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Wandmaster Page 11

by Valerie Kramboviti

  In the darkness, a form shaped itself; of a man, darker than darkness and swathed in a blackness which seemed to outline itself onto the dark. The form sat in a throne, or tall chair and was stooped over an orb, staring into its heart which flickered with strange livid images. John saw himself in the orb, his wand raised, surrounded with all the colours and clarity of the crystals, staring into the face of the man. He recognised the background of the temple in the image of himself and realised, with terrible certainty that the tall man in the chair had seen him in the orb when he had been working with Tyloren. John had been unaware of his presence, being wrapped so completely in the colours of the crystals, but now he saw the enemy as he stared at the miniature John Stone, Wandmaster in the dark glass. He watched the blood-rimmed eyes of the dark form, the sickly hue of the luminescent skin and the black pearls of his teeth which glimmered in John's light as the mouth opened in a cry of rage causing silvery saliva to dribble out in frothy bubbles. So, this was Ataxios. John saw himself being pushed out of the orb by the will of the man he faced, but even as this happened, he bent his concentration on the watcher, to take a really good look at the foe he would have to face and maybe even kill at some point. He felt no anger, no hatred. The dark crystal began to dominate John's colours as Tyloren had warned him it would if uncontrolled, maybe in response to the darkness in the orb, but John reigned it in and held it, blending it in with the soothing blues, pinks and greens, yellows, browns, and other hues in his aura and it slipped back into its place in the spectrum. He surrounded himself with peace as best he could and with all the colours in his armory. The tiny Wandmaster left the orb of his own accord, with the light of calm all around him and it enraged Ataxios. John's last view of the scene was looking down on the now empty orb and at the uptuned face of Ataxios, who was bellowing with violent fury.

  On opening his eyes, he saw Vilma studying him carefully and with some concern. John released the colours in his mind one by one and returned to full awareness slowly, wishing to remove the taint of Ataxios thoroughly before grounding.

  "Tyloren has prepared you well, Wandmaster, but you are also naturally strong, very strong." Vilma's voice was quiet and its tone was even but John could feel a stifled excitement in it.

  "Ataxios," was all the reply John could make. Back now in the dim light of the cave, John recalled the face of the enemy in great detail and fear ran up and down his spine.

  "Ataxios," agreed Vilma. John eyed her levelly and asked,

  "Wasn't that a bit of a risk, Vilma? What if I hadn't been ready?"

  "You were not alone Wandmaster, though in the end you did not need our help, and anyway, what you witnessed was a scene which had already taken place. You just weren't aware of it till now. You did not actually confront the enemy in a trial of strength."

  "Ataxios has seen me," said John simply

  "Yes. And now you have seen him."

  John's mind was full of the image of himself in the dark orb as Ataxios stared into it, but after a moment or two, recalled something Vilma had said.

  "Did you say our help?" Vilma gave a cryptic smile.

  "Did you feel alone, Wandmaster?" John searched deep in his mind and recalled the sense of Vilma beside him and the colours, the crystals, the wand and.......... a presence now so familiar it was hardly discernible from himself. A companion in his crystal work and on his brief journey home.

  "William Stone," John breathed. Looking at Vilma intently. "William Stone was with me too." Vilma said nothing, but dropped her gaze to the flames and then after a brief moment, got up again and poured John some steaming herb tea from a pot which sat at the edge of the fire-ring.

  "Drink this, it will clear your head," instructed Vilma and then took her place again opposite John on the far side of the flames. As John sipped at the hot tea, which did indeed refresh him, he stared once more into the flames and as he did, he saw the familiar figure of William Stone miniaturised but true in every detail. The figure bowed its head to John, turned to Vilma and raised both arms in her direction before disappearing and John sensed a sadness and wistfulness in Vilma as the image vanished. When Vilma's gaze met his again, John read the truth that lie there. Vilma and William had been very special to each other.

  Now John had seen the enemy. He was no longer just a name and though he was fearsome and terrible, John was less afraid now he could put a form, fearsome though it was, to the name. He still had no real idea what powers Ataxios had, but felt he was on the road to knowing and that made him more positive.

