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Wandmaster Page 43

by Valerie Kramboviti

  The hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood up, and he turned instinctively to see the tall, lanky shape of Nya, leaning against a tree watching him. In an instant he was on his feet and wondered why he hadn't sensed this thinktalking spindly before.

  "Because I can be very quiet in my mind if I want to be, but you think very loud."

  "What do you want Nya?"

  "To kill you." The voice was level, cold and nasal.


  "Because you should die and I take the wand. I took the wand from the tunnels of

  Ataxios." He put his hand inside his ragged jacket and pulled out a dark crystal wand. "This is wand from Athrak. It is very powerful."

  He pointed the wand at John, who tried to take out his own wand but found his arms fixed to his sides, by some magic and he was unable to reach it. His brow beaded with sweat and the spindly laughed triumphantly. Ataxios was not smart, not strong. Nya will be more clever and get the crystals with this wand. They all need to be together. They want Nya.

  Two wands will make Nya very invincible! Say goodbye, Wandmaster."

  "No, Nya, you say goodbye!" Jazlyn had come looking for John and happened on the scene. She plunged her sword into him, and her aim was true. She wanted him dead and she wasn't going to leave any doubt. He dropped to his knees, and she wrenched the wand from his grasp.

  "N...n...n...nooo!" he gasped, stretching out a skinny arm despairingly towards her. Then he crumpled to the ground and spoke no more.

  The invisible strands restraining John evaporated, and he was free.

  "Thanks, Jazlyn," he said simply. "I thought all the danger was over."

  "There's always danger, even when you don't expect it," she replied. She held the wand in her hand and exhaled. "Phew, this thing is really strong, here, take it!" she said and held it out to John. He backed away.

  "Wandmistress," he said softly. "It has come to you. Maybe it was meant for you. Maybe you will be able to visit me in my world if you keep that for yourself."

  She laughed, "Wandmistress? There's never been a Wandmistress." The wand in her hand lost its dark hue and lightened as she laughed.

  "I think it likes you," said John, and Jazlyn looked thoughtful for a moment, then said

  "Come on, let's get someone to help us with that thing," and she pointed at the form on the ground that once was Nya. John allowed himself to feel a little compassion for Nya, albeit mixed with relief that Jazlyn had come looking for him when she did, otherwise........

  When they arrived back at the village, there was a lot of commotion, for towering above the slints were the two forms of Loman and Lenora, smiling happily and clutching their children to them. Tyloren was watching the scene outside Mahoo's cave with a relieved smile, and was truly glad to see the couple back in their village and with their family complete again.

  Jazlyn approached Tyloren, holding out the dark wand in her hand.

  "How did you get that? I thought the Nya creature had stolen it!"

  "He did," said John and proceded to relate what had happened at the falls.

  Tyloren's eyes widened and he sucked in his breath, "That spindly was remarkable and its probably a huge crystal blessing that this wand isn't in his hands any more. We could have had a new Ataxios!"

  "Here, Tyloren, this is probably better in your hands." said Jazlyn.

  "Ah, no.... I think not. Maybe in Mahoo's cave with the other crystals? He is cleansing them and that one needs a firm hand from the feel of it. Mahoo! Make room for one more!" The little mystic appeared at the cave entrance and his mouth fell open as Jazlyn handed him the wand. He was speechless, but scurried inside, anxious to complete the crystal set and purify them all. He was soon heard chanting and the smell of potent herbs emanated from within with the occasional flash of coloured light. It would be a long job and he called on Tyloren to aid him, so with a last look at the newly reunited family of Loman and Lenora, he ducked inside the entrance and took up his position across from Mahoo and drifted into union with him and the crystals. It took their combined efforts to bring their beauty to the surface and remove the malice that had tainted them for so long.

  Daridus had calmed. The earth no longer shook but Athrak mountain had collapsed into itself, blocking tunnels, caves and many sad and strange victims forever beneath its weight. The machinations of Ataxios had delayed the guardians and Vilma so that they arrived at the entrance after the earthquake had already done its work and there was no way in. Being unable to proceed, the company set out to return by the same road to Wandguard, Vilma relaying the news of the events as they unfolded to the guardians and as she learned them from Jazlyn.

  In Nithrania there were celebrations, as for the first time, there was no threat from Athrak, no need to hide. A few lo's and spindlies were sighted from time to time in the deep forest, but they were disoriented and fled at the first sight of the slint patrols. They would either survive or not, and if they could be helped, Loman and Lenora would know how.

  John had handed over his own wand to Mahoo and Tyloren and began to separate himself from its influence, spending his time walking around the village. Jazlyn would sometimes find and join him and then they would spend quiet time together, but mostly he was troubled and he found he just needed to be alone. His past life seemed like a dream and it was hard to believe that he could ever go back to it, but he knew his purpose in the Realm had been fulfilled. 'It's not going to be easy to return', he thought as he wandered one day near the waterfall. On hearing voices, he looked up and saw Loman and Braedon coming along the pathway, chatting and laughing. "Wandmaster John, enjoying our beautiful Nithrania?"

