Seasons of the Heart

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Seasons of the Heart Page 5

by Susette Williams

  In a daze, Katie listened as Wade asked questions and other students raised their hands to answer. Every time he asked a question, Tony’s hand went up immediately. Wade hadn’t chosen him, yet, to answer a question. Absentmindedly, Katie tapped her pencil against her lower lip.

  “Yes, Ms. Morgan?” Wade asked.

  Katie’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “I thought your hand was raised. Do you know the answer?” Wade waited patiently for her to respond.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the question,” she admitted. A blush crept into her cheeks.

  “And what about you, Mister…?” Wade frowned at Tony. He knew he should remain impartial in class, but he couldn’t help disliking the kid. Especially after he'd nuzzled Katie’s ear, earlier. Watch it, old man, he warned himself.

  “Cappici. Yes, sir,” Tony chimed anxiously as he proceeded to answer the question.

  At least he was paying attention. Katie still wasn’t sure what the question was. Not that it mattered at this point. She frowned. It was her fault she didn’t know the answer. Wade must have mistakenly thought she knew or he wouldn't have called on her. Sighing, she realized she hadn’t paid attention to anything he’d asked so far.

  “That’s right. Well done, Mr. Cappici. Perhaps Ms. Morgan will take some notes and know the answer the next time the question comes up. Which may very well be Wednesday. I suggest everybody study. I’ll see you all back here then.” Wade stood behind the desk and began to sort through papers.

  Okay, so he only called on Katie to get her attention. He didn’t really mean to embarrass her—did he?

  Katie gathered her things to leave. She wasn’t sure if she should stop and talk to Wade or not. It wasn’t her intention to disrupt his class. When she looked towards the front of the room, she observed several female classmates that had taken the opportunity to speak with him. Frowning, she stood and flung her backpack over her shoulder. The sound of deep masculine laughter drifted across the room. Chills went up her spine, until she cringed when feminine giggles followed.

  What do I care? She silently fumed. You care a lot, came an inner voice. No. I can’t be in love with him. Can I? She shook her head as she left Wade in the midst of feminine companions. Heat rose to her cheeks—she was jealous, and that could only mean one thing.

  Katie had never been in love before, no wonder she didn’t recognize the signs when they hit her.

  Sighing in exasperation, she wondered what she was going to do now. Just one week ago, she was trying to fix him up with somebody—anybody—and now he had young, college women vying for his attention. It served her right. If she hadn’t tried to set him up on dates in the first place, perhaps he would have been content on his own. But now… she couldn’t leave well enough alone.

  On the way home from school, Katie stopped to pick up a few groceries. By the time she got in the front door, her phone was ringing. She hurried across the room to answer it. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Katie. It’s me. Tony. Whatcha doin?” he asked.

  Setting her heavy load on the table, she grunted and took a seat. “I just got in. Did you need something? I have to go to work soon.”

  “I thought I’d see if you still needed a study partner. We could always get together tomorrow, if you’d like, or even tonight if you don’t have to work too late,” Tony suggested.

  “I don’t know. Let me think about it and call you back later.” Katie began emptying the contents of the grocery bags.

  “Dr. McAlester is something. Man is he lucky. Did you see all the gals hanging all over him after class?” Tony laughed. “I ain’t ever seen anyone hang on Professor Kostner like that. Practically all the girls had their eye on Dr. McAlester, though.”

  An exasperated sigh escaped her lips.

  “I noticed you didn’t have a thing for him. Can’t say that I blame you, after the way he tried to embarrass you in class,” Tony said.

  Wade, embarrass her? It was her fault for disrupting him. If she hadn’t been so flabbergasted when she saw him, or so deep in thought when he was asking questions, she wouldn’t have been so embarrassed. “I don’t think he was trying to embarrass me. Anyway, I’ve got to get going. If I need help studying I’ll give you a call later.”

  “Okay. If you’re hungry, maybe we could catch a bite to eat after you get off and then study for a while,” Tony suggested.

