Cross Your Mind (An Emerson Novel Book 3)

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Cross Your Mind (An Emerson Novel Book 3) Page 28

by K L Finalley

  "I don't know what…"

  "Three inches aren't enough?" Mallory teased holding the keypad over her head like mistletoe.

  "Three inches are perfect," Jacqueline said as she pulled her in for a kiss. "But, I didn't get you anything."

  "I better get something tonight," she said and walked out of the garage. Jacqueline laughed, then she climbed into the cab and roared the engine.


  The party was scheduled for six, but one set of guests had been asked to arrive early. While the caterer, servers, and clean-up crew were making last minute preparations, the door bell sounded. Jacqueline took a deep breath and said, "Is it too late to cancel this whole thing?"

  "Get the door," Mallory pressed. "Zoe, come here."

  "Hi, there, neighbors," Jacqueline said. They'd invited the Bellamys, the next-door neighbors to come over first. "We're so glad you could make it."

  "No, hey, thanks for inviting us," Michael said as he walked in. "We didn't know the dress code or anything." He was wearing khaki shorts and a polo.

  "I really tried to get him to change," Rachel, his wife, followed. She was carrying an orchid. "I wanted to get you something, but the invitation didn't list where you'd registered. And, I thought of getting wine, but I didn't know if you drank and I didn't want to offend you..." She said to Jacqueline.

  "Don't sweat it. There's definitely no dress code of any kind," Jacqueline said as she let them in.

  Mallory walked into the room. "Hi, Mike," she extended her hand. As he reached out to shake it, she turned, faced Rachel, and said, "I'm Mallory. Sorry we never met, but I was always at home when she came to check on the house's renovations." Then, she leaned in to hug her, but she noticed that she was holding a plant. "Is this for us? Thank you so much," she said as she took the orchid.

  Still apologizing, Rachel went on. "It's such a pleasure to meet you finally. I was just apologizing to Jacqueline for not getting something you registered for, but I didn't see the registry on the invitation. I thought about getting a nice bottle of wine, but Mike thought that might offend you..."

  "Very little offends us, Mike," Jacqueline said.

  "We didn't register. It seemed weird at this age," Mallory said. Looking at the kids, she asked, "And, who are you two?"

  On their behalf, Rachel answered. "This is Sarah, our eight-year-old and Isaac, our twelve-year-old." There, stood a small, dark haired little girl with dark eyes and thick curly hair who hid behind her mother and a curly haired boy whose demeanor said that he wanted to stay home.

  "It's nice to meet you both," Mallory said. Isaac mumbled hello and barely looked up from his phone. Sarah was busy trying to look around the house while hiding behind her mother.

  "Do you have a lotta kids?" Sarah asked.

  "Nope, just one. She's your age," Mallory answered and, then, screamed, "Zoe!"

  "I'm comin'," Zoe screamed back as she descended the stairs.

  "The house turned out incredible," Michael said. "We never came over before you guys bought the place. I mean, I stood on the porch a few times trading the incorrect mail, but I never came inside. But, you've done so much more than they ever did."

  "Yeah, it's amazing," Rachel said as she gazed into the house from the foyer.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. We can move from this spot," Jacqueline said. As they were heading to the kitchen area, Zoe and Speckles joined the group. "And, this is Zoe."

  She waved a small wave. "Hi, I'm Zoe and this is Speckles."

  "You got a dog?" Isaac asked. His hands dropped to his side and his eyes grew wide.

  "Here it comes," Mike said.

  "My dad said we were gonna get a dog last year, but we never did," Isaac admitted.

  "We just got her today," Zoe said. "Isn't she great?"

  "Can we pet her?" Sarah asked.

  "Sure, she won't bite. Jax had her trained. She went to dog camp. She can do all kinds of tricks." Zoe began to demonstrate. "How old are you guys?"

  "I'm eight and he's twelve," Sarah giggled as Speckles licked her face.

  "I'm eight, too," Zoe said. "Mom, will I go to the same school as she does?" Zoe asked as she pointed to Sarah with her thumb.

  "Um, I don't know what school she goes to, Zoe?" Mallory said.

  "Are you sending her to public school?" Rachel asked.

  "Yes, Gorrie. That's the neighborhood school, right?" Mallory said. "I'm gonna take her up there and register her on Monday."

