The Maverick's Baby Arrangement

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The Maverick's Baby Arrangement Page 7

by Kathy Douglass

  “No. We need to meet in Bronco.”

  “What about Hailey?” she asked. “You don’t want people finding out about her.”

  “That can’t be helped now. She’s obviously going to be at the wedding. Besides, if we want to convince people our relationship is real, we need to be seen around town together. We might as well start now.”

  * * *

  The doorbell pealed and Brittany jumped, which was a ridiculous reaction. Daniel had told her he’d be here at eleven thirty and it was eleven thirty on the nose. Telling herself to stop being foolish, she crossed the room and opened the door so Daniel, Hailey in his arms, could enter.

  Despite telling herself that she wasn’t interested in him romantically, her heart jumped at the sight of him. Dressed in a heather-gray shirt and black jeans, he looked ready to star in a romantic movie. His eyes lit up when he saw her and warmth flowed through her body in return.

  Reminding herself that this was only make-believe, she stepped aside. “Come on in. I just need to grab my purse.”


  Daniel stepped inside and looked around. “Nice place.”

  “Thanks. I’ve been happy living here. Of course, the views from my balcony can’t compete with those on your ranch.”

  “That’s good to hear. Otherwise I would feel bad for pulling you away from your home and moving you to a ranch in the middle of nowhere.”

  Her home. Only now did she realize that she might not return to this condo after their marriage was annulled. Amanda could be married by then and living with Holt. Unless Brittany found a new roommate, she’d need to find a new place to live. But she’d made her decision and wasn’t going to back out now. She’d worry about tomorrow’s problems tomorrow.

  She draped her purse strap over her shoulder then led them out the door.

  When they were in his car, she turned to him. “So you said we had a stop to make before lunch. Where are we going?”

  “The jewelry store.”

  “What? Why?”

  “To get your engagement ring, of course.”

  “I don’t need an engagement ring. A simple wedding band is more than enough.”

  “No way. There is absolutely no way we can convince anyone that our engagement is real if you aren’t wearing a diamond. Anyone who knows me knows that I would give my fiancée an engagement ring.”

  “Maybe. But anyone who knows me knows I’m not a gold-digger.”

  “It’s simply a ring. A tradition. No one will think anything bad about you for wearing it.”

  “Okay. But I don’t want you to think that, either.”

  Daniel laughed. “Trust me, Brittany. As hard as I had to work to convince you to marry me, the thought never crossed my mind.”

  “Just so you know.”

  “I do. Consider the point made. Now let’s get this show on the road.”

  Although Bronco wasn’t the biggest town in Montana, it was quite wealthy. With affluent ranchers living nearby, and tourism that catered to the rich and famous, the town had several businesses that served those for whom money was no object. One such store was Beaumont and Rossi’s Fine Jewels. The items sold there were exquisite and one of a kind, often personally designed. Brittany had saved up for months to purchase a pair of teardrop diamond earrings. Other than that one visit, she hadn’t stepped foot inside the store.

  When Daniel parked, she put a hand on his wrist, stopping him. “Are we really going to buy a ring here?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you know how much they cost?”

  “I have an idea, yes.”

  Before she could protest, he was out of the car and unstrapping Hailey from her car seat. With no choice but to follow, Brittany got out of the car then walked beside him. Acutely aware of the attention they were drawing, she pasted on a smile and tried not to think about the conversations that would be burning up the phone lines over the next hours. Though she would figure in them prominently, she knew most of the attention would be devoted to Daniel and the sweet baby in his arms.

  The good citizens of Bronco had done their best to find out about Daniel, but the only knowledge anyone had gleaned had come from old media accounts. He’d done a spectacular job of keeping his personal life private. Now he was strolling down Bronco’s Main Street with a baby in one arm and Brittany on the other. From the carefree way he smiled as they entered the jewelry store, he wasn’t bothered by the scrutiny. Or perhaps that was part of his plan. The more people who saw the three of them together, the more believable their story would be. This was one scene in the play he was writing and Brittany was simply a bit actor.

  A well-dressed gentleman approached them. “How may I help you?”

  There were several other patrons admiring the jeweled creations, but other than glancing up to see who’d entered, they paid little attention to the newcomers.

  “I have an appointment with Angelique. The name is Daniel Dubois.”

  “Of course. Follow me.”

  “An appointment?” Brittany whispered as they were whisked behind a curtain and into a private room.

  “Yes. I’ve hired Angelique to design your ring. From what I’ve been told, she’s one of the most talented designers in the country.”

  “Would you like a beverage?” the gentleman said in a cultured voice. “Juice for the baby?”

  “No, thank you,” Brittany said, replying for all of them. She took a seat on the plush sofa.

  “Very good. Angelique will be right in.” The man exited quietly.

  Brittany looked around the elegant room. Gray silk curtains flanked the floor-to-ceiling windows and a gray-and-blue-patterned tapestry hung from the ceiling behind the enormous desk at the far end of the room. Vases of fresh flowers subtly perfumed the air.