  “I don’t know. I’m really swamped right now. It could be a really late night for me as it is.” Katie clanked a jar of jelly on the table louder than she meant to, silently hoping Tony would get the hint that she was busy.

  Before she had a chance to ask him how he got her number he tossed her a, “Well, catch you later, then,” before promptly hanging up.

  Forty-five minutes later, Katie strolled into work and put her purse in an empty, file drawer. “Alice, did Wade make it in?”

  Silently she hoped he didn’t. There wasn’t any time for her to sort her mixed emotions and she had no idea how to deal with these new found feelings. So much for a nice, perfectly ordered life. Why couldn’t her emotions have stuck with her time schedule? Maybe because if they had… she wouldn’t stand a chance with Wade—not that she stood one now.

  “Yeah. He got here just over an hour ago. It’s been pretty quiet today, thankfully.” Alice continued entering payments into the computer. “How’d it go at school today?”

  “Fine. Why do you ask?” Katie turned her back to Alice and pretended to be looking for a file, she could feel her cheeks flush.

  “I wondered how it went with Dr. McAlester teaching your class. Might make it kind of funny having him help you study, too. Someone might wonder if he isn’t giving you privileged information.”

  Katie turned toward Alice and gasped in horror. “You know he wouldn’t do that. He’s not that kind of man! He’s very ethical.”

  “I know. I’m just joking." Alice stopped typing and looked at Katie. "Goodness, you’re awfully touchy today. Sorry. I didn’t mean to get your feathers ruffled. I know Dr. McAlester would never do anything like that. I shouldn’t have even teased you.”

  Alice turned back to her monitor and started to enter data again.

  “It’s okay,” Katie said reluctantly. “You’re right, though. Some people might question it. I guess it’d be best if I stayed with a study partner until Professor Kostner gets back.”

  Alice paused and glanced at Katie over her shoulder. “Katie, I was only joking around. Please don’t think I meant anything by it.”

  Although Alice seemed sincere, Katie knew in her heart there was wisdom in her words. If she did do well on her test, others might question her relationship with Wade. She couldn’t bear to put him in the midst of speculation.

  Sighing, she walked over and patted Alice on the shoulder. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t worry about it. But, in a sense, you are right. Someone might object if I do well on the test and they may be low enough to try and suggest favoritism.”

  “Katie, you’re here.” Wade stood in the hallway.

  “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  He shrugged, before turning to go into his office.

  Katie followed him. “I was supposed to work today. Didn’t you want me to come in?”

  Transfixed on two intent brown eyes staring at him, it took him a moment to think. Of course he wanted her to come to work today. When she tilted her head slightly forward, a strand of hair fell across her face. Instinctively he pushed it back behind her ear. A tiny, diamond studded earring caught his attention. His gut urged him to nibble… just once. Yet his mind warned him against it.

  As Wade inhaled her flowery scent it drew him closer to her. Looking into her eyes, he felt as if he could connect with her soul. He took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to remind himself what he was doing. Gently he stroked his thumb along her jaw before pulling her face closer to his. He kissed her forehead before releasing his hold on her. “You don’t feel like you have a fever.”

tie shook her head. His words broke the spell that bound them together. “Hmm? No. I don’t have a fever.”

  Embarrassed, her cheeks warmed. Did he think she was still sick because of yesterday? She wanted to hide. In ordinary circumstances, she wasn’t prone to lying, but yesterday hadn't been normal. Since her feelings for Wade had changed, her life would never be the same again. Her heart raced excitedly as she stared at his full lips. Without thinking, she moistened her own with the tip of her tongue.

  Stop it, she warned herself and turned away from him.

  “No, I’m fine,” she squeaked, then cleared her throat.

  “You shouldn’t push yourself." Wade took a seat behind his desk. "If you don’t feel well, you can always go home. It’s been a pretty light day.”

  “Thanks, but I’m okay. Really,” Katie said.

