Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 18

by Jacqwin Hess

  “Except…when I require it and want it or…other items that would enhance your pleasure. Please don’t say you’re going to make it a hard limit. Trust me, Adri.”

  “I just…don’t like to use things–can we talk about something else? I don’t want tonight planned or line things up—just all natural.”

  “All right. I’m sorry and I agree,” he replied. He could see something was bothering her about them, but she wasn’t ready to talk about it and so he let it go. “Well, there is another matter I’d like to discuss. This afternoon, after we Skyped?...the screen went down, but the audio didn’t go off. I overheard what happened.”

  “Ooh, it’s nothing.”

  “He touched you. What did he do? I heard what the fucker said, Adriaunn.”

  “He just grabbed my butt. It’s no big deal; Vic was there and he backed off.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Yes, I know full well what the fucker did. Don’t lie, baby girl. He grabbed you and jerked you forward, hard, and slammed you against his dick. He had hurt your delicate pussy. I heard you cry out from it. I heard it all! And the fucker paid for it.


  “And if I go ask Vic about it?”

  She huffed and rolled her eyes. Turning slightly, she pulled up the back of her skirt. “It’s just a little bruise. I nearly fell over the chair when he let me go.” He kneeled down and moved the fabric more, running a hand over the back of her calf. Her body heated at the gentle touch of his hand on her skin, even through the black stockings.

  “The rotten bastard.” Now I feel really good about what I did to the fucker…and he smiled back on the memory.

  Mr. Artrell stepped out of the bar he’d been in to take a piss. When he heard a scuffling noise, he turned around and instantly felt an explosion of pain on the side of his head and face. As soon as the crowbar connected with his skull, it knocked him unconscious.

  When he finally woke, he found himself tied up, naked, and looking up at four men. They were all naked and smiling coolly at him. A flamboyant Latino man pranced forward, bent over, and smiled at him.

  “Evening, sunshine! Don’t worry, your jaw isn’t broken, but by the time we’re done with you, it just might be!” he sang.

  Mr. Artrell’s mouth shot open and he began screaming, jerking, and shaking as he tried to get out of his bonds, but there was no way. Darvaine knew his ropes and knots!

  “Tear him up, boys. Enjoy; he’s all yours,” Sebastian replied to them, slipping on his sunglasses and then turning away. He gave Artrell a sound slap on his naked ass just as a man stepped up and gripped his hips. The Latino silenced his screams, filling his mouth with cock.

  Yeah. No one touches my sweet baby girl and gets fucking by with it! He looked down at his watch, cursing that he was going to be late for The Gallery dinner, but he couldn’t let the incident at Switzer’s go. He fumed all day, arranging for him to be dealt with.

  Adri hitched her breath as he came to his feet, skimming his hands on up her thighs, between the slits of her skirt, and gently gripping her bottom. He pulled her up against his massive erection, holding her to him as he backed her against the wall. “Yea, but I’m fine. I got out of work early.”

  Oh her pussy smells so divine, so ready and needy. I have to touch her. “And here, he didn’t hurt you?” he asked, even though he knew that bastard had when he jerked her to him that hard.

  “N-No.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes when he slid his hand on around to the front of her dress. Slipping his hands into her panties, he growled against her cheek as he pried her folds apart and dipped into her wet pussy. He drew down, slamming deeper up into her, gripping her bottom with the other hand, and holding her to him.

  “Oh fuck, you’re so ready and tight. All I’ve been able to think about was having the taste of you back on my lips again. The things I’m going to do to you, Adriaunn. I’m going to hurt you so good, just how you need and leave you feeling it for a week!”

  “Sebasti—” She was cut off by his mouth, dropping down and consuming hers. His delicious tongue thrust deep to the back her throat. She opened her mouth and throat, taking it as deep as she could while sucking on his tongue. It made him growl, which spurred her body even more. It made her even more needy and wet for him. She dropped her champagne class, encircling her arms about his neck and back. Pulling him tighter to her, she spread her legs around his strong, muscular thighs when he forced it between her legs. She reached down for his cock, but he grunted out and pulled her hand away, shaking his head against her, not letting her touch him. He resumed touching her and kissed her again, tilting his head and making it a mind-shattering kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist without even thinking. The burning in her veins was intense; her body was in agony for more, for him!

