Shifter Starter Set

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Shifter Starter Set Page 76

by Candace Ayers

  She didn’t move away this time. He let his lip gently graze hers, enjoying her obvious reaction to him. His acute hearing easily detected her accelerated heart rate. He did it again. Colton could be patient, take this at a painfully slow place, just to get Hannah to beg for him when the time came.

  He ran his thumb along her jaw line, studying her. It was a face he would never forget. Those perfect rosebud lips, those flushed cheekbones, and the small smattering of freckles that bridged her nose. He leaned in and breathed her scent. He had never smelled anything like her, as if she had been made perfectly, just for him.

  He kissed her. Starting slowly, lightly. Her lips parted in wanting, and he increased the pressure, his tongue emulating what he would eventually be doing between her thighs. She moaned softly against him, and Colton wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer to his body, pressing his erection against the lower part of her stomach.

  Hannah slid her arms around his back, bringing his body closer still. She was delicious, her mouth tasting like honey and cold Artic air. As their kiss deepened, the space between them vanished. Their bodies molded to one another in a perfect fit. Colton wanted to take his time. Hannah was moving against him, deepening the kiss. The friction caused by their closeness wasn’t helping him slow things down.

  He dragged his lips away from hers. Their breathing, in perfect unison, was heavy. Hannah’s chest rose up and down rapidly causing the buttons on her blouse to stretch even more.

  Colton couldn’t wait any longer to undress her. From the moment he’d laid eyes on Hannah in Sterling Outfitters, all he’d wanted to do was discover intimately the rest of the body that drove him to distraction. He had already thought of a million different ways he wanted to touch her, what he was going to do when that perfectly rounded ass was within his reach.

  He didn’t have the patience to undo her buttons. With complete ease, he ripped the blouse apart. The buttons cascaded across the wooden floor, and the shirt hung open, revealing Hannah’s full breasts wrapped in a white lacy bra. He drank in the view for a moment, noticing the almost pearlescent whiteness of her chest, the softness of her stomach. He took a step closer, but didn’t touch her.

  Colton fingered the button on her jeans. He undid it more carefully this time, and then slowly unzipped the fly. He tugged the jeans down over her thighs, pulling them down to her knees.

  Standing back up, he kissed her again. Gently moving his lips against hers, licking her cupid’s bow, tracing its shape with his tongue. As he did so, he trailed his hand between her breasts, down over her stomach till it reached the top of her panties. Hannah started to pant against him, her body jolting slightly at his touch.

  He reached down further still, sliding his fingers over the satin and finding the damp patch between her thighs that was waiting for him. He smiled against her lips.

  “I can’t wait to taste you, Hannah.”

  Her body jolted more forcefully this time. Colton slipped his fingers under the satin, groaning deeply as he found the soft, silken layers of her entrance. He softly rubbed her small bud, loving the feeling of it becoming engorged against his finger. Hannah clenched onto him, moving her hips against the rhythm of his fingers, driving him on till she cried out softly, flooding his waiting palm.

  Without pausing, Colton removed the rest of her blouse. He unclipped her bra, almost ejaculating at the sight of her heavy breasts coming loose, their nipples tight and hard. He bent down, taking her breast in his mouth, gently sucking on the dusky pink buds. Hannah entwined her fingers through his hair, drawing him closer, allowing him to take more of her breast in his mouth.

  Without warning, Colton picked her up in his arms, carrying her, pressed against the length of his body, to the bed. He flung her down, her hair splaying outward as her head landed on the pillow. He kneeled up on the mattress, removing her jeans completely, and discarding them on the floor. Her body was lit by the fire, one side glowing, the other cast in shadow.

  Hannah moved her long legs up toward her body, bending her knees. Colton gently took each foot in his hands, and firmly lowered them back down.

  “Don’t hide from me.”

  “You’re not undressed,” she whispered softly, as if he was denying her a gift.

  “I know.”

