The Creatures of Man

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The Creatures of Man Page 51

by Howard L. Myers

  He grinned. "Maybe I'll think of some way."

  "I get the impression you're not as beat as I am," she laughed.

  "I shouldn't be. I got back three days ago. Been taking it easy ever since."

  "How did you manage that?"

  "I was given a lift by a fellow in Lopat, the man who loaned me the recharger. He wanted to know where I was taking it, anyway, so he flew out here with me riding on his back."

  She thought about it for a moment. "Doesn't that compromise the location of our little love-nest?"

  "Not really. I know that guy. He won't talk to any Lontastan agents about us."

  "Had any agents been in Lopat?"

  "I don't think so. Of course I didn't ask, but someone would have been likely to mention such unusual visitors."

  Gweanvin nodded, and asked no further questions. Holm hadn't been as discreet as she would have preferred, but then he wasn't a frontliner, experienced at disclosing not one datum more than he wished to disclose. Considering his backwater background, so far away from the econo-war, he had done very well indeed.

  They entered the cabin and he brought the recharger out of a closet. It was a large clumsy device, in a plastic block. It weighed at least twenty pounds, typical of the comparatively unpolished technology of the Independency of a century ago.

  But it worked. It generated energy. Gweanvin punched its probe-needles through her skin to the contacts of her power pack—rather gingerly because the needles were painfully dull—and thirty minutes later she had her recharge.

  "When are you leaving?" Holm asked.

  "Soon . . . tomorrow morning. I really must, Holm."

  "Okay. I'll hate to see you go—but you know that."

  "Returning will be more pleasure for me than leaving," she said. "And Holm, I don't want you to see me go. It would be best if you were far away from the cabin before I go on power."

  "Oh . . . in case the Lontastans spot you leaving and follow your backtrail?"

  "Yes. My light weight makes it possible for me to outwarp any agent I ever met, so the chances of my being caught are slight. But there's nothing to stop the agents from coming here and questioning you."

  He laughed. "A lot I'd tell them!"

  "You could wind up telling them more than you intended," she said grimly. "You know no more of their tricky games than I knew of woodsmanship—and if they find out I'm coming back . . . well, you can kiss our plans for a long and happy mating season goodbye."

  After a moment, he said slowly, "I'll leave around midnight, Gweanny, just as I did the first night. When you go, I'll be more than twenty miles away."

  * * *

  He was gone the next morning. Gweanvin prepared a large breakfast and ate it slowly. She was in no hurry to lift off, since each moment of delay now would put Holm farther away. Of course it was not really likely that she would be backtracked, but she did not want to take even a slight risk of bringing Holm and Marvis together.

  She was not, she realized, being completely reasonable on that score. But neither would Marvis be, if their roles were reversed. Had she and Marvis been devoted sisters, perhaps they would willingly share the only available male of their species. But they were not. The expediencies of the econo-war could not be left out of the picture. She and Marvis were competitors, and frontline competitors at that, which meant they were among the relatively small group of econo-warriors who might, on occasion, carry the conflict to the point of shooting at each other.

  Sharing the available male would be reasonable. It would be the surest way to give their new species a toehold on continued existence. But circumstances did not really allow her to be reasonable . . .

  . . . Not even if she wanted to, which she didn't. She grinned. It was such fun to outdo Marvis of the big bust!

  Not that Holm was . . . well, was her ideal. Gosh, he was close to sixty Standard Years, old enough to be her father! Even though, by the homo sap norm, he only looked thirty. Of course he doted on her; he made that all too obvious. Letting her have her way about everything, instead of forcefully taking charge. For instance, letting her leave for three years, or maybe even longer, without the least ruckus, although he plainly hated the idea.

  Oh, well. It was too much to expect the one available male would be someone she could fall madly in love with. At least she found him attractive enough for all practical purposes. And he would make a terrific father, here on Arbora. She had sized his woodsmanship up wrong earlier, because he had trouble teaching it to her. But that was because he hadn't ever bothered to verbalize a lot of what he knew before.

  The things that man could do . . . the success he had had scrounging equipment for her trek to High Pines . . . and that bow he had made for her, as good or better than any wooden bow that could be bought in a Primgran sporting goods shop . . . and these lovely breakfast eggs she was eating. Despite his instructions, she hadn't yet been able to find a wild chicken nest, but when Holm went egg-gathering he always came back with a sack of beauties.

  And if he was lacking somewhat in youthfulness and forcefulness, he was nevertheless plenty masculine. And with him sex could have a purpose beyond play. She suspected that difference alone would hereafter make dalliance with homo sap males too trivial to bother with.

  What was that quote she had noticed in that ancient treatise on the experimental crossing of donkeys and horses to produce mules? Oh, yes:

  " . . . it is a curious fact that once a male donkey has served a female donkey, it is often reluctant to transfer its attentions to a female horse."

  A "curious" fact, indeed. Seemingly even donkeys have an intuitive preference for producing a viable strain of offspring . . .


