Aliens Abroad

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Aliens Abroad Page 69

by Gini Koch

  They didn’t need to say anything. I already knew, and it was easy for the others to guess. Hugs and kisses all around. “You’re sure this will work?” Chuckie asked me.

  “Dude, I’m as sure of this plan as I am of all the others.”

  “So, no,” Christopher said.

  Chuckie shook his head. “See you on the other side.” He took Nathalie’s hand and they headed off, presumably for their posts in the Observation Lounge, Nathalie to assist Tito if needed, Chuckie to advise as needed.

  “Ready?” I asked the others. They all nodded.

  Christopher reached his hand to me and I took his in mine. ACE flowed from me to him. Felt a little loss, but not the energy drain, because Lilith was still inside of me.

  Christopher’s eyes were opened wide. “Wow. This is . . . amazing.”

  “You have to return him to Jamie when this is done. Unless ACE wants to be free, like Lilith.”

  “ACE does not,” Christopher said, in a voice that wasn’t his, indicating that ACE had control of the mind and body. “ACE will never leave Jamie, or Kitty. ACE loves ACE’s home. How can ACE protect if ACE leaves?”

  “Just want you to know that you always can, if you want to. We don’t want you to go, either, so we’re all on the same page there.”

  “That was freaky,” Christopher said. “Hey, no palsy.”

  “Maybe you’re better at it than Paul was.”

  Christopher laughed. “I think it’s that ACE is better at it, honestly.”

  “Let’s hope. Okay, gang, group hug.”

  We hugged and a part of ACE and Lilith went into the others. Everyone had Christopher’s reaction, even Butler and Kristie.

  Once the Sharing of the Superconsciousnesses was over, Wruck shifted into a star surfer. “Ready.” We’d discussed it and he felt that, while he could double Christopher, star surfers were the fastest beings out there, so that was his choice for the Plan.

  Mossy flew onto my shoulder. “I’ll shift once the hatch opens.” Per my talk with him, Turleens did this sort of thing for fun, and with the turbo boost of having a bit of ACE and Lilith inside him, Mossy had no worries.

  Kristie and Butler had also felt more than capable, in no small part because we were all still in Drax body armor and face masks. At least my team was eager and confident. My music changed to “Built for Speed” by American Hi-Fi. Algar also had no concerns, so that was good.

  Kristie hit her communicator. “Jerry, connect me and John Butler to Kitty, Christopher, John Wruck, and Mossy.”

  “Will do,” Jerry said in my ear. “Godspeed, everyone. And I mean that in all the ways it can be taken.”

  “Remember that the perspective of how the galaxy is spinning depends on where we are in relation to it,” Butler said. “And that might change once we get this system closer.”

  “If we do it right, it won’t matter.” That was my prevailing theory, anyway. “Remember, we have to encircle the system from six different directions. Stay aware of where the others are—having to deviate from your path will slow us down and I’m sure I don’t need to explain why hitting into each other will be the definition of Worst Save Ever.”

  “What’s life without risk?” Kristie asked with a grin. “If you feel like you’re slowing down, Kitty, just let me know. We can discuss all the Code Name: First Lady sequels I’m thinking of suggesting to Jürgen.”

  “You’re hilarious.” Took the requisite deep breath and let it out slowly. “Jerry, give us the countdown, and remember to open our door, please and thank you.”

  “Will do, Commander. Your favorite flyboy lives to serve.”


  JERRY STARTED AT TEN. We all moved to stand near the container with Space Lucinda in it. We were in position on the eight count. Giving us what felt like a hell of a lot of time to wait. We chose our paths in the next six seconds, which sort of seemed like six minutes, possibly hours.

  “Two,” Jerry finally said. “And . . . one.” The hatch opened and my music changed to “Into the Great Wide Open” by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. True enough—we were all sucked out, the heavy lead container included.

  The container zoomed off, so knew Charlie was doing his thing. The rest of us scattered and started running, which we could do because of ACE and Lilith.

