Hell and Damnation [Werewolves and Wizards of West End 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hell and Damnation [Werewolves and Wizards of West End 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Jane Jamison

  “I’m out of here,” said Lilli.

  Rogan scrambled from under the window and dashed for the front of the house. He’d barely rounded the corner when she came barreling out, the package still held tightly against her.

  “Hey, there!” It wasn’t his best greeting, but it was the first thing that had come to mind.

  She slammed to a stop, surprise in her beautiful blue eyes. “Hi,” she managed. “Are you Travis Fox?”

  “No. Sorry. I’m a friend of his.” He stuck out his hand and then lowered it when she didn’t take it. “I’m Rogan Legacy. I own this ranch along with Travis. Can I help you with something?”

  She glanced back at Martin who stood on the porch, shooting Rogan grateful looks. “Not unless you can tell me where to find him.”

  “Sorry. I don’t know. But I’ll bet he’ll be home soon. You’d be better off waiting for him inside than going back to the hotel.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “How’d you know I’m staying at a hotel?”

  She’d caught his slipup, but it wasn’t hard to counter. “I didn’t. Not for sure. But I do know you’re not a resident, so you must be staying at a hotel.” He hoped she wouldn’t call bullshit on the resident thing. It wasn’t as though he knew all of the eight thousand locals on the island.

  “Oh. Okay. Makes sense.” She started walking, passing by the pickup.

  “You’ve got to stay.” Shit. Now he sounded pushy like Martin. But she was so damn close he could catch a whiff of her aroma. How could a man be expected to think straight with her sweet fragrance tantalizing every inch of him?

  “Again, I’m Rogan. And your name is…?” He gave her his most engaging smile.

  “Lilli Anderson. I’m staying at The Roost Hotel.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Lilli.”

  * * * *

  Are all the men on the island as hot as these guys?

  Rogan was smokin’. As soon as she saw him, she was ready to throw down the stupid box she’d been hauling around and jump on top of him. Along with Martin, too. Suddenly, it wasn’t fall on Westlandia Island but summer in the Sahara Desert. Her body was ablaze, her mind whirling with the sexual possibilities.

  She wasn’t sure how long it was before she finally became aware that she’d been staring at him and not saying a thing. “Oh. Yes. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  He was up close and personal in the next moment, taking her arm and turning her back to the house. “Lilli, you can’t leave yet. I just got here. If you run off now, who knows when we’ll have another chance to get to know each other?”

  Was she wrong to yearn to touch the manly stubble on his chin? Or dive straight into the black eyes and never come up for air? If she could run her fingers through his coal black hair, she’d drop the damn box and do it. Fortunately—unfortunately?—she resisted the urge. If she hadn’t, she would’ve done a lot more to him than simply play with his hair. He had a look about him that reminded her of how she’d once watched a cougar in the wild. She’d stared at the animal, fascinated with his spirit, his raw energy, yet unnerved with the possible damage of what he could do. Luckily, the wild cat had moved on, leaving her breathless in the wake of his magnificence.

  Before she realized it, Rogan had her back inside the house and sitting on the sofa. Disappointment flared as both Rogan and Martin took seats in the armchairs directly across from her instead of on the couch on either side of her. If they had opted to sit next to her, she would’ve been thrilled.

  What if she threw caution to the wind and offered to hop in bed with them? To rip off her clothes and beg them to have their way with her? She wasn’t promiscuous—at least not enough times on a regular basis to be called that—but when a woman had a chance to be with two sexier-than-all-get-out men, she should go for it. Why pass up a golden opportunity to make her fantasies come true? If anything could be said of Lilli Anderson, it was that she didn’t turn down a good thing. And if there was one thing she knew, it was that these two men were more than merely a good thing. They were two fucking great things.

  She could already imagine what they’d be like. Martin would wrap his strong arms around her and fondle her breasts moments before shoving his long, hard cock between her butt cheeks. He’d slam into her, clutching a hunk of her hair and yanking her head back. He’d whisper dirty words, encouraging her to be the wild woman she longed to be.

  Rogan would attack her from the front, complaining that Martin was monopolizing her tits. He’d work his tree-trunk-size legs between hers, spread her wide, and fuck her until she creamed.