  She rose from the table and prepared to leave. That consisted mainly of removing the warm velveen clothing which would no longer be needed when she went on power. She walked through the cabin and paused, looking at the bow Holm had made her. It was a handsome piece of work, and she was tempted to take it and a few arrows along as mementos.

  Well, why not? If Marvis Jans were still around, she wanted to lead her away, didn't she? The extra mass of the bow ought to slow her just enough to keep Marvis from growing quickly discouraged. She slung it across her shoulder and tied the quiver of six arrows to her belt.

  Gweanvin stepped outside, took a final glance around, then semi-inerted and activated her propulsion field. Rapidly she soared up into the clear morning sky, lifting directly away from the planet, enjoying the physical comfort of having all her life-support systems going again and the freedom of motion which could come no other way.

  Her detectors showed a spot of activity off to the southeast . . . the settlement of Lopat, she guessed. Nothing showed at High Pines; none of the few possessors of life-support systems there were using them at the moment.

  There were no signs of pursuit yet. She had not expected anything this quickly. Marvis might well have stationed herself near Arbora by this time, working on the assumption that if Gweanvin were still in the Independency at all, it was because she was on a planet where a recharge was hard to find. In short, on Arbora. But Marvis wouldn't be on the ground. She would be in space, ready to pounce on Gweanvin when she emerged from the atmosphere.

  Gweanvin hoped she would be waiting for her. That would save the trouble of buzzing every planet in the Independency looking for her.

  Soon she had cleared the atmosphere, and immediately went into warp toward an opening in the gas clouds that led into the Commonality. Within two minutes she was sure Marvis had not picked her up.

  She frowned in thought. Was it really worthwhile to search the Independency for Marvis, when the Lontastan agent might even have given up the chase by now and returned home? Or, if not that, might be waiting in ambush at one of the warpshift points in the cloud crevice ahead?

  It was not, she decided. If Marvis wasn't hanging around Arbora itself, what chance was there that she would encounter someone who would say, "Hey, I know a guy with a nose just like yours"? A
lmost no chance at all.

  So the only real risk was that Marvis was near Arbora, but Gweanvin's quick departure had caught her napping. Or perhaps the planet had been between them and had blocked out detection.

  Well, that possibility could be checked out quickly.

  Gweanvin reversed warp and went back to the Arbora system, overshooting the planet some thirty thousand miles. She had departed from the early-morning side, and now she hung over the early-evening side, studying her detector-screen.

  Nobody was on power anywhere in nearby space. The only flickers came from the planet itself, and not many of those. Only one of those flickers was dopplering, indicating a person moving upward through the atmosphere. Marvis Jans? Hardly likely.

  Gweanvin hesitated. Was there anything else to do before heading home? Well . . . not really. There came a time when the best thing to do was leave well enough alone and—

  The dopplering spot on her screen flicked off, and Marvis Jans emerged from miniwarp less than fifty yards away. Before Gweanvin had time to react, the Lontastan fired her zerburst pistol.

  An intense pain lanced through Gweanvin's left hip. She warped hurriedly, and the purring voice of Marvis came through the comm receiver in her left ear.

  "Dear little Gweanny! Did I give you a nasty old hole in the hip? I'll try to do better next time!"

  Gweanvin was busy shifting warp vectors, paying no heed to the diminishing pain in her hip. The maintenance units of her life-support system were already at work on the wound. Localized intensity of her countervac pressor screen had halted the bleeding almost as soon as it began, and within seconds internal reagents were forming walls of pseudo-tissues to contain organ ruptures for the hour or so that would pass before normal healing processes could replace them.

  If, of course, she lived that long.

  The zerburst beam had passed too close to her transport packet implant. The device itself had not been hit, but from the way it was malfunctioning she knew it had been heavily ionized. That was a self-correcting problem . . . given time. But for the present she was warping with the speed of a three-hundred pounder, and her miniwarps were breaking short of her projected exit points.

  She couldn't outrun Marvis in this condition!

  "I'm really sorry this has to be curtains for you, Gweanny," came the older woman's voice. "If I had a suitable alternative—but I don't. You're just too tricky to take chances with, dear. So . . . happy re-embodiment."

  Gweanvin guessed Marvis' regrets were sincere. Even frontliners hated to kill without ample reason. And Marvis knew she would be destroying half the female population of her own species. But Gweanvin could see her point. A Primgranese agent who had gained such vital information as she about Lontastan plans for expanding Monte's sphere of dominance could not be allowed to return home.

  She continued miniwarping frantically, knowing Marvis would catch up with her quickly during any warp of more than a few second's duration. They were still in the system of Arbora, zig-zagging outward toward a type-J gas giant.

  The failure of Marvis to kill her with that first shot was not due to lack of deadly intent. It came instead from Marvis having to warp in close enough to identify her quarry by sight, much too close for a zerburst flare. A zerburst pistol emitted a thin pencil of extremely intense light, so intense as to drill a hole through almost any substance it struck. Its intensity also created a linear warp along its length, resulting in trailing portions of the beam propagating more rapidly than the leading portions. When the back end caught up with the front, and the beam had theoretically no length at all, it became an unsustainable singularity that broke up in an instantaneous release of all its concentrated energy. That was the flare.