  His days were so full now that his head felt it would burst with all the new information he was taking in. Tyloren aided as best he could by allowing him to work with the deep blue sapphire which he placed on John's forehead and which increased his capacity to learn quickly. He insisted though, on John's daily connection with all the crystals in order to increase and consolidate his knowledge of them and retain balance. He fell exhausted into bed every evening but, not a night's sleep came without the image of Ataxios forcing itself into his head; though the rage he had shown at the calm look on the face of the tiny Wandmaster gave John some satisfaction, and he wondered if he would be able to produce the same effect if he were actually face to face with Ataxios. He very much doubted it.

  Juno was a kindly man who dwelt in a jungle of books and scrolls which he was only too pleased to explain to John. Maplin, very appropriately was surrounded by maps and mock-up models of different areas of the Realm, which was a large continent totally surrounded by water, John discovered. It's mountain ranges, rivers, plains and even a desert land began to become familiar and tied in with the history lessons Juno provided, so that John could envisage the various areas and the events that had taken place there. With Gothrik's contribution, John began slowly to get a feel for the defensible positions, the areas of ambush and the landscape surrounding the region of Athrak, from where Ataxios was directing his operations. He provided estimates of the numbers of enemy troops, the possible numbers of lo's and what was known about them and the mother beast, the great Akryd, the insectivorous creature that spawned lo's from captives taken to Athrak. John visited Vilma in the evenings before retiring for the night, but she never exposed him to Ataxios again. Instead she coached him in the use of his 'skills' as she called them. He found he was able to sense where people were by bringing them to mind, and he practised telepathic connection with Vilma from a distance, and then with Tyloren. One evening, when he sat gazing into the flames at her fire-side, he allowed himself to drift and Jazlyn came very strongly into his mind. He had been so busy of late that he hadn't had time to think about her at all, and he allowed himself to want her for just a short while in the quiet peace of the dark cave. The warmth from the flames glowed, he felt comfortable and relaxed after yet another tiring day, and the picture he conjured in his mind was pleasantly refreshing. Vilma allowed him his silence often, and John was never aware of how much or little of his thoughts she knew. He felt that his reveries of Jazlyn were private and his own and he used the shielding technique Vilma had taught him to try to keep her from detecting where his attention was.

  Behind him, suddenly, John heard a voice.

  "Did you call me Maneera?" It was Jazlyn, and John jumped out of his thoughts and onto his feet in a flash. He turned and saw her in the doorway, but she was talking to Vilma. Why had she called her 'Maneera?' Was it an alternative name for Vilma?

  "Oh, sorry," said Jazlyn when she spotted John in the half-light. "I thought....... "She halted and looked again at Vilma.

  "Did you call me?" she asked again.

  "No, my little Guardian. I didn't call you. Someone else did."

  John and Jazlyn looked at each other in sudden understanding. He had called her unknowingly and she had responded, thinking she had been summoned by Vilma and her footsteps had led her in the direction of her cave.

  "Interesting," mused Vilma, "Very interesting." John had been uncovered and he and Jazlyn both knew it. Neither of them spoke, but John wished very
much to be out of the cave and on his way, so he hurriedly excused himself, bid them both goodnight, and walked quickly off into the evening.

  "Well, well, well, the twists of fate are endless," said Vilma, and Jazlyn gave a weak smile and replied,"He's so handsome, Maneera, isn't he?"

  "Yes my daughter, and very much in love with you." Jazlyn's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "Don't pretend you didn't know!" said Vilma. "Now, come sit and talk a while."

  Chapter 7

  Venturing Out

  Arms training was cancelled, John was notified by Mandrik, who appeared at his door early one chilly morning. There was a scouting expedition planned and because there had been reports of enemy movements in the mountains around the plain, a number of Guardians were going out with Jet to check out positions. John mused for a moment over this, and decided it was time he saw at first hand what was amiss, so he dressed hurriedly and set off to the food hall where, he was sure, he would find his comrades eating early in preparation for their exodus. He was not wrong, and found about 40 guardians seated around tables dressed in strong leather. Racks of weapons were full of swords outside the mess hall, waiting to be collected by the Guardians after their hurried breakfast.

