* * *
When they arrived Yannick gave curt goodbyes and disembarked. Muda knew well to keep his lineage secret, but he still felt that he had his duties. He met with each of the sailors separately, and thanked them for services.
Most of the sailors had grown fond of Muda, and were happy to humor him. They exchanged warm farewells, then got to work preparing the ship so that they could enter the city and spend some of their hard-earned gold.
When Muda finally disembarked himself Yannick stood waiting for him. He was agitated, which Muda took as desire for the drink, and so he moved slowly, trying to decide how he would help Yannick stay strong at his first real trial in months. Finally, he sensed Yannick's irritation, and approached his mentor.
"You look good after these three months, Yannick." Muda ventured. "I would hate to see you lose what you have gained."
Understanding dawned on Yannick, and he cursed silently to himself.
"We have greater concerns than that. It appears the new leader is all but decided. Sophia is..."
Muda brightened. "Of course it would be her. I never doubted it. We must go see her immediately."
Muda started to walk away, when Yannick put a hand on his shoulder.
"There has been an attack." Yannick said quietly.
Muda stopped dead. "Is she alive?" He asked.
"She still breathes," Yannick replied, "But it was a close thing. The healers are with her now. They are doing their best to revive her, but...they do not know what will come."
Muda had already started to turn away. Yannick tightened his grip, holding Muda him.
"We cannot get involved."
Muda's face twisted with rage.
"You will take her to me now."
Yannick was taken aback. He had never seen such fire from his young ward. Hope swelled in him for a moment, but he quickly squashed it.
"We are guests..." Muda slapped his hand away, then turned and broke into a run. Yannick thought to yell after him, but decided against it.
"Fire that will fade..." He said to no one.
Yannick quickly arranged to have their belongings taken to their residence, then followed after Muda.
Wartune Page 10