Maya Angelou
A. S. Byatt
Caleb Carr
Christopher Cerf
Harold Evans
Charles Frazier
Vartan Gregorian
Jessica Hagedorn
Richard Howard
Charles Johnson
Jon Krakauer
Edmund Morris
Azar Nafisi
Joyce Carol Oates
Elaine Pagels
John Richardson
Salman Rushdie
Oliver Sacks
Carolyn See
Gore Vidal
GOWER John Gower (?1330–1408), medieval poet whose Confessio Amantis is an important source for Pericles
1 old long ago
2 ancient old/venerable
3 man’s infirmities human form
6 ember eves evenings before festival (ember) days
6 holidays religious feasts
8 restoratives medicine
9 purchase profit
9 glorious eager for/worthy of glory
10 Et … melius “A good thing improves with age” (Latin)
12 wit wisdom/poetry
12 ripe mature/sophisticated
15 I … wish I would hope to give it life
16 Waste … light i.e. like a candle (taper) my story will consume (waste) itself in the telling
17 Antioch one of the largest cities of the Roman Empire, capital of the province of Syria
18 chiefest seat capital
20 authors authorities/sources
21 peer mate/companion
23 buxom lively/pliant
23 full complete/perfect
23 full of face beautiful
24 As as if
25 liking lustful affection
29 But custom but (through) habit
30 use usual practice (playing on use, i.e. “sexual intercourse”)
30 account’ an elision of “accounted”
32 frame take themselves
36 still silent/motionless/always
36 awe reverence/subjection
37 whoso whoever
37 for as
38 His … not and left (Antiochus’) riddle unsolved
39 wight person
40 yon those
40 grim looks stern faces (i.e. the heads of former suitors)
42 to … justify I give my business (cause) to those discerning viewers (judgement … eye) who are most able (best) to judge/confirm (justify) it
Act 1 Scene 1
1.1 Location: Antioch
1.1 Pericles from Latin for “peril”
1 Tyre Phoenician trading city on the coast of Syria
1 at large received fully comprehended/heard in detail
8 For embracements fit for the embraces
8 Jove Jupiter, king of the gods in Roman mythology
9 whose i.e. the Daughter’s
9 Lucina Roman goddess of childbirth, associated with Diana and Juno
9 till Lucina reigned until her birth
10 glad her presence make her presence welcome
11 senate house council
12 knit … perfections unite all virtues in her
13 the spring Flora, Roman goddess of the spring
14 Graces her subjects the Graces (personifications of beauty, grace, and artistic inspiration) are inferior to her
15 gives which gives
15 renown reputation/honor
16 book of praises collection of everything praiseworthy
17 curious exquisite/rare (also unusual/peculiar)
17 as as if
18 ever razed forever erased
18 testy irritable
19 mild companion companion to someone as mild as she
20 sway rule
22 taste … tree enjoy Antiochus’ daughter sexually; also refers to the apples stolen by Hercules from the garden of Hesperus and the one eaten by Eve
22 yon that
25 compass achieve/embrace
27 son son-in-law
29 this … fruit i.e. Antiochus’ daughter; Hesperus’ garden was known as the Hesperides
30 deathlike deadly
30 dragons Antiochus’ followers/the dragon that guarded Hesperus’ apples
32 countless beyond value
32 desert worthiness
34 reach reach out for
34 heap company/multitude (i.e. Pericles’ body)
35 Yon those
35 sometimes once/formerly
36 adventurous made bold
37 semblance appearance
38 yon that
41 going … net entering into death’s trap
43 mortality mortal nature/humanity
44 those fearful objects i.e. the heads of the former suitors
46 remembered brought to mind
47 life’s but breath life is ephemeral
50 as … did like terminally ill men who can see heaven and no longer cling to the earthly pleasure that they once (erst) pursued
54 unspotted pure/free from lust
57 conclusion riddle
59 these the former suitors
60 ’ssayed assayed/tried
62 assume the lists enter the combat/tournament area
63 Nor Nor do I
65 viper … flesh young vipers were supposed to eat their way out of their mother’s womb
67 labour hard work/sexual exertion
68 kindness affection/kinship/sexual acquiescence
71 two i.e. two people
73 Sharp physic harsh medicine
73 the last the final line of the riddle
74 countless eyes the stars
75 cloud … sights do they not shield their eyes
77 glass of light the Daughter is imagined as a lantern holding a candle or a shining glass vessel; light can mean lustful, and glass often represents a woman’s (fragile) chastity
78 casket i.e. the Daughter’s body
80 on … wait who is attended by heavenly virtues
81 knowing … gate will enter knowing that there is evil inside/will engage in sexual relations with a depraved person
81 gate vagina
82 viol stringed instrument played between the legs
82 sense senses/reason
83 fingered … music “played” by an appropriate sexual partner
