved the best for last, and I cou
ldn’t wait to see her reaction.

  I’d fucked up so much with her already, I hoped I hadn’t been wrong about this, too.



  She looked over at me and raised her eyebrows while she fastened her seatbelt. “Where to now?”

  “I want to show you how serious I am. Dad moving here, and the two of us getting our new venture up and running, is only the tip of the iceberg I’ve been working on. The big reveal is coming up.”

  I’d missed her so much in the two days I was away. Knowing that she’d spent the whole time thinking I’d left her filled me with guilt.

  I was terrified I wouldn’t be enough for her. I wasn’t just saying it, she was too good for me on every level. I wanted to do everything possible to be worthy of her. I couldn’t let her slip away.

  When I pulled up to the vacant storefront on Main Street and parked at the curb, she looked confused.

  “What is this place, Alec?”

  “Yours.” Her face was a mask of bewilderment. When I came around and opened the passenger door for her, she got out and followed. I was actually a little nervous. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt nervous. I unlocked the front door, then ushered her into the space ahead of me.

  As we entered the dusty space, I realized that I’d taken a huge risk and made some assumptions. I hoped to hell I wasn’t wrong. If I was, the whole thing could blow up in my face.

  “I’m waiting. What are we doing here?” Carter’s hands were on her hips, her brow wrinkled. “What is this dusty old place?”

  “I told you. Yours. If you want it. Some might see it as a dusty old place, but others would see it as a bakery in its early stages. Very early.”

  Her jaw dropped open, but her eyes shone like diamonds. I took that as a good sign.


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