  The more intense the beam, the quicker and closer the flare would be. But a pistol could not be so powerful as to produce a flare only a few yards from its muzzle, and in any event such a flare would vaporize the shooter as well as the target. So the worst Marvis could do to Gweanvin at recognition distance was drill a quarter-inch hole through her, without time to aim and make that hole deadly before Gweanvin reacted and warped away.

  But now that the chase was on, the pistol would be more in the situation for which it was intended. Marvis could set the weapon's intensity to flare at a certain range, then bide her time until she maneuvered herself to precisely that distance from Gweanvin.

  Perhaps, thought Gweanvin, if I can circle behind that gas giant I can lose her long enough to—

  But again she dropped out of miniwarp too quickly. The condition of her transport packet wasn't improving. She caught a flashing glimpse of a large object off to her left and with no hesitation warped to put it between herself and her pursuer.

  This time she had allowed properly for her malfunctioning implant. Her warp exit was less than half a mile above the surface of the object, one of the gas giant's airless minor moons. Immediately she went full inert, killing all power consumption except for pressor field and detector. An instant later the detector screen showed the spot that was Marvis flash quickly on and off several hundred miles up as the Lontastan agent jumped around searching for her. Gweanvin, under the gravitational attraction of the moonlet, drifted slowly to the ground.

  "Very bright of you, Gweanny, dear," came the voice of Marvis. "Taking cover could add whole minutes to your life-expectancy."

  Which was accurate enough, Gweanvin supposed, as she touched ground feet first with an experienced knee-jiggle to prevent bouncing. All Marvis had to do was close in on the surface to a range where Gweanvin would be detectable, despite low-power usage, and circle on semi-inert until she spotted her target.

  Gweanvin looked around for shelter, but saw no good hiding-place, no hole to crawl into. A rill-cliff, its top in sunlight and its base in deep shadow, was the best cover she could find. A few long leaps brought her into the shadow where she stood, back to the cliff, watching her detection screen.

  A hell of a way to be caught, weaponless and with a loused-up transport implant, she told herself bitterly.


  * * *

  She swung her bow off her shoulder and gave the string a testing tug. Surprisingly, the wood responded normally, as if it had been treated in the manner of professionally made bows against deterioration in vacuum. She wondered fleetingly how Holm had come to anti-space the wood, but this was a bit of luck too good to question.

  She fitted an arrow to the bow and held the weapon ready, making sure that more arrows were poking handily out of the quiver for quick drawing.

  A ludicrous situation . . . pitting a bow against a zerburst pistol. She snickered grimly at the thought. Why, Marvis could fire, miniwarp, and fire again while a single arrow was crawling its way toward her original position!

  But if she could score a hit, the arrow would penetrate the agent's defensive screen. Though an arrow was light in weight, it still packed a lot of mass in relation to the size of its penetrating tip. More than a bullet did, or many other far more sophisticated projectiles that defensive screens were designed to stop. Its relatively low speed in effect would "fool" the screens into treating it as a minor threat, since the screen could not see all that inert mass behind it.

  However, the only possible advantage she could expect from an on-target arrow was one of surprise, in that Marvis would not expect her to have any weapon at all . . .

  And there was Marvis! She came into view and into detection at the same time, flying slowly over the top of the cliff and not far to Gweanvin's left.

  Gweanvin raised the bow, drawing back the string, and released. Without waiting to see the results, and while Marvis spotted her and aimed her zerburst pistol, Gweanvin miniwarped right up from the surface to a point fifty feet above her enemy. There she went on inert propulsion and drove straight down at Marvis. There was a slight jar when her shield screen banged into that of the semi-inert Lontastan, and a bruising jar when her impetus slammed both of them down on the rocky moonlet, with Marvis on the bottom. A shield screen had to
flex under such punishment.


  Gweanvin sat up groggily on the spot she had bounced to, ten feet from where Marvis was stretched out. Where was the pistol? Oh, there it was, beyond Marvis. She leaped across the woman and grabbed it just as Marvis began to stir.

  Gweanvin tucked the pistol in her belt and watched the Lontastan warily. How knocked out was she? Badly hurt or playing possum?

  Although she had no intention of aiding her traumatized enemy, Gweanvin exteriorized and moved into the woman to check on her injuries. That was something an ego-field could do far better than physical hands, because the care of bodies was a prime ego-field skill, and . . .

  Stunned, Gweanvin withdrew and stood staring at the older woman.

  Marvis was not badly mangled. A couple of broken ribs, a little internal bleeding, and an arrow through the left shoulder. Nothing her life-support maintenance system could not mend in a few hours, once that arrow was out of the way. After a moment, Gweanvin stepped forward and gently pulled the arrow free.


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