  A door opened and a willowy woman dressed in a black silk blouse and a black pencil skirt crossed the thick carpet until she stood in front of them. Her natural hair was styled in a massive curly afro. Silver earrings dangled from her ears. “How do you do? I’m Angelique. I’m pleased to be designing your wedding rings.”

  Brittany and Daniel introduced themselves. Daniel had brought a play mat for Hailey and he spread it on the floor while Brittany pulled several toys from the diaper bag. Hailey was content to play while the adults chatted.

  “What kind of ring do you have in mind?”

  Brittany glanced at Daniel. This was his show. He’d nixed her idea of a plain gold band, so she was going to let him take charge.

  “Something original without being too showy. Something beautiful and classy that demands attention without being ostentatious. Like my fiancée.”

  Daniel sounded so smitten that Brittany herself could almost believe he loved her.

  “Are you looking for a diamond or another jewel?” Angelique asked. “Or a combination?”

  Brittany shrugged. “I’ve never given thought to anything other than the traditional solitaire.”

  “Are we going with platinum?”

  “Yes,” Daniel replied before Brittany could say that gold would do.

  “I’d like to ask a couple of questions about your relationship to get a sense of you as a couple. I’ll design while we talk.”

  “You’re going to come up with a ring just by listening to me?” Brittany was skeptical for a minute but then decided to give it a try. It wasn’t too different from what she did as an event planner. From mere conversations with her client, she’d designed the most perfect parties. And if Angelique created something Brittany didn’t like, would it really matter? It wasn’t as if Brittany planned to keep the ring. It was a prop in the play she and Daniel were producing and she planned to return it when their marriage was annulled.

  “Yes.” Angelique grabbed a sketchpad and pencils then smiled. “I’m ready when you are.”

  Brittany inhaled, then
looked at Daniel. Suddenly she felt vulnerable, knowing she was about to reveal herself in front of him. She could lie, but why bother? It wasn’t as if Daniel actually cared about the real her. She just fit the role of wife and mother he needed filled.

  “Ask away,” Brittany said.

  “I’ll start with something easy. What first attracted you to Daniel?”

  “His body,” Brittany replied without thinking. When she realized what she’d just said, her face heated and she made sure not to look in his direction.

  “I see,” Angelique said as she drew on the paper.

  “But it was more than the way he looked. It was his presence. His confidence. His essence. He has a way of taking over a room, commanding attention without even trying.”

  “So does that makes you the power behind the throne?” Angelique asked, looking up.


  “Yes,” Daniel said instantly.

  “Interesting,” Angelique said with a knowing smile.

  Just what was that supposed to mean?

  “What is your relationship like?”

  Whew. Brittany had no idea the questions were going to be like this. What ever happened to asking about her favorite color?

  “It’s fine,” Brittany said and then winced. A generic store brand fake fiancée could do better than that. She took a breath and tried again. What would her perfect relationship with her imaginary fiancé be like? “It’s good because we respect each other. We each have a strong personality, so that makes discussions interesting. But we respect each other, so our conversations are always fair.”

  “What is your dream for your life together?”

  “To always be in love. To spend each day doing something to make the other happy and fulfilled. To work to make each other’s dream a reality.”

  Brittany glanced over at Daniel. He was staring at her as if he’d never seen her before. Had she revealed too much? She certainly hoped not. This marriage was going to be in name only and she intended to keep each of her emotions to herself.

  Angelique made a couple of marks on the pad and, with a flourish, turned it around to reveal the sketch.

  Brittany took one look at the drawing and gasped in amazement. The ring was nothing short of spectacular. It was a beautiful sapphire surrounded by numerous diamonds. “It’s perfect. Exactly what I would have pictured if I could have imagined it. Can you really make that?”

  Angelique clapped her hands in obvious glee. “I don’t make the rings, but yes, the jeweler can make this for you.”

  “It is perfect,” Daniel chimed in.

  Angelique explained her design. “Listening to you talk, I knew that a simple elegant diamond, while beautiful, wouldn’t capture your essence or that of your relationship with your fiancé. For you, I chose an oval-cut blue sapphire surrounded by round and marquis-cut diamonds. The design is inspired by the blue jasmine flower, which is a symbol of honesty and trust. The same qualities that are evident between the two of you. The blue jasmine also symbolizes that a woman is ready to give her heart to that special someone, as you clearly are.”

  Brittany suddenly felt uneasy. Apparently, she’d played the role of devoted fiancée a little too well. And now she was going to be stuck wearing a ring that symbolized a lie.

  She knew she should have gotten a basic diamond that didn’t stand for anything. Or better yet, she should have stuck to her guns and insisted on a plain gold band. It was too late now. There was no turning back.

  “When can the ring be ready?” Daniel asked.

  “It can take between two and four weeks.”

  “No. That’s too long. We’d like to be married before then, so we need to expedite the process. Money is no object, so your store will be generously compensated.”

  Angelique’s eyes darted to Brittany’s flat stomach before returning to Daniel’s eyes. “Of course. I’ll speak with the jeweler right away. I shouldn’t be more than a moment.”

  “She thinks I’m pregnant,” Brittany said when the woman left.