  “It’s not enough–more—” She instantly screamed into his mouth as he gave her more. His hand slid into the back of her panties, jerking her bottom apart, and slamming his fingers into her bud. His other hand began to thrust deep into her open, drenched pussy. He began fingering at her g-spot and clit all at the same time. She burst beautifully upon him, hearing him encourage her to give it to him; he covered her mouth as she screamed. She came so hard for him, her feet making contact with the floor as he set her down and kneeled in front of her, taking the last of her come into his mouth. He ate upon her pussy, scraping his teeth over her sensitive flesh, jerking her pussy wide. He licked and scooped her essence from deep within her and ate her out—which suddenly had her giving one last high pitched scream, arching back and fisting his hair with both hands.

  Sebastian had to tear loose of her hold as he shot up to his feet, wiping his mouth on his handkerchief. He began to quickly cleanse her sweet pussy, knowing there would be no way anyone missed hearing that last screeching-scream she gave.

  Music to my ears! Holy hell, she’s so hot and so incredibly responsive, so eager–needy. I love how she’s unable to control herself. He straightened her up and then pulled her into his arms, pressing her body against his as he held her up. He kept his mouth over hers, tightening his grip in her hair and forcing her to stay in the kiss, to taste herself on him. Others began coming to the door, looking in to see what the commotion was. He kept her against the wall, holding her up, since she was oblivious to anything around her, weak from her orgasm and lost in a giddy daze. He looked to the door where a few women stood and stared in shock with obvious displeasure. “Get the fuck out.”

  Adriaunn smiled and lightly laughed up at him. She then gasped as he tightly held her face and giving the back of her hair a light jerk. He then dropped his mouth back down to hers, forcing it open, and tongue fucking her throat again. Through the raging haze of her brain, she thought she had heard him tell her to get his cock out, but he stopped her again. “I thought you said get your cock out!”

  “No, not you—you’re…a screamer, which I adore and love, except…when I’m fucking you in public. You’ll have to learn to restrain yourself, Adriaunn.”

  Suddenly her senses came back to her and she jerked away from him. Her eyes flashed wide and she gasped out, pressing a hand to her lips. “Oh.” She looked over to the door and then back at him, rolling her eyes closed with that beautiful face of hers turning bright red. Then she smiled, covering her lips with both hands and laughed. She was still dazed, but it was beginning to fade and she able to semi function. “I…better ah…go upstairs and clean up real quick. You’re not leaving or…have to go right away, do you?”

  “I didn’t come all this way just to bang you. Come on.” He took her up to her tiny room. She went to the closet first, digging in…that damn paper bag for a new pair of panties and then dashed into the bathroom. He went to the sink and cleaned off his hands and mouth, still looking into her sparse closet and saw she only had about seven pairs of shoes to her name. He dried off his face and hands on a clean towel, then went over to the closet and picked up a plastic bag that had a few pieces of fake jewelry in it. It was truly the saddest thing he�
��d ever witnessed and again, he had an overwhelming desire to take care of her, to give her things and improve her life. God, such a beautiful, sweet girl, adorable, and this is all she has of her meager existence. She deserves so much more—the world—and I am more than capable of giving it to her! He heard the water turn off, then her shuffling around. He dropped back against the door, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he waited for her to step out. He felt his phone buzz and picked it up, seeing his attorney had completed some forms he needed. “Perfect timing,” he texted back to him and told him to come to Switzer’s Gallery as fast as he could. He needed the contract of consent and NDA A.S.A.P!

  He looked up from his phone as Adri came out and put it back into his pocket. Her face blushed red again. “Se-Sebastian, I just wanted to say that I ah…don’t normally scream out like that, it’s just that it’s been such a long time since that had happened and you were rather good at um…”

  “Your cunt is divine, so expect to get a good eating out regularly from now on. And, Adri, I assure you, you’ll be screaming out a hell of a lot louder, harder, and longer than that by the time I’m through with you—if you accept that is.”

