Luring Robin [Pleasure, Montana 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Luring Robin [Pleasure, Montana 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Shit. “Do you think he’ll be upset?” She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to know what she’d been doing and spoil what might have been between the two of them.

  “Yes and no. He’ll accuse me of taking advantage of you.”

  She got up, pulled on her panties, and then looked around for her clothes. “Uh-oh. My clothes are in the other room.”

  “Matt will have to deal. I’ll go get them.” He stepped into his pants and pulled on his shirt. Shoeless, he exited.

  Voices sounded. She wasn’t sure if telling Matt was a good idea, but this was Pleasure, Montana after all. If what Bella said was correct, these two liked to share. Her pussy pulsed, and she thought about making love to Matt, and even Matt and Clay at the same time.

  The noise rose. A minute later Clay came in with her clothes in hand. “Here ya go.”

  “What was that about?”

  “Like I said, Matt doesn’t think I’m responsible enough to be entertaining you, as he so politely called it.”

  “Why?” Clay seemed to be the one in control of his emotions.

  “Let’s just say there have been times when perhaps I haven’t followed through as well as Matt would have liked. It was mostly because I wasn’t interested.” He stepped closer and ran a thumb down her cheek. “That wouldn’t be the case with you.”

  Part of her wanted to jump with joy, but the reasonable part told her he probably said that to all the girls. “I guess I need to get dressed.”

  She took the clothes from him and finished dressing. “I think I need to get back. Bella said that Clete was coming home and that he’d be cooking.”

  “That’ll be a treat. He’s a good cook.”

  Clay escorted her out. Matt was in the kitchen when they reached the living room. She debated popping in and saying hi, but then thought better of it. She kissed Clay lightly and quickly. “Thank you.”

  He leaned over and pressed his lips to her ear. “The pleasure was all mine.”

  She hurriedly tossed on her coat and hat and slipped outside. The cold immediately blasted her. The sun had almost gone down, but there was plenty of light to see her way to Bella’s.

  * * * *

  Matt was more angry than he was jealous. He thought they should have given Robin a few more days of getting used to them before getting her into bed. Even though she’d sampled his brother, he didn’t think it would be fair to ask if she was interested in a ménage relationship. Clay wasn’t the settling-down type. He bet Robin was, which only further convinced him that his brother needed to tread lightly.

  Matt got his coffee and headed down the hallway. Clay was in his office uploading photos. One shot flashed on the screen that caught his attention then another and another.

  “Holy shit. That’s Robin.”

  Clay turned around. “Yeah. She’s unbelievable, isn’t she?”

  “You took naked photos of her? Are you out of your fucking mind?” Clete would be royally pissed if he found out.

  “She was willing.”

  His brother had a way of making anyone feel comfortable in front of the lens. “What are you going to do with them?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe print a few. They’d look great on the wall in the studio.”

  “Are you crazy? Did you forget who pays us? Who lets us stay here for free?”

  Clay pushed back his chair and got in Matt’s face. “What is your problem? Are you upset that I made love to her and you didn’t?”

  “Hell no. Well, yes and no. I want her, but it isn’t right. She’s leaving in a few days.”

  “Trust me when I say she wasn’t coerced in any way. She wanted me bad.”

  “What if Clete finds out?” He wasn’t sure why he kept harping on that concept. Clete was open-minded. Hell, his wife told them to take good care of Robin. She knew what Clay was capable of.

  Clay shook his head and went back to his chair. “Get over it.” He turned around again. “Robin is going to leave here with a lot more confidence than when she arrived. She’s a gorgeous girl, yet she has no idea how special she is.”

  He wanted to punch the shit out of his brother. Robin deserved better. “Just don’t hurt her.”

  “You worried about Robin or that Clete might fire you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Sometimes his brother could be a real dick. He stomped out. A nice walk during dusk just might be the thing to clear his head.

  Chapter Six

  Clay spent most of last night sorting through the photos of Robin. He’d gotten some amazing shots. Except for needing to get rid of a few distractions in the background, no airbrushing was needed. She was perfect.

  What thrilled him was the progression she’d gone through. She started off being this shy girl then morphed into a wild and wanton woman. Tension had rippled through her face in the beginning, and her shoulders had been tight and her jaw rigid. Once he’d draped her in the sheet, her whole body had softened. The deciding moment was when he asked her to pinch her nipples. She finally caught on that he wanted her to be a free, sexual being. Robin had surpassed his wildest expectations.

  He picked up the phone and called his boss’s house. Bella answered.

  “Hey, there. It’s Clay. Is Robin free for a bit to come over? We did a photo shoot yesterday, and I want to show her the results.”

  He tightened his grip on the phone, worrying there might have been some backlash. According to what Bella had told him about Robin, the two shared everything. That meant Bella knew the two of them had slept together.

  “As far as I know she is. I’ll send her right over.” Bella practically giggled. She knew.

  The fact his boss’s wife didn’t seem upset thrilled him. Hell, it wasn’t like Robin didn’t willingly make love to him.

  He figured it would be a good hour before she made it over. While he waited, he sorted through the rest of the photos, picking the best ones from the dance and the photo shoot to show her. He’d already mentally tagged which ones he wanted to blow up and put on his wall.