  "You're very lucky to have all this," he replied, waving his hand in the direction of the falls.

  "Yes, indeed we are. But when you're young and restless, it's not always enough, is it Brae?" he said smiling and squeezing his son's shoulder. "Braedon here wants to become a Guardian and go with you all back to Wandguard when you leave. What do you think?"

  John smiled and said to Braedon, "I learned a lot at Wandguard, and it made me a better man, I think.... so if your father agrees, that seems to me to be an excellent idea. I'm sure you will make him proud."

  Braedon's face lit up excitedly. "Why don't you go and convince your mother you ought to go. It will take a few days, I think!" said Loman, I want to have a private word with the Wandmaster.

  "Ok. And thanks, Wandmaster John!" and with that he was gone.

  "He's a great lad, you should be proud of him."

  "I am. I'll miss him if he goes, but he needs this. I want him to be proud and not to feel 'different'," he said ruefully, "which brings me to my next point..... Tyloren tells me that you once reversed a lo – made him a man again......?" He looked at John with a hint of a smile, pointed at the hump on his back and continued. "You know what I'm asking, don't you?"

  John thought of Wes, and he frowned. "Yes, I did that once but when he returned he was never quite the same....and anyway, I don't know if I can do it for you.... he had only recently been turned into a lo. How long have you been one?"

  "It must be 20 years now or thereabouts, but it never succeeded completely in my case. I retained my human side....what do you mean when you say he was never the same?"

  "That's a very long time. In the case of the young guardian that I helped, he was bitter and angry at the moment he was turned and that became more pronounced when I changed him back again. Those traits had been emphasised. What does Lenora think?"

  "I haven't asked her."

  "I think you should. She loves you for who and what you are."

  "We have to fight this thing all the time," he said, once more pointing at his hump. "If you were me, wouldn't you want to try?"

  "I am afraid for you, Loman. I have no guarantees to offer you, and you have a family to think about. Please talk to Lenora. I will talk to Tyloren and we'll decide what to do all together. How does that sound?"

  A resigned smile softened his face, "That sounds only fair."
  "Good, let's walk back to the village now and we can talk again tomorrow."

  Night time and firelight create atmosphere. Seated casually on benches around the warming flames, Jazlyn said to John,

  "Are you avoiding me?"

  "Yes, a bit."

  "Hmmm. Bad. Why?"

  "Isn't it obvious?"

  "Um, no."

  "We'll soon have to part. My time here is ending. You can't come with me, and they say we're cousins! Need any more reasons?"

  "So we can't even talk?"

  "I don't want to talk!"

  "What do you want?"

  "I want what I can't have. Get it?"

  "Me too."

  Groaning, "Goodnight!"


  Jazlyn stood, and moved off disconsolately to her sleeping quarters and Vilma, who had witnessed this little scene from a discrete distance, took the opportunity to come and sit beside John in the firelight. Without raising his eyes from the burning embers, he pushed at them with a branch, causing sparks to drift upwards in the smoke.

  "You know," said Vilma, "I do understand how hard it is for you two, and it is partly because of my own difficulties in my relationship with William, that I am dubious on your behalf."

  "Jazlyn and I will part; It's inevitable. I will be called on to return to my home in another space and time. I cannot take her with me and I can't stay. It's a hopeless, miserable situation."

  "Yes, I suppose it seems that way."

  "It IS that way!"

  "Well, just so I feel that I have been honest with you, I will tell you what I know of William Stone. I once told you we would have this talk." She smoothed her skirts and fiddled with the material as she prepared to speak, and John began to be interested.

  "From what I understand, your Great Uncle Nathaniel, who was our Wandmaster before William, had no children of his own at a young age, being greatly involved in events here, and following pursuits of his own. He had hopes that his brother, your grandfather, Arthur, would produce a son who would continue the line of Wandmasters. However, neither your father nor your uncles were gifted in that way."

  "Gifted? Or cursed?" asked John belligerently.

  "Oh, come now, Wandmaster John, do you really feel it was such a disaster that you were given the chance to live your time here?"

  John just sighed and poked the fire more vigorously.

  "Anyway, when Nathaniel realised that there were no potential Wandmasters in the family, he decided to marry, late in life and he took a bride from a far off land in your world. They had a son, William, who was very strong in the way of the crystals, and for a while they lived with your grandfather and his sons in the old family home. Then Nathaniel was forced to leave and he took his wife with him, leaving William to be looked after by your grandparents with their own children, so William is, in fact, your great uncle. This makes you cousins of a kind, though not first degree."

  "But he then chose to involve me. How did he know that I would 'be strong in the crystals' as you put it?"

  He didn't, but he hoped, and his final act in his 'real' life was to have his Crystal Trove sent to you. Fortunately for us, here, you fulfilled all his hopes, and I think he will now be able to rest."

  John lifted his head and held Vilma in his gaze. "And you and William?"

  Vilma dropped her eyes, and then said simply "Something very special and very strong….and then there was Jazlyn."

  "Just like that?"

  "Just like that."

  John blew out a long frustrated sigh and pleaded "Why did it have to be like this?" Then he threw his branch onto the fire and put his head in his hands.