  “Well, I think I have made it more than clear that I’m a for-sure deal and all for us sleeping together.”

  “There will be very little sleeping, a lot of rough fucking, and then some and…it’s the ‘and then some’ that I’m worried about; that you won’t approve and agree to—you know, what we discussed at the lake house?”

  “Yeah. Oh wow—”

  “Don’t think about that. You better not back out. I’ve been thinking about this night for forever, but I’m not doing a full-on hardcore session with you, like what you’re thinking with the BDSM. You’re not ready for that, I know. I know what you need and how to take care of you and see both of us satisfied. Now, with work a bit calmer, I’m finally able to be with you. I’ve wanted to meet you for the longest time, but never could. Then after meeting you, spending time with you, our two dates—having you is all I can think about.”

  “Yes, the ah…BD…SM thing.”

  “Yeah, that, but as I said, that will come later. What I’m referring to is the Dominant/submissive thing. I’m serious about it. I don’t fuck around about it and role-play or anything. It’s not a game to me. I rule, own, dominate, and control everything. Nothing…could ever bring me to my knees quicker than hearing the words ‘Yes, Master’ from your sweet lips and to have you under my domination. To be given such trust from you. You have no idea,” he informed her. Her eyes stared wide up at him, her posture froze, and air caught in her lungs. “I’ll fuck you, do everything you said down below in the vault, but…I’ll only do it on my terms, Adriaunn, under your full submission to me.

  “I control everything…all of it and you’ll love it. You’ll ache to bow to me and surrender your whole self to me. I know you had it bad with your ex, so did I with mine, but…I’m not him and you’re not her.” He came up to her and gently touched over her lips and looked into her eyes. “As of tonight, if you agree, Adriaunn, I make all of that ugliness go away. Tonight…is all about your pleasure and what I can give you, do for you and how good I can make you feel. You just have to trust me. I like the BDSM thing, but…I’m no monster about it and get off on self-mutilation or mutilation of others, forced sex, pain, or stupid crazy shit. I only do what brings you the most unbelievable blinding pleasure and I know how to do that, better than you do. It’s just a matter of trusting me, and, Adriaunn, you can…trust me to take care of you, give you what you need, what you deserve, give you pleasure unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. You won’t be sorry if you say ‘yes.’”

  “You…have done a lot of girls, huh?”

  “Yes, you could say that, but as I told you before, it’s been at an undisclosed location, I didn’t see their faces, and they never saw mine. It was all prearranged and private. They were nothing but a means to an end. You, however, are different, and I’m not just wanting you for a quick little fuck and run, to use and discard you. I genuinely like you, Adriaunn.” He looked back as a knock sounded at the door. He opened it up to Stan standing there.

  “This gentleman is here to see you?”

  Sebastian stepped out of the room as Stan stood the door. Russell started up the steps with the manila envelope. “You got it? Everything?”

  “Yes. You haven’t touched her yet, have you?”

  “No, I have not. Give me that.” He snatched the envelope from him, tearing it open and pulling out the forms. A quick glance made him sigh. “I didn’t need all this, but it will still work,” Sebastian replied, ignoring his lawyer, Russell, and rolling his eyes.

  “Oh please, I’m not a child, I can handle it,” Adri declared, trying to be brave. She watched both men stop suddenly and look over at her with a tilt of their head, thinking she was being ridiculous. “Can’t we just do this on the way? Why does it have to be here—”

  “No,” Stan replied, pointing up at her. “You look this over, thoroughly, right here and right now, every word, Adri. If there is one thing on there you are not comfortable with, you don’t sign it. Do you understand me? You do not…have to do this now and can come down, then read it later when you have more time to think with a clear head.”

  “My head is plenty clear and I know what I want and what I’m doing. I told you I can handle it.”

