Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 39

by Jacqwin Hess

  “Yes…oh yes…I love it…more—give me more…” Pulling up her legs around his hips and kissing her in that maddening way again, he rammed his dick hard, tightening his hold down on her ass and gave her one last very hard, very fast brutal fuck. Tightening her pussy down, she watched this beautiful man shatter and come completely undone inside of her again. Adri moaned as she clung to him, gripping his hot tight ass and loving it, more than anything, that she could spin his brain, working her pussy on him just how he loved for her too. Nothing ever beat the feel of his cock jumping inside of her as it spewed massive ropes of it’s beautiful crème in her pussy and looked down to see it seep out of her--suddenly feeling herself shatter and come again with him. They both panted out as they stood there staring into each other’s eyes, connecting on a deep spiritual level neither one of them had ever known before. He took her breath away as his expression softened, filled with emotion she hadn’t been expecting—both of them trying to ignore it, deny it, yet unable to tear their gaze from the other.

  They didn’t stop kissing, never parted as they got out of the shower. They went over to where their clothes were laid out. He was so sweet, holding out her panties as she stepped into them and then the sweat pants. She rolled her eyes and smiled as he even drew them up her legs himself and of course took that moment to dip his finger into her soaked pussy to feel him there. “You are so bad .”

  “The worst.” He groaned and then looked over hearing a knock on the door.

  “Customers are arriving now.”

  “All right, Tim, let them in.” He looked back over to Adri, who just pulled the shirt on and slid into the zip up hoodie. “You look very good in that.”

  “Pfft! I’m a mess. Now, let’s get you dressed. There’s ah…a lot more to your wardrobe than mine,” she replied, turning back to the William Westmancott dressing-bag and unzipping it, gasping when she saw the suit. “Ooh…my favorite. I love this tie!” She pulled it off and stepped back as he grabbed for his personal bag and other items from there. It was such a nice time spent together like that, watching him dress, pulling on his Versace boxers that clung to his gorgeous thighs, cock, hips, and waist like a second skin. She gasped when he boldly grabbed and adjusted his cock in them, having a beautiful cock line. Wow! He’s so beautiful and he’s not even hard. So wicked!! He sat and pulled on his black socks and then reached up, carefully removing his slacks from the hanger. She noticed how he was always careful with all his things and knew they had to have cost a fortune. He lifted his legs, stepping into his pants and stood as he pulled them on. He slipped into his shirt next, tucking it in—going still as she took over that job, grabbing his ass and then, touching his dick through his shirt and underwear. She couldn’t resist! He kept his eyes pinned to her as she slipping her hand into the slit of his underwear to caress over the tip of him, stroke him and then went to pull him out, but he removed her hand and shook his head.

  “You drained me, darling, and I’m out of time,” he replied, zipping and buttoning his pants after he finished tucking his shirt in.

  “I was just going to—”

  “I know exactly what you were going to do,” he whispered against her lips, that she offered to wrap around his cock and suck his dick down that pretty little throat of hers. He wouldn’t make it to work if she had done that and been able to stop. He really did have a problem with that—stopping, where Adriaunn was concerned. He smiled as she put his tie on and looked so serious, adjusting it just right. “You know how to do a tie?”

  “Yes, I do. I used to do my father’s all the time when I was little. I’d stand up on the bed and fix it and give him a morning kiss before running off to have breakfast.”

  “Is that where you get your morning kiss from?”

  “I guess. Maybe. I never got them from,” she stopped, staring at the tie, putting her concentration back into it and finishing it. “There, perfect.”

  “If I had you next to me every time I woke I would kiss you every single morning and all during the day, every single day of your life.” And for the rest of your life. He added to himself, knowing that he didn’t dare say those words out loud yet and wasn’t ready to hear them physically himself. He didn’t give her a chance to run off, grabbing her by the back of the head, pulling her against him and kissing her deeply, until she relaxed against him, clinging onto him. A full minute later he let her go, getting his jacket and putting it on. Together, they both went to the mirror, fixing their hair, putting on his cufflink, watch, and put on cologne, with her assistance.

