The Maverick's Baby Arrangement

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The Maverick's Baby Arrangement Page 18

by Kathy Douglass

  Brittany didn’t like deceiving her friends and family, but it was necessary. Especially now that the social worker had interviewed her and Daniel. Mrs. Kasey might make her way to friends and family soon. It was better to stick with the story they’d agreed on. “It was a whirlwind affair.”

  “Yes. But it’s obvious that the two of you belong together. The love between you is visible from a mile away.”

  Brittany’s stomach flip-flopped at her friend’s words. Though she had begun to face up to her feelings for Daniel, it shocked her to hear someone else remark on them. It was especially jarring when her feelings were growing and becoming stronger each day while Daniel’s appeared unchanged. “We’re happy together.”

  “And I’m happy for you both. I don’t know Daniel very well, but he seems like a great guy.”

  “He is,” Brittany replied automatically. And honestly.

  A volunteer approached, needing to speak with Daphne, so Brittany knew it was time to say goodbye. She hugged her friend. “You’re busy. And I’d better get back to Daniel and Hailey.”

  “Thanks for stopping by. It was good to talk to you. I hope you and your family have a great time.”

  Your family. The words echoed through Brittany’s head as she walked away to join Daniel and Hailey. Her family.

  Daniel and Hailey were watching the puppies tumble over each other as they played. Hailey’s happy laughter made it easy for Brittany to find them. When she reached them, Daniel wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. Smiling, she leaned against his side. When Hailey tired of the puppies, they went outside to the dog runs and watched the dogs chase each other. They appeared to be racing, so Brittany cheered on a black Lab that she thought would win.

  After a while, Hailey became cranky, so they decided to skip the cat house and call it a day. A quick diaper change and they were on their way back home. Throughout the ride, Daphne’s words repeated through Brittany’s head. Daniel and Hailey were her family. Those words took on a new meaning now and she knew that whenever this marriage ended, her life would never be the same.

  * * *

  The next days passed in a flurry of activity as Brittany spent hours at the office working on every detail of Daniel’s party. She checked and double-checked everything right down to the afternoon of the event. Satisfied, she went home to get ready for the party that evening, looking forward to wearing the new dress and shoes she’d bought for the occasion.

  She couldn’t stop her mind from racing as she showered and dressed. So much was riding on this dinner. Though Daniel had gotten to know several of her friends over the past few weeks, it was his formal introduction to the community. More importantly, he was going to announce his new venture. Brittany had no doubt that, once people watched the presentation she and Daniel had put together, they would be on board.

  Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she checked herself one last time in the mirror.

  She heard a wolf whistle and turned around. Daniel leaned against her open doorway and crossed his ankles. Her skin began to tingle as his eyes, alight with desire, traveled over her body. “There are no words to describe just how good you look.”

  “Thank you.” Brittany ran her hand over her formfitting red dress, smoothing out an imaginary wrinkle, and gave him the once-over. Dressed in a navy suit and crisp white shirt with a blue-patterned tie, he was the personification of sexy. “You look pretty snazzy yourself.”

  He gave her a mischievous look. “I’m ready. Are you?”

  Brittany felt her cheeks warm at the double entendre. He’d been a lot more flirtatious the past few days. “I am.”

  He held out his arm and as she took it, his scent wrapped around her like a lover’s embrace. Hailey was spending the night with Brittany’s parents so they wouldn’t have their tiny chaperone tonight. With Daniel’s flirting becoming intense each day and the wall she’d built around her heart weakening with each passing moment, she wondered just what the night would hold for them.

  They’d rented DJ’s Deluxe again and Brittany’s nerves jangled as they neared the restaurant. Daniel parked and they went inside. The guests would be arriving soon and they wanted to be there to greet them.

  She’d always had a flair for design and she’d pulled out all the stops to make DJ’s even more elegant than it had been for their reception. DJ’s waitstaff was top of the line and she knew the service would meet her very high expectations.

  She made a quick circuit of the room, checking each centerpiece and place setting to be sure everything was perfect. This event was important to Daniel, but it mattered to her just as much. Her reputation as an event planner would either get a big boost or take a hit, depending on the outcome.

  She joined Daniel at the front of the room. He smiled at her and her heart skipped a beat. “Everything up to your standards?”


  He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Then relax and enjoy yourself.”

  She smiled at him then turned her focus to the door as the first guests stepped inside—Amanda and her fiancé, Holt. Brittany gave her former roommate a quick hug. “Thanks so much for coming.”

  “You knew I would be here to support you. Plus, I’m seriously curious about this new secret venture. I believe everyone is.” She glanced over her shoulder at Cornelius Taylor, who was standing inside the doorway. “I’d better let you get to it. We’ll catch up later.”

  Cornelius walked up to Brittany and Daniel and looked around. “Very nice.”

  “My wife planned the entire event,” Daniel said. Brittany’s heart filled at the pride evident in Daniel’s voice. But that was nothing compared to the tingles that raced up and down her spine at his use of the word wife. Though she knew they were legally married and nothing else, the sound of the word made her giddy.