  He found Jet, eating on his feet and talking to four of his captains, Gilladen, Maylene, Yseth and Sharilla. There appeared to be a briefing session going on. John stood a distance apart, not wanting to interrupt, but caught Jet's eye and when he had finished talking, he turned to John.

  "Didn't anyone inform you there was no arms practice this morning Wandmaster? I sent Mandrik."

  "Yes, he found me. That's why I'm here. I want to come with you," stated John simply. Jet's eyes widened a little, and he replied.

  "I suppose I should have expected this, and to be truthful, I also think it's time you left the Plain. I will have to get clearance from Lord Menoneth, though. Tell Mandrik to get you an extra set of arms, and get yourself something to eat while I go and get authorisation." He smiled at John and slapped him on the shoulder.

  "I won't be long," he said. John got himself a plate of eggs and some chunky bread, washed it down with a strong brew of tanny, which was a bit like tea, and was munching when Jet returned with a broad smile on his face.

  "You're coming," he said "but I have personally been charged with keeping you in one piece, so I want you in my company. Maylene is captaining my troupe. Find her and ask for instructions. She will tell you all you need to know," Jet grinned, seeming pleased that his newest trainee was about to get his feet wet on a scouting mission. John too was feeling ready to spread his wings a little. The Plain had been looking smaller and smaller to him recently, a tiny microcosm in which he was a major player with nothing to do.

  Maylene was nothing short of delighted when she found she had John in her charge and when Mandrik brought John a sword and a short knife, she helped him to prepare a little too enthusiastically, passing her arms around his waist and buckling the sheath on for him as he reddened a little.

  "Stick by me, Wandmaster. I want you at my side the whole time," she grinned and gave him a wink.

  John couldn't help but grin back, and Maylene also slapped him on the shoulder. It seemed to be the thing to do among the Guardians.

  Breakfast over, the Guardians assembled in the plain outside in four troupes. There were three groups of ten and John's group which now had eleven. Jet called them to attention and delivered orders to the four captains. Gilladen was to scout around the entrance to the Wandguard Plain, and the surrounding foothills. Sharilla's troupe would accompany them as far as the cleft rock and would then scout around the surrounding area back towards the forest and in the Plain of Remembrance to the East. Mandrik was setting off along the hill track which apparently left the Wandguard Plain to the West through an intricate set of pathways leading eventually to the river valley beyond their encampment. Jet and Maylene would accompany them to a point about half way to the river and then climb upwards to a tall peak which gave a view North towards Athrak.

  Before setting out, Jet raised his sword and gave the customary salutation.

  "Honour to the Guardians."

  "Honour to the Armsmaster!" chorused all the Guardians back, and as John's voice blended with the others he felt good that for once he was considered one of them and not the Wandmaster. Two troupes set off east, and Jet led the remainder of his Guardians off west. They struck a quick pace and formed ranks in two's, loping along briskly. Maylene made sure John was beside her, which left one guardian bringing up the rear alone. It was Ethan, and John thought how long it had been since they had sat down together in the recreation hall for a game of k'tchang. The remainder of John's group was made up of Yseth, a good swordsman, as John had discovered in sparring sessions and also during the raid by the spindlies, a tall youth called Hathor, Joceley, Maylene's friend and constant companion, and four more mature Guardians who tended to keep to themselves, looking as though they knew what they were doing and that this scouting mission was normal routine. John sensed they had seen action and were in the group to lend experience and steadiness to the younger members. Their names were Maroth, Todd, Zak and Tye. John had exchanged nods with them in the mess, but they trained separately with other more experienced guardians and were more often missing from the plain as they were frequently called upon to scout.