  “Does it matter?”

  “It will when word reaches my parents.”

  “We’re having dinner with them this Sunday. Surely the gossips won’t beat us there. Besides, I can’t imagine she’d risk losing our business by spreading baseless gossip.”

  “You could be right.”

  “I am.”

  The conversation ended with the arrival of the jeweler. He introduced himself as Amos Rossi and he immediately assured Daniel that the ring would be made in record time without sacrificing quality.

  “If you want to sign off on the design now, I can put together a selection of sapphires and diamonds for you to choose from. They’ll be ready for your review in two hours, if that suits you. You can choose the ones you like and I can begin work on your ring immediately.”

  “That works for us,” Daniel said.

  Apparently, they were doing this.

  Brittany put Hailey’s toys into the diaper bag as the baby began to fuss.

  “Hailey and I will go for a little walk outside while you wrap up the details,” Brittany told Daniel then looked at Angelique and Mr. Rossi. “It was very nice meeting both of you.”

  She hurried through the store, hoping to make it outside without attracting too much attention. Hailey liked the faster pace and her fussing turned into giggles.

  There was a wrought-iron bench a short distance from the jewelry store, so Brittany headed there. She sat then stood Hailey on her lap. Gurgling happily, the baby bounced up and down.

  Ten minutes later, Daniel joined them, sitting beside Brittany. “Would you like to get something to eat or would you rather do more shopping?”

  “Shopping for what?” What else did he think she needed?

  “Your wedding dress, of course.”

  “I’m not the superstitious type, but I believe it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride in the wedding dress ahead of time. Besides, I’m perfectly capable of picking out my own dress.”

  “I’ll pay for it.”

  “No, you won’t. I have money of my own.”

  “I’m sure you do. But I don’t see why you should bear that burden when you’re doing me the favor.”

  “It’s not a favor.” Calling it a favor gave the appearance that they were friends instead of business associates. There was nothing personal between them and she’d better not forget it. “We have a deal, remember? I get my business out of this. I consider the dress as one of my expenses.” Her voice came out sharper than she’d intended, and Daniel winced.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Nothing other than the fact that for a brief moment she’d lost control of her feelings and revealed more than she’d wanted. To him and to herself.

  “You seem upset.”

  “I’m not.” How could she explain that designing the wedding ring had been something she could only fantasize about? This whole fake marriage was becoming more confusing by the minute. And they hadn’t even spoken their vows yet.

  She’d gotten swept up in the emotional moment, forgetting that the ring didn’t symbolize their promise of love. It had been all too easy to pretend that the romance they were perpetrating was real. But it wasn’t. If Brittany wasn’t careful, she would end up with hurt feelings at best and a broken heart at worst.

  Chapter Seven

  Brittany paced her apartment all the while telling herself to relax. Taking a deep breath, she counted to three and then slowly blew it out, then checked her appearance in the mirror. It wouldn’t do to look stressed today of all days. She was taking Daniel to meet her family in a few minutes. Not only were her parents living lie detectors, but her siblings would also be able to pick up on her stress. The last thing she needed was to make any of them suspicious.

  She’d chosen to wear a simple pink-and-orange sleeveless cotton
floral dress with an orange short-sleeved cropped sweater. Although dinners at her parents’ house was always casual, she’d felt the need to be a little dressier today. After all, she was arriving with her fiancé.

  Her doorbell rang and she squared her shoulders. She could do this.

  She opened the door and Daniel stood there, holding Hailey in his arms. When the baby saw Brittany, she babbled a few syllables and reached out to her. Though Brittany had no intention of having children of her own, there was something about Hailey’s joy at seeing her that warmed Brittany’s heart and made her smile. Taking the tyke from Daniel, she led them into her living room. Hailey strained to get down, so Brittany set her on the floor.

  “I’m ready to go. I just need to get my purse,” Brittany said.

  “Actually, let’s sit down a minute.” His voice didn’t sound as confident as it usually did, and a sliver of worry crawled down her spine.

  “Okay.” She sat on the sofa and Daniel sat beside her. Unbothered, Hailey sat at their feet and pushed buttons on her musical toy turtle. “What’s up?”

  Daniel tapped his foot three times. He sucked in a breath and patted his knee. She didn’t know why he was suddenly nervous, but he was stressing her out.

  “Okay,” he said softly, and she wondered whether he was talking to her or his invisible friend. He cleared his throat, then stood. A heartbeat later he knelt in front of her and took her hand in his.

  Wait. Was he? Oh my goodness. He was. Her heart skipped a beat, then began to race.

  “Brittany, I know that we have not known each other long and that this isn’t going to be a traditional marriage, but I promise to be the best husband that I know how. I’ll always respect you and support your dreams. I’ll help you to become your best self.” He inhaled and his shirt tightened over his muscular chest. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Her heart stuttered and suddenly she was just as tongue-tied as he’d been only moments ago. Sure, he was really proposing, but it was for a fake marriage. One with an expiration date. But when he looked into her eyes, the sincerity there touched her heart. This wasn’t real, so why was her vision suddenly blurry?


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