Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 14

by Jacqwin Hess

She stopped pacing and gave an irritable huff.

  Adrian: Nothing’s WRONG. I’m interrupting something–as usual. Sorry. Talk to

  you later. Bye

  Sebastian: Don’t do that.

  Sebastian: You’re not interrupting anything Adri. Please tell me you’re calling about

  our second date?!

  Adri: Actually, yes. Dinner here tonight has been canceled. Just wanted to let you


  Sebastian didn’t know what she was talking about and searched through his texts. He found one from five days ago. “Oh shit.” The one he ignored while he was in a meeting and never checked back on it, having been nonstop busy. Fuck!

  Adri: Actually, everyone else RSVP’d—just NOW and so I wanted you to know not to bother with coming. That’s all.

  Sebastian: I’ll try to Sebastian stared down at the letters and looked around his office and sighed, pushing the back button; o-t y-r-t l-l-‘-I and he retyped and then hit send.

  Sebastian: I’m coming. I’ll be there A.S.A.P.

  Adri: You don’t have to, if you have work to do. Stay there. I understand.

  Sebastian: Adri I’m already on my way.

  Adri: Oh. Okay. Well, it’s just going to end up being the two of us now.

  Adri: Well, be forewarned—I’ve already dressed down now when I had decided to give it

  up. So date two is going to be lame.

  Sebastian looked up across the road and stared into Victoria and Stan Switzer’s apartment window, watching Victoria greet and hug people as they came into the apartment, all her friends were there and then some people he learned were Adri’s friends as well. Oh my god. That-bitch! He came to a halt as a man rudely walked in front of him and stopped, looking at him.

  “Hay, you’re that Darvaine, dude. Did Vic just call you for her little impromptu party, too? Are you coming? It’s not at The Gallery, but their apartment.”

  “Ah…no. I’m visiting a friend and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say anything about seeing me here, all right?”

  “Yeah, whatever man,” the guy replied, clearly high and he turned away with a wave. He went across the road and went into Victoria and Stan’s building to Victoria’s party.

  Sebastian took a deep breath and got control of his anger, not believing what just happened. He was actually shocked by it, knowing her and Vic had to have talked about it and everything. He kept walking on down the alley and then opened the door to the back of The Gallery. He suddenly stopped as he saw her jump up from the top of the stairs by her apartment, dressed in black silk pajamas. Anger went through him again, at Victoria, at the sight of Adri there, the table, and everything still below and looking beautiful. Adri had gone all out. Motherfucker! Oh…I’m going to get that bitch for this; one way…one day, I’m going to put the hurt on her!

  She nervously clasped her hands together as she watched him come to her and he knew she was afraid, feeling like she bothered him. He stepped into the apartment and saw that she had made one hell of a spread and he had seen down below that she had put together a beautiful table setting and everything, knowing that it was all new–and everyone cancelled on her (because of Victoria). “How long did it take you to do all this?” He knew it had to have been all day, days spent planning and buying shit for it–and how much did she spend?! Oh, he was hot–so mad! He lifted the lid of the largest plate and saw that it was two pork tenderloins, having cooked his favorite, two different ways, so that guests would be satisfied. He looked over at her and she dropped her eyes, blushing and twisting her lips in that cute way that makes him want to eat her up. She was so cute in her pajamas, hair all messy now, and wadded up on top of her head, held up by a claw clip. But he could see that she was hurt, that everyone canceled on her.

  “I didn’t…know what to do. I hate that I bugged you. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t ever apologize, Adri,” he replied, grasping her arms and turning her around to look at him. “I just found the text you sent the other day. I’m the one who needs to apologize to you. It got buried under other texts.”

  “You were at your office working just now, weren’t you?”

  “I live in the damn thing, Adri.”


  “No, I was there, but had actually finished up and it’s late. This is perfect. I needed out of there. I’m always at the office and this week has been insane. I eat there, shower there, dress there, and I work the whole time I’m doing all that. I’m glad to be here. I’m sorry I missed the text, but…I’m so glad you called me and…I’m particularly glad it’s just the two of us. It’s looks incredible.” She planned this over five days ago and Victoria threw a party over hers, leaving her hanging there alone. Un-fucking-real.