  “Well, I’m interested to see how it goes. So far, so good.” Cornelius then nodded and walked away.

  Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “By the end of the night, he won’t be able to resist your Denim and Diamonds idea.”

  “I hope so.”

  Brittany had scheduled everything to the second and, right on time, the waitstaff began circulating with beverages and finger food. Daniel was at his most charming, and the guests responded to his warmth in kind.

  At precisely thirty minutes past the hour, dinner was announced. She joined Daniel at their table and looked around. The staff stood in their assigned stations. Brittany signaled and they brought out the first course.

  “Everything is great. Relax.”

  “I want to be sure that everything goes off without a hitch. There’s a lot riding on this night.” For him and for her.

  “Well, you’d better eat or people will start to think there’s something wrong with the food.”

  Brittany laughed. She knew the food was perfect, but she picked up her fork anyway. As she enjoyed her meal, she looked around the room, noting her guests’ behavior. If anyone displayed even the slightest bit of unhappiness, she wanted to be able to address it immediately. To her satisfaction, everyone looked happy.

  Once dessert and coffee had been enjoyed, Daniel straightened his tie. “Wish me luck.”

  She caressed his cheek and their eyes met. Held. “You don’t need luck. You’ve got skills.”

  “Thanks.” He kissed her briefly, then rose and went to the front of the room.

  “Thank you all for coming tonight. I enjoyed meeting those of you I hadn’t met before. I hope to get to know all of you even better in the future. I’d like to spend the next few minutes telling you about the Dubois Guest Ranch and Resort.”

  He gave a short speech then stepped aside and a short video detailing his upcoming venture played on a wide screen Brittany had set up. When the video ended, the waitstaff passed out glossy brochures containing detailed information. Daniel once
more stood in front of the gathering. “It’s my belief that the resort will benefit all of Bronco and I welcome discussion on how the resort can further benefit our community. On that note, I’ll step aside and let the band play. Please feel free to dance. And of course, I’m available to answer any questions you have.”

  The applause was thunderous and Brittany was filled with pride. Watching him mingle with their guests, Brittany understood why Daniel had been so successful in business. He was absolutely fantastic, giving each person his undivided attention, listening more than he talked. As much as she wanted to stand around and admire her husband, she still had work to do.

  She took two steps and noticed that Cornelius Taylor was walking in her direction. He was smiling broadly and holding a glass of champagne. “This has been an excellent night. I was impressed by your wedding and reception, but this was even more impressive. I’m rarely wowed, but I was tonight. I want to hire you to organize the Denim and Diamonds fundraiser.”

  Brittany smiled. “Thank you. You won’t be sorry. I have great ideas.”

  “I’m sure you do. Call my office on Tuesday morning to schedule a meeting.”

  “Will do.”

  After that conversation, Brittany practically floated on air. She couldn’t wait to share her good news with Daniel. Needing a moment in private to bask in her happiness, she stepped into a secluded alcove. She was there less than a second when Melanie and Gabe happened to step inside.

  “Hi,” Brittany said. She glanced at Melanie, who looked troubled. “Is something wrong?”

  Melanie and Gabe exchanged a look before Melanie answered. “I don’t want to be a downer on such a happy occasion.”

  “Okay, now I’m worried. You two aren’t having troubles, are you?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that,” Melanie said. “It’s about Beatrix. I don’t think we’re ever going to find her.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry,” Brittany said. She knew how important finding Beatrix was to Melanie.

  “Don’t give up,” Gabe said, looking down at his fiancée. “There’s still a possibility that something might turn up.”

  “From where? The only people who responded on the internet were a bunch of frauds or weirdos.”

  “True. But that doesn’t mean the real Beatrix won’t reply,” Gabe said. “Give it time.”

  “Gabe’s right,” Brittany added. “Give it time.”

  “Time is the one thing we don’t have. Winona Cobbs was recently hospitalized—they had to take her to Kalispell. I’m afraid we might lose her before we can tell her that her baby didn’t die all those years ago like she’d been led to believe.”

  “Think positively,” Gabe said.

  Having nothing to add, Brittany gave her friend a comforting hug before walking away.

  She returned to the party and her eyes sought out Daniel. He was standing alone, looking confident and devastatingly handsome and intense longing surged through her. When she joined him, he swept her into his arms and led her to the dance floor. She closed her eyes and placed her head against his muscular chest. If only she could stay in his embrace all night.

  After a couple of dances, they reluctantly released each other and made the rounds again. Daniel received many congratulations and requests to discuss his new venture further. Once the last guest had left, Brittany felt safe to say the evening had been a great success.

  When they finally arrived home, they looked at each other and grinned. Brittany turned in a circle, her arms over her head. “Yes!”

  Daniel took off his jacket and loosened his tie. “That went superbly. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.”

  Feeling the effects of the champagne she’d consumed, and buoyed by the success of the night, Brittany smirked. “I told you that I was the best.”