  It could happen, if she’d simply open her mouth and ask. Surely, they wouldn’t turn her down. Maybe she wasn’t the slimmest or the sexiest girl in the world, but she wasn’t bad, either. She squirmed then realized she wasn’t squirming so much as rubbing her bottom against the cushion.

  Stop right now. Did they notice? At first, her nerves started to take over, but she stopped them fast enough. So what if they had noticed? Go on. Ask them. What’s the worst that could happen? They say no and I go home and never see them again. But what’s the best that could happen? They say yes and I get a night to remember.

  She set the box on the sofa next to her, her hands shaking a little. “Um, I need to ask you a question, and I need an answer.”

  “Okay. Go ahead,” answered Martin.

  Rogan suddenly seemed distracted. Was he not interested any longer? But she couldn’t, wouldn’t, stop now. The words “Would you like to fuck me?” were on the tip of her tongue when Rogan interrupted her.

  “The package is for me.”

  She blinked. Maybe if she’d been paying more attention to what Rogan had said instead of how his luscious lips moved when he’d said it, she might not have been caught off guard. Or maybe she should’ve been paying less attention to the fantasy running through her oh-so-dirty mind.

  “I’m sorry?” She cleared her throat, as though doing so would clear her muddled thoughts.

  “The package is for me.”

  Screw the package. “No, it’s not. It’s addressed to Travis Fox.”

  “Yeah, I know. But what’s inside is for me.”

  “And what’s inside?” Not that she was supposed to ask. Her boss would be livid if he found out. Then again, she’d almost asked them to take her to bed. Asking about the package’s contents paled in comparison.

  The look the two men exchanged wasn’t lost on her. Martin shot Rogan a warning with Rogan looking like he’d realized he’d said too much.

  “Like I told you.” Martin smiled, obviously trying to gloss over it. “Herbs and plants.”

  “But they’re for you, Rogan?”

  “In a way. Travis is helping me work out a problem.”

  She would’ve liked to say she wasn’t the type to pry, but that would’ve been a lie. God knew her first question had proven that. “Is it a medical problem?”

  “No. Nothing like that.”

  He’d lied. She was sure of it. But why? Did he think having a medical problem would make him less attractive? Not to her. Her gaze slipped to his crotch. Unless, of course, his problem was with his dick.

  She inwardly cringed. For a man who looked like him, a man who could probably have any woman he wanted any time he wanted, the loss of an erection would be more than a damn shame. It would be a travesty of nature.

  “The package’s contents are for Rogan, but they’re not to save his junk.”

  She jerked her gaze up to Rogan then over to Martin.

  “I ordered them to help save his sanity.”

  The man striding into the room through the swinging door from the adjoining kitchen was another specimen of mankind at its finest. He was the opposite of his friends in every other way with his longish dirty blond hair and eyes the color of moss on a tree. A lighter stubble than Rogan’s covered his jaw, and his gaze held a mischievous glint.

  For the third time that day, a man mesmerized her. Sitting up straighter, she stuck out her hand, ready to have him t
ouch her in any way he wanted. Yet, instead of taking her hand, he bent over and swept up the package.

  “I believe this is for me. I’m Travis Fox.”

  Disappointment warred with embarrassment. She’d been ready to go to bed with Martin and Rogan, but Travis hadn’t even wanted to shake her hand. “Could I see your ID please?”

  “Travis, this is Lilli Anderson.”

  Travis gave her a curt nod then pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, and flipped it open to show her his driver’s license. “Do I need to sign for this?”

  He was brusque, killing the craving she’d enjoyed a few moments earlier. If he wanted to stick to business, then so would she. She tugged the receipt out of her pocket, unfolded it, and handed it over. “Sorry. I don’t have a pen.”

  “No problem.” He snagged a pen off a nearby desk, scribbled his name, then handed the paper back. Using the pen, he stabbed the tape holding the flaps of the box closed and tore it open. When she didn’t move, he stopped. “Is there anything else you need?”

  Anything? Yeah. Or at least, there might have been if you hadn’t turned out to have a stick up your ass.