  He smiled at her wickedly. He wouldn’t give her what she wanted, and he wouldn’t take all that he wanted.

  Not until she begged.


  Hannah could see the bulge pressing against his jeans. She wanted desperately for him to remove them, to have his hard, thick length inside her. Typically, in sexual situations, Hannah was the more dominant. She knew what she wanted, and as a doctor often on call, time was always of the essence. There was something about Colton, probably his animalistic nature, which made her feel as if she were being dominated. Completely. It was exhilarating, knowing that this man could do anything he wanted with her body, and she would not only let him, but every touch would be sheer ecstasy.

  Colton parted her thighs, moving his body between her legs so that he was kneeling straight toward her. He was still for a moment, both hands clasped on her thighs, not permitting her to close them. He gazed at her wet panties till Hannah blushed.

  He moved one of his hands upward, and without her realizing what he was doing, Colton tugged gently at the satin and the waistband elastic snapped in his hand. He removed them, looking down at her nakedness.

  Colton leaned down onto his forearms, and trailed a finger lightly down the lips of her core. Hannah felt a hot flush spread from where his finger was touching to the rest of her body. He moved closer, and she felt his breath tantalizingly close to her skin. The next moment, he softly licked upward between her thighs, and then gently sucked at her bud in a languid rhythm. Hannah could feel another orgasm reaching up within her. His tongue explored deeper inside her, and Colton groaned softly, the sound reverberating within her body. He clenched her thighs tighter as he tongued her wetness. Hannah felt her abdomen flutter in response, her muscles involuntarily contracting in pleasure. She called out his name as she came, suddenly, waves of blackness washing over her till she didn’t know where or who she was.

  Colton stood up. With heavy lidded and sated eyes, Hannah watched as he removed his shirt. His torso was incredible. The contours of a well-defined six-pack made Hannah gulp, the long and lean muscles on his upper arms and shoulders looked like they had been carved from marble. He was an incredible man, thought Hannah. She’d never seen anything to equal him. She had spent years in medical studying the human form, and here it was at its apex. The most perfect example of masculinity, and yet part animal. And tonight, he was hers.

  He removed his jeans, unfastening the top button and then letting them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them slowly, his erection rock solid.

  Hannah moved upward on the bed, making room for him. He knelt again on the mattress and yanked her back down. He flipped her body over, pushing her backside up toward him, till she could feel his erection against her bare skin.

  “Hannah, you’re amazing.”

  Colton murmured against her back, as he leaned forward and cupped her breasts in his hands. Without trying, his length found the warm opening, wet and waiting for him. He pushed in gently, as Hannah moved her body closer to receive him inside her.

  He leaned back, trailing his hands down the sides of her body, coming to rest on her ass cheeks. He grabbed them firmly, pulling and kneading at their softness, his breath coming in heavy gasps.

  One of his hands moved downward, skating over her hipbones, and then burying his fingers into her wetness, gently moving over her bud as he slid in and out of her. Hannah clenched around him, feeling the ribbing of his length against the muscles of her core. He was huge, pushing her body to its limit, riding the thin line between insatiable pleasure and pain.

  Hannah felt another orgasm approaching, she tried to hold back and to come with him, wanting to be fully aware when he emptied himself inside her. But it was
too much, his movements were speeding up as he searched for release, and Hannah couldn’t hold off the inevitable. She came again, crying out.

  “Please, Colton, please!”

  He slammed her body into him, and Hannah felt a bolt of otherworldly pleasure shoot through her, making her gasp. She bit down on the pillow. The sensation made her body tremble, she wanted to cry, laugh, scream out, all at the same time.

  Colton sped up his movements. His body was frantic, she could feel his grip on her intensify as if all his muscles were spasming, he started to pant, an animalistic sound that grew louder and louder. Hannah tried to widen her legs, pushing back into him, wanting her body to take everything his could possibly give.

  He came with a roar, his body falling against hers, their sweat melding them together where they touched.