  “Well, in about five minutes, we’ll see. And he’s right,” Russell replied, nodding to Stan. “Once it’s signed, you’re Darvaine’s, for better or worse. Don’t sign anything without making absolute certain you understand what Sebastian is asking of you and understand what you’re willing to give and do…and allow him to do to you. You can’t claim rape after signing it. You better be sure.” He turned to Stanly and pointed. “And you, sir, will be witness,” Russell replied and Sebastian went back inside. He tapped the rolled up forms in his hands and pushed the door closed. “Fuck me, she’s hot looking. I can see why he wants her so badly.”

  “Call me when you’re ready,” Stan replied and went back down the stairs, wishing he’d never gone up there. Now he’d have to sign documents to show witness to Adriaunn’s permission to be sexually violated by Sebastian, who he thought of as one of the biggest smug son-of-a-bitches in the world. Of all the women he had fawning all over him and he could have chosen, it had to be Adri!

  Adri just rolled her eyes and turned away. She went to her bed, flopping down on it, and leaving a naked thigh appearing out from the slit of the skirt.

  He went to the bar and flipped through the document, pulling out certain pages in the back that was far too detailed about sexual relationships, which they were nowhere near and he wasn’t all sure they ever would be. S and M was not something Adriaunn had ever considered and he knew she wasn’t ready to delve into that, not even a little. He glanced over the papers one more time and then rearranged them before he handed them over to her. He turned from her when Victoria appeared. Since he knew she wouldn’t leave and had to stick her nose in, he decided to use her. “Read over that with her and make sure she fully understands it all.” He swept the papers he pulled off the bar to take with him.

  “Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it?”

  “Because I’m worth…a lot of money, and I can’t risk you claiming rape tomorrow. I can’t go through all that again. I won’t!” He then turned away and left, leaving Adri to stare up at Victoria.

  “Well, how much is a lot?” Adri asked, but Victoria just arched a brow at her. She sat down next to her and then opened the envelope, pulling out the NDA and a contract of consent to go over it with her.

  Chapter Ten

  Sebastian gripped his phone as he sat in the car, staring down at Victoria’s text.

  Victoria: You got her. I’m bringing her down. Sign fast and fuck her immediately before she changes her mind—that was a bit too detailed for just wanting a night of casual sex. It’s now or never.

  Yes! Oh thank you, God! He tapped
the delete button to get rid of the message. It was then that Sebastian decided that he was going to put Adri through what they called The Rapture. He was going to give her so much pleasure and have her experience the greatest joy she’d ever known, which was what the definition of rapture was. He was going to rock her world tonight. He looked up as the door opened and she came out, jumping out of the car himself. Russell put the papers out on the trunk of the car and watched her sign everything Sebastian needed, then Sebastian signed. Russell and Stanly signed as witnesses. Russell collected the documents, putting them back in his briefcase and bounced his brows at him. All four women from his work were by the window and staring out with mouth agape, eyes wide, jealous of the lovely Adriaunn Vale that was leaving with him.


  “I plan to.” He stepped back with the door open but she hesitated, then slowly stepped in and sat down in the car, moving over as he sat down next to her. She was staring wide at him, clutching the edge of the leather seat and pushing herself back. She jumped as the chauffeur closed the door and gave a heavy breath, trying to force herself to relax. Now that she had seen the NDA, the Contract of Consent, and everything he did sexually, she was nervous. “You can relax, Adriaunn, I’ll never hurt you or do anything you don’t want me to. You’ve got your safe word and I expect you to use it.”

  Adri barely knew that she was nodding and kept trying to calm herself down, but that was far easier said than done. Sebastian Darvaine was everything I’ve ever dreamed about. He was the devil, I’m certain of it, and he’s going to thoroughly ruin me! He looked like a Greek—no, like some German god—is there such a thing? Oh shit, Adri, shut up and stop thinking and just…go for it and do it, enjoy! He certainly had German traits with that sandy blond hair, those vibrant blue eyes, high, strong cheekbones, full lips, and a perfectly straight line nose. And his body?! It’s divine; hard, heavy, muscular, and powerful, big—made for fucking. Holy shit he was gorgeous and this is going to be far easier than I ever thought. Her inner demon was literally cackling in total fucking joy and she didn’t blame her one bit, knowing she’d lost the battle and was ready to do anything this man wanted her too.


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