  Instead, she adopted her usual pleasant-without-being-too-friendly smile. “Nope. Not a”—fucking—“thing.”

  “Good.” He nodded toward the front of the house. “I heard you were here so I called a cab to take you back to your hotel. He’s already been paid and tipped.”

  “Oh.” Talk about taking the wind out of my sails.

  She glanced out the window. Sure enough, a car waited outside. “I thought—”

  “Yes?” His eyebrows darted between his eyes. “You thought what?”

  “Damn it, Travis, why are you being such a dick?” Martin took her arm and led her out of the living room and into the foyer. “Trust me. He’s not usually an asshole. Don’t worry about the cab. Let me take you back to the hotel.”

  Relief and disappointment mixed, throwing her off. At least, she hadn’t asked them. She’d been spared the humiliation. “No, it’s okay. He’s already paid for the cab, so I should go ahead and use it.”

  Lifting her chin, she turned to Rogan and Travis. “Um, if you have any questions or concerns with the package, please let us know. Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate a good review of my services.”

  Rogan took a step toward her, but Travis blocked his way. “Don’t leave yet.”

  Hope, silly and unwanted, sprang to life. Maybe, just maybe, her fantasy still had a chance of coming true.


  She stared at the hundred-dollar bill Travis held out to her. “I’m sorry?”

  He frowned. “You don’t want to run off without your tip. You came a long way.” When she still hadn’t taken it, he stretched his arm out farther. “Go on. Take it. You earned it.”

  Feeling almost as though he’d paid her for a sexual favor, she took the bill, nodded her thanks, and averted her gaze.

  “Travis, damn it. What do you think you’re doing?”

  Yet before Travis could answer Martin’s question, she was out the door and hurrying down the steps. The faster she got back to the hotel, the better.

  Chapter Three

  “Are you a fucking idiot?” Rogan dragged both hands through his hair, a clear sign that he was fighting to keep his inner wolf subdued. More and more, however, Rogan lost the battle. If he lost it once too often, he’d lose it for good.

  Travis expected to catch hell from Rogan and Martin. After hearing that Martin had given Lilli a ride out to the ranch, he’d suspected what might be happening. Martin would never have done so if he hadn’t been enamored with her. Then when he’d seen Rogan’s face, excitement shining in his friend’s eyes, he’d realized the werewolf had already set his sights on claiming Lilli one way or another.

  “Take it easy, man.” Although Martin’s anger was easy enough to see, he’d managed to stay calm. But the anger was still evident in his tone and his clenched fists. “Give him a chance to explain.”

  Travis opened the box and checked its contents, taking his sweet time in answering. Everything was there, from the exotic herbs flown in from the Far East to the pressed orchid leaves, dried for travel. When he was certain his delivery was complete, he finally turned to the angry werewolf. “I had to send her away.”

  “But why? Hell, didn’t you see her? Didn’t you get a whiff of her?”

  Travis cocked an eyebrow at Rogan. “I don’t sniff people like you do.”

  “You know what he’s getting at.” Martin, the ever-calm sheriff, glared at him. “Even I picked up a connection from her. Not only is she attractive with all the right curves but she’s adventurous and smart, too.”

  “She’s got spunk, too. How many women do you know who would carry a package all the way from the mainland to an island?”

  Travis wouldn’t let on, but he was struggling with his own attraction to her. As a wizard, he didn’t get an immediate reaction to a woman like Rogan did, but he had sensed an extra something special about Lilli. The fact that Martin was already hooked was a strong sign that she might just be the one they could share. “She’s not the usual type we go for.”

  “No, she’s not, but who the hell cares?” Rogan’s growl rolled out of him, strong and full of menace.

  Travis glanced at Martin and saw that his friend, too, had caught the threat in Rogan’s growl. Rogan’s wolf was very close to the surface. “Calm the hell down and listen to me.”

  Martin dared to put his hand on Rogan’s shoulder. Fortunately, Rogan only shrugged it off instead of biting it. “Let him explain.”

  “I heard about her while I was over at the Mitchell’s place and I knew something was up. That’s why I called a cab for her.”