  Mandrik's group set the pace and Maylene kept close behind. There was a cave entrance at the Western end of the plain which led into a dark tunnel and the lead group entered it and disappeared. Maylene and John also led their group into the darkness and the cold damp surrounded them as their feet echoed on the stony floor beneath them. Torches had been lit along the walls at intervals so the darkness wasn't complete and the floor was smooth, as if it had been trodden by many feet in the past. John was nervous in the unfamiliar setting, but trotted along at Maylene's side trusting that the underground passageway was familiar to her and the other guardians and that they would bring him safely out the other side. The tunnel was quite long but after about ten minutes, the darkness lifted slightly and John could see a little ahead of him. They halted at Maylene's instruction and John could see the lead group at the mouth of the tunnel peering out. Before setting off, Yseth called an 'All Clear' to John's group and then took his guardians off into the daylight. Maylene and John, in turn arrived at the cave mouth and halted. They stood for a minute to allow their eyes to readjust to the light after the darkness of the tunnel and then emerged. John could see the last pair of Yseth's group disappearing around a bend in the pathway ahead of them and felt the thrill of expedition in his veins. He had become tired of the Plain and the daily routine and was grateful for something to do and a chance to get away for a while.

  Maylene was joined by Jet, who had been in the pair behind John and said,

  "From here on, we will change the order. Wandmaster, I want you to fall in behind me. The rest of you form pairs!" There was a quick shuffle of order and once more Jet's voice sounded into the group

  "Guardians, you are charged, above all else with the security of the Wandmaster. At no point is he to be left alone. Maroth, Todd, Zak and Tye, to the front. Two before the Wandmaster, and two at his heels, and if a fly so much as settles on his nose, you will be held personally responsible!"

  The four veterans moved to the front of the group, pushing John further back behind the leaders and he felt a little humiliated at this cosseting. He had enjoyed being at the front with Maylene.

  "Don't worry, Jet, we won't let any harm come to him!" called back Zak and the remainder of the group chuckled as John gave him a wry smile and accepted the jibe.

  "I thank you for your tender loving care," he answered graciously and received a hearty slap on the back in response.

  Maylene and Jet exchanged a glance and a nod of agreement that the coast was clear, and set off on the heels of Mandrik's group which had now disappeared in the zig-zag pathways which led off away from the tunnel entrance. The way was narrow, and at times they were forced into s
ingle file and had to scramble over boulders and craggy rocks, but John was always kept between his four newly-appointed body guards. He could see them taking in the surroundings, checking all the time for movements among the rocks to their left and right as they continued on along the path. They reached a flat area that seemed to be a landmark as the group, as one, halted. There was a grassy slope which swept up to the right of the plateau and Jet and Maylene loped off to its highest point, spending some time examining the area and pointing to things invisible to those in the low bowl of rock in which they waited.

  Jet called back for Joceley, who sprinted up to join him and Maylene. Jet pointed into the distance in the west and she nodded. John couldn't hear what was being said, but Jet seemed to be consulting with Joceley about something.

  "What's all that about?" asked John to no-one in particular.

  "Joceley has the eyes of a hawk," said Todd

  "And the head of a goose," chimed in Zak, at which the rest of the group chuckled. John was surprised at the insulting remark, and Todd picked up on his expression.

  "She's a little nervy sometimes," he supplied, "A bit female." The group once again laughed in unison, but John remained silent wondering what these people said about him behind his back. He determined not to behave in any way that would give them cause to make jibes about him. He felt sorry for Joceley, and very much aware of his own position; his guardians, while they were charged with his safety because he was supposedly the Wandmaster who would save them all, were so much more experienced and knowledgeable than he.

  Jet, Joceley and Maylene descended from their vantage point, and John sensed that they were troubled. Nothing was said, but Jet's serious expression and slight frown spoke volumes and the guardian group, who had all been trained by him, picked up on his unease and came to their feet.

  "Mandrik is well down now towards the river valley. We must pick up our pace a bit. The weather seems to be closing in from the north and we may need to camp out tonight. We must get to our watch-post as soon as possible."


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