  What seemed like only minutes, a knock sounded. Matt was out doing his thing, so Clay got up to answer it. When he opened the door, Robin stood there wearing little makeup, tight jeans, and her cute boots. She was bundled up to the hilt and couldn’t have looked more beautiful.

  “Come on in.”

  His cock itched, but he only gave her one kiss. Any more, and they’d never make it into his office.

  “Bella said you finished with the pictures.”

  He took hold of her hand. “Come with me.” She giggled. “To the office.” He leaned over. “As much as I would like a repeat of yesterday, I figure I need to give her a day to rest.”

  She groaned, which only made his cock throb even more. “You got that right.”

  He stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned her to face him. “I’m sorry if I was too rough. I never meant to do any harm.”

  She planted her hands on his chest. “No. It’s me. I’m out of practice. You were perfect.”

  He let out his held breath. “You were pretty perfect yourself. Come on.”

  The pictures of her were on his computer. When they entered the office, he pulled up a chair. He wanted to get her opinion of the shots. “Press the right arrow to advance the slide.”

  He scooted over and let her manage the speed of the show.

  The first shots were at the Mountain View. She made intermittent comments about the lighting and angle. As they got to the ones in the studio, she took more time. Then came the shots of her naked.

  She sucked in a breath. “My God. You can see everything.”

  “I know.”

  She leaned forward then back. “Hey, I don’t look so bad.”

  “That’s an understatement. Your skin is amazing. Hell, your body is amazing. In fact, everything about you is amazing.”

  She giggled and clicked through a few more slides. “My God. I kind of look like a Playboy model.”

  “That you do. Other than the fact that you�
��re a brunette, you remind me of Anna Nicole Smith when she was at the height of her career.”


  He laughed. The girl needed some serious self-esteem building. “Really.”

  She leaned closer. “Did you airbrush these?”

  He wondered when she’d ask. “Didn’t think I needed to.”

  They spent another hour going over the photos. “Can you e-mail these couple to me?”

  “Be happy to.”

  Her cell rang. It seemed to surprise her. “It’s Bella.” She answered. “Really?” She glanced over at him. “Okay.” She disconnected. “Bella made a nail appointment for us that I totally forget about. Sorry.”

  He chuckled. “You go right ahead. We’ll be in touch.”

  It was hard walking her to the door and not getting in a few touches. Seeing those photos kept him hard. His kiss was quick but meaningful.

  Her grin tightened his balls to the point that as soon as she left, he had to adjust himself. He still had some corrections he needed to make on the lighting on some of his favorite shots, adding some contrast and adjusting the white balance in the photos.

  He must have been engrossed in his work when Matt came in. In fact, his brother was right behind him before he sensed his presence. He swiveled around. “You want to see?”


  Okay, that sounded like Matt was still pissed. “You’re missing out. Robin was a fabulous model.”

  “I can see.”

  Clay was tired of Matt’s brooding. Clay shoved back his chair and faced him. “If you have a problem with me being with Robin, why don’t you ask her out?”

  Matt widened his stance. “If you think I’d share her with you, you’re wrong.”

  He had to take a second to figure out where his brother was coming from. “First off, Robin will be gone in a little over a week. Secondly, what the fuck is your problem?”

  Matt’s jaw tightened. “Robin isn’t someone to take lightly.”

  “Who says I’m taking her lightly?” Matt looked to the side. “Spit it out.”

  His lips pressed together. “I’ve thought about trying to convincing her to stay, but I’m not sure you’re ready for a long-term relationship.”

  Clay burst out laughing. “I’m not ready or you’re not ready?” He was the older brother.

  “You’re too irresponsible. You’re not always around to help with the ranch.”

  Is that what this was about? “You know my schedule is based on what Trent does.”

  “Tell me this. If Robin wanted to stay here, would you be ready to settle down?”

  He hadn’t given it much thought until he’d met her. At thirty-four, it might have been time to raise a family. They both knew that when the right one came along, they’d share her. “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. Ask her out. Maybe she isn’t interested in you.” He figured the challenge would get Matt over his pissy mood.

  “You think?” Matt shoved a hand through his hair. “Fine. I will. Where should I take her?”

  Finally his brother was getting out of his shell. “She loves in-line skating. Take her to Palmer’s Lake and go ice-skating. The movement is relatively the same.”

  “She won’t have skates.”

  “Call Tammy and see if she has a pair you can borrow. They’re both about the same height.”

  Matt pressed his lips together as if he was weighing the pros and cons. “Good idea.”

  Clay’s cell rang. Matt remained fixed to the spot. Clay checked the caller ID. It was Monica. She had been a former girlfriend, but now she was a real estate agent who he’d asked to look into the sale of the property Matt had his eye on. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise. “I’ve got to take this. It’s Monica.”

  As suspected, Matt’s fists clenched. Now he’d conclude that Clay would be two-timing Robin, which was the furthest thing from his mind. Once he tasted Robin’s sweet pussy, he never wanted anyone else.

  “Yeah, Monica.”