  "Then, yes, Zoe. You'll go to the same school as Sarah," Rachel told her.

  "Awesome!" Zoe was excited. "Wanna go up to my living room?" she asked them.

  "You have your own living room?" Isaac said.

  "I guess it's kinda like a den, right, Jax?" Zoe asked.

  "Playroom?" Jacqueline said.

  "We don't play," Zoe corrected her.

  "Hangout?" Jacqueline stood corrected.

  "Um, she has a hangout?" Mike asked.

  "Yeah, we were thinking about this house long range. Clearly, we have more room than what we need, so we used a space upstairs as a playroom. I'm sorry. Hangout. It doesn't have the color scheme of the rest of the house. It's got bolder, brighter colors than the blue, gray, white, calico, stone thing we've got going on around the rest of the house. It's got the colorful modern furniture with chalkboard painted walls, TVs. Her own surround sound system. A video game system," She could see his eyes widening. "Here. Let's go do the upstairs tour," Jacqueline said and the two wandered away.

  Alone downstairs, Rachel asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?"

  "Jacqueline's the Managing Editor for the Tampa Sun Tribune and I'm the Program Director for The Scoop..."

  "Mike came home one day and went on and on about how you knew Misty Tate, but he never knew how. I asked him if you worked with her on the show or if you were a former model, but he couldn't remember. And, he was too ashamed to ask Jacqueline." Clearly excited, she babbled, "I love that show. Do you really know Misty Tate? I think Mike has a little crush on her. Sometimes, I catch him watching it and he tries to pretend like he wasn't," Rachel whispered.

  Nodding her head to the question she was asked far too often to admit, she answered, "I know Misty very well. She's one of my best friends. And, I have good news for Mike. Misty'll be here tonight."

  Rachel ran her fingers through her straightened, mousy brown hair. "Tell me she's a bitch or she's not as beautiful as TV makes her look."

  "I'd love to, but that's not the case. She's everything you see on TV and more," Mallory said sympathetically.

  "Fuck," Rachel said. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have..."

  "Don't worry about it. There'll be plenty of cussing tonight," Mallory said. "It's gonna be a house full of friends and family. You're gonna hear and see things that you probably don't want to hear and see. I'm gonna apologize now for whatever may be said or done. Please don't think it's a direct reflection on us."

  "Trust me, I have my own family. I know all about embarrassment. I forgot to tell you the house is amazing."

  "Thanks. I can't believe it myself. It's funny how life turns out. I never would've thought my life would've turned out in a house like this, but here I am."

  "Honey, Zoe has an old-school pinball machine," Mike ran downstairs and told Rachel.

  "Maybe, you can come play sometimes," she said.

  Then, the doorbell sounded.

  Jacqueline looked at Mallory. Mallory looked at Jacqueline. Mallory walked over to her and kissed her. Jacqueline said, "Whatever you do, keep the drinks coming."

  Rachel said to Mike, "Aha, they do drink."

  The sound of that chime was the first of many chimes as guests arrived. By six-thirty, the house had started to swell. Elet, Alex, Reese, Silas, Pam, Olive, Drew, and their kids had arrived almost all at once. Paige and Brett came with the twins shortly after. Then, Vicki and Ethan made the housewarming party their first public date. Lauren, Josh, Abbie, and Mason arrived. Zoe came downstairs to celebrate Abb
ie's arrival; and, Mason crawled to Alex, pulled up on the couch beside her, and cooed until Elet picked him up and placed him in her lap. He spent the rest of the evening wanting to be with her and her wanting to be with him.

  As Jacqueline was making her rounds and talking guests, Elet caught her, "So far, so good."

  "I feel like I should give you a flashlight, so you can come inspect the place," she said.

  "Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow," he said.

  "What? I hired reputable people. Don't you think it looks good?" she asked.

  He placed both his hands on her shoulders and said, "Nothing'll ever be good enough for you." She hugged him. As she started to walk off, she heard him say, "Make sure you get those headlamp flashlights." She hung head and returned to the beckoning doorbell.

  This time, Mallory and Jacqueline had both went to the door. "Well, hello. Fancy meeting you here," Jacqueline said.

  "I would very much like to see you again," Mallory said. The moment was ruined by the door's second buzz.