  Christopher had the longest path—he was going around the system in an oval that meant he was above and below the elliptic plane. Mossy had the elliptic plane of the intact planets. My path was around the middle and was, therefore, the shortest. Butler and Kristie were crisscrossing along the diagonals, so to speak. Basically, the five of us were trying to look like a super atom, the humor of which was not lost on me. And Wruck was circling the sun, creating what we hoped was a vortex that would pull Space Lucinda into the center of Helix. So he was the nucleus. Doing it all for science!

  Actually, we were doing it all in order to create enough momentum for the sun to be able to reverse course and head back toward the galaxy, while not leaving any of its satellites behind. And once we achieved that, then the hard stuff would start. We were being helped greatly by ACE and Lilith and, I suspected, even more greatly by Algar. God helped those who helped themselves, presumably so that he could pretend it wasn’t him doing it.

  Charlie, meanwhile was moving the lead container into the center of the Puzzle Planet and, the moment he did so, the other kids were helping move the pieces back together while Abigail and Mahin were gathering space dust, asteroids, and tiny parts of exploded planets to create a “whole” orb.

  Because they were inside of the six of us, ACE and Lilith were covering the entire solar system in a spinning form of Tupperware. Or perhaps that was just how I was thinking of it.

  Got into the groove quickly because there was nothing like having the Superconsciousness Boost. Because of that, even as we started to go faster and faster, getting up to well beyond Ludicrous Speed, we could still see each other and the things in the solar system.

  Could also see the Milky Way. It looked far away. A lot farther than it had looked on the picture. Scary far. Stopped looking at it. Steering was going to fall to Space Lucinda and Wruck, with a likely assist from Charlie, at least if I knew my son at all.

  Concentrated on running as fast as possible and focused on the Puzzle Planet, not the Milky Way. The Puzzle Planet was well on its way to Helix. So far, so good.

  You must go faster, Lilith said. All of you. Stop watching everything else and focus on your paths.

  Tried to put on more speed. I was a sprinter. This was a sprint. Sure, a long-distance sprint, but a sprint nonetheless. Felt like I was going my fastest.

  Kitty, you must find more speed. The others are now at the speed they need to be. You aren’t, and if you don’t speed up, the chances of you colliding with the others is high.

  Had no idea where I was going to get more reserves of speed. My music changed to “A Question of Lust” by Depeche Mode. Not what I’d have expected. But I focused on the lyrics. This was a love song, about a how a couple survived challenges, how they stayed together. If I didn’t do my part, my family wasn’t going to be together ever again.

  Stopped trying to go faster to save the galaxy and just ran for the joy of running, for the love of my family and friends, and for the chance to have sex with Jeff again.

  There, Lilith said. You’re perfect. Be prepared—the planet has been captured in the orbit John Wruck has created.

  I could keep this speed going now, so I did, while DJ Algar spun “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen, “Run Baby Run” by Garbage, and “Fox on the Run” by Sweet. I watched the Puzzle Planet start spinning around the sun, faster and faster, until it was a blur. Then it was gone.

  What happened?

  Don’t slow, Lilith warned. What we wanted to happen has happened. The planet protected the container just long enough.

sure I kept on running at the same speed I had been. But I still watched Helix. So I saw the sun flare then contract. Um . . .

  Lucinda is containing the sun’s thermonuclear reaction. Be ready. In a moment we will be moving and you will need to continue running.

  The sun looked less red. Not a lot less, but it no longer seemed at the end of its line. Felt the pull, as the sun started to move. The music changed to “You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)” by Dead or Alive and I knew we were ready.

  A lattice of light went around the system. Which made it look like an oval Z’porrah power cube. And the six of us running were the ones who were going to trigger it.

  We had to be in the right positions to trigger, so we had to keep running until we were all set at the right place and the right time, which was going to take precision. Thankfully, we had ACE and Lilith along to ensure that we could be precise.