  “Ooh. I really like that cologne, but not too much. Just a bit goes a long way and it’s wonderful. Love it!” she quickly kissed him on the lips and then spun away. “I’ll get my clothes.” She walked over to the pile on the bench where she had undressed just before joining him in the shower. She glanced up at him as she tucked them into his bag and liked his half smile he was giving her for it. Adri mind was spinning in happiness. Silly but she couldn’t help it. It feels so couplish to share a gym bag, like we’re actually boyfriend and girlfriend. She hated that she didn’t know what they were and when she said she wasn’t his girlfriend, he didn’t dispute her. With a last glance down at her own shorts, Adri said good-bye to her old daisy dukes, because she knew damn good and well he would trash them.

  Once they gathered everything up, they walked out together and left. She kept walking as he pulled the hoodie up, dropping his hand on her shoulder and she knew he wanted to hide her face from the people in the gym who were working out. The noise level clearly dropped and she kept her head down, knowing everyone had stopped just to gawk at them.

  Again, he preordered their food and breakfast was waiting for them in the car, but just as it happened the last time, business took over and the whole ride was spent talking on the phone. She didn’t even bother him, but interrupted the call long enough to give him a kiss and smiled at him once they arrived at his office to drop him off.

  Her smile…left him breathless, stunned and so captivated. It left him aching in horrid pain at having to let her go and wished he could see her at lunch, but his lunches were all times set aside for business meetings. He hated his life right now, but the only bright spot in it was Adri. He wanted her and not just for a quick grab and jab in the fucking shower at the gym. He had hated that more than anything, but it had been beautiful to be with her and she hadn’t minded, just glad to be with each other finally.

  He’d actually been running on the treadmill at his Townhouse when the call from his office was forwarded through. He looked to check the number and was immediately overcome with a happiness and longing to see her. It was like being a kid again, always surprised by the feelings she evoked in him and never thought he was capable of. They scared him to death, but he didn’t care and he just stared at her phone and then had to call her back, refusing to put her off any longer. After they hung up, he didn’t waste a second before running out to meet up with her at the gym; TJ dropping him off and then going to get her for him. It didn’t cross his mind for a second to screw her at the gym and was just glad to have a moment with her. Now, totally sated and feeling unbelievably good, still happy, it was totally worth it. He held her a bit longer and both of them just stared at each other for a few seconds longer than necessary—and he finally woke up and got his head out. There he was out in front of work, the whole ride on the phone and everything she said in the shower raced through his mind, everything she said to her friend, which his friend had relayed back to him on her thinking he was boring. “I’ll call you back in thirty.”

  He sighed, feeling his anger return over how he had to be with her, literally having to get it when he could and where. It had been ridiculous.

  He wanted her. All the time. Every day.

  Something had to give…

  He just got her, but it wasn’t going to be her! He refused! Despite how great it was back at his gym, he still felt her distance and unhappiness. She didn’t trust him and he didn’t believe her explanation about
how her life was boring, not him. It was a good cover, but he wasn’t stupid. Yes, he was sure that her life was lonely and it was confusing being with him; not knowing to go out or stay home in case he showed up or asked her out. However! Let her move to Chicago?! Fuck that! Not happening! She wasn’t moving anywhere, except maybe a better location in the city—closer to my house—somewhere safer.

  And?...she thought he was boring!

  “Sebastian? You have to go to work. They’re waiting on you.”

  “Let them.”

  “No. The day you blow work or a meeting off it will all fall apart and trillions will be lost,” she replied, rolling her eyes, kidding around with him and bit her bottom lip as she smiled again. “And I couldn’t ever stand it if you…ever resented me or I got in the way or caused you to mess up or lose out on a big business Deal. And I’m tired. Five in the morning is early and I want to get a little shut eye before work. Thanks again—”

  “Don’t…you dare.” He warned her about thanking him for the fuck in the shower.