  “Well, if you’re sure. Did you want to get together tonight or tomorrow to study? Your test is Wednesday, you know.”

  “How can I forget?” she mumbled. “Actually, a guy from class offered to study with me. I know you’re busy with your extra workload. Thanks, though. I appreciate your offer.”

  “That guy wouldn’t happen to be the kid who sits next to you in class, would it?” Wade's voice sounded stern.

  “Yes. Why?” Her eyes widened. By the sound of Wade’s voice he appeared not to care much for Tony. “Is there something wrong with that?”

  “No,” he responded curtly. “Perhaps it would be best if you got back to work now.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry. I didn’t mean to take up your time. You’ve got enough to do. Do you want me to close the door on my way out?”

  “Yes.” When the door clicked shut, Wade slammed his hand down on the desk.

  Chapter Seven

  Katie rubbed her temples as she reviewed her notes one last time in class. The kinks in her neck, from leaning over the textbook for hours the night before, were taking their toll. Rotating her neck, she tried to relieve them to no avail.

  “Would you like me to help?”

  “Oh, Wade. You startled me.” She jumped at the sound of his voice from behind her and tensed beneath his touch when he began to rub her shoulders.

  “I’m sorry," Wade said. "I didn’t mean to. You were so intent studying and I could tell you looked like you were in pain. I thought I’d help.” He continued to massage her neck, but it felt as if her muscles tightened more than before he started. “You’re really tense about this test aren’t you?”

  She was tense all right, but the test had nothing to do with it. Warm, gentle hands urged her to relax, but the fear of enjoying his fingers kneading her neck muscles, more than she should, made her feel uneasy. What if someone walked into class and found them like this? Sure, it was purely innocent, but an onlooker might not perceive it that way.

  “You know how fun studying can be,” Katie commented sarcastically. She forced a small laugh and straightened in her seat.

  He paused, allowing his hands to rest on her shoulders as he thought back to the times they had studied together. Remembering the time she sang to him and they ended up tickling each other until they were in each other’s arms.

  His hands involuntarily tensed. Swiftly he pulled them back as if he had touched hot coals.

  Did she and Tony laugh together? Anger filled him as he imagined the two of them together. He was thankful for the few students who began to straggle into class. “I best be getting back to work.”

  “Thank you, Dr. McAlester,” Katie said for the benefit of a student who passed by them.

  Wade stiffened at the reminder. Here, at the college, he was nothing more than her teacher. Lately, their friendship had felt strained, even when they were at work. Shoulders slightly slumped, he walked back to his desk and took a seat, rummaging through the morning paper while he waited for class to start.

  After looking through the sports section, a brief glance at his watch revealed it was time to begin. Folding his paper he laid it aside. There were a couple students who still hadn’t shown. Wade gritted his teeth, he pretty much knew what the outcome of their grades would be. If they couldn't put forth the effort to even show up to class, they deserved the grades they would receive.

  While he passed out the test, he noticed a couple students looked worried. He wasn’t sure if they were afraid of how they would do, or if the scowl he was sure he wore had discouraged them.

  As he approached Katie, he saw Tony whispering something in her ear. She brushed him away with her hand. Wade overheard her say, “Sh… we’ll talk later.”

  He felt a rush of anger and gripped the paper in his hand tighter, causing it to crinkle slightly. Lord, what am I going to do about her? You know I love her, but her heart seems set on another. I know I should wish her well… but I can’t. I don’t want to spend my life without her. Please help me.

  After he handed out the remaining tests and was seated at his desk for a while, Wade realized he was staring at Katie. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help himself. Mesmerized, he watched her tuck a strand of her raven hair behind her ear. A very attractive ear that caused his chest to tighten as he remembered the fragrance of her perfume. Sometimes, he couldn’t help himself from leaning just a little closer to her at work in order to inhale her flowery scent.

  His features softened as he sat engulfed in her beauty.