  Because of the sun’s movement combined with those of us running and whatever it was the kids were doing, the solar system started to tip as if it was rolling. Which was what we wanted.

  Now, Lilith said, as my music changed to Van Halen’s “Jump” and we all jumped on her cue. Saw the power oval trigger.

  Heard ACE and Space Lucinda give directions to the others, tiny course adjustments to account for the system itself starting to tumble through space. Because I was covering the middle, I had no corrections to make, just the onus to keep on running as fast as I could. My music changed to “I’ll Tumble 4 Ya” by Culture Club. Fitting.

  Figured that the music and time weren’t necessarily going in a linear fashion. Wasn’t sure how long it took the Flash to run around an entire solar system, but had to figure it was more than a second. Then again, even with Lilith inside of me, could barely spot Christopher as anything but a blur.

  “We’re moving toward the galaxy,” Butler said. Was hella impressed that he could talk while doing this. I certainly wasn’t planning to try running my yap. “And we’re on our side, so to speak, which could be good or bad.”

  Risked one syllable. “Why?”

  “Because we’re going to hit the galactic disk straight on, with our solar disk slicing into it.”

  “Do I slow?” Christopher asked.

  No, Lilith said. All of you need to go faster.

  Algar did me a solid and put on “Toys in the Attic” by Aerosmith. Found the will to run faster with my boys in my ears. When the next song came on and was “Uncle Salty,” had the happy realization that I was getting the entire Toys in the Attic album, which was my favorite.

  So, running along and rocking out, we tumbled toward what was either going to be a miraculous save or a really big crash.

  Ready, Lilith said finally, as “You See Me Crying” was ending. Impact in five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . . My music changed to “Time for You to Go” by Sum 41. One.

  And we hit.

  The impact was hard to describe—it was what I figured a bubble would feel like when it hit a surface. The bubble is floating along, then it slams into something and breaks apart, but the thing it hit doesn’t even notice.

  We weren’t breaking apart, but was pretty sure that was only because the six of us were doing our running thing and Charlie and the other kids were helping keep us steady while Lilith and ACE kept things together.

  But once the initial impact was over, we continued to tumble, through the perimeter and back inside the safety of the galaxy. Felt another pull—the core’s pull on our sun.

  We’re inside, Lilith said, sounding hella relieved. You cannot slow yet. We need to ensure that we are not at the edges of the galaxy.

  We need to ensure that we are not too near any other systems, as well, Space Lucinda said. I will not be able to contain Helix for too long. And when this system dies, we don’t want to take others with us.

  We ran on, still tumbling, moving closer to the core and the safety that represented. But not too close. Algar treated me to a lot of songs about home, including but not limited to “On the Way Home” by John Mayer, “Home” by Daughtry, “Ass Back Home” by Gym Class Heroes, and “Baby Come Home” by American Hi-Fi. But when we got to “Finally Found a Home” by Huey Lewis & the News, knew we were close.

  Begin slowing, Lilith said. Gradually, this is just as important as speed was before.

  Slowed down listening to Aerosmith’s “Sunny Side of Love” while checking to make sure that all the parts of the solar system had come with us. Well, the most important parts, anyway—I wasn’t going to stress about the asteroids and such. But Helix, Helix Noblora, Helix Rime, and the Distant Voyager were all accounted for.

  More Aerosmith, more slowing. As “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” was finishing, Lilith told us all to run to the ship. Wruck swooped over and gathered us up, which I appreciated.

  We flew into the cargo hold. “Jerry, time to close the door.”

  There was silence. Looked at the others, doing my best not to panic. They all looked as freaked out as I felt.

  The cargo doors closed. “Jerry?” Kristie asked. “Jerry, are you there?”

  Still silence.

  “Um, Mother?”


  “Did we do all this and lose everyone?” Mossy asked, sounding freaked out.

  Tried not to lose it. This was supposed to save everyone. “Are people still on the planets?”