  “I’m still not getting it,” said Martin. He took his hand off Rogan but stayed close.

  Travis smiled to himself. As a wizard, he’d have a better chance of stopping a shifting Rogan from attacking than Martin, as a human, ever could. Still, he admired Martin. Not many humans would stand up to a werewolf to help a friend.

  Travis shook the box. “Now that I have the ingredients, I can try another spell. But it’s going to take time and concentration.”

  “So?” Rogan dug his hands into his jeans’ pockets, obviously fighting the urge to grow claws.

  “You can’t do anything with her, not in the condition you’re in. What if we get near her and you start to shift? Until you can control your wolf, you have to play it cool. Take it easy. And don’t get excited.”

  “He has a point, Rogan,” offered Martin.

  “As for me? I need to put all my effort into finding a cure. I don’t need the distraction of a woman, even one like Lilli, drawing my focus elsewhere.”

  Rogan was calming down. The amber flecks in his eyes were fading. “Yeah. I guess I get it.”

  “What about me? Why should I stay away from her?”

  Travis shrugged. “You don’t have to, Martin. Other than out of respect for us.”

  “So I get screwed, or rather not screwed, because I respect you two?” Martin chuckled. “That’s bullshit.”

  “Maybe so, but you know it wouldn’t be fair to us if you don’t stay away, too.”

  “He’s right, man.” Rogan’s tension had dissipated. Now he grinned at Martin’s dilemma. “If we can’t have her, then you can’t. We’re going to share, remember?”

  “Well, shit. This blows.”

  “Yeah. It sucks to be you,” joked Travis.

  “But wait. She’s leaving the island tomorrow. We can’t let our future mate leave.”

  Travis had assumed she wouldn’t stick around long. “What else can we do? We know her name and the company she works for. At least then we can track her down later.”

  “Martin’s right. This is bullshit.” Rogan plopped down on the couch. “We finally find a woman we all want to share and we have to let her leave the island. All because I can’t control my wolf.”

  Travis felt for his friend. Losing control
had to be one of the worst feelings in the world. “I’m going to find a cure. Believe me.”

  “I trust you will, man, but will you do it in time? The shifts are coming on more and more.”

  “I’ll do the best I can.” What else could he say? To promise anything else would be a lie.

  “Don’t worry, big guy.” Martin whipped off his belt then looped it loosely around Rogan’s neck. “If you stay a wolf, I’ll put a collar on you and take you for walks. After I get you a rabies shot first.”

  Rogan jerked the belt off his neck. “You are fucking not funny, asshole.”

  Travis laughed, grabbed the box, and started for the stairs. “While you two jokers are having fun down here, I’ll be up in my workroom coming up with a cure.”

  But would he ever find a way for Rogan to regain control over his wolf? Or would he let his friend down?

  * * * *

  Lilli wasn’t thinking straight. That had to be the reason she’d decided to stay on for a few more days. Telling herself she needed a vacation was an excuse. She knew it and wouldn’t have denied it if anyone had asked her directly. But excuse or not, she was staying.

  Her boss hadn’t been happy about the short notice, but she did have a right to the vacation time, so his hands had been tied. He did, however, tell her she’d received a great review from Travis Fox regarding the package she’d delivered yesterday.

  Now all she had to do was to figure out a way to see the men again. She was deep in thought as she slid onto the chair at the Blue Moon Diner. She couldn’t do what she wanted to do. If she could, she’d hightail it out to the ranch, barge into the house, and tell them she wanted them upstairs, naked and in a bed in the next five minutes. But the plan was too daring, even for her, especially after Travis’s non-committal greeting.

  I could always leave him out and take Rogan and Martin to bed.

  Yet she knew she’d miss him. It was either all three of them or none of them.

  Probably none of them, damn it.

  Maybe she could invite them to dinner? Or to a bar or a club? Did the island have a place where they could dance? Since it was a tourist town, there were plenty of bars, but from the noise she’d heard echoing down on Main Street, they were loud and crowded, leaving little chance of getting to know anyone. She’d prefer a nice quiet bar where they could actually hear each other. After that, she could invite them back to her hotel room if they didn’t invite her back to the ranch first.


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