  Katie took such care with animals, she went out of her way to make treats for the kids at the children’s home, and she even worked with children at church. She was beautiful inside and out. What more could any man ask than to make someone like her his?

  His frown returned when he observed the man seated next to her. Tony hadn’t won her yet and Wade determined it in his heart to not give Katie up without a fight. He wasn’t sure how he would do it—but he would.

  A small, still voice spoke to him at that moment, Don’t you trust me to meet your needs? I know the desires of your heart and I’ve heard your pleas.

  A peace settled over him.

  When the students handed in their test before leaving, Wade smiled as he bid them farewell.

  “I’ll see you later,” he cheerfully told Katie when she handed in her test. The fact that she only nodded and continued out the door didn’t faze him. Things would work out. He had that assurance now.

  Katie was walking down the corridor when she heard someone holler, “Katie, wait up.”

  She turned to see Carrie Garner attempting to catch up with her. They were in the same Anatomy class and she knew about the other woman, but had never talked to her. She couldn’t imagine what she might want. “Yes?”

  “I wanted to ask you about Dr. McAlester. Do you two have a thing going on?” Carrie asked.

  Katie knew her cheeks probably turned red because she felt the heat rise to them. “He’s my boss.”

  “Oh,” Carrie began, “hey, is he the guy you fixed Sasha up with?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.” She still felt bad about the way that disaster had turned out.

  “Well, if you’re not going out with him and things didn’t work out for them…would you mind fixing me up with him?” Carrie held her books to her chest.

  Katie felt faint. She couldn’t believe Carrie expected her to set her up on a date with Wade. Maybe it was her fault for starting this whole mess, but that was before she realized how she felt about him.

  “Are you all right? You look a little pale.”

  “I’m fine. Look, I’d really like to help you out,” Katie lied. “But he’s my boss and I promised him I wouldn’t try doing him any more favors after the last one. Things didn’t go very well and he made me promise to never try fixing him up again.”

  “Oh. Well, thanks anyway. Where was it you said you worked?” Carrie asked.

  Katie told her the name of the clinic and watched her walk away with a smile on her face. She had expected Carrie to be disappointed. Maybe she wasn’t going to let it discourage her?

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  “Katie, have you finished counting the inventory
? I need to place an order before their offices close.”

  She glanced over the counter at Wade and back to the cabinet she was going through. “Just about finished.”

  Wade leaned against the wall across the room while he waited. “How do you think you did on your test today?”

  “I think I passed it. I just don’t know by how much.”

  “I’m sure you studied as hard as you could.” The muscles in his jaw tightened when Wade envisioned her sitting on a couch next to Tony.

  “Um, yes. I did study a lot yesterday.” Katie ducked her head down and hurried to finish counting inventory. “Here you go.”

  Wade took the clipboard from Katie. “Thanks. I’ll have Alice call it in.”

  Relief washed over Katie when Wade left the room. She let out an exasperated sigh. There was less than an hour left before she’d be able to flee for the sanctity of her home. The manly smell of after-shave lingered in the air even after Wade left the room, tantalizing every nerve in her body, forcing her to visualize his well-defined jaw line, and tranquil blue eyes that sometimes raged like a sea in a storm.

  “Oh, Wade. How can I ever tell you how I feel? If only you weren’t my boss… and now you’re my teacher, too. Lord, what am I going to do?” Katie whispered.

  A voice Katie recognized, but couldn’t place, filtered down from the reception area. After she finished straightening the contents of the cabinet, she stood.

  The voice was moving closer to the back. Katie strained to hear. “You don’t know what this means to me, doctor. Thank you for seeing me. I mean, Fluffy.”

  As they came into view, Katie’s eyes widened. “Carrie? What are you doing here?”

  Katie glanced at the dog, then Carrie, and finally at Wade and could have slapped herself. She should have known better, but not her—she'd been dumb enough to tell Carrie where she worked. Her temper flared. So that’s the way Carrie was going to be. If Katie wouldn’t fix her up with Wade, she was going to find her own way to get near him.


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