  Adri held up her white bag. “…for breakfast. It was good. Text me, call me, Skype me, one or the other—“

  “Or all three?”

  “Whatever you have time for—No,” Adri instantly took that back. “You have time, tonight when you go to bed and when you get home. Make time. Later Sabs. Have a good day at work.” She replied and then pushed the door open and forced him out, laughing as she pushed on his butt.

  Sebastian turned back and smiled back down at her. “Okay. You-me, Skype date, even if it’s late.”

  “We’ll see...”

  Chapter Twenty

  We’ll See…

  Those two words nagged him all day long. He just couldn’t get them out of his mind and that made the ‘other’ word appear back in his mind. Boring. It nagged even worse than the first two. How in the hell was he supposed to get Adri comfortable enough to be a submissive to him, explore S and M with him, trusting him with that when she didn’t even trust him to give her a text or call. She was serious about the whole moving to Chicago bullshit and even after everything they’d done, their sexual relationship, she still kept it on the back burner to leave—to leave him. The pencil snapped under the pressure and the meeting came to an abrupt silence, all eyes looked over at him.

  He tossed the pencil down and stared up at the new young exec, who immediately continued speaking and all eyes looking away from him—except for his closer partners, but he just ignored them and listened to the meeting. The one thing breaking the pencil did was have everyone get their shit together quicker and the meeting draw to a close fifteen minutes earlier than expect. He didn’t speak to anyone, standing up and pulled his phone out to get the ball rolling on the plan he came up with. It required working very late to be able to clear his schedule tomorrow and just texting Adri that night, but she wouldn’t be so angry come morning.

  Adri smiled as Sebastian pulled the car to a stop, keeping her blindfold on like she promised. She sat listening to him turn the car off and leaned over.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy you are like that?” He whispered in her ear and then growled in frustration, reaching back and opening the door.

  She laughed and shook her head, waited as he rounded the car, hearing the soft swooshing sound. Grass. He opened the door and she lifted her hand. She took a deep breath, taking in Sebastian’s sent along with the obvious scent of grass and woods. He took her hand and assisted her out of the car. She couldn’t believe he cleared his whole schedule for her and showed up, took her from work. It was a gorgeous August day and it couldn’t be more perfect, despite the expected rain that was suppose to come in. “It feels brisk and cool and…is this going to take real long? I hope some food is involved. You took me right at my lunch break.”

  “Shhh….trust me,” he whispered erotically in her ear and visibly saw goosebumps grow down her arms. He kissed the side of her head and rubbed up and down her arms, then retook her hands and led her from the car.

  Adri squealed as he came to stand behind her, unable to help herself and he positioned her where he wanted her. She went very still when he reached up to her blindfold.

  “Okay, are you ready?”

  “More than!” She answered and he gently jerked down on the black silk scarf and her hands immediately flew to her mouth. The beauty she found herself surrounded by was simply breathtaking, colors everywhere, lush green carpet of grass and looking down on the stone foundation of where a house once use to be. It was an old ruin, now covered in old vines that had turned red with the arrival of fall and across the field were several other ruins that were still partially erected with vines covering them and tall trees towering over them. It was just amazing. “Wow. You ah…really know how to amaze a girl, don’t you, Darvaine? Just…wow, it’s so…stunning. Beautiful.”

  “It use to be an old asylum back in the late eighteen hundreds.”

  “What?! Really? Oh no! Doctor Vannacutt isn’t going to suddenly appear and scalp my face off is he?”


  “Seriously? Omigosh, you…me…movie night, make that Movie Day. It’s the evil spirit from House on Haunted Hill.”

  “So you like scary movies?”

  Adri suddenly went very quiet, looking down and shaking her head. “No.”

  “Okay, there was too much emotion behind that.”

  “It’s just…with Cal, what he did and…what I sometimes heard about and saw. No, I don’t like scary movie, especially the true to life movies. People killing people. It’s not entertainment to me, because I’ve seen it. It’s real; the horrors of what people do to each other. It’s…” she couldn’t even describe it and shook her head, forcing out all those images and looking up at his concerned face. “But I still watch one every now and then, ghost movies are okay. Just not slasher films.”