  “Sorry!” Jerry’s voice came through. “The move caused the ship some distress. We’re all fine, so are those on the planets—they all went underground, where it was much easier to handle the move. We had a few issues, and communications was damaged, which is why I wasn’t answering. It just took Mother a little time to fix.”

  “Thanks for the heart attacks.”

  “You’re sure the speed didn’t affect those on the planets or the ship?” Wruck asked.

  “You’re asking that now?” Kristie said, sounding a little outraged. Couldn’t really blame her.

  Lilith and ACE were protecting, ACE said. All penguins were protected.

  Yes, Lilith agreed. That’s one of the reasons we went into the six of you—the barrier you created kept those inside it safe.

  My music changed. To “God Is a DJ” by Pink. Started to laugh. “Let’s just get up to the Observation Lounge and make sure,” I suggested. So we did.

  Happily and to all our relief, everyone seemed okay. Most of the kids were sleeping. Jamie, Rachel, and Raymond were still awake, though they looked tired.

  The adults also looked pretty spent. Abigail and Mahin were sitting with their backs against a wall, as were all the others who’d been there for energy assistance.

  Anyone not sleeping got hugged by all of us and vice versa. Some kissing was involved, too, at least between Christopher and Amy and me and Jeff.

  “Stop looking worried,” Tito said after we’d all finished being relieved that everyone was alive and okay. “Everyone’s exhausted, but that’s all. How are the six of you?”

  We all looked at each other. “I feel fine,” I admitted. The others chimed in with the same. “That’s going to end once ACE and Lilith leave us, though.”

  It would be best if ACE and I stay inside of all of you for a while. We will withdraw from one of you at a time, but not just yet. We also need to recover and you will all be less exhausted if we wait.

  “Works for me. I’d love to spend time sleeping and celebrating, but we have two planets to evacuate somehow. Space Lucinda said that she can’t control Helix’s degeneration for too long.”

  “Excuse me,” Jeff said. “Space who?”

  Explained how I’d give the Anti-Mother a new name and why.

  “Only my girl.”

  “Hey, I named a new solar system after your mother. Well, an old new one. And while it won’t last forever, it’s still an honor.”

  “And that’s exactly how I’m going to spin it, b
aby, believe me.”

  “We have a communication coming from the Apata system,” Mother said.

  “Put it through to the whole ship, please, Mother,” I said.

  “Hi, everyone, it’s Raj. I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on doing the impossible.”

  “Thanks, Raj. Two populated planets, lots of planetary debris, and one older sun back where they belong. At least sort of. Mission accomplished. If we can evacuate two large, heavily populated planets before the old sun goes bye-bye.”

  “I’ve been doing more than just shaking hands and eating interesting new cuisine, as have the others. What matters most to the current situation is that Gustav has spoken to his father while we were being political. Vatusus advised Galactic Council allies in the general area of what you were doing, so you’ve been monitored. Everyone is impressed. Extremely impressed. Earth’s cachet just rose immeasurably.”

  “That’s why we did it,” Jeff said, sarcasm knob at eleven and threatening to go to twelve. “For the accolades.”

  Raj laughed. “You’ll appreciate them because they’re how you’re going to evacuate the planets. Now that you’re relatively stationary, Vatusus is sending ships. They need a destination for the refugees, but they can evacuate without issue.”

  Jeff groaned. “We have to find them homes, too, don’t we? Solaris is full up, so is Alpha Centauri.”

  “Stop stressing. I know where they’re going.”

  “Where?” Raj asked.

  “The Goldilocks system by the Clown Consortium system. Those planets are all Earthlike and all uninhabited. And I claimed them for Solaris, and the people from Helix Noblora and Helix Rime are now considered Earth citizens and wherever they live Earth territories.”

  “That will fly with the Council,” Raj said. “Vatusus expects ships to you within a few hours.”

  “Perfect. We’ll start getting the natives ready for evacuation. It may take some time, though.”


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