  “Well, I guess we’ll find out.”

  “But ah…come on and let’s go down and grab the stuff and I’ll help you get it all back upstairs. Please don’t argue and let me help?”

  Adri was beyond mortified, going down behind him and grabbing up the plates and silverware, and linens. Sebastian grabbed some of the chairs taking them back up to her apartment. One more trip and he brought up the new folding table she’d bought. “Did you tell the others I was coming?”

  Adri shook her head at him as she put the plates on the table for them. “They asked and I told them no. I didn’t think you were. You never got back with me and so I just assumed you weren’t and then I brought all the food back up and changed my clothes, then worried that maybe you were coming and just late. Shit I didn’t know. I just know that I’m sorry I bugged you now and beyond mortified—” She gasped as he dropped his lips on hers, gently at first and then slanting his mouth over hers, licking into her mouth, kissing her with more aggression. A hand gripped her hair and an arm wound around her waist, he pushed her up against the door, kissing her senseless.

  She was hardly aware of her arms automatically slipping around his shoulders with her body drawing up, arching and pressing into him. She pulled him tighter to her as well, working with him to feed their bodies what they craved—each other. She took deep panting breaths as he drew back, but he didn’t release her from his hold and looked down upon her beautiful face that was now devoid of makeup.

  “Are you sorry now?” He didn’t let her answer, kissing her again, slipping his hand under her silk pajama top, and sliding his hand upward. He curved it on around just under her breast, rubbing up and down her back, and calming her down. He pulled back after he knew he had her dazed and forgetting everything—not sorry she called at all now. She could only shake her head at him and he smiled down at her, melting her a little more. “Good. Now. Let’s eat. I am actually hungry. Haven’t had anything since lunch and it had been for business at eleven.”

  “It’s almost eight now. I’m hungry, too,” she replied.

  He took over, walking to the bar with her hand in his, fixing her plate, putting it in the little microwave. He then fixed his own, heating it, and the both of them went to the table to eat. He loosened his tie, removed his jacket, and rolled up his sleeves, getting comfortable.

  “You know, you had everything set up real nice, Adri. It looked good, for what you had. You seem to have this knack for…entertaining and setting up for a party.” He could just imagine how good she’d be if she had some real money and was able to do it right—with class and not things she got from ‘unique’ stores. It did look neat; she could certainly put together a table and make the place look good—and the food?! “Holy shit.” It was actually delicious; like…gourmet good and that went for both pork tenderloins, one being herb crusted and the other being an orange glaze—both good together.

  “Ooh, it did turn out good. Yay. I was worried, but it’s wonderful.”

  “And this?...amazing.”

  “Loaded twice-baked bake potatoes.”

  There was also sundried tomato seasoned asparagus with red and yellow bell peppers and other things in it. All of it cooked to perfection. A green salad with a homemade vinaigrette salad dress
ing. For drinks, she made fruity Sangria and a batch of iced tea. He couldn’t believe what had happened, looking up when she did, hearing the music.

  “Well, it sounds like someone’s having a successful party—of course, this turned out successful in its own way, since you came and it’s date two, huh?”

  “A trash party full of fucking druggies isn’t my idea of success. I went through a few of them when I got here,” he replied to her as he got up and went to the window, closing it, and turning the little window unit on.

  “Oh-No, it…doesn’t work. Hit the fan in the corner,” she replied. Once it was on, he came back and sat down, picking his fork back up and eating. “Do you ah…want the TV on?”

  “Not yet,” he answered. She set the remote back down and resumed quietly eating with him, knowing that she still felt bad about contacting him. She was sure that he was just humoring her, but…he wasn’t and was glad to be there—well, with her, but not in that apartment. “I want to talk to you about something, Adri.” He watched her slow as she placed her food in her mouth and chewed, eyes nervously looking up at him. “I want you to…let me give you a better job and…move you out of here, something better?”