85 played upon used sexually
86 Hell … chime i.e. only the devil could approve
87 Good sooth in truth/truly
89 article stipulation/requirement
94 braid reproach near closely/intimately
95 Who whoever
98 vice … itself to talk about evil deeds (of powerful people) is to behave like the wind, which blows dust into eyes (of the offenders or of innocent people)
101 And … them but the painful lesson is that the wind (breath), i.e. the rumor, runs its course and those people harmed by it (whose sore eyes can now see) can take action to prevent further indiscretions
102 Copped heaped/humped
102 tell tell that
102 thronged crushed/overwhelmed
103 worm creature (either the person who dares to criticize or an innocent bystander)
107 What … it i.e. it is appropriate (fit) to suppress something that would be made worse by its exaggerated repetition
109 like leave similar permission
111 gloze with speak plausibly to
112 tenor substance/content/purpose
112 edict (royal) order
113 exposition explanation
br /> 114 cancel of put an end to
116 doth … otherwise adjusts our mood/intention
118 undone solved
119 joy rejoice
120 entertain entertainment
122 would seem to deceives in order to
124 sight appearance
129 untimely premature
134 though … breed although they appear beautiful, they only produce evil
135 those men that those men who
137 ’schew eschew/avoid
137 keep … light i.e. keep their actions hidden
141 targets shields
141 put off deflect
142 cropped harvested/cut down
142 clear free from blame
146 trumpet forth proclaim
151 Thaliard in the sources either a Privy Councillor or Antiochus’ steward
153 of our chamber one of our most trusted attendants or advisers
154 partakes imparts/communicates
163 Let … haste use your rapid breathing to cool yourself by telling me why you are in such a hurry
167 level aim
170 length range
171 sure harmless (i.e. I’ll kill him)
173 My … head i.e. I will have no peace of mind
Act 1 Scene 2
1.2 Location: Tyre
2 change of thoughts altered mental state
3 dull-eyed sluggish/lacking insight
4 used familiar/regular
4 as that
5 day’s glorious walk daily movement of the sun
6 breed me quiet produce peace of mind for me
10 joy gladden/bring joy to
10 spirits emotions
11 the other’s danger’s
12 passions … mind emotions/obsessions
13 misdread fear of evil
14 Have … care are fed and kept alive by anxiety
16 cares takes care
19 can that he can
19 make … act turn his thoughts into actions
21 boots it me is it any help to me
24 course flowing stream
26 th’ostent the display/manifestation
27 Amazement (that) terror
28 ere before
29 ne’er thought offence never offended even in their thoughts
32 as … them like the treetops (i.e. the monarch), which protect and defend the roots (i.e. the people) that nourish them
32 fence protect
34 And … punish Pericles’ own body punishes itself before it can be punished by Antiochus
37 give experience tongue let the wise/experienced speak
39 blows up that inflames
41 breath i.e. the air from the bellows (the flattering speech)
42 in order orderly/delivered in the correct manner
44 Signior Sooth Mister Sycophant
45 makes … life puts your life in danger
48 All … else everyone else leave me
48 cares diligence
48 o’erlook supervise
49 lading’s cargo is
51 moved provoked/angered
52 brow appearance/countenance
53 dart an arrow or light spear
54 move arouse
58 ground sharpened
62 let … hid allow themselves to listen to flattery
63 Fit fitting/suitable
69 ministers provides/dispenses
71 Attend me listen to me
73 purchase benefit/acquisition/prize
74 an issue a child/an heir
75 Are … subjects i.e. royal heirs (issue), which are weapons/protection to princes and bring joy to their subjects
79 Seemed pretended
79 smooth indulge/conciliate
82 careful protecting
83 Who i.e. the night
84 Bethought considered
84 succeed follow
87 doubt suspect
90 unlaid ope undiscovered/concealed
91 lop remove/eliminate
91 doubt suspicion
91 arms weapons (i.e. soldiers)
93 all all my subjects
93 mine … offence my offense—if I may call it that
94 who which (i.e. war)
96 now reproved’st was just rebuking
99 doubts fears/anxieties
110 The Destinies the three Fates, who control destiny in Greco-Roman mythology
111 direct delegate
114 should he what if he (Antiochus) should
114 my liberties my domains/my royal prerogatives and the rights of my subjects
115 We’ll … earth i.e. we’ll die fighting him
117 Tarsus a city on the River Cydnus in Cillicia, present-day Turkey
118 Intend direct
119 dispose conduct
122 not … oath i.e. I won’t ask you to swear a formal oath
123 Who whoever
124 orbs spheres of activity (i.e. areas of influence)
124 round straightforwardly/openly