  They lay still for a while, their breathing once again in sync, slowly regulating. Colton moved, dropping down onto one side of the bed and pulling Hannah toward him. She nestled into his body, her back against him, as he spanned his hand across her abdomen.

  “Did I hurt you?” Colton spoke, his low, soft voice breaking the silence.

  “The opposite.”


  His hand continued to stay resting on her abdomen, it’s heat soothing the loss she felt at the absence of him within her. Hannah moved her hand downward, covering his with her own.

  “Tell me about being a bear, I think I’m ready to hear it now.”

  Colton laughed gently against her bare shoulder. He kissed her lightly there, before leaning back.

  “Well, what do you want to know?”

  “What is it? How do you do it?”

  Hannah knew he was smiling. She pictured those sharp incisors that made him look so devilish, and leaned back closer into him.

  “Okay,” he started to move his hand lightly in a circular motion between her hips while he spoke, “That I don’t really know. It’s inherited, genetically, so I’ve always been this way. We don’t usually come up against prying doctors, we heal rapidly.”

  Hannah laughed.

  “I just don’t understand it.”

  “Yeah, to be honest, I don’t either. But it feels entirely natural to me. Sometimes my bear feels more natural than my human form, if that makes sense.”

  “No, it doesn’t!”

  Colton gently bit her shoulder, then inhaled the scent of her skin.

  “You know, you smell like you were made for me. I wanted you the moment I saw you, I wanted this.”

  “It was the same for me, though based purely on your physical appearance.”

  “Not my winning personality?”

  “No,” Hannah gasped as he slid his fingers inside her, “that’s just a bonus.”

  “I see.”

  He continued to move his fingers gently in and out of her, and Hannah flooded with wetness again, her head feeling light and floating as he drew out the waves of pleasure rushing though her body.

  “Again?” She asked, feeling the unmistakable hardness against her back.

  “We only have tonight, so, yes.”

  Hannah sighed with pleasure, hoping that dawn was a long way off.


  Hannah awoke to the smell of fresh coffee. The percolator was churning away in the kitchenette, while Colton stood at the sink washing cups.

  “Where did you get good coffee?” She asked.

  “You’re awake. Morning.”

  “Morning.” She smiled at him sleepily, not wanting to move from the warmth of the bed.

  “I get this stuff imported. Shipped straight to the Oufitters. I had my assistant run it by earlier. The coffee around here is appalling.”

  “It really is. I got some horrible stuff from the supermarket. You’re my hero.”

  “I take it I’ve met another addict?”

  “The biggest. We thrive in the medical profession, always an excuse.”

  He brought two steaming mugs over, and sat on the bed next to her. Hannah sipped the coffee gratefully.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked.

  “Well, right now I’m only choosing to remember the good bits.”

  “Keep it that way.”

  He leaned over and kissed her softly on the forehead.

  “I have to go and take care of a couple of things. Are you leaving on the four o’clock?”


  “Is there anything I can do to extend your trip?”

  “No.” Hannah took his hand, “But thank you. For everything.”

  Colton nodded. He smiled at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  They didn’t say goodbye to one another. Colton eventually rose from the bed, and rinsed his cup out under the faucet. Hannah covered herself up with the duvet, and walked him to the door. He kissed her once, briefly, tasting of coffee and sex. She didn’t want to let him go.

  Colton drove to the main road, and then cut the engine. Picking up his phone he dialed Wyatt’s number.

  “Where have you been?” Wyatt didn’t bother with formalities of greeting.

  “With Hannah.”

  “I’ve been trying to get through to you all morning. We’ve got Brad here.

  Joe hauled him in last night after your call.”

  “Good. I want a word with him. Keep him with you.”

  Colton hung up. He restarted the engine, and sped off to the Sterling warehouse down by the port. He wanted a chat with Brad, preferably in a sound proof room with no observers.

  Tucker was waiting for him at the entrance.