  She shook her head at him. “No, Sebastian. I know this place is way below what you’re used to, but…it’s all I have and I like Vic and Stan, they take care of me and treat me good, you know?...and are flexible when I need off, not assholes. It’s easy work and the rent is cheap, you don’t need to worry about me. Dinner at your place from now on.”

  “Fine.” For now!

  Sebastian was so sweet and helped out a little in the kitchen, getting the mountain of food put up in plastic bags. Adri just stared the whole time, loving the sight of him at the sink, his arms rolled up and being all domestic. He knew his way around the kitchen and was comfortable doing the housework, spinning the bowls on his fingers before setting them up in the cabinet. He’s done this before obviously and she assumed it was probably during his college years.

  After they were through he pulled her down onto her bed and they watched TV, with him pulling her back against him, winding an arm around her shoulder and chest. It was how she fell asleep and he left that next morning. She didn’t know why he stayed, but he did. She went to the window, watching him step out in front of the drunk guests of whatever party happened last night. He slipped on his shades and got in his car without speaking to them. She jerked back from the window when they all looked up at her apartment window with wide eyes.


  A few days later, Tuesday, a buzz sounded at the door and she shot up and looked over to it, wondering who the hell that could be. She just got in from work and didn’t expect it to be Sebastian. She figured he’d still be working since she had not heard anything from him since he left her Sunday morning. Slowly, she got up and went to the intercom next to her door. “Yes?”

  “A gift for Adriaunn Vale from Sebastian Darvaine. I’m the man’s chauffeur.”


  “I said—”

  “I heard you. I meant–I’ll be right down.” She stared in shock for a second, smoothing her hair back. She then unlocked her door and went downstairs. She looked through the peephole and saw that black man who worked for Sebastian standing there, dressed in a chauffeur’s uniform, and holding a blue gift bag in his hand. She gasped out in shock at the beauty of the bag, quickly unlocking and opening the door. “Um, yeah?”

  He held up the gift to her and she reached out, taking the beautiful gift bag. “Thanks for bringing it. That was nice of you. Do I owe you some money—just a sec.” The man smiled, laughing behind his hand and then waved her off, shaking his head no. He then turned and started down the alley and she went back inside, closing and locking her door. She giggled, running back up the stairs, locking her door behind her, and then going over to the small bar in the kitchenette area.

  Awesome! He sent her a gift and she set down the bag, trying to ignore the flutter of excitement in her belly. She first pulled out a manila envelope and pulled part of the papers out, seeing that it was Sebastian’s medical records. “Oh wow. The guy’s actually serious.” She sighed uncomfortably, slipping it back in the envelope, saving that reading for later tonight. She then looked back in the bag and pulled out the rectangular box sitting on top of an iPad! “Ohmigod! Are you freaking kidding me?!” She pulled out the piece of paper and read his note. Aww, his handwriting is so elegant and beautiful! WOW! Her handwriting looked like a five-year-old scrawl in comparison. She was embarrassed about it.


  Please don’t think me too forward and be afraid. I’d never harm

  you. I’d protect you with my life and think only of your happiness

  and pleasure before anything else. Here is a little something to ease

  the ache and the other is to ease the loneliness; the iPad, so you can

  text, I.M. and email or Skype with me anytime you need and we’ll

  not miss any messages from each other again.

  Yours Forever,


  “Protect you with my life? Yours Forever?! Hmm.” She opened the box and pulled back the tissue and jumped back and forth, giggling as she stared down at the white shiny new iPad—a sticky note on it gave her all the information to her new accounts he’d set up for her, now having an email address. Pushing the button, she it powered up. It was already on something, Memo, and she read the note. “Open the other box now, use it and enjoy your new best friend, until I take its place. And Adri, I’ll know if you haven’t used it and I’ll spank you if I feel that you haven’t.” Her nipples hardened, gasping at the instant electric pulse that shot straight down to her pussy, looking down at the other box and wondering what on earth it could be. “It’s no doubt something probably really naughty,” she replied, teasing as she sighed again in delight. “He’s so sweet! Ooh Swoon! I love the iPad. Now, what is my new best friend?” she asked to herself, literally having no clue as to what it was.