  Matt spun around and left.

  * * * *

  “You’re going ice-skating tonight?” Bella didn’t look too excited.

  “It’s with Matt. He said someone named Tammy is lending me her skates. How hard can it be? I’m a good at skating on cement.”

  Bella laughed. “I remembered my first attempt on the ice. I wasn’t the best.”

  “You never took to in-line skating either, if I recall.”

  “True. Just be careful.”

  Robin studied her friend. “Be careful of Matt or of skating at night?”

  “Skating. The pond is well lit, but some kid ran into another friend of ours, Brittany, and she got a mild concussion when she hit her head on the ice.”

  “Ouch.” She smiled. “I’ll be sure to hang on to Matt.”

  Bella got that cheeky look on her face. “What if you have a fabulous time and he brings you back to his house? Will you consider sleeping with him?”

  The thought had rattled around her brain ever since he’d called to ask her out. “Maybe. Would that be so wrong of me? I really like him.” She adored Clay, but Matt stimulated a different part of her.

  When she thought of Clay, her body instantly heated up. He made her feel alive, but Matt was the one who challenged her thinking. His seriousness spoke to her ambition and the need to succeed. Put them together and they were the perfect man.

  Bella clapped. “I think it’s a wonderful idea. I know you have to go back to Miami, but just think what it would be like to have two fabulous men adore you for the rest of your life.”

  She held up her hands. “Whoa. I just met them.”

  “I know, but when you know it’s right, you know it’s right.”

  She inhaled. “I’ll play it by ear. Thank you for not being judgmental. I’m thirty, and I’m all too aware that I have to think about settling down sometime. My job is so hectic I haven’t had a moment to dwell on where I want to be in, say, five years.”

  Bella massaged her stomach. “No time like the present.”

  The whole concept of being in a ménage intrigued her, but she wouldn’t be the one to push it. If it happened then it happened. Her damned pussy moistened thinking about Matt’s hands on her.

  Clete called them to dinner and they had a wonderful and fun time chatting about their jobs and Pleasure in general. After dinner, the front doorbell rang. Robin jumped up, knowing it was Matt. “I’ll get it.”

  With Bella’s help, she’d picked out the right clothing. Layering seemed the best plan. When she answered the door, Matt was there with a single rose.

  He held out his offering. “Since there are no flowers blooming, I thought you’d like something to remind you of Miami.”

  Her heart melted right there. “Thank you. Come in.”

  Bella was there to greet Matt. She held out of hand. “I’ll put that in water for you.”

  Robin didn’t miss the wink.

  She spun around and faced Matt. “I’m ready.”

  He held out his arm. Why couldn’t men like him live in Florida?

  When they got in the truck, she spotted a pair of white skates on the seat. “What size are they?”

  “I think she said six. She claimed she has big feet.”

  Size six was hardly big, but that happened to be her size. “Perfect.”

  The drive to the lake was almost magical. The moon was nearly full, and the wind seemed nonexistent, which was the ideal combination for staying warm and having fun. When they arrived, she was surprised at the number of people on the ice.

  “Is it always this crowded?”

  “Ever since Mr. Palmer put in lights it has been.”

  “Someone owns this?”

  “Mr. Palmer did own the land. When he died, he gave it to the town. The city pays for the electricity, but I’ve been coming here since I was a little kid.”

  She could picture him and Clay battling it out on the ice. “Did you ever play hockey?”

  “Do cowboys ride horses?”

  She loved his sense of humor.

  He parked, grabbed his skates and hers. “Let’s give this adventure a try.”

  She hoped he didn’t expect her to charge onto the ice and do some spins. She was lucky if she could stay upright. There weren’t any handrails to hold onto or anything, so she’d have to use Matt for support. Oh, darn.

  A few benches rimmed the edge. On one of them two kids were there putting on their skates. “Let’s see how those skates fit.” Matt handed her the pair.

  They sat next to each other and put them on. Matt finished first. He stood and waited for her. When she was ready to give it a try, he helped her up. His warm hand felt strong and in control. Her heart raced, but she wasn’t sure if it was from the contact or the fact she was about to try something new. Regardless, having Matt by her side helped calm her.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist. With his other hand he clasped the one plastered by her side. “We’ll start out slow.”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “Okay.”

  They headed around the outside of the ring where there were fewer kids playing. She’d take a few slides then glide to make sure she had her balance. When her muscles admitted that skating was like in-line skating, she pushed off but still held his hand. Together they went around the ring.

  “You’re doing really well. How are the skates feeling?”


  They were a little tight, but she could deal. As they made their way around, she watched the other skaters to see how far forward they held their bodies. They neared another couple, and she needed to slow down, only she wasn’t sure how.

  “How do I stop?”

  “Drag your toe. You have figure skates.”

  She was used to using her heel. The transition would take some getting used to. On their second round, a light snow fell, making the whole place magical.

  “This is so cool.”

  “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to come. Palmer’s Lake will always hold a special place in my heart. It reminds me of growing up.”

  Matt swung around in front of her and lifted both her hands. Using him to balance, she was able to go faster. His ability to skate so well impressed her. “You’re really good.”


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