  “That you are, dear wife. That you are.” Daniel pulled her into his arms. “Thank you.”

  He kissed her lips gently. It was butterfly-soft, but its impact was strong. What was no doubt intended as a simple gesture of gratitude quickly morphed into something else. It was as if a stick of dynamite had been lit inside her and she instantly went up in flames.

  Within seconds, the kiss grew more intense. Brittany leaned against his chest, needing to get closer. He started to pull away, so she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him back to her. The weeks of simmering desire had boiled over and she didn’t want to control it. Being kissed by Daniel felt terrific and she didn’t want it to end.

  He kissed her a moment longer, as if his emotions were as out of control as hers, then gradually pulled back and leaned his forehead against hers. She was breathing heavily and it took a moment for her heart to slow down.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. The guilt written on his face also dripped from his voice. “That was entirely inappropriate.”

  “Don’t apologize. I liked it.”

  “But we have a deal. We agreed our marriage would be in name only.”

  “I know. But this is what I want now.”

  “And later?”

  “Later can take care of itself.”

  “Are you sure?”


  He kissed her again. Then he pulled back and offered her his hand. There would be no “getting carried” up the stairs tonight. She had to walk into his bedroom, removing any lingering doubt that she wanted to make love with him.

  Her heart thudded loudly in her chest and her blood pulsed through her veins as desire and excitement filled her. With each step, the longing and need expanded inside her. By the time they reached his bedroom, Brittany thought she would explode. She reached up, removed his loosened tie and draped it over a chair, then began to unbutton his shirt. He returned the favor, unzipping her dress.

  When they were both undressed, they fell onto the king-size bed. Brittany might not have been ready to put her feelings into words, but she wasn’t shy about showing Daniel just how she felt.

  This was what had been missing from their relationship. Now their marriage was complete.

  After making love with Daniel, she didn’t think she would be able to go back to a marriage of convenience. Nor would she want to. The question was—did he feel the same?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Daniel stretched and looked down at his wife, who was snuggled close to his side. Last night had been the best of his life. It was as if every dream he’d ever had, and some he hadn’t, had come true. Brittany was a generous lover. Given the nature of their relationship—their marriage was a business arrangement, after all—he’d expected her to be a little bit shy. He’d been wrong. She hadn’t been the least bit bashful. They’d made love all night, until the wee hours of the morning, and Brittany had been a confident lover. They’d fit together so perfectly, it was as if she’d been created especially for him.

  After a moment, guilt began to poke holes in his joy, and the sense of well-being began to seep away. How would Brittany react today? Would she be happy or filled with regret? Last night they’d been swept away by the success of the event. Everyone had been enthusiastic about his plan and Brittany had landed the account she’d worked so hard to get. They’d been flying high. Mix in the champagne they’d consumed and it was easy to see how they’d ended up making love all night.

  The night was over and the sun was rising. Brittany would be waking soon. She’d already begun to stir, so it would soon be time to face the music. He didn’t know how she would feel in the cold light of day, so he’d watch her closely and pick up on her mood. Hopefully, by following her lead, he’d say the right thing.

  He didn’t delude himself into believing that one night spent making love would change the course of her life. She’d been clear that she didn’t want to be a mother. And he had Hailey, so that ruled him out as playing a permanent role in her life. If he’d even dared to hope the past weeks together had changed her mind about the kind of f
uture she wanted, her joy at landing the Taylor account killed that hope. Brittany had the right to create the kind of life she wanted. If she wanted to live her life without children, then she should. Sadly, that meant they had no future together. But Daniel refused to make her feel guilty about her choices. She’d upheld her end of the bargain. She didn’t owe him anything else. He wouldn’t try and hold onto her no matter how desperately he wanted to.

  But she was here now, and he intended to make the most of the time he had. Her eyes opened and she looked at him. Though he tried, he couldn’t decipher the expression on her face. Her lovely brown eyes were unreadable. That meant he couldn’t tell whether she regretted last night or if her body was still humming with contentment as his was.

  Before he could decide what to say, his phone rang. He picked it up immediately.


  “Daniel, it’s John Kirkland.” His lawyer’s normally calm voice sounded excited.

  “What’s up? Do you have news about the case? Have you seen the social worker’s report?”

  Brittany’s eyes widened and she sat up, pulling the sheet over her perfectly round breasts and momentarily distracting him.

  “No. It won’t matter now anyway.”

  “Why won’t it matter?”

  “What’s happening?” Brittany asked.

  Realizing she had nearly as much at stake as he did, Daniel put the phone on speaker so she could hear, too.

  “I just received word that the Larimars have withdrawn their custody suit.”

  “Say that again,” Daniel said. His head was spinning. Despite the fact that Brittany had just let out a joyous cheer, he couldn’t believe his ears.

  John laughed. “You heard me. They’re no longer trying to take Hailey from you. I’m going to make a motion asking the judge to grant you permanent wardship and custody of Hailey. And I advise you to proceed with your plans to adopt her as soon as possible to prevent anything else like this from happening again. But it’s over.”


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