  She took a deep breath, then reached for the rectangular box. She lifted the lid and her eyes flashed at the sight of the large cylindrical gold metal rod. A dildo?! “Are you freaking kidding me?!” She blushed so brightly. She smiled and gave a girly giggling snicker, carefully picking it up she held it. Suddenly, it began vibrating and she jumped, sending the thing flipping around, juggling it from hand to hand. She tried to catch it, watching in horror as it flew in the air and landed like a bullet in the vent in the floor, actually sticking up and putting a hole in the grate. “Holy shit!” She bent over and jerked it out, staring at the small round hole and then up at the indestructible vibrator. “What the hell are you made of?!” It didn’t even have a scratch on it, but the grate in the floor didn’t fare well at all. “How am I to explain that one?”

  She huffed, shifting her eyes to the collection of Doughboys, which one went off with his feet kicking, hand rubbing over his belly and giving that signature ‘Hee-Hee-Hee.’ She glared down at the stupid doll that had belonged to her great-grandmother Kelly, thinking that it was her grandmother who was no doubt laughing at her, having always told her she needed to get a bit more ‘frisky’ as she so eloquently put it. Well, the fates were certainly agreeing with her at the moment, but she feared Sebastian Darvaine had it in mind to be a little more than just ‘frisky’ and she worried about that. She groaned and quickly put the vibrator back in its box, putting her attention back into the iPad that would let her email, text message, or Skype with him. Hmm, he said to use it (the vibe), enjoy it, until he took its place and she instantly burned at the thought; wet all over again and her nipples aching excruciatingly! She read his message again on the iPad, but huffed and shook her head.

  “No. Way.” She slammed the lid closed on the gold rod; jerked open the cabinet door and shoved it in there. Then she saw an envelope peering out from the bag. She reached in and pulled it out, closing the door and opening the envelope—gasping at the sight of the check for fifteen thousand dollars?! “What
the hell?! Are you F-in’ kidding me?!” The little note in it left her breathless and her mind reeling.

  She was breathless and her mind was reeling.

  I’m sorry this is late. It’s your commission from the sale, you earned every cent and did a marvelous job on the demonstration of the painting (and this has nothing to do with what happened between us, that was personal and I hope you’re capable of knowing the difference between what’s personal and business.)

  But, on a personal note…Your tight little cunt is a fabulous delight and will be more fabulous when it’s filled with my cock–and, Adri, I do mean all of it!!!


  She read it again, her mind reeling, dazed and…blissfully happy, huffing in a little laugh at how he added the third exclamation point. She was stoked! Oh wow, he wants me. He like really wants me. She gave a contented sigh and then started toward the bathroom but stopped, looking back to her bottom, raising her skirt out of the way. She lifted her hand and then brought it down hard on her bottom, giving it a good slap. “Oh!” Her hand instantly fired and she shook it with a seething hiss, feeling it sting against her bottom. She then shook her head and covered her mouth with her hands giggling as she continued on into the bathroom. Once in there, she stripped down and took a nice cold shower, forcing herself to forget about it, with plans to send it back and tell him ‘thanks, but no thanks.’ She stopped and thought achingly about the iPad… not wanting to cut him off, the money was needed for a very important purpose. Clearly, he was really serious about her, about being with her, or he would not have gone to so much trouble in taking her to the lake and then sending her the gifts. Especially the iPad, which allowed them to talk face to face now.


  Ella Pierson stared with wide eyes at her little guardian angel as they sat together on the bench in Central Park as she relayed the events of the past weeks to her. It was the same bench where Ella had met her husband in Central Park fifty years ago. “Excuse me, is this seat taken…” She remembered it as if it were yesterday, but suddenly her memories of old vanished as Adriaunn spoke to her and told her about ‘lover-boy.’ She told her of their first date up to the Catskills, and everything that happened with him up to that point. Of course, she left out the BDSM, the little tasting moment in bed he took from her, and then the dilator gift, though she told her about the check for a ‘tip’, when she did the presentation of the painting—which she totally lied about and downplayed what kind of painting it was.


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