  “You alright?” he asked, taking in Colton’s slightly disheveled state.

  “I’ve been better. Where’s Brad?”

  “In the back. Wyatt’s with him.”

  Colton nodded, making his way into the building. There were a couple of clan members dispersed throughout the space, waiting for shipments to come through. They all nodded in respect as Colton made his way to the back room.

  Brad was sitting on an office chair, a glass of water in front of him on the table. Wyatt stood in the corner, patiently waiting for Colton’s arrival.

  “How is she?” he asked Colton.

  “She’s leaving. But she’s okay.”

  Colton sat down in the chair opposite Brad. The man wouldn’t make eye contact with him, staring stonily at the table top.

  “He says it was all Jackson’s idea,” Wyatt sighed, “I’ll leave you two to it. I’m sure you’ve got plenty to discuss.”

  He shut the door firmly behind him. Brad continued to look at the table.

  “You been telling my brother fairytales, Brad?”

  Brad looked up at him. His eyes were shadowed. Colton’s guess was that he still hadn’t healed from the night before. If he hadn’t been able to sleep properly, then the recovery process would be slower. Good.

  “Can I get a coffee?”

  “Nope. Not till you start talking.”

  “I told your brothers everything I know.”

  “Great. Now you can tell me.”

  “Jesus.” Brad rolled his eyes, trying to appear nonchalant. He wasn’t fooling anyone. Colton could smell his fear.

  “Is it true that Jackson’s behind this? I find that hard to believe.”

  “It’s the truth! Look, I got a call from my sister last week. She said Hannah had been calling, asking about me. I thought it was weird. Hannah hadn’t contacted me since forever, so I asked her to do some investigating, find out what was going on. She bumped into Hannah’s mom in the supermarket. Found out her uncle had died. Hannah’s mom started talking about Hannah opening her own practice. You know how women like to chat. Can I get some coffee now?”

  “Brad, continue the goddamn story. You’re pissing me off more every second.”

  Brad huffed and then continued, “So, one night I was in the pub with Jackson. I start telling him about my wife, Hannah, and he tells me that we should get that money. I owe Jackson quite a bit.”

  Brad looked at the table, not able to meet Colto
n’s eyes.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” he continued sullenly.

  “There’s nothing to understand, Brad. You sold your wife out. Did you know that Jackson was going to have her killed?”

  “No!” His voice had gone up a couple of octaves, and he was starting to sweat under the collar.

  “That wasn’t the plan. He said I should try and get back together with her when she arrived. That was the plan. I didn’t know he was gonna try and hunt her down.”

  “That’s funny, I remember you being in the forest that morning.”

  “That’s not how it was! That other wolf was Steve Webb, Jackson had asked him to hunt her. When I picked up her scent, and then his, tearing across the forest after her, I tried to chase him down. Then I see you, a dammed grizzly, how the hell was I supposed to know you were protecting her?”

  Brad crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, “I don’t care if you don’t believe me. It’s the truth.”

  “Then why wouldn’t you sign the divorce papers? Her life was in danger at that point. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I needed the money. Seriously. Jackson’s got me on a leash. I just thought…well - I thought we could give it a shot. Maybe we could make it work out. I should have known better.”

  “You should have behaved better,” Colton corrected. He believed Brad was telling the truth. He’d heard rumors about Jackson’s occasional side-line as a loan shark. It was how many, if not most, of his pack members stayed loyal. He owned their homes, their cars, large chunks of their business.

  Colton slammed a paper file down on the desk.

  “The divorce papers.”

  “You and Hannah have been getting friendly.”

  “Shut up and sign them.”

  “Or what?” The habitually cocky tone to Brad’s voice was back. He’d already betrayed Jackson. It was starting to dawn on him that he didn’t really have much left to loose.

  “You sign them, I’ll pay off your loan to Jackson, in cash. But I want you out of Port Ursa on the first flight tonight.”


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