  "Shit," Jacqueline opened it. It was Grant. Dressed in skinny black denim shorts and a sheer white shirt, his cologne was stronger than his personality. "Good evening, Grant. We're glad you and Taylor, I presume, could make it."

  The gentleman he was with laughed. Wearing a striped fedora and camo shorts with a black tank top, she heard him mumble to Grant, "She thinks I'm Taylor."

  Grant tried to whisper but failed, "Shut up, this is my boss." Then, he turned to Jacqueline and said, "Sorry. Taylor couldn't make it tonight. Work. So, I brought my cousin, Morgan. I hope that's okay."

  "That's just fine, Grant. You two come on in and make yourselves at home," she hugged them both.

  As they passed by, Jacqueline said to Mallory, "See, no pronoun use."

  "The riddle continues," and Mallory stepped away from the door before the bell rang again.

  Jacqueline was not so lucky. Before she could exit the foyer, the bell sounded again. This time. There was a crowd of ill-assorted strangers. There were work associates. Hannah from the station and her boyfriend had arrived. Mia, Nelson, Bob, and Guy were there as if they'd taken a bus together from the paper. But, oddly, in the back, was Jacqueline's entire family. Her aunt and uncle, her mother and stepfather, her stepsisters, her brothers-in-law, cousins and the children had graced the brick steps of her new home. "Welcome. Welcome. Everyone. Come on in," she said with fake hospitality. For the first time this evening, she opened both doors to prevent a trampling. The sound of this collection of people rattled the windows as children who'd been quietly upstairs appeared downstairs.

  "Who's here now?" Zoe asked as she sat on the staircase.

  "There's too many to name," Jacqueline said semi-exhausted. "How's things upstairs?"


  "No messes? Nothing broken?" Jacqueline asked.

  "None," Zoe answered slightly distracted.

  Concerned about the possibility of a lie, she said, "Cross your heart?"

  "Cross my heart," Zoe replied.

  Jacqueline walked to the banister. She put her knee on the bench seat next to the stairs and talked to her through the rails, "You know, this is the one and only time we're gonna eat up there," Jacqueline reiterated.

  "I know. Mom gave me the speech. Then, she came up and gave it to the other kids too. Then, Aunt Paige came and gave it."

  Aunt, Jacqueline thought. When'd that happen? But, she didn't say anything. "Okay, in a little bit, I want you to come say hello to people."

  "Okay, love you," and Zoe waved to Tiana and Carlo who headed to the stairs to follow her. Before they could disappear, Felicia yelled, "Make sure you look after Dane and Kamal." The children agreed in unison and with Speckles, they disappeared.

  Jacqueline had Imani in her arms when the bell rang the next time. She swore internally and swung the left door open with a gust. This time, on the porch, stood the Boyds. At the door, with a different cane, there was Big Jack. "Hello darlin'."

  "Big Jack, I didn't even know you knew we were having this party," she was shocked.

  "I know everything," he moved into the foyer. "This is very nice. Hyde Park." He paused as is he was recalling some long-gone age. "Always was a nice area. Good schools. Good neighborhood. This feels like you," he hugged her close, tapped the baby's nose, and slipped an envelope in her pocket. "You should've told me it was a catered affair. I would've handled that for you."

  "You pay me a salary. I think you do more than enough," Jacqueline said.

  "What am I gonna do with you?" he replied. Jacqueline stood beside him as he walked into the living room. Careful to be present in case he lost his balance or slipped transitioning down into the sunken living room but cautious to not look as though he needed help, Jacqueline was at his side. "It's very nice in here. Very nice, but you've got all the wrong people," he teased as he hit Jack with his cane.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Boyd," Drew said.

  "I'm sure you're somethin' wonderful, too, kid," Big Jack said. Drew began to tell Big Jack the story of his father working on the Tamiami Trail alongside the Boyds. Big Jack leaned forward, listened, and filled in the gaps of Drew's story as only Big Jack could. Comfortable that he'd be fine in the living room, she returned to the foyer.

  "Well, hello, there, Jacqueline," Jack whispered in her ear. As she turned to face him, he shook bottles of wine. "I didn't know you'd be offering babysitting services."

  "My niece," she answered.

  "Who knew you had a family," Jack replied.