  “I see.” He took her hand and led her to a set of steps and descended down into the maze of the ruins and looked up seeing the sun come out from behind the cloud, giving a heavy sigh of relief. He stopped and got her attention. “Now, just so you know. This is friendship date only.” He replied and she instantly stuck out her bottom lip and he laughed out, grasping her jaw and lifting her face, kissing her pouty lips. “You’ll be okay. I promise.” He walked again and took her to the large open area, smiling as she gave a happy squeal and stared over to where he had his antique woody parked with the back open and a large blanket laid out on the ground with a huge luxurious picnic lunch waiting for them.

  Is this real?! Ohmigod, is this real?! My dream. Ooh somebody pinch me. Oh…wow. Okay Adri, stay calm, don’t freak and act all stupid and…simple! But…ohwow! “Ooh, it’s…lovely, Sebastian. Beautiful.” Adri whispered in awe, running her hand down the wood on the side of the antique car. “What is it?”

  “It’s a 1930’s Rolls Royce owned by my great grandfather, Danner P. Darvaine.” Sebastian answered from behind his camera he held up. When she was right where he wanted her , he took the picture of it and Adri by the car. He smiled when Adri spun around and stared at him, watching him come to her. “Don’t freak. Friends. Remember? This is the first part of our day here. Since I knew I took you from lunch, I had lunch set up here for us.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it. Where are we?”

  “Um…Pheldon Estates.”

  “I’ve never heard of it,” Adri replied dropping down on the plush thick soft blanket and picking off a huge green grape. She shivered as her brain was besieged by sparking pleasure at the taste and moaned in total delight, but she kept herself in control and sat back from the bowel, forcing her hands down as Sebastian sat next to her. He picked up the wine bottle and popped it open, pouring her a glass, handing it to her and then another for himself. Her brain burst again as she hadn’t even realized she grabbed a handful more of the fruit, popped it in her mouth and ate it.

  “Don’t ruin your dinner on that. We have a lot here.”

  “Fine,” she mumbled with a full mouth and he smil
ed, chuckling at her.

  “And you wouldn’t have ever heard of this place. It’s not on any map. It’s…ah…It’s my estate. I own this. I brought you to my childhood home.” He watched her eyes flash wide, looking around them and then those pretty brows grow together.

  “You own….all of this?”

  “Yes. Don’t give that look. The accusatory one. If rich people didn’t own large acres of land, then all the forest in the country would be gone. They’d be covered in houses, condos or shack houses and trailers and shit. There wouldn’t be any forestland or wildlife left on the planet. It took a rich person to create the beauty like this and preserve it and all the massive gardens and conservatories. Rich people did that and poor people can’t give up what money they have, agreeing to higher taxes to keep up on parks and wildlife preserves like this. I own twenty-three hundred acres of raw timberland that I made into a wildlife preserve. It’s all private, no fly zone.”

  “You don’t have a secret village in the woods here do you?”

  He smiled, eyes flashing wide and pointing at her. “I got that one. Ha! The village. I’ve seen it. Good movie.”

  “Well, I’m impressed.”

  “You should be. Anyway, the main house is over that mountain, the estate where I grew up. This land here, Pheldon estate, was almost bought by a developer who planned on chopping down the woods, flooding the low land to make a lake and then put condos and shit on. I bought it out from under him and preserved it all. So, thank god for me or this would be a shithole and all underwater now. Now, let's eat. I’m starving and this smells incredible.”

  The food was actually hot still. Everything was in metal dishes and silverware, china plates and gorgeous tea set—and yes, it tasted incredible as well. Lunch consisted of a vinaigrette salad, handmade bread, herbed chicken, seasoned asparagus, and little boiled potatoes with butter and fresh herbs sprinkled on them. It was divine and she was in absolute heaven. She finally fell exhausted heap on the blanket with her head falling on his lap and he then dropped back too, placing his wine glass on his chest. “Amazing.”


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