  "It is what it is, Wandmaster John Stone. I have told you what I know, and it is for you to understand it in your own way. For now, I bid you goodnight. This old woman needs to sleep."

  "Goodnight Vilma, and…..thanks. At least you have answered a few questions for me."

  "Goodnight," she paused, "and John, you must know that this is just as hard for my daughter as it is for you."

  The fire burned low and John crept into Mahoo's cave and into the little alcove he had been given to sleep in, trying not to disturb him and Tyloren. Sleep didn't come easily that night, and in his fitful dreams he saw the back of Jazyn's head as she walked away while he was rooted to the spot, unable to follow.

  After a delicious meal, Lenora's two youngest children ran off to play, leaving the adults at the table. Braedon, who had received his mother's reluctant blessing to go off and become a guardian, saw himself as one of the adults now and elected to stay too. Tyloren and John sat on one side of the table and Lenora and Braedon sat on the other. Loman stood at the head of the table, frowning.

  "Braedon, I don't know if I want you to hear this," said Lenora.

  "No, let him stay," said Loman, "because if something should go wrong, he will need to become head of the family again, and it will affect his future. He should be here."

  Braedon looked shocked, having no idea what was being discussed.

  "Braedon, the situation is this. Wandmaster John once reversed the lo process on a guardian who had been captured, and your father has asked him to try to do the same for him." It was Tyloren who was speaking in measured tones and addressing the boy directly.

  "I don't want to risk it!" half-shouted Lenora in anguish. "I don't want something to go wrong. I prefer you as you are – rather than not at all! Look at me! I'm not perfect either!"

  "Why should something go wrong?" asked Braedon, "I don't understand."

  "I have only done it once, the guardian was young and strong, and he had only been a lo for a very short time," replied John. "I don't know how I did it. I don't know what will happen to your father if it doesn't work. It's a risk."

  "A risk I do not want to take!" insisted Lenora. "No, I won't allow it, I won't!" She was in tears now and Loman placed a hand on her shoulder. Braedon looked from his mother to his father and then back at John and Tyloren.

  "I think father should decide for himself, mother," came the small voice of Braedon.

  "Thank you, son. Lenora, I know you are acting out of love for me, but I want to do this, and I ask you please, to allow the Wandmaster to try."

  Lenora sighed resignedly, dropped her angular face into her long fingered hands, sniffed and nodded. "Alright. But I don't like it," and raising her eyes to John, she said "Please do what you can to keep my husband in one piece." She stood up "I'll be in the garden with the children." She motioned for Braedon to follow her, and at a nod from his father, he reluctantly complied.

  When the three men were alone, the atmosphere in the room seemed to grow heavy and solemn. Tyloren had brought the wand, which was being kept with its companion in Mahoo's cave as the purification work on the crystal trove was still underway. He handed it to John and a loud humming sound instantly filled the room. John felt his body charge with energy, he stood, stretched, breathed deeply and felt the power of the wand enrich him. This feeling was of wholeness, awareness and purpose. He had missed it. He raised his eyes to Loman and said quietly, "Remove your cloak." Tyloren moved into a position where he could witness both participants in the scene and chanted under his breath, in support of his Wandmaster.


  Loman did as John instructed, and bowed his head so that the lo head was now uppermost and John stared into its wild eyes. The head started to slaver and rock from side to side, emitting a high pitched whine, and John raised the wand, aiming it directly at the lolling lump. Loman was panting and grunting and started to tremble as though he was making a tremendous effort to breathe, and his hands splayed out on the floor before him in an attempt to support his heavy frame.

  As the power intensified in the wand, John conserved it, letting it build within him till it reached full strength. Then, he let it loose. It flew out of the end of the wand like a lightning streak and struck the lo head between its ugly eyes. It's tongue stuck out of its mouth and white foamy saliva flew about, while a whining voic
e broke from its mouth and it shrieked. John aimed all his intent on the lo part of Loman, while the man part struggled to survive. The hideous lo head flopped from side to side and finally closed its eyes, while the shrieking got progressively weaker and weaker till it was silenced. Loman could not support his weight any more and collapsed, face down onto the kitchen floor. He too was silent.

  John staggered with the exertion, and broke off his effort. Tyloren rushed to Loman's side and called to John. "Help me turn him over!"

  John was dazed but rushed to Loman's aid.

  There was no sign of life. The lo head was still firmly attached but very definitely dead and visibly shrunk. Loman was motionless.

  Lenora, who had been listening, chose that moment to appear, and with a cry of despair, dropped to her knees beside her husband. The three children stood in the doorway and the two youngest were pale and sniffing.

  Braedon looked blankly from one to the other and then directly at John. "Help my father, Wandmaster, please."

  John recovered his senses. He thought back to his time at the healery and brought the image of the blue crystal in the central lobby to mind. He thought of Althea, and he found his way to the healing channel. Placing both his hands on Loman's brow, he began to send the current through his hands and into the powerful man now lying at his feet. Lenora was pleading with her husband to live, and John was trying as hard as he could to reach Loman and revive him. Tyloren was chanting and trying to aid John's efforts.


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