  Knowing better than to even respond, she said, "There's a chiller in the kitchen or you can give the bottles to one of the servers to handle for you."

  "I've taught you well," he said as he slapped her on the back and headed in the direction of the kitchen.

  "Misty!" Mallory screamed and headed towards the foyer.

  "There's my Mallory," Misty said.

  "Hiya, Misty," said Jacqueline.

  "Hello, honey," Misty said and kissed Jacqueline's cheek. "Who's the little beauty?"

  "My niece."

  "May I hold her?" she asked as if she'd be told no.

  Easing the baby out of her arms and onto Misty's thin, bare shoulder, Jacqueline stared at how natural Misty looked with a baby. She was at ease and Imani responded well to her.

  "She's like a doll. So pretty. My mama said to never have a baby. She said a baby'd ruin my career. But, she's so beautiful. I'd give it up for one like her." Imani reared back and looked into Misty's bright blue eyes. "You're such a precious thing." Imani smiled and cooed and flopped her head forward landing against Misty's shoulder. Looking at Jacqueline, Misty asked nervously, "Is she okay? That was quite a hard hit."

  "She's just fine. It takes time to build up strength to hold up your own head. Do you want me to take her back?"

  "No, I think I like holding her," Misty said looking at the sudden appearance of the baby's dimpled cheeks. "You don't think her mother will mind, do you?"

  "Do I think that her mother will mind if Misty Tate holds her? No, Misty, I think her mother's gonna take pictures, post them online, and tell everyone she knows," Jacqueline teased.

  "Well, look at you with a baby. I never would have guessed it," Mallory smiled as she gazed at Misty and Imani. "I want to cry a little bit."

  "Oh, honey, I want to cry, too. I don't know if I have ever held a baby," Misty admitted.

  Rubbing her hair, Mallory said, with a glass of wine in her hand, "If you're going to hold a baby, Imani's the perfect one to hold. No fuss. No problems. She's a such a sweetheart."

  "And, what a wonderful name," Misty said now holding the back of her head.

  As they were standing there talking, Mallory and Misty were facing Jacqueline who was resting against the front doors. They could not see who was approaching them from behind but Jacqueline could. Knowing who was coming, she awaited the collision of worlds.

  "So, Felicia sent me to tell Q that Imani hasn't eaten and may need a bottle. And, I said that there's n
o way that Q still has Imani. I said by now Mallory has her. But, I never woulda guessed in a million years that Imani is in a Super Model arms," Kiana blurted out before she snapped a picture of Imani and Misty, which Misty posed for.

  "Hi, honey, are you this little darling's mother?" Misty asked.

  "Not at all. It's very nice to meet you, but I'm just the other aunt, Kiana."

  "Well, she is just a doll. And, I just love her. Jacqueline agreed to let me hold her and I think I am in love. Oh, wait, I am so sorry. I am Melissa Tate. My father has always called me Misty and it'd be okay if you did, too."

  Kiana cocked her head and said, "Well, awright," and walked off.

  "My apologies, Misty," Jacqueline said. "That was my youngest sister, Kiana."

  "Oh, honey. Don't apologize. Imani and I don't mind at all," Misty said staring into the baby's dark brown eyes as she smiled at her.

  "Why don't you and the baby go have a seat and I will locate her bottle. If you like, you can feed it to her," Jacqueline said.

  "Would you let me do that?" Misty seemed excited.

  "Go do that, honey," Mallory said. "I'll show her how."

  Jacqueline glanced around the lower level of the house. She didn't find Felicia in the kitchen or outside. She didn't find her in the dining room or the den. She wasn't in either office or in the master bedroom, so Jacqueline headed upstairs.

  The upstairs of the house was to be Zoe's haven. With four guest rooms, a computer nook, Zoe's bedroom, her hangout space, and the exercise room. She'd be the second floor's most common resident and that was just fine with them.

  But, in the landing, there sat the piano. Jacqueline figured it was a good place to play. She'd had skylight placed above the space, which could be operated internally. As she crept up the steps, cautious, not to disturb the children, she looked across the stairway and saw an occupant in the music landing.

  "Hiya, Mom," Jacqueline said.

  "Hi, Q. I see what you wanted that piano for. It's like a little museum," her mother said staring at the gold records that adorned the walls.


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