125 time … convince time shall never disprove (convince) this truth regarding the pair of us
126 shine brightness/virtue
Act 1 Scene 3
3 I … secrets the poet Philippides reputedly asked this of King Lysimachus of Thrace
4 would of wanted from
7 indenture contract between a master and servant
8 Husht hush, be quiet
11 sealed bearing the royal seal
11 commission warrant
12 speak sufficiently proclaim satisfactorily
15 unlicensed … loves without your devoted approval
16 light enlightenment
21 doubting lest fearing
22 he’d correct he wished to punish
23 puts … toil subjects himself to the rigors of the sea
26 although I would even if I wished to be
27 the … please the king must be satisfied with this news
32 betook taken
32 message my message
34 it i.e. the message
35 Commended (which has been) directed/addressed
Act 1 Scene 4
1.4 Location: Tarsus
5 who digs whoever digs up (the image is of someone trying to flatten a hill by digging it up, only to create a bigger pile with the earth they have removed)
8 with mischief’s eyes through the eyes of misfortune/misery
9 topped pruned/cut back (making them grow faster than before)
11 Who wanteth whoever lacks/desires
17 Our … them i.e. we proclaim (sound) our misfortunes (sorrows) low and high, then we weep until we have enough breath back (till … breath) to bewail our sorrows even more loudly, so that if the gods (heaven) are asleep and are oblivious to the suffering of their creatures, our cries may wake them in order that they can comfort those in need
13 sound proclaim
18 discourse relate
19 wanting … speak when I want breath/because you want breath
22 o’er … hand over whom plenty poured her gifts
23 riches a personification of wealth or of plenty (from French richesse, “plenty”)
25 wondered at admired/were astonished by
26 jetted strutted/swaggered
26 adorned adorned themselves
27 Like … by as if they were like one another’s mirror (glass) with which to adorn (trim) themselves/they mirrored one another’s finery
28 glad gladden/make glad
31 The … repeat even to propose asking for help became repulsive
33 by … change through the example of our change in fortune
37 want lack
39 not … younger only two years ago
40 inventions novelties
42 nuzzle up nurture/bring up
43 curious elaborate/carefully prepared
46 shall … life will die so that the other can surviver />
53 largely abundantly
54 superfluous riots extravagant indulgence
54 these tears this lamentation
60 descried spotted/observed
61 portly stately/majestic
61 sail fleet
61 make hitherward sail toward us
67 power army
69 unhappy wretched
70 Whereas … overcome in whom no glory can be gained in conquering
71 least fear not to be feared in the least
72 white flags used to show that a ship had no hostile intention
73 favourers friends
74 him’s … repeat someone who has not learned (the following maxim)/someone too inexperienced to comment
75 Who he who
78 The … there i.e. the ground is as far as we can fall, and we are nearly there
82 on peace consist is disposed toward peace
86 beacon fire or light placed in a prominent position as an alarm signal
86 t’amaze to terrify
89 add … tears i.e. add to your misfortunes
91 these … bread although you may think that our ship is like the Trojan horse, which was filled with ferocious warriors (bloody veins: a metonymy), it is actually filled with grain to make bread for your hungry people
91 happily haply/perhaps
101 gratify show gratitude for/grant
102 in thought even in thought
104 succeed inevitably follow
108 stars fates/fortunes
Act 2 Chorus
2 iwis certainly/truly (archaic)
3 A better prince i.e. Pericles
4 awful awe-inspiring/worthy of respect
6 passed necessity gone through extreme suffering
7 those … reign those who rule during periods of difficulty (or, alternatively, “trouble’s reign,” those who are ruled by trouble)
8 mite a tiny particle
9 The good i.e. Pericles
9 conversation behavior/manners
10 benison blessing
12 writ holy scripture/authoritative command
12 he speken can he (Pericles) is able to speak (speken is archaic)
13 remember commemorate
14 Build his statue construct a statue of him
14 make him glorious glorify his deeds
15 tidings … contrary i.e. adverse news
16 Dumb show a mimed sequence, common in early modern plays
16 train retinue
17 Helicane i.e. Helicanus
18 Not to not intending to
20 killen kill (archaic)
22 haps happens
23 full bent fully determined
27 doing so doing as advised
28 been are (archaic)
32 Should which should
35 perishen perish (archaic)
35 pelf possessions
36 Ne aught escapend nor did anything escape (archaic)
38 glad gladness/happiness
40 ’longs belongs to